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Labor Day (Read 180 times)
Serious Thumper

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Labor Day
09/02/13 at 14:26:29

Wage Earners Workers have 30% LESS buying power today than in 1968. If the minimum wage had kept up with employee productivity, it would be $16.54 per hour instead of $7.25. Almost unimaginably, conditions for workers have gotten even worse since the recession. While 21 percent of job losses since 2008 were considered low-wage positions, 58 percent of jobs added during the recovery were considered low-wage.

Three-quarters of Americans approaching retirement in 2010 had an average of less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts. The percentage of elderly (75 to 84) Americans experiencing poverty for the first time doubled from 2005 to 2009. The folly of cutting Social Security is reflected in two facts. First, even though Social Security provides only an average benefit of $15,000, it accounts for 55 percent of annual income for the elderly. And second, seniors have spent their working lives paying for their retirement. According to the Urban Institute the average two-earner couple making average wages throughout their lifetimes will receive less in Social Security benefits than they paid in. Same for single males. Almost the same for single females.

<end of snip>

Strong unions are needed now more than ever.
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #1 - 09/02/13 at 15:26:15
Yes, we need strong unions. Lets see.......where is there an example of a major US city with a history of strong union influence that we can look to as a model of what we expect if we were to duplicate that across the nation.......

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Re: Labor Day
Reply #2 - 09/02/13 at 17:15:50
Don't forget Memphis, aka, "Deadtroit light"... between the union crybabies and the incompetent city council...
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #3 - 09/02/13 at 20:17:38
Unions? Why? Heck,, lets just jack the minimum wage to about $
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Labor Day
Reply #4 - 09/02/13 at 21:03:41
What we need is fair upper management that doesn't put all the money in their pockets. CEO's salary's have gone up over 500% in the last few years. If it weren't for greedy SOB's like that we wouldn't need unions. Management should have enough common sense to look after the people who make the money for them but all they're worried about is their Swiss Bank accounts. Join a company, rape it for 5 or 6 years, leave with millions and a golden parachute. That's the game and they play it well.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Tony S
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #5 - 09/03/13 at 06:06:59
Just for the fun of it - unlikely though it is - lets pretend like the rich and powerful actually run this country. And run it to their own benefit.

If so, one might view the last 30 years or so as almost class warfare - with the middle and lower classes losing. There are so many indicators of this - many of which an awful lot of people in this country seem totally unaware of or completely do not understand.

In 1960, CEO pay to average factory worker pay was 42:1.  Now it is about 350:1. By comparison, in Europe this figure is about 25:1.

The top 20% of in the USA own 89% of the wealth. Of even more concern is that the bottom 80% in the last 30 years have lost nearly half of their wealth, dropping from 19% to 11%. Most of the wealth the the bottom 80% own is in their homes. When looking at just "financial" wealth - that is money one can actually spend - the top 1% own 42% of the wealth of this country, the top 20% over 95% and the bottom 80% less than 5%.

Wealth is a resource that is very useful in excercising power. Donations to political parties and candidates, hiring lobbyists,  grants and payments to experts to fund new "studies" that benefit the wealthy. Influence in  corporations (via ownership of stock) and even controlling the general social enviroment by hiring PR firms and downating money to universities and museums.

Armed with all this money and power, the rich have been able to effectively get legislation passed that helps them get richer still. Consider Estate taxes (or death taxes as they would say).  Around 1% of the people that die would have enough of an estate that there would be any taxes to pay. Cuts in inheritance taxes only help the top 1%. Or legislation that has made it easier to "off shore" jobs.

But the worst has been a remarkably effective "divide and conquer" strategy. With the rich  having successfully "soaked up" most of the wealth of this country - the bottom 80% have turned on each other fighting for the scraps (4.7%) that are left. Instead of banding together and demanding a fairer share of the economic pie for everyone, we instead see blue collar vs white collar, private sector vs public sector, union vs non-union, young vs old. All arguing the perception that one of these groups is getting more of the tiny bit the rich have left on the table than they should.

The minimum wage - mentioned here earlier - really needs a more appropriate name. Consider the "living wage", an initiative in over 100 communities and the state of Maryland. Simply put, a living wage law sets the "minimum" hourly wage at what a full time employee would need to make in order to pay for housing, food, transportation, health care and other living costs. Enough money that the wage earner does not need to rely on - or is entitled to - public assistance.

And that is another point - and the last one I'll make:  The average person subsidizes low wages in the retail, food service and housekeeping industries.  Our taxes pay for Foodstamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, freel school lunches and a host of other programs JUST SO Walmart and McDonalds can pay their employees minimum wage

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Labor Day
Reply #6 - 09/03/13 at 06:21:19
I've only got a few minutes and you've stated your case clearly. Thank you.
However, as to be expected, I disagree with much of what you've said. Two quick issues.

Armed with all this money and power, the rich have been able to effectively get legislation passed that helps them get richer still. Consider Estate taxes (or death taxes as they would say).  Around 1% of the people that die would have enough of an estate that there would be any taxes to pay. Cuts in inheritance taxes only help the top 1%. Or legislation that has made it easier to "off shore" jobs.

1) Why in the world do you have right to someone else's property when they die? Isn't the right to private property (in this case, money) just as important to who and what America is as freedom of speech or religion?

2nd point, you are correct, government subsidies allow an entire class to survive and become comfortable in poverty. Business takes advantage of this the same way you take advantages of the results of this policy by patronizing these business's.

Heres an idea: Get rid of welfare for healthy men and women.
What do you think the short term and then long term results would be?
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Tony S
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #7 - 09/03/13 at 07:01:48
WebsterMark wrote on 09/03/13 at 06:21:19:
I've only got a few minutes and you've stated your case clearly. Thank you.
However, as to be expected, I disagree with much of what you've said. Two quick issues.

Armed with all this money and power, the rich have been able to effectively get legislation passed that helps them get richer still. Consider Estate taxes (or death taxes as they would say).  Around 1% of the people that die would have enough of an estate that there would be any taxes to pay. Cuts in inheritance taxes only help the top 1%. Or legislation that has made it easier to "off shore" jobs.

1) Why in the world do you have right to someone else's property when they die? Isn't the right to private property (in this case, money) just as important to who and what America is as freedom of speech or religion?

2nd point, you are correct, government subsidies allow an entire class to survive and become comfortable in poverty. Business takes advantage of this the same way you take advantages of the results of this policy by patronizing these business's.

Heres an idea: Get rid of welfare for healthy men and women.
What do you think the short term and then long term results would be?

1) I'm not entitled to their estate. The government is entitled to tax it, just like they tax any number of other wealth transfers. Because that is where most taxes take place. At the point money is exchanged. Buy a car, get paid at your job, pay your plumber, on the net profit of a business. Estate taxes are just another tax.

2) I worked at what people call the "welfare dept"for 35 years - last 28 as a manager.  (now retired) One of the misconceptions of welfare assistance is that there are substantial welfare benefits or programs for - as you put it - "healthy men and women".  In fact, most welfare programs eligibilty revolve around either poor health or having young children.  Except for Food Stamps (now called Supplemental Nutrion Assistance Program or SNAP), there really isn't anything for healthy adults with no children.

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) requires children in the home (the assistance is actually for the children) and benefits have a lifetime limit.  Five years federal but most states less than that (Indiana is two years) TANF also has substantial work/job search requirments that have to be met to stay on the assistance, Medicaid is currently only available to Pregnant women, Children, Disabled adults and the elderly (and eligibility is based on income, some programs extremely low) Huge waiting list for subsidized housing for healthy adults without children - most of the time you can't even apply because the waiting list is years. Free lunches at school are obviously for children. Medicaid for the disabled is just for who is says as is Medicaid for the Aged.

65% of the "welfare" dollars in this country are spent on Medicaid.  One half of the Medicaid budget is spent on Nursing home care. It's hard to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" when you are in a nursing home or still in diapers.

So I know what happens if you get rid of welfare assistance for healthy adults. Exactly what is happening now.

You are correct. I am supporting business' that pay minimum wage when I patronize them. I cannot avoid all of them - I do not believe there is any grocery store in town that pays the non managment staff much better than minimum wage. But I could stop eating at Subway and make my own sandwichs. So a good point on your part.  
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #8 - 09/03/13 at 08:53:00
Rather than argue over points that are really opinions, I have a question or two:
In the hey-day of the power of American labor unions, probably in the 1950s, what was the % of American jobs that earned a middle class income, like auto workers, for instance, that did not require an education beyond a general high school diploma, and maybe even less than that?
I harken to believe that in today's world, a young person who only gets a high school education, let alone one who quits school early, has far fewer options to earn much above minimum wage in a store or fast food place than that person had 60 years ago.
The educational requirements today don't necessarily mean a full-blown college education, but they do go beyond high school, into some sort of vocation or community college training.
Read the stories of employers crying for workers who can run a computer controlled machine in a factory, and be able to do math that a 10th grader could do 60 years ago, but today's high school graduate can't comprehend.
CEO pay is a nice political point, but in reality, means nothing.  Just like the incomes of actors and pro athletes, in the grand scheme of things, it's miniscule.  If you cut the pay of every major corporate CEO to $400,000 per year ( salary of U.S. President ), what does it mean?  Maybe an extra $100 for every employee of that major corporation.
No, Star, we don't need more unions to drive more industries to the brink of disaster like the UAW did to the auto industry.
We need people who will get themselves educated and trained to do meaningful, well paying work and earn a middle class income.  That work is out there, going begging for qualified people to fill it, but our society isn't stepping up to the educational demands of today's work world.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: Labor Day
Reply #9 - 09/03/13 at 09:07:51
If I may play Devil's Advocate, Tony...

Why shouldn't CEO's be paid more?
We pay the top athletes more than the rookie athletes because they are the stars of the show. THEY are the ones who fill the stadium, that people flock to see. THEY generate the revenue are are reimbursed for it with their outlandish wages.
Carrying that metaphor over shouldn't CEO's who generate the most revenue for their companies be paid more?
... the flip side is that what if their short term growth is damaging in the long run?
However if they don't take advantage of an opportunity they are in violation of their fiduciary responsibility to their company.
I think part of the issue is a lack of fore sight.

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Re: Labor Day
Reply #10 - 09/03/13 at 12:33:18
1) I'm not entitled to their estate. The government is entitled to tax it, just like they tax any number of other wealth transfers. Because that is where most taxes take place. At the point money is exchanged. Buy a car, get paid at your job, pay your plumber, on the net profit of a business. Estate taxes are just another tax.

Death is not a voluntary exchange of property for goods or services, which is the basis for a wealth transfer transaction. Death is an involuntary ‘transaction’.

For the government to feel it has legal claim on a man’s property solely because he died, can only be described as obscene, at best.

This confiscation is a class envy driven vehicle, but foolishly, those who get some satisfaction out of thinking someone like Ted Kennedy  paid his ‘fair share’ for example are sadly mistaken. Do you think for one second the Kennedy clan handed over 35% of Teddy’s wealth? (do you think Trump is so stupid as to have not figured out legal loopholes so his money goes where he wants it to?)  The ultra rich find a way to hide the money and I congratulate them for doing so. I likewise feel sorry for the families who don’t have the savvy to figure out a way to do that.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Labor Day
Reply #11 - 09/03/13 at 13:16:57
My wife helps pay the bills, house payments, car payments etc. Why should she have to pay taxes on something she's already worked and payed for.She's being double taxed. As far as my kids go I could see it. They're receiving goods and money they didn't work for. Taxing a family in grief is about as low as you as go but I've come to expect that from this country.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Labor Day
Reply #12 - 09/03/13 at 13:24:42
didn't work for?.... I beg to differ with you in many cases. Ask a farmer if his kids worked or not?.....

Besides, it's not up to Uncle Sam to decide who worked hard enough for it and who didn't. It's not their f'ing money, it's the guy who earned it who just died. if he wants to give it to his worthless kid, I don't care and you shouldn't either.

Don't fall into the trap that the government is 'entitled' to anything.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Labor Day
Reply #13 - 09/03/13 at 13:31:41
You didn't read my post. I said the kids should have to pay. They didn't buy the land, tractors, haybailers etc. I worked my tushy off around my Dads place but I didn't pay none of the bills.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Labor Day
Reply #14 - 09/03/13 at 15:41:45
“Here’s an idea: Get rid of welfare for healthy men and women. What do you think the short term and then long term results would be?” WM

Here’s a better idea: Get rid of welfare for the rich. As Tony said, CEO pay is now about 350:1. Millions of dollars in “golden parachutes” for CEO’s who run a company into the ground and make off with their loot. That is welfare for the rich.

Meanwhile the righties wring their hands and fret over a pittance spent of food stamps, Medicare etc. All bums and welfare queens? No the vast majority of these people DO work.

The corporations give people a 39 hour work week so they don’t have to pay benefits. Give them government health care?? Oh hell no! That’s socialism! Pay them a living wage? Can't do that people will have to be laid off. Jobs will have to be outsourced overseas.

You see 80 year old greeters on oxygen at Wall-Mart, you see people working three jobs to make ends meet, you see people losing their homes… All this misery to fund “welfare” for the rich. Disgraceful!
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