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Who really is in control? (Read 108 times)
Serious Thumper

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Who really is in control?
09/12/13 at 12:26:27
Have you ever been to a circus and seen the little tiny car stop in the ring, the doors open, and clown after clown keep pouring out?
Well that is what the current US government is like, except each of the government clowns have a Star of David firmly stamped on them. It is obvious now to the world that American foreign policy has been hijacked by the zionist Rothschild created apartheid Israel and it's powerful Lobbies in America. The Nobel pretend Peace Prez Oilbomber and his zionist regime use the controlled Amerikan propaganda media machine to manufacture public opinions at home, (after all they sold them the Osama bin Laden story from start to finish) but it just isn't able to influence the peoples outside the Divided States of Amerika. Even within the borders of the USSA, there is a growing awareness of the under-throw of the federal government by zionists, bankers and corporate elitists. When these vermin want a war of profit and conquest, then by Holy Invisible Imaginary Playmate Deity in the Sky, they intend to get their war. And if they can't get the bought and paid for congress-critters to sanction it, then By the Way of Deception, they will create a false flag event to sway the public to demand their war become a reality.

Top dog in charge of the US government currently is Binyamin Netanyahu, (Been Yammering Nitwit Yahoo-deliberate deserved insult by this commenter). He is the chief warmonger in charge of pulling the puppet strings of the currently installed White House puppet. As long as the sheeple goyim believe that the manipulated electronic elections are fair, Been Yammering has it made in the shade and his will will be done!

When Binny the Yammer Nitwit-Yahoo wants military action against a strong perceived foe, (first the Muslims, later the Christians), he wants the goyim to do the fighting and dying. That currently means the zionist Automatic Teller Machine- the U$A (and soon the goyims of Canada when the Americans are depleted/used up). (Watch out China, the hook is being set, Yuan $upport is better than non $upport).

Well ole Binny wants Iran and Syria now. After all Syria is the doorway to war on Iran and WWIII. Binny the yammering Yahoo has absolutely, without question, no doubt about it, genuine, 100% verifiability true blue info, created by the Israeli Mossad that Bashar al Assad was guilty of gassing his own people. Never mind reports and even confessions by the cannibal Al Qaeda rebels that they used Saudi Arabian supplied poison gas. That must be ignored, just forget it, pay no attention to that! And never you mind that the only people arrested celebrating the 9/11 attacks in New York were Mossad agents, that was only because they were pre-positioned to document the events, so why should you care? You must believe Monster Yahoo of zion, and ignore those tugs being pulled on your own puppet strings. Never you mind that the Mossads stated motto is "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." You are hereby commanded to believe because Binnie and the zionist jets are gods chosen pets, (and don't you dare bother researching Ashkenazi Khazarians!)

So Binny the zionist Yahoo claims that Assad, the new Hitler, has created a Holocaust using gas (ZIONIST #1 RULE- ALWAYS MENTION HITLER AND HOLOCAUST for maximum symphony). Binny points out that this Syrian civil war event is an imminent threat to the United States....???....Sic 'em  American goys! So the puppet prez made a special appearance on American TV programming (it's not called programming without reason). The Peace Prize Puppet in Chief, armed with photos of horror, obummer in all of his glorious, goryious hucksterism, made his demands for permission to rain fiery hell down upon innocent men, women, children and pets .....somewhere over there for the benefit of his puppet master in zionist Isrealhell. You gotta believe him, after all he closed down the Guantanamo Bay Prison camp.
Well....didn't he?

Now let's look at the situation from the other side. Yes we can do that.... remember we are a free country....sure...that's why we have fireworks on the 4th. Binnie the cartoon Coyote wants us to believe that Adolf Assad (another in a long line of zionist labeled Hitlers) used chemical weapons to kill his own people. And we are to believe that Adolph Assad used these nasty weapons on the very day that the UN Chemical weapons inspectors, that Adolph Assad had invited to Syria, and just arrived only a few miles away. This is the same Assad that won't allow his own people to be poisoned by Monsanto Corporations genetically modified poison frankenfoods. We are expected to believe that Adolph Assad murdered these innocent civilians while the United States navy was poised as a threat on his own doorstep to take action if he, the new declared Hitler, did anything so stupid as to gas his own people and cross obummers "red line", thus inviting his own destruction. Of course Binny Nodin Yahoo demands that reports and even confessions by the cannibal Al Qaeda rebels (the al Qeadas that the US supports), that it was them that used Saudi Arabian supplied poison gas, well that must be ignored, just forget it, pay no attention to that! That's an order! Forget that the UN Chemical Inspectors found no evidence that Assad used the weapons. You certainly don't want to think about the more than 8 million taxpayer Dollar$ pissed away on israel every single day or the co$t of gas when WWIII gets going in high gear. That along with all the almost certain radiation fallout....what a bummer! Don't even think about it. Just set your butt down in front of a television with chips, beer, or high fructose syrup drinks and watch your mindless crap like good Amerikuns. Don't begin to even think that you are qualified to decide your own fate, don't even think period. Leave the politics to the pros.

Now I must ask you, (I am speaking to rational readers, not Webster), doesn't it seem more likely that the person being charged with criminal wrongdoing, Syria’s President Assad, is being virtually lynched on the say-so of his arch enemy, the rouge snake state of israel’s prime minister? (... and Binny insists that you ignore israels non ratification in the Chemical Weapons Convention chemical weapons and by g-d ignore it's secret nukes.... the hundreds that the zionists will tell you just don't exist, just like they deny the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion don't exist or are fake if you do find them ...and you must ignore the israeli nuclear armed Dolphin class submarines....Don't you even dare mention them or the fact that the zionists have threatened the world with the Sampson Option, that is the final solution..... which is "if we (israel) go down, we will take everybody else with us using nukes that we don't have.")

Also off the table for discussion is that israel has no constitution and refuses to define it's borders because it intends to continue expanding them until they control international everywhere.

So Prime Sinister Nothing-but-Yahoey and and the Lord of piss and drones, military bully Puppet in Chief, Barry Soetoro/Obamalama the Child-slayer, are currently standing by awaiting/planning the "By the Way of Deception" incident that will allow the Star of David stamped war mongrel CONgress-critter clowns to allow an attack on another of the zionist perceived/deceived enemies in a new war that was planned well before September 11, 2001. After all there is the Coalition of the Willing Killing, that consists of the Talmud occult worshiping israel and head-chopping saudi arabia.

Shhhh....listen closely....that's the US Congress standing and applauding Binnie the $kickback$ again!

The zionist government of the U$A, like an insane freak clown posse, ignores the will of it's own people and is stumbling and bumbling head first into WWIII (any excuse will do). So let's Dam n the torpedoes....Full speed ahead! ....and ignore those sinking American navy ships you will be seeing on the TV!

Don't that just make you prouder than poop and wanna stand up and holler, "We are Number1!"?
Well if are more like a piece of number 2!
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« Last Edit: 09/13/13 at 05:54:40 by RatdogWillie »  

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #1 - 09/12/13 at 15:26:21
What I see is a bit different,,
I see America USED by the globalists (& hated by many) to accomplish their goals militarily,
I see Israel as something along the same lines. Run by & for the globalists,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #2 - 09/12/13 at 17:12:26
All I can say is wow.......  You are delusional Rat. I'm glad you singled me out because I know what you are at heart.
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
it used to be...

Posts: 854
Johnstown, PA.
Gender: male
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #3 - 09/13/13 at 06:20:02
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 09/12/13 at 15:26:21:
What I see is a bit different,,
I see America USED by the globalists (& hated by many) to accomplish their goals militarily,
I see Israel as something along the same lines. Run by & for the globalists,

Basically the same in much less words. Israel was created on lies for the globalists -Rothschild family mainly and others such as the Rockefellers. The zionist monsters have infiltrated western governments, international banking, educational systems, and media.
I strongly recommend reading this.
Read a little and reflect how it relates to current events, the read a little more and repeat.
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #4 - 09/13/13 at 06:20:50
WebsterMark wrote on 09/12/13 at 17:12:26:
All I can say is wow.......  You are delusional Rat. I'm glad you singled me out because I know what you are at heart.
So what am I "at heart"?
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Serious Thumper

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Mississippi, USA
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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #5 - 09/13/13 at 10:53:30
So I read all that.. I want my 5 minutes back.  Never been much (any) for anti-Semitism.  

They way I see it... Prez may an honest stand and took it to the people on Syria. Kerry mis-spoke and got the world a "get out of war free" card. Good by me.
Hats off to Obama, Putin and Kerry.. but I still the MIC is pissed as hell.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #6 - 09/13/13 at 11:01:50
Phhhht,, Kerry was told to say that.. the rest is just posturing,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
it used to be...

Posts: 854
Johnstown, PA.
Gender: male
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #7 - 09/13/13 at 11:17:40
Pine wrote on 09/13/13 at 10:53:30:
So I read all that.. I want my 5 minutes back.  Never been much (any) for anti-Semitism.  

They way I see it... Prez may an honest stand and took it to the people on Syria. Kerry mis-spoke and got the world a "get out of war free" card. Good by me.
Hats off to Obama, Putin and Kerry.. but I still the MIC is pissed as hell.
There is nothing anti-Semitic in my comment. I like Semitic folks, but I am very much anti-Parasitic, I absolutely despise parasites!
Do you even know what a Semitic person is?

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #8 - 09/13/13 at 23:38:54
World Banks and the Federal Reserve are primarily run by Jews. I'm not saying any more.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #9 - 09/13/13 at 23:52:04
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
it used to be...

Posts: 854
Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #10 - 09/14/13 at 04:12:57
Midnightrider wrote on 09/13/13 at 23:52:04:

Excellent links! I am glad that you get it! Talking with
pseudo expert Web is like talking to the floor. He is so full of himself that there just isn't any room left for even an ounce of the truth.

In  my commentary above, I stated satirically that one should not research Ashkenazi Khazarians. Well actually everyone should! The current occupiers of Palestine are not decentants of the Biblical Israelites, they are Ashkenazi Khazarians.
here is an exert:
Encyclopedia Americana (1985):

   "Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel... In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population."

The Jewish Encyclopedia:

   "Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania."
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #11 - 09/14/13 at 06:31:21
IIRC, they had no real religious center & someone just decided theyd be jews.. & theyve wrought evil on the world eversince,
NOW, for those here who use only their eyes & have no discernment of the truth,
I did NOT attack Jews. If someone stole a cops uniform & robbed a bank & I said some guy who SAID he was a cop robbed the bank, did I attack Cops?
Did dressing as a cop & saying he was a cop actually make hima cop?
Thinkabout it.,.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #12 - 09/14/13 at 09:30:44
pseudo expert Web is like talking to the floor. He is so full of himself that there just isn't any room left for even an ounce of the truth.

Doesn't take any expert to see through you Rat. An appropriate name if ever there was one.
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
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Johnstown, PA.
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Re: Who really is in control?
Reply #13 - 09/14/13 at 10:24:50
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Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
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