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Counties in California LEAVING the state .... (Read 264 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #15 - 09/07/13 at 05:21:39
This is all a bi-product of big city government that's  liberal, unionized,  one party (Democrats) etc...maintaining long term control of state government and ruining a state's finances. Toss in crybaby environmental wackos with their demands on telling how everyone else should live while sticking someone else with the bill and why wouldn't rural areas want out? My next door state of Illinois is a perfect example. Chicago sucks up every penny and then demands statewide gun laws for example that have zero to do with the rural farmlands down south. Everything south of Springfield should be known as Southern Illinois. I think they're getting pretty tired of funding crooked Chicago politics.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #16 - 09/07/13 at 06:52:37
WebsterMark wrote on 09/07/13 at 05:21:39:
This is all a bi-product of big city government that's  liberal, unionized,  one party (Democrats) etc...maintaining long term control of state government and ruining a state's finances. Toss in crybaby environmental wackos with their demands on telling how everyone else should live while sticking someone else with the bill and why wouldn't rural areas want out? My next door state of Illinois is a perfect example. Chicago sucks up every penny and then demands statewide gun laws for example that have zero to do with the rural farmlands down south. Everything south of Springfield should be known as Southern Illinois. I think they're getting pretty tired of funding crooked Chicago politics.

Pretty much the same way a lot of us disgruntled old bast**ds in western New York feel. New York politics is driven by the downstate counties and NYC. That's where the majority of the idiots live. They decide what our taxes, gun laws, and all sorts of other annoying, economy killing rules and regulations are going to be, and they elect the majority of folks in our state government. The population in my part of the state is not high enough to counteract the downstate stupidity. Unfortunatley the bigger cities in this part of the state - Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse are inexorably turning into smaller copies of NYC with all of the problems endemic to places like that - lousy schools,urban street gangs run amok, incompetent police forces,buisness geting the hell out, etc, etc. Sad

The suburban areas surrounding these cities are still hanging in there, but the rot at the center is spreading outward like a cancer. Some of the suburban areas on the fringes have slid downhill noticably in the last ten or so years. Sad
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #17 - 09/07/13 at 07:17:12
Country folk in my area are trying to get out of Shelby County, courtesy of Memphis, the festering cesspool of the South. Felons (spousal abusing crack wh0re, and black gangsters) on the city and county councils, a mayor more interested in "polishing union knobs" than correcting the "black blight white flight" rampant in his city, county economic development funds "diverted" (that means stolen) by the city to support failing city transit and "social" programs (for welfare trash blacks, whites are not eligible)...

Every treasonous, traitorous, lying, thieving cheating s.o.b. on either council has a D behind his name...
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #18 - 09/07/13 at 09:36:25
SadI think before its all over there will be another civil war except this time there wont be a Mason Dixon Line.I've never seen people so riled up over city, state and federal goverments The cops are becoming Gestapo. Elections are rigged. The government has spent my SS money and is arming the SS offices, what does that tell you, all the time spending trillions overseas. I was talking to a friend last night and he moved to another county because there were 1600 kids in a school designed for 350 where his children went. We're building schools in Africa while ours here are no where being adequate. Webster is right about crooked city politics. Obama is busting his a$$ to get rid of guns, the government buys over a billion bullets. There not fools, just crooked bastards. They know its coming Why do you think the Patriot Act was created, to  spy on us. Smart meters on your electrical meter, they'll know when you're home A friend of mine had a smart meter put on his house yesterday. He told the power company he didn't want it. The power people whooped outa set of papers and said you can refuse it, sign right here but your power will be cut off.Next year cars will have black boxes on them. Used to be the Federal Government screwed everything up , now the state and cities have joined in. ObamaCare could have been a good thing but as usual the government furked it up All our phone calls and emails are being recorded now. Gangs are running the streets of our cities while a cop writes you a ticket for doing 7 miles over or shoots an innocent person. The Constitution and the Bill of rights are quickly becoming toilet paper. How many innocent foreigners have we killed in the last 12 years blowing up women and children but its wrong if another country does it. They ship all our jobs overseas and acuse us of being too lazy to work. We need to once again turn into the home of the brave.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #19 - 09/07/13 at 11:07:19
Mightnightider wrote:

I think before its all over there will be another civil war except this time there wont be a Mason Dixon Line

Read about the war in Bosnia - hard to believe it was 20 years ago - to get a picture of how another civil war might go down in this country.
No front lines; neighbors fighting neighbors based on their ethnicity;shifting alliances as the advantage shifts from one group to another; people who lived side by side in peace for years suddenly forced to become enemies to insure their own survival.

Instead of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats think White, Black and Hispanic
militias fighing one another, all the while trying to deal with a government/military apparatus trying to clamp down on everyone at the same time. No good choices. Try to run - to where? Or pick a side and live or die by that decision.

This is what pitting one ethnic, religious, economic,political, or whatever, group against the others by a countries' political leaders ,for their own benefit, leads to.

There was a time when Americans, regardless of their background, were more or less united by a belief in the values on which this country was founded. I don't think that is the case any more. Divide and conquer has been the prevailing strategy of the ruling political class in the US for most of the recent past. We have not had a government " of the people,for the people" for a good while. Elections have become irrelevant. There is no important difference in the philosophy or the agenda of either major party. Their only concern is remaining in, or regaining power, so that they can partake of the benefits of being in that position.

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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #20 - 09/08/13 at 22:35:15
Serowbot wrote on 09/06/13 at 09:18:00:
If they really want to secede,... they should do it right, and move to Texas...

Grin Grin Grin...

WE could beef up the Alamo
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #21 - 09/08/13 at 22:55:02
I'm all for the states seceding. How else are we gonna change whats going on. If you get a bad governor or state representative impeach him right away. Each state could be run like a business. There's a few honest politicians out there like Jerry's son but they'll never make it to the Federal Level. Romney did an excellent job in Mass, pulling the Dems and Pubs working together. Great health care system. But when he ran for POTUS he did a 180 every day and scared the sh!t out of me. We cant seize the White House but we can withdraw. Right now I believe the States could do a better job. Let the Feds keep their 1 billion bullets. The States could concentrate more on the infrastructure, schools, roads, bridges, energy, good paying jobs, things the Federal Government has lied about. Pull out of the UN. Gangs should really be put to work as chain gangs and made to work on roads and bridges. WD claims that lot of states are sh!tholes but with the right leadership they could be turned around. Just have a law where we could impeach the gov. officials immediately. They're supposed to be scared of us, not the other way around. Do what you promise or you're out.Thats what a real democracy should work like. If I don't do my job correctly I'm fired, the same thing should go for politicians. I consider myself a patriot but things have gone to far gone to be straightened out by conventional means.
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #22 - 09/08/13 at 23:26:26
I specified Texas on purpose... because Texas, of all places couldn't,... they are,.. Texas is the biggest financial leach on the US...

California would have the best chance... they are the 8th largest economy in the world...
They give much more than they take...

If you look at a map... the blue states generally give more than they take,... because they are urban, and have big business...
It's an irony that the the most leachy states are the small government states...

They no not what they ask... Huh...

...(input numbers are bigger for many blue states, (this is often touted by the Tea Baggers).. but compared to output, they subsidize the poorer states)...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #23 - 09/09/13 at 06:16:48
I'm all for the states seceding. How else are we gonna change whats going on

The possibility of states seceding appeals to me too, but I think the chance of it happening is beyond remote. I think a viable first step would be term limits for ALL elected offices. Get ride of the permanent political class and things would almost have to improve.

The next thing to go should be public employee unions. Espcially the Federal ones. Those are the folks who really run things anyway, and they have pretty much no accountability to the citizens who pay their salaries.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #24 - 09/09/13 at 07:01:26
C-Sections are badfor the kid.

Took my mom YEars to get me tostop climbing out the window.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #25 - 09/09/13 at 08:21:27
UndecidedI believe that's the way to get Washington's attention without firing a shot. I not interested in who supports who.Whats left of the Federal Government can disappear along with the UN, Council on Foreign Relations, ambassadors With the right honest politicians in office the state can concentrate on its weaknesses and develop its strengths. If the politicians cant do the job or be honest about it boot them out. Does anyone really thing Weiner or that governor from SC should have run again. Any politician that acts like those 2 should pull time for misleading their supporters. How else are you gonna stop it. Politicians should be held to a higher standard than the average citizen but we let them get away with anything including murdering innocent people in other countries. If the Federal Government wants to survive they can protect our borders with 1/3 of the weapons and soldiers we have now. If not the states could have their own militias and concentrate on self protection. Stay out of the middle east and quit selling OUR oil to Japan and other countries and no one will bother us. You ever heard of Bavaria? 80% of its power is wind and solar. If the Federal Government would stop giving billions to the oil and tax the oil companies that could happen here. States can work together a lot better than our do nothing congress and Our King who took an oath to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights outright lied. I don't do anything illegal unless you call these post on the forum unpatriotic., but I don't want to be spied on 24-7. Obama is scared of our guns and he's building a military that destroys crowds with microwaves. He used Trayvon and New Haven as a distraction to get everyone on the anti gun bandwagon. The 3 months the media broadcasted Trayvon probably there we several accidental shootings everyday, Also there were thousands of rounds fired everyday at target ranges. I dont like it but accidents are going to happen with guns just like riding a motorcycle but for the most part it is a sport like riding a motorcycle. Romney created a great health care system in Mass but he did a 180 when running for POTUS. I'm losing 2 doctors because of Obamacare, one I,ve been with over 15 years and she's saved my life more than once. When she told me last week she was retiring tears rolled down my cheeks. Everything in Congress and Washington gets worse, the only way we can stop it without firing a shot is to secede. Almost every state has resources to bring in revenue, even the desert can be set up for solar power and wind power. Trade electricity for oil, no biggie.Instead of California seceedig Kick ths state government and the governor out and start all over again.. Theres a lot of people living off the government in New York, Chicago, Detroit etc but let them vote on it. Most people don't want to be bums and with the chance of a new government they might give it a chance. Washington and our economic terrorist have totally ruined this country and if we don't do something soon We're doomed It wouldn't cost a million to run a state funded campaign. I think election donations should not be over $200 and we should have more debate air tme to familiarize who we are really voting for. Hategroups will be coming out of the woodworks if we continue on our present path.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #26 - 09/10/13 at 08:35:00
oldNslow wrote on 09/09/13 at 06:16:48:
I'm all for the states seceding. How else are we gonna change whats going on

The possibility of states seceding appeals to me too, but I think the chance of it happening is beyond remote. I think a viable first step would be term limits for ALL elected offices. Get ride of the permanent political class and things would almost have to improve.

The next thing to go should be public employee unions. Espcially the Federal ones. Those are the folks who really run things anyway, and they have pretty much no accountability to the citizens who pay their salaries.

Way back in the 1970s I read a report on the USA, and it described California as such a well-off State, that if it were independent it would have been the 7th or 8th richest Nation in the world.ů

In the 1970's...

Still... I can imagine an independent Alaska or Puerto Rico, but I really cannot see an independent Hawaii, much too many strategic interests in the pacific Ocean.
On the otherhand, in the US don't keep an eye on ethnic groups, come 50 years Hawaii might well be an independent Chinese State, like Taiwan.
The Chinese seem to be alrerady the relatively largest ethinic group in the Archipelago.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #27 - 09/11/13 at 01:02:17
Back in the 70's mansions , garages and swimming pools were being built in California that no one can afford now. The economy was booming.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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OK.... so what's the
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Tucson Az
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Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #28 - 09/11/13 at 01:18:22
Texans,... beware...
When the Chinese come to collect?...
Demo's plan to hand over Texas...

Lemember the Arimo!...
Grin Grin Grin...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Counties in California LEAVING the state ....
Reply #29 - 09/11/13 at 07:02:23
Make sure China gets the governor of Texas to!!!!!
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