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Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’ (Read 1702 times)
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #150 - 07/14/14 at 03:40:06
MnSpring wrote on 07/13/14 at 15:15:35:
[...]It has happened since the, ‘Dawn of Man’
from one ‘cave man’, fighting the next, ’tribe’, for ‘rights', to the meat[...]

Is it natural for humans to make war? New study of tribal societies reveals conflict is an alien concept
Steve Connor, Science Editor, 18 July 2013
The Independent (UK)
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #151 - 07/14/14 at 03:52:35
It's not difficult to see how a group would rather move on than risk loss AS LONG AS there are sufficient necessities for life available.That's using a small population as a model.And consider how leaders are chosen AND what determines their tenure.
After WWII we never Stopped building War Machines. People are getting Rich when we use them.
There's not a lot Natural about the state of the world now.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #152 - 07/15/14 at 20:11:58

The Gaza Bombardment - What You're Not Being Told
15.Jul.2014 | SCGSCG
The corporate media isn't just distorting the facts on the Gaza assault, they're flat out covering them up.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #153 - 07/15/14 at 20:19:30
American Tax Dollars are used to do this......
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"The savage in
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #154 - 07/16/14 at 05:40:14
Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the TV
Stare like a zombie
While the mother
Holds her child
Watches him die
Hands to the sky crying
Why, oh why?
'cause I need to watch things die
From a distance

Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie

Why can't we just admit it?

Vicarious (2006) Tool

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"The satisfactions of manifesting oneself concretely in the world through manual competence have been known to make a man quiet and easy."
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #155 - 07/18/14 at 08:18:47
CNN forced to film Israelis cheer Gaza strike

CNN’s Diana Magney was put in a very uncomfortable position indeed for a mainstream reporter. She had to acknowledge the delight a large crowd of Israelis on a hilltop near Sderot were taking in watching missiles hurtling into Gaza. The israelis can be loudly cheering in the background of her video report as a missile explodes and she has to explain what the noise is on camera.


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"The savage in
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #156 - 07/18/14 at 11:31:12
Did the ladies dress up or bring picnic baskets? Both Northern and Southern civilians did so while they enjoyed the spectacle of war during the rebellion.

"It is a popular, almost legendary, story that innumerable civilians armed with picnic baskets followed the Union Army out from Washington in July 1861 to watch what everyone thought would be the climactic battle of a short rebellion."

Spectators Witness History at Manassas

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"The satisfactions of manifesting oneself concretely in the world through manual competence have been known to make a man quiet and easy."
Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #157 - 07/18/14 at 15:07:48
BalingWire wrote on 07/18/14 at 11:31:12:
Did the ladies dress up or bring picnic baskets? Both Northern and Southern civilians did so while they enjoyed the spectacle of war during the rebellion.

"It is a popular, almost legendary, story that innumerable civilians armed with picnic baskets followed the Union Army out from Washington in July 1861 to watch what everyone thought would be the climactic battle of a short rebellion."

Spectators Witness History at Manassas

Does that make it acceptable to you?
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What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
How is it possible to have a civil war?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
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Younger than most
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #158 - 07/18/14 at 17:07:11
CNN = Chicken Noodle News

They were called that, Before,  the first war in Iraq.
And they would have disappeared, except for the,
One and Only,  Very LUCKY thing.
They were in Iraq for the first conflict,
had a SAT phone, and sat on the top of their hotel,
and sent back photos of little lights in the distance.

EVERY Time, Chicken Noodle News, broadcasts,
Edward R. Morrow,   SPINS in his grave.

They always have been, and always will be,
one of the most, ONE SIDED, Spinning, ’news’ reporting, networks, ever !

Now, ALL, news stations/networks,  ’Spin’,
but Chicken Noodle News, SPINS the MOST !!!!!
They Out and Out, LIE.
They, LIE, by omission of Fact !

‘Why’ did that reporter, choose that site?
Because it was Safe. She knew this ! Because it was a high place, and the cameras could see the, ‘Rockets Red Glare”. She knew this. Because she knew, she knew she could get, ‘extra, mileage, with, ‘people’ in the background watching.

-  Now this is not to, comment on ‘One side or the Other’. -
That conflict has been going on a long time,
and will, CONTINUE,  as long as,  BOTH sides get money !

Take away the money, they will talk!

Just had to comment on: “Chicken Noodle News”.
And if one, believes, Chicken Noodle News,
actually, ‘Reports’, not Fabricates.
Then let me sell you some Ocean front Property in MN.

I believe, Chicken Noodle News, just as much, as I believe,
5 (+/-) year old Girl, Who was given a, ’Script, then ’someone’, put it on the net.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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"The savage in
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Wauseon, Ohio
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #159 - 07/19/14 at 08:27:39
Does that make it acceptable to you?

I'm not going to take upon myself the task of censuring the morality of folks who enjoy watching violence in horror movies, stare at "if it bleeds it leads" television every night, or want to gawk at gore as they drive by wrecks, or find inspiration in the rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air in real life.
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"The satisfactions of manifesting oneself concretely in the world through manual competence have been known to make a man quiet and easy."
Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work
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Backyard Bill

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #160 - 07/20/14 at 00:00:31
Posted this in another line of stuff about Israel.....

So who is this guy...and is he telling the truth or lying?
I'm not political or religious.... but after seeing this, well...
You decide.....I kinda think he is being one sided, but if its true...
Let me know if it works eh??? never copied a facebook link before...
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We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #161 - 07/20/14 at 10:09:26
old_rider wrote on 07/20/14 at 00:00:31:
Posted this in another line of stuff about Israel.....

So who is this guy...and is he telling the truth or lying?
I'm not political or religious.... but after seeing this, well...
You decide.....I kinda think he is being one sided, but if its true...
Let me know if it works eh??? never copied a facebook link before...

That man is Dennis Prager a pimp shill propagandist for Israel. Prager is a talk radio host and columnist who claims that he is a bridge between Christians and Jews and unites them in radical hatred of Islam. He hides under the pretext of "American exceptionalism", but Israel is his only true interest. His "Prager University" isn't a university at all. It's simply a vehicle to spread his own twisted, biased, fear-mongering propaganda.

In this video, Prager begins by showing an animation of “One side wants the other side dead”. The animation shows an grave with the Israeli Star of David on it. Right away in plants the notion that Palestinian bad….Israel good. Then he states that Israel recognizes the Palestinians right to have their own state……WTF??????.......why then the occupation?

Prager the claims that the problem is that the Palestinians and other Arabs refuse to recognize Israels right to exist as a Jewish state…..Well….NO Shi….CRAP!  Is the Chinese were to occupy the U.S. and force you and your family out of your homes, beat, murder your friends family and other American, claim that they have a right to this country because a deity that you can’t see, hear or smell told them it was okay….. just take their word for it …. Historically ….their relatives were here along time ago …..unlike the Ashkenazi “Jews” , the ancient Chinese most likely were here along time ago…….Well these brutal occupiers claim that you must recognize the former US is now NEW CHINA …..and New China is a Buddhist nation……..all other persons that  are not Chinese are lesser persons and will not have privileges of the chosenites Chinese.

Pager claims that in 1947 the newly created UN voted to make Israel a Jewish state. Lets go back to the above Chinese senerio……. The Chinese occupiers got permission to occupy portions of the United States by the newly created UNION OF EARTH GOVERNMENTS….there that makes it hunky dory…..can’t nobody ever complain now!... …doesn't matter that the current occupants, the Americans didn’t vote for it.

Well the Chinese weren’t happy with the portion size the UNION OF EARTH GOVERNMENTS gave them, so they bulldoze Americans homes because the owners don’t have a Chinese issued building permit, the Chinese keep the nicer homes for themselves…. so, move on Americans or literally get killed.

Prager goes on to give false history about the 6 day war. Israel knew there was no threat from Egypt as outlined in this CIA report to Lyndon Johnson:

and this article:

The truth still remains…. Israel does not now nor has it ever wanted peace. Israel wants land….all of Palestine and beyond. That is why in all of the peace talks are stillborn….Israel refuse to define it’s borders.

Prager claims that the motto of Hamas is We love death as much as you love life. This is a deceptive propaganda distortion of the actual motto which is “Allah is its Goal / The Messenger is its Leader / The Qur’an is its Constitution / Jihad is its methodology, and / Death for the sake of Allah is its most coveted desire.” Prager makes no mention of the Israeli motto, “By way of deception thou shalt do war. "

Prager states that there are 22 Arab states in the world and only one Jewish state……note he did not state 22 Islamic states or one Zionist state….let’s not confuse the goyum by distortion between religion and race……naw….let’s do if it brings about the desired sympathy.

Finally Prager asks, what would  happen if Israel decided to stop fighting and what if the Palestinians laid down their arms and stopped fighting. These are hypothetical questions, but history has proven that Israel has all along been the aggressor and expanding Israel territory ….it will not stop. Historically when the Palestinians stop resisting Israel just takes more territory more quickly and resumes it task of ethnic cleansing.  

Prager also parrots the Zionist quote that there was never a Palestinian State……that is easily proven false by history and maps.

Pragers claim that one side wants the other dead is too simplistic….after 67 years of occupation, murder and theft, both sides now want the other dead and gone.

I can easily recognize Dennis Prager as the fraud that he is from his belief that claim that without religion there are no absolute rights and wrongs? It does not take threats of going to hell or heaven for me to do what is morally correct. I am able to do what is right because I respect myself and I live with myself. I realize that if I were to go against my own principles, then I would be forced to live with the self inflicted pains of my own feeling of guilt. I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it.
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« Last Edit: 07/20/14 at 12:43:53 by RatdogWillie »  

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
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Serious Thumper

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pacific northwest
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #162 - 07/20/14 at 10:53:26
You are a funny guy......

You say, " I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it."

So I would hanker to guess what you do NEED is pointing out others intelligence deficits, and reasoning, by your incessant posting of this subject with a bit of smarmy attitude at those you find in opposition.

Dude you is just as much a tool to your thoughts and beliefs as you claim others are to theirs  Grin

Here.....I can do smarmy too  Kiss

“It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”
Milan Kundera
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #163 - 07/20/14 at 11:39:26
raydawg wrote on 07/20/14 at 10:53:26:
You are a funny guy......

You say, " I do not need an ominous deity as a babysitter for myself. That is just me….if someone else requires a god thing to keep themselves from doing wrong….then so be it."

So I would hanker to guess what you do NEED is pointing out others intelligence deficits, and reasoning, by your incessant posting of this subject with a bit of smarmy attitude at those you find in opposition.

Dude you is just as much a tool to your thoughts and beliefs as you claim others are to theirs  Grin

Here.....I can do smarmy too  Kiss

“It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”
Milan Kundera

Aww come on….. you really do not appreciate my humor…… or you would not have commented.

We all pick and choose the issues that concern us. I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us all......the evils of Zionism. It is my hope... that just maybe my posts will serve as an education for some, maybe not you…..but maybe even you. I do apologize if I come across as a snob….that certainly is not my intention. My intention is to educate others on a subject that I happen to understand, but sources are not readily available without some effort.

Zionism is the greatest evil that the world faces today. It has infested the United States government and other countries governments. It has control of the media and only Zionist favorable propaganda receives exposure. American media is certainly not fair and balanced.

I do have selfish reasons for opposing the Zionist order of control, as well a patriotic reasons. I do not support the United States giving a country that has a better economy than ours the equivalent of 8 and a half million dollars in foreign aid every dam day. I do not like paying a tax to a foreign entity for nearly everything I eat (the Kosher Tax). I hate deception …... small and grand scale. Patriotically, I desire a country that has a government that follows the U.S. Constitution and the path set forth by George Washington and the other founders. I hate a government that is more loyal to another country and politicians have to prove that they are good for Israel in order to get elected to office in this country.  

I make no apologies for this or other threads that I start in the Political section.  I suggest if that you find the subject matter too offensive, then do as Webster....... self censor yourself and don’t click on the link…..But hopefully you will be inspired to further study the subject at hand.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #164 - 07/20/14 at 12:46:52
I take no offense and welcome challenge to my beliefs......
It either strengthens them, or shows their weakness, however, not predicated on who I sway to my POV, as proving them as truth.

I was born into this world alone, and that is how I leave, everything  between those two events are subject to interpretation, and change neither.

Your just cause is no greater, or lessor, than that of the man standing next to you in line at the market, or urinal.....
You just happen to assign it, as such.

I play poker very well, its not always the cards that win, its the persons aptitude at finding clues to read, that often rake the pot.....
Your reply judges me as you retreat behind the guise of humor, then return full force with another revealing assumption with: I make no apologies for being concerned about one of the greatest issues that concern and affect us.
Us, what, an absolute, state this as fact?
Or, as with a bible thumper,who knocks on my door to tell Jesus loves me......?
And too, "I" not "we" am sure he only wants to educate me the media noways loves to deny Jesus, only running negative stories and articles holding him responsible for death and destruction carried out by a zealous individual, as representing him..... or an outright censoring and absence of him in total.

But hey......hopefully you will be inspired to further study the subject at hand and find a different god Huh

Of note: Personally I don't feel the need in god we trust on our currency as it is a lie for them to assert "WE" just as I find your use of "US" as an assumption and a verbal tool to lend your belief more credence. I welcome a separation of church and state, for I believe no one comes between them and their belief. Freedom of expression however, should never be denied, for tolerance is a two way street.

As you were........  Grin

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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