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Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’ (Read 1702 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #135 - 07/09/14 at 06:29:14
And now a message from one of the Sponsors.....
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #136 - 07/09/14 at 15:28:30
I've heard worse from drunkin' rednecks.....
Everyone seems to think the land belongs to them, and probably did at one time or the other over the last 3 thousand years.
Who held it the longest? Conflict there too...... seeing as most written records are illegible or cannot be interpreted correctly, after all, who can read all hieroglyphs without error? or stone carvings? or all ancient writings?
If you didn't grow up there you probably are not even close to being able to say what exactly is happening between the different ethnic groups over there, just guessing as to what reports are coming out, and each side gives a different story to make it look like they are right.
Crap has been going on sooo long and we are just adding fuel to the bon-fire.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #137 - 07/09/14 at 18:47:12
To: Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.

  I don’t understand, why you don’t understand.

Point is, and AGAIN, I say, (Which you are NOT listening)
I,  do NOT want to PAY  for it !!!!!!!!

Just have to comment on two of the outrageous assumptions you have made.

You Said:
…but pay MY TAXES and fight in MY ARMIES…

And when the,  CONQUERING, Emperor/self exclaimed God/King/Conqueror, Does, NOT,
get their  outrageously inflated, ’Taxes’,
(Which the, ‘collectors’, took 1/3 of),
Then what happens  ?????

You said:
… Imagine they strike it so rich….  

(They have already done this, It’s called,  ‘CASINOS” )
Which are, COMPLETELY,  Different rules than the ones in, Las Vegas.
 (Seeing as how they are a, ’Sovereign Nation”,  NOT bound by USA rules).

… Imagine they become so powerful they demand their lands back…
(Already Doing that !)

…Would YOU protest ?…  

(Already am, with Thousands of other people).  
  BUT I don’t,   Shoot or Bomb, anyone  !!!!
And, when a piece of land is worth, 50,000.00, and the Indians pay 250,000.00, people sell.

Point is, and AGAIN, I say, (Which you are NOT listening)
I,  do NOT want to PAY  for it !!!!!!!!

Let, THEM, ’Stand up to the plate’, and sort it out.

BUT, as long as they,  BOTH,  get money, it will go on !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #138 - 07/11/14 at 02:16:44
...which leads me to understand you, too, will one day sell...

Anyway, the Navajo/Sioux/whatever Nation is "Nation" only in its own words.

They will never be acknowledged the right to print their own money, have their own Army, and print their own Passports.
They will never be acknowledged as a Nation with its own sovereign territory and its own sovereign legislative powers by the USA, not to mention the UN.

YOU (the USA) claim such right, to the point that (I have read) some Reservations were "invaded" by the IRS and other "tax-related LEOs" because of Casino regulations.

That is why I used the Palestine/ Navajo example.

However, you ARE correct when you say "as long as there's money to be made, the conflict will continue".

But you should read a little more history. In ancient times, defeated Populations were seldom deported or cleansed.
The Gospels and Acts of the Apostles are witness to this, there is no mention of "a Roman farmer ousting a local to seize his olive grove."
So why should the UK, the US defend Israel when the confiscate land after land piece and parcel from the Palestinians ?
Read books, not newspapers.
Palestinian terrorism is the reaction, not the cause.
And look up LEHI, STERN and IRGUN on Wikipedia.


The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948... Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war.
The Irgun is also referred to as Etzel, an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL.

The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
"Every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state"

Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin Massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.

The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. In particular the Irgun was branded a terrorist organisation by Britain, the 1946 Zionist Congress and the Jewish Agency. The Irgun believed that any means necessary to establish the Jewish State of Israel, including terrorism, was justifiable.

During the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine against the Mandatory Palestine, the militant Zionist group Irgun carried out 60 attacks against Palestinian Arabs and British soldiers. Irgun was described as a terrorist organization byThe New York Times, the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes it as "an underground organization." The New York Times at the time cited sources in an investigative piece which linked the Haganah paramilitary group to the Irgun terrorist attacks such as the King David Hotel bombing.

Irgun launched a series of attacks which lasted until the beginning of World War II. All told, Irgun attacks against Arab targets resulted in at least 250 Arab deaths during this period.
Following is a list of attacks resulting in death attributed to Irgun that took place during the 1930s. [omissis]
Irgun conducted at least 60 operations altogether during this period

The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.
Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977


Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Gang, was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine.
Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state

Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine. On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis. During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles". After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union. In 1944 Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.

Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. On May 29, 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activists members into the Tzahal, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later, an act condemned by Bernadotte's replacement as mediator, Ralph Bunche. Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel," the Lehi ribbon. Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.

...  Roll Eyes ...  Huh ...  Lips Sealed ...

Now go on and tell me those poor Israelis are a poor, peace-loving lot.

THEY started it decades before WW2 - against the British and the Palestinians - Christian Palestinians too.
They murdered Christian civilians for political reasons.
I can in no way defend them today.  Lips Sealed
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Serious Thumper

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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #139 - 07/11/14 at 04:51:30
The Bombing of the King David Hotel

Just like on 9/11/2001, they "documented" the event.

Another Bomb In Jerusalem: 91 DEAD

July 2, 1946: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed. Killing 91 people
Menachem Begin planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish "terrorist" gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical "Stern Gang," which committed many vicious atrocities.

     Shamir himself has defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that "it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets." The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.

     April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin {250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred there}.

     The Jew, Weizman, referred to the massacre as this "miraculous simplification of our task" and Ben Gurion said "without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel." Americans are not told that 10% of the Arabs killed by the Israeli's in 1948 were Christian and that 10% of the Arab property confiscated belonged to Christians. Nor are they told the fact that Israel's massacres and military actions forced 100,000 Christians to become refugees.

Accounts by Red Cross and United Nations observers who visited the scene, said that the houses were first set on fire and the occupants were shot down as they came out to escape the flames. One pregnant woman had her baby cut out of her stomach with a knife. Reminiscent of the acts committed by their brother Jews in Russia during and after the Bolshevik {Jewish} take over. The head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, Jacques de Reynier, drove into the village and was met by a detachment of Irgun terrorists. In his report of the massacre the previous night, he wrote: "All of them were young, some even adolescents, men and women armed to the teeth: revolvers, machine-guns, hand-grenades, and knives, most of them still blood-stained. A beautiful young girl with criminal eyes showed me hers {knife} still dripping with blood, she displayed it like a trophy."

     May 1948: The U.S. appointed Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden to mediate between the Arabs and the Israelis. In his first progress report (of Sept. 16, 1948) he recommended that the U.N. should affirm "the right of the Arab refugees to return to their homes in Jewish controlled territory at the earliest possible date." The Israelis responded in their own quiet way. The following day Bernadotte was murdered in Jerusalem.

     The spectacular assassination which caused an International outcry was claimed, the, by an unknown "Fatherland Front," but that was a cover for Shamir's Stern Gang. Yoshua Zeitler and Meshlam Markover of Stern told Israeli Television earlier this year {1989} that, they respectively directed and led the operation that killed the Swedish diplomat and his French aid-de-camp. Zeitler, 71, said he decided to speak now because of fear that the U.N. and the "goyim" {non-Jews} are again trying to force Israel into concessions.
more ..........
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #140 - 07/11/14 at 09:40:29
Unless you KNOW who actually did something,you just don't Know. I believe that more wars are started by false flag attack than anything else.
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Serious Thumper

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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #141 - 07/12/14 at 08:36:38
US defends Israels right to "defend' itself
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #142 - 07/12/14 at 08:40:43
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« Last Edit: 07/12/14 at 14:06:44 by RatdogWillie »  

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #143 - 07/12/14 at 08:45:41
Albert Einstein defends Palestine.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #144 - 07/13/14 at 10:36:59
23 second video message to the world from a Palestinian "terrorist"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #145 - 07/13/14 at 10:54:35
Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

Care to guess the ending?  Huh

Hint: hate, even ones "justified" hate....begat hate. Total annihilation being the only fleshy repair...... even if one destroys himself in the process, his "goal" is accomplished, insanity buffers until the embers burn to nothing, extinguished forevermore     Kiss

epilogue: accept destiny for what it is, or buffer yourself with reasoning that will never prove sustainable..... choose.
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« Last Edit: 07/13/14 at 12:38:13 by raydawg »  

“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #146 - 07/13/14 at 13:56:42
raydawg wrote on 07/13/14 at 10:54:35:

Care to guess the ending?  Huh

I don’t have to guess the ending. The Israelis will kill hundreds of innocent people and continue until the people of the world become sick of it and demand Israel cease. That will take longer than it should because of the one sided reporting, or should I say distortions by the media.  Dianne Sawyer reports on Israeli victims while actually showing Palestinians

The media never show the Palestinian victims and identifies them as Palestinians. Here is what some of them look like:

1" alt="" title="" border="0" />

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« Last Edit: 07/19/14 at 18:44:13 by RatdogWillie »  

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
How is it possible to have a civil war?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #147 - 07/13/14 at 14:11:55
raydawg wrote on 07/13/14 at 10:54:35:
Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

No thanks on the popcorn.......... I do not find the Israeli murders a source of entertainment as do these Israelis:

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« Last Edit: 07/14/14 at 10:17:40 by RatdogWillie »  

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
How is it possible to have a civil war?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #148 - 07/13/14 at 14:55:42
[quote author=1B283D2D262E1E202525202C490 link=1386878892/135#147 date=1405285915]raydawg wrote on 07/13/14 at 10:54:35:
Grab some popcorn rat, pour on extra butter.......

Enjoy the spectacle, it is a biblical epic unlike anything Hollywood can script or produce.

No thanks on the popcorn..........

Then please enjoy whatever it is you get from investing yourself into the troubles of the world, which, have been with us ever since man realized he could gain power over another by killing him....perhaps your quest of posting pictures will finally reach mankind to the folly of this idea, or not.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: Israel’s ‘Right To Exist’
Reply #149 - 07/13/14 at 15:15:35
“WORLD”   Peace  ??????

Never gonna happen.   Never !
Aline yourself with whichever side you believe in.

Even If, this,  ‘WORLD”, was invaded by, “Men from Mars”.
For a, ‘while’, people/tribes/countries/etc will put aside their differences.
And if successful, will,  ‘go back’ to the petty fighting.

It has happened since the, ‘Dawn of Man’
from one ‘cave man’, fighting the next, ’tribe’, for ‘rights', to the meat.

And it will,  Continue, to the future!  

The only thing, WE can do,  is Vote,
and Make SURE, the people that were, Voted for,
DO, what they were voted for.
To, Preserve, what,  WE, have now!

That is until, a, ’tribe’ from, ‘Alfa Centauri’,  Invade, this, World.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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