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I wont argue with what this guy is saying here.. (Read 111 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
I wont argue with what this guy is saying here..
11/06/13 at 16:45:45

The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers

by Jon Rappoport

November 6, 2013

I've written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I'm sure I'll write several more.

Here's the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result of a vaccine(s), she must enter the maze of the US government compensation system. Why? Because she can no longer go to court and sue the vaccine manufacturer directly. That's out.

The manufacturers and the federal government have conspired to erect a wall against those lawsuits, to protect the manufacturers from high-priced judgments.

The government maze the parent enters and suffers through is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). It's a nightmare.

The parent has to prove, to the satisfaction of government vaccine stooges, that her child indeed developed autism, and that the cause was a vaccine.

But you see, autism is a disorder that reads like a complicated menu in a restaurant, because there is no confirmed diagnostic test for it. The menu is a combination of behaviors.

So the parent has to convince a doctor that her child fits into that category, that autism category. If she can't do it, she loses.

Here is an analogy. You buy a new car in a showroom. You drive it off the lot, and as soon you get it out on the highway, you notice that the brakes don't work. You're moving at 65mph and you can't stop the car.

The traffic ahead of you slows down, and you crash into the back of a truck. You crack a few ribs, suffer a severe concussion, break a leg, and you have permanent nerve damage.

You sue the car manufacturer.

But in court (this is fiction), the manufacturer argues that car crashes lead, in some cases, to a disorder called Automobile Stress Reaction Syndrome (ASRS). In order to win your case, you have to prove you developed ASRS as a result of the crash.

ASRS is defined by a series of behavioral markers. A doctor has examined you and determined you are not a victim of ASRS. Therefore, your case is lost before it begins.

But in court, you say, "I broke my leg and cracked three ribs. I had a concussion. I have nerve damage."

The judge shakes his head and says, "No dice. The manufacturer is only compelled to pay you compensation if you have ASRS. The suit is dismissed."

That's the way the autism compensation game is played. Autism and several other neurological disorders, if diagnosed in your child, could gain you a victory in the government VICP court. Maybe.

But simply pointing out that, after vaccination with substances that contained admitted poisons (mercury, formaldehyde, etc.), your child completely withdrew from the world...that general description means nothing.

If it turns out that what your child is exhibiting doesn't quite fit into the complex menu of the disorder called autism, you didn't navigate the maze successfully, so you're kicked out.

The government says, "There is no proof that vaccines cause autism." Translation: "not every child who suffers damage from vaccines fits our definition."

The federal government wants to override the states, which still permit parents to refuse vaccinations for their children on religious, philosophical, and medical grounds.

If the federal government and compliant states win that battle, the circle will be closed. All parents, at the point of a gun, threatened with the potential loss of their children to Child Protective Services, will stand by and watch their children being injected with poisons.

And then when horrendous consequences follow, in the overwhelming number of cases there will be no compensation.

In my article, "Vaccine damage, hidden truth: not on the evening news," I examine the probable numbers of significant adverse reactions to vaccines in the US. There are no official figures. Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, a private group, makes a strong case for at least 120,000 a year, with the distinct possibility of as many as 1.2 million.

So we're not talking about "a very few cases," as the government claims.

We're talking about the massive destruction of lives.

In the most litigious country in the world, you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer for harm. You can sue everyone else from a garbage collector to a diamond merchant to a football league to an investment broker to a worm farmer to a plastic-bag company, but you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer. The government won't let you.

What is the government doing in the medical business, in the first place? They take your tax money and they fund the largest research facility in the world, the National Institutes of Health. The NIH decides what areas to explore and what areas to ignore.

If a lone doctor in Michigan comes up with a revolutionary treatment for cancer, NIH decides whether to look into it. They decide how to look into it. They decide whether it will threaten the trillion-dollar cancer treatment business. They decide whether to take on a study that, when twisted by their own minions, will discredit the lone doctor.

Government science, like everything else the government does, is political. It steals money from you to make political decisions.

So, when the pharmaceutical companies it favors are facing potential lawsuits from 120,000 or 1.2 million people who have been injured by vaccines, it rules against you. You can't sue. You can only appeal to the government to compensate you.

Compensate you? The government? For a medical injury? In what universe does that make any sense?

Do you walk, hand in hand, into the office of an airline and ask them to pay you money because your son's bicycle was defective and he crashed in to a tree?

Do you ask for money from a company that makes applesauce because faulty wiring caused your house to burn down?

Of course, some people say, "We ask the government to compensate us for a vaccine injury because the government's job is to protect us and help us and make sure we're all right."

No, that was your Daddy and your Mommy, when you were young.

And even then...did you ask them for a raise in your allowance because the neighbor's dog bit you?

Stripping away the "share and care" mask from the government and pharmaceutical companies, this is what we have: they know a tsunami is waiting for Pharma in courtrooms.

If private citizens are allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers for harm, juries of other private citizens will award billions and billions in damages.

That's because juries are "stupid and sentimental and can't understand science and are easily swayed and absolutely don't deserve to have their voices heard."

Instead, make people who want compensation appeal their cases before really intelligent medical experts. That'll show them. Put those citizens into a labyrinth of lies and obfuscations and red tape and, while they and their children are suffering, run them through a psychological meat grinder. Spit them out with a pittance or with nothing.

Yes, that sounds like justice. Yes. That's the answer.

Concealing the corrupt and failed and harmful and dangerous practice of vaccination, propagandists and media idiots and government spokespeople have drowned the American population, for more than a century, with assurances and demands about "public health."

Now, at this late date, the illusion sets up this way: "No, it couldn't be. They couldn't have been deceiving us all this time. No. Absolutely not. Because if they have been deceiving us all this time with so many lies, what can we believe? Reality Itself would begin to crumble. And we can't have that."

Exactly. That's the game they're playing. They build it (reality), and you come. Because in their absence and the absence of what they have built, there would be nothing. Unless you...built something yourself. Unless we build something different.

Unless we fight and maintain the right to claim exemptions and opt out of vaccination. Unless millions of people wake up and opt out, and opt for health. Building health.

Not through poisons injected into the body
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #1 - 11/06/13 at 20:53:06
Didnt George W get a law passed where you cant sue a doctor for over $250,000. Seems like I remember something like that but my memory sux
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #2 - 11/07/13 at 08:38:25
Ya know,, nowchew mention it,, I remember some kinda malpractice cap, but dang if I can remember who did it or for how much,, I KNOW there was a law passed to make vaccine makers untouchable in a regular lawsuit,, Thats pretty messed up,, & WHY do they need such protection? Huhh?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #3 - 11/07/13 at 20:56:39
People didnt know Sri like I did, he was an entirely different person than he was on the forum. Ha has an autistic son and he blamed it on vaccines. Between that and the food most of these kids eat that comes out of a microwave I dont see how they live to be in there 20's. I've never seen so mentally messed up kids and kids with food allergy's in my life. When I was growing up kids with food allergy's was practically non existent. Now its very common place. They dont want us to survive anymore, just take what little money we have left.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Backyard Bill

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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #4 - 11/07/13 at 22:23:39
Well I did know a couple of kids with allergies, one with peanut allergy and the other had pollen allergy.  Never really heard of anyone with egg allergies till after they started making it mandatory for schools to give flu shots.

Todays FDA is so crap its amusing... every drug advertised has deadly side can they pass drugs with deadly side effects?  
My doctor recently told me they could help with my arthritis and when I checked the side effects, one of them was "it has been known to cause heart attacks in certain cases", doesn't say what "cases" are but any drug that's going to cause me heart attacks is not going in my body!

Also the drug they were giving me for my osteoporosis (Alendronate) can cause fractures in the femur or osteonecrosis of the jaw.... go figure a drug to help stop bone decay, causes bone decay in the jaw or bone fractures.
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #5 - 11/08/13 at 05:55:02
old_rider wrote on 11/07/13 at 22:23:39:
Todays FDA is so crap its amusing... every drug advertised has deadly side can they pass drugs with deadly side effects?

That's exactly why I don't take any meds for arthritis or fibromyalgia. The side effects can be way worse than what they are trying to treat.
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #6 - 11/08/13 at 15:57:51
12Bravo wrote on 11/08/13 at 05:55:02:
old_rider wrote on 11/07/13 at 22:23:39:
Todays FDA is so crap its amusing... every drug advertised has deadly side can they pass drugs with deadly side effects?

That's exactly why I don't take any meds for arthritis or fibromyalgia. The side effects can be way worse than what they are trying to treat.

A good solution for arthritis is 4 cap fulls of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, Trader Joes is okay also, (they both are unfiltered), in about 6 to 8 oz. of water every morning.  Repeat before going to bed if you want.

This also relieves heartburn with in seconds.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #7 - 11/11/13 at 14:40:35
Please let me throw some rationale into this emotional topic.

First, look at the tobacco settlement, it's akin to what you are talking about.  When a certain type of potential lawsuit involves countless people, leaving the remedy up to individual lawsuits is impossible.  We have the same thing in black lung and asbestos litigation.
Here in Ohio, we have a separate division of the court up in Cleveland that handles asbestos litigation.  Two judges do nothing else, and there are somewhere around25,000 individual cases pending.  It takes years, and more years, to ever get to trial.  By then, most of the claimants are dead.
Sure, we could speed it up, but at what cost to the taxpayers, by hiring maybe 15 to 20 more judges, staffs, build them courtrooms, etc. to handle this flood of cases.  Or, far more sensibly we can throw all of these cases into the administrative claims system, have them proceed against a trust fund, like tobacco and black lung claims, and get the claim resolved in under a year.
Individual suits are fine for the routine case, but when you have huge classes of people affected, the systems bogs down under the weight.

Now for a different subject - vaccines.  No medical procedure, nor any medication is 100% safe, period.  Everything in medicine is a risk/benefit analysis.  Your can get a massive sepsis infection, and die, from a routine dental appointment.  In the last year, I've had two good friends die of sepsis.  One got it from a small cut on his finger suffered in his home workshop, and the other guy got it from a cut on his foot suffered when he walked over a sharp rock on a beach while on vacation.
Vaccines may cause some unwanted effects; I don't know for sure if there is a connection to peanut allergies or autism, there may be or may not be.  But, assuming that to be a risk, I'll take that risk, small as it is, compared to leaving polio, smallpox, tetanus, and many other diseases, to ravage the population.
If we could go back 60 or 70 years and ask the parents of a kid in an iron lung, or in body braces from polio whether they would prefer that, or take a very,very minute risk that their kid could be autistic instead, I have no doubt what their answer would be.
Today too many people expect modern medicine to be 100% risk free.  It never has been, nor will it ever be.  Most people alive today never saw the time before vaccines and what those horrible diseases did to thousands upon thousands of people each year, and have lost a perspective of how wonderful it is to be rid of almost all of them now, and again at a very, very small risk of some other kind of harm.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #8 - 11/12/13 at 07:08:09
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/11/13 at 14:40:35:
Please let me throw some rationale into this emotional topic.

First, look at the tobacco settlement, it's akin to what you are talking about.  When a certain type of potential lawsuit involves countless people, leaving the remedy up to individual lawsuits is impossible.  We have the same thing in black lung and asbestos litigation.
Here in Ohio, we have a separate division of the court up in Cleveland that handles asbestos litigation.  Two judges do nothing else, and there are somewhere around25,000 individual cases pending.  It takes years, and more years, to ever get to trial.  By then, most of the claimants are dead.
Sure, we could speed it up, but at what cost to the taxpayers, by hiring maybe 15 to 20 more judges, staffs, build them courtrooms, etc. to handle this flood of cases.  Or, far more sensibly we can throw all of these cases into the administrative claims system, have them proceed against a trust fund, like tobacco and black lung claims, and get the claim resolved in under a year.
Individual suits are fine for the routine case, but when you have huge classes of people affected, the systems bogs down under the weight.

Now for a different subject - vaccines.  No medical procedure, nor any medication is 100% safe, period.  Everything in medicine is a risk/benefit analysis.  Your can get a massive sepsis infection, and die, from a routine dental appointment.  In the last year, I've had two good friends die of sepsis.  One got it from a small cut on his finger suffered in his home workshop, and the other guy got it from a cut on his foot suffered when he walked over a sharp rock on a beach while on vacation.
Vaccines may cause some unwanted effects; I don't know for sure if there is a connection to peanut allergies or autism, there may be or may not be.  But, assuming that to be a risk, I'll take that risk, small as it is, compared to leaving polio, smallpox, tetanus, and many other diseases, to ravage the population.
If we could go back 60 or 70 years and ask the parents of a kid in an iron lung, or in body braces from polio whether they would prefer that, or take a very,very minute risk that their kid could be autistic instead, I have no doubt what their answer would be.
Today too many people expect modern medicine to be 100% risk free.  It never has been, nor will it ever be.  Most people alive today never saw the time before vaccines and what those horrible diseases did to thousands upon thousands of people each year, and have lost a perspective of how wonderful it is to be rid of almost all of them now, and again at a very, very small risk of some other kind of harm.

I applaud your post, as drama free and logical. However... I am not inclined to agree with it.

The first problem is Compulsary adminstration of the vaccine.  If your personal fear is tht your child may be mentally crippled FOR LIFE versus getting the flu, then as an American citizen i should be able to decline the vaccine.
Having had the vaccine adminstered by force the child does contract autism, the government must now take the postition: suck to be you! But hey all the other kids didnt get the flu!

This is were I completely divurge from the current "politically correct"  corporate mindset.  It should not be that I an compelled to do something and then if/when damaged be prevented from acruing compensation.

Note.. my employer is compelling all employees to get flu shots or be terminated. I work at a hospital, in IT.. and only pass patients in public hallways along with the general public.
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #9 - 11/12/13 at 08:53:53
People who believe themselves At Risk should take the shot if they believe the risk of taking it is less than the loss/pain/suffering of MAYBE getting the flu. If the shots work, & thats a HUGE if, since historically it has been shown that they seldom actually hit the right strain that comes out & historically, those who take the shot? Well,, a good many still get the flu...
But, be that as it may,, IF the shots work, then give the people who need one a shot.,.,if they want it,, People who typically dopnt get the flu, or would rather have the flu than risk the potential of the many side effects, then NO,, dont make the take the shot,, tell them not to come to work sick,, & spread it if they get sick,, BUt to force people to take shots when there are potential VERY serious ( read Permament) side effects? For WHAT? So you dont have a fever & feel likie crap for 3 or 4 days? Thats WRONG,, Its control, its UN American.. That so many have come to accept things that "Make sense" because they see some value for the collective at the expense of the rights of the individual speaks volumes about their understanding of Freedom,, & what being an American WAS.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #10 - 11/12/13 at 17:00:56
The Republican Governments and appointees to the Supremes have made employers a new source of required behavior.  You can't smoke, you must weigh der 130 lbs, etc.  In NY State, if you work in a medical facility you must either get the shot or wear a mask.  

I'm not sure why children who haven't received vaccinations aren't allowed in school?  If your child had the vaccination, wouldn't it be safe?  Then the parents who don't let the children have the vaccinations could watch the results of their choices, whatever they be.
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Backyard Bill

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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #11 - 11/13/13 at 08:18:08
The only problem I see with not getting the shot is....death. Several thousand cases a year of people dying from the flu. So what is it....let your child have a chance to survive with a disability or die if he/she doesn't survive the flu?
Crappy choices, so I guess you could roll the dice either way eh? sometimes I get the shot, sometimes I don't. I did this year, but a week after I got it I now have a sore throat, cough, runs, fever and hope like hell I get over it soon.
And no I doubt the shot did it, I have been hanging out at a bar for 3 nights a week for ever.... I shoot in a pool league and always around hundreds of folks in crowded smokey rooms.
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Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #12 - 11/13/13 at 18:37:27
my grandmother got severely ill last year after getting a flu shot, shes 83, said shes never been so sick in her life, and this is after we told her countless times not to get a flu shot, she brought it up to her doctor and she said he got extremely defensive after she brought it up. as far as im concerned all those vaccines are pure poison. anyone who takes one is nothing more than a test subject.  Bill Gates who wants nothing more than to control the worlds population and decrease its numbers to a more "manageable" number dishes out vaccines to people in Africa like lab rats. people think its to help out but the truth is these vaccines cause disease, illness and sterilization.
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I wont argue with what this guy is saying here
Reply #13 - 11/14/13 at 06:27:42
My Doctor told me polio was created by unsanitary conditions & that polio was on the wane when it started being given so much attention by the medical folks, & the whole "War on POlio" thing was kicked off,.,

Have a look at India, where Gates has gone & spent tons of money,, OHH ONly because He Soo LOVES the chilluns,, REALLY? He is a eugenicist,,

Is THAT how to spend Billions to improve the world? Is that how you would go at it? Not me,,

Warren Buffett (Photo: Honolulu Advertiser)

Pro-life advocates are concerned about investment guru Warren Buffett’s massive donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation because of the Microsoft founder’s support for abortion.

The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998, including funds to persuade teens to support abortion and to lobby the United Nations to advance pro-abortion proposals, reported

The foundation also has given nearly $21 million to International Planned Parenthood over the last seven years, where funds have been used to promote abortions in third-world nations and to set up pro-abortion family planning centers in South America, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Buffet, whose wealth is second only to Gates’, has announced he will leave about 80 percent of his estate to the Gates Foundation.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life women’s network Susan B. Anthony List lamented Buffett’s decision.

“It’s tragic that much of Warren Buffett’s billion-dollar attempt to improve the lives of people around the world is actually going to fund organizations that take the lives of unborn children and encourage others to do the same,” said Dannenfelser.


short piece of the article

Dr Vashisht and Dr Puliyel said that another major ethical issue raised by the campaign is the failure to thoroughly investigate the increase in the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) in areas where many doses of vaccine were used. NPAFP is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly.

The authors noted that while India was polio-free in 2011, in the same year, there were 47500 cases of NPAFP. While data from India’s National Polio Surveillance Project showed NPAFP rate increased in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received, independent studies showed that children identified with NPAFP “were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection.”

According to their report, nationally, the NPAFP rate is now twelve times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar -- which have pulse polio rounds nearly every month--the NPAFP rate is 25 and 35 fold higher than the international norms.

The authors point out that while the anti-polio campaign in India was mostly self-financed it started with a token donation of two million dollars from abroad. “The Indian government finally had to fund this hugely expensive programme, which cost the country 100 times more than the value of the initial grant.”

“This is a startling reminder of how initial funding and grants from abroad distort local priorities,” the authors noted. “From India’s perspective the exercise has been an extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio, were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunization.”
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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