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Are you one of the Zombie targets (Read 297 times)
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #15 - 08/17/13 at 07:38:25
Considering that other than Reagan, we've had primarily traitors in office since Rosenfeldt's first term (FDR, our first openly Marxist president)... are we surprised? I'm not.

Our current political system serves 2 masters, Marxism and Zionism (disguised as capitalism). Under those 2 systems, the rich get richer while the poor and so called middle classes work themselves into early graves. The "Deluded States of Armchairica, land of the free (ride for lazy brownies not born here), home of depraved (indifference)" IS the modern version of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the British Empire, the Spanish Empire, the Wiemar Republic, East Germany and other Iron Curtain satellite nations...

Some nations rise high, but in the end, ALL nations fall. It is inevitable. Steal and squander (tax and spend) can only work while the government provides the illusion that your labors are worthwhile for you, and that the monies you pay to the government for the "privilege" of living here are being spent on projects that make your life better.

Our infrastructure is crumbling around us, while welfare breeders, drub addicts and the habitually useless are rewarded for bad behavior... illegal immigrants from all over the dregs of the third world can come here and have a cushy life w/o lifting a finger while those of us born here starve to death from lack of work...

Yea us!

And you guys wonder why I'm a National Socialist...
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #16 - 08/17/13 at 07:49:24
Row, that was the best post Ive seen in a very long time,,Im not able to sit down & explain exactly why I see what I see, because I started seeing when I was just 12..I had started just , well,," like, you know, GEE whizz, I KNOW I had a ( name something), but I cant find it", so, ya just file it away & remember to always be alert for it, maybe one day youll just stumble across it,, WEll,, I heard an adult, a teacher say, when I was like 10 or 11, "America will fall w/o a shot being fired" &, from a teacher, I thot, Hmm,, thats pretty big stuff.. But, anyone couls see IF she falls, it aint today or any time soon, BUT, I had heard much grumbling from G/parents & others, so, dis-satisfaction was obvious,,
then, I saw the debt, at about age 12, & I was, even thos I was outside nearly all the time, I still managed to catch biys of the news. I was well aware of the FDA NOT allowing things thru, it was in the paper, often. I became aware that the New FDA head is from a pill maker,, Ohh Joy, even in 5th or 6th grade I knew what conflict of interest is.

The fed, conspiracy? Who knows? Evil,, heey yea,, you better know it,,
Do people not find it odd that the goobs seem determined to go one way while the people are screaming to go another? WHY do they want what they want? Is it not strange that the Advisers in DC are always out of the same groups? IOW, no matter R or D in office, the same KIND of people are around him..That didnt just happen, Whether whats happening is being done by secret groups or its just a natural decay of an empire( tho, I was able to see what Nafta would do, and it did it, Yet, the SMARTEST man Ive seen behind that desk stood there & declared it Good, & he knew better, now why would he have done that to his country) surely anyone can see America is in decline,
KNowing history will tell you what will happen,, so, either alow your kids & grandkids to go thru whats coming or admi=t to whats happening & start making noise to tell DC to stop. This Left/Right CRAP is looking more like divide & conquer every day,,Everyone shoul;d be a Libertarian/Constitutionalist,, THATS what America was built on..IN spite of the fact there was slavery,, man, what a horrible mess that made,, the ideology In Writing , in the documents, what they Espoused was Liberty, not gettin your pants reamed at the airport..this stuff is way out of control & the direction is clear where it will lead. What have you seen in your life that makes you believe things are gonna be okay? When have you seen a reversal of trends? Or is anyone willing to say we Do Not have a trend that would indicate tyranny comes this way?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #17 - 08/17/13 at 08:16:38
Serowbot wrote on 08/16/13 at 23:03:06:
I don't see global conspiracy, or the destruction of all I hold dear...

Now,.. seriously,... if this is not a game or an entertainment for you... but a serious fear... listen...

There is too much static to get a clear signal...
If your object is really to warn... lay out a clear message...

I honestly hear random paranoid ranting...
This can't all be true...
9/11... Bilderburgs,... Aliens,... Area 51,.. spying,. militia,.. the Fed,. Templars, lizard people, birth certificates, death panels, ... you see where I'm going here...
I'm not saying these are all things that you believe... just that it is all in the public consciousness.. and one thing will discredit another...

Please spell out the elements doom,.. without the chaff... to make a coherent argument...
If you want to change minds,.. you must give a more concise picture...
Otherwise,... you will only be a doomsayer on a soapbox...
These doomsayer's have existed since biblical times...
Jesus was one... but, he stood out... because of the clarity of his message...

I doubt I'll be convinced anyway... but,... if this is really a message you wish to communicate,... it will be more convincing if you edit it to it's core...
We, that don't believe as you do,.. have beliefs and skepticism's... just like you...
Some right,.. some wrong...
... but your sources, are skeptical of everything, in every direction...  this is unreasonable... every door can't lead to a conspiracy... every move can't be a subterfuge...
What I'm saying is that those who don't believe some things, will cancel out the facts of other things because of the source...
"Fool me once,.."...
Expressing what you don't believe amongst this chaff, might make me, or others believe more specific allegations...

If you simply believe everything... there is no more credence to your beliefs than any other follower...
You may think you are thinking for yourself,... but you're just choosing a different religion...

Show me where you are thinking beyond that...
This is not meant to be personally critical of anyone... just a generality...  
There is a conspiracy culture... even an industry of conspiracy... It is very profitable... and money is a primal motivator...
Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, George Noory, and the rest, are not saints monks, or martyrs,... they are multi-millionaires... and they make their money on conspiracy and fear...
This makes them suspect,... as much or more than any politician...
If you don't see that,.. you are not a critical thinker....
You are a conspiracy nut...

To convince me of what is real... you must prove to me your critical thinking by showing me what is not real...
I won't buy the whole basket... because I know some of this fruit is spoiled...

Excuse the long post... I'm trying to be diplomatic here...
If it is your intention to convince... I hope you will take my advice to heart...
If you merely wish spout your secret knowledge to disbelievers... you are already in the groove...
Half of the threads in the TT are nothing more than that...

You say there is too much static too get a clear signal. You are wrong. I have a static filter, it is called a brain. If my brain can filter out the BS, then most anybody should be able too with just a bit of applied effort and proper brain food (organic, raw, unprocessed, mostly vegetarian, un-fluoridated water, non GMO, no artificial sweeteners, no high fructose corn syrup, etc.).

Do you truly believe that since some of the outrageous conspiracy theories used to poison the well are not real, then no conspiracy can be real? Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, George Noory are tools used to poison the well, although they may not be aware of such, but then with enough money, their comfort level may be of such that they could care less. Their mission is to entertain as many truth seekers as possible with tidbits of truth mixed with tons of crap, then take them on a never ending distraction ride on the never ending road to nowhere while selling commercial space.

Why am I even concerned? Because I am selfish! I want to protect myself and those dear to me and I can’t without the help of others. So I therefore attempt to educate others as many others as I can in hope they to will start educating others. Will I get through to you, WebsterMark or Sinrith? I don’t really care….. it would bring some satisfaction if I did, but I am aware that sometimes it is best to just move on to those that are open minded, and I will get through to some. Will it be enough or in time? I have to hope so, therefore I have to try, because what is coming is too important to ignore. The Patriot Act, Rex 84, billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition, FEMA camps, mass graves are real and waiting for you.

And yes,  I do see global conspiracy, and the destruction of all I hold dear which are my freedoms, the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the United States. There are many people that are attempting to warn you and others. We don’t have the soapbox and name recognition of Beck and Jones. As of now, the truth can be found on some very small independent networks like RBN, GCN, Joyce Riley, Russia Today and a few others. I sometimes find the truth in some youtube videos (such as 9/11 The Missing Links and those featuring Judge Andrew P. Napolitano) before they are removed. I find that is a good source of truth, but I still use my own brain to filter because not every link there leads to the truth.

Are there other conspiracies that are true other that the plan to control and suppress the people of the world thru a New World Order, yes, but in reality, they are smaller parts of the same plan. 9/11 was part of the New World Order plan. So is the deliberate destruction of the dollar. The fake moon landings are part of the New World Order financing. Oh sure now some of you are rolling your eyes in discuss and disbelief. It is hard to accept that you were lied to on such a large scale. Besides believing that in the 1960’s men traveled thru the Van Allen Radiation belts in an aluminum can, lived thru it and didn’t get cancer after returning, there are too many other glaring problems that could fill up another thread. I will offer this one bit of evidence here before moving on:  You can find it yourself by doing an image search using “Apollo 11”. It is an official NASA photo that shows to studio lights in the ceiling.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion outline the New World Order in fine detail. Oh, what’s that you say…they are fake? Well fake or not, they are certainly being used in exact detail. It makes for some interesting reading and can be found complete here:
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« Last Edit: 08/17/13 at 10:06:34 by RatdogWillie »  

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #18 - 08/18/13 at 01:30:36
There's too much money division and the government is harassing and slaughtering the poor. Unless a massive amount of us organize and stand together there is no hope.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #19 - 08/18/13 at 01:40:07
Bot you claim 911 was no conspiracy and you might be right but we took it and turned it into a conspiracy and waged war on an innocent country. They lied about the Gulf of Tonkin and turned it into a war. 1.6 billion bullets and they don't deny it.  Our government is very capable of lying and going to any lengths to get what they want.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #20 - 08/18/13 at 01:46:03
WD what is a National Socialist?
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #21 - 08/18/13 at 05:54:32
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #22 - 08/18/13 at 06:07:56
That's evil WD.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #23 - 08/18/13 at 07:41:52
It wasn't all camps and related stupidity. It started out as an actually beneficial ideal set that rapidly went off into loony tunes land.

Where do you think FDR got the idea for the CCC, Social Security and related? Handed to him on a silver platter during one of Hitler's USA speech tours in the 30s. He screwed up their implementation on his own. TVA, BPA, rural electrification, western irrigation projects... all programs that had been tried successfully to help pull Germany out the scourge of the Wiemar Republic era.

We could use something similar today to dynamite the unwashed masses heads out of their butts, restore a bit of national pride and instill a sense of pride and honor in the common man, get him off his entitlement a$$ and doing something productive for once in his life.

All the stupidity enacted by a couple of criminally insane "party officials" (Goebbels and Himmler) we can safely do without. The chicken farmer Himmler should have stayed a chicken farmer.

I have "store bought" (adopted) black and hispanic cousins. I start everybody off on the same footing, useless until proven otherwise, regardless of color, where they are from, schooling, religion...

I am the epitome of "equal opportunity bigot".
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #24 - 08/18/13 at 08:53:42
Most likely left out of the history books.

Hitler was on the cover of time magazine,, IIRC, more than once
Declared Man of the Year

Most people have no real grasp of history, I dont have a complete grasp, but I do know a few things the average guy doesnt.. & HOW communism came into existence ? Ohh, my.. YOull hafta go dig into, I cant remember now,, Marx or Lennin,,
Search one of those names, TRain out of New York & see what pops
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #25 - 08/18/13 at 10:22:11
Hitler was on the cover of time magazine,, IIRC, more than once
Declared Man of the Year

One of my friends received a failing grade in a college level history class for bringing in an ORIGINAL issue. The instructor, a card carrying member of the Communist party and a rabid lesbian (per her own admissions) kicked Sean out of the class and failed him. For having tangible proof that she was full of $hit.

Marx started the idea that became Communism, Lenin enacted and spread it throughout the Slavic world.
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #26 - 08/18/13 at 14:39:18
I have a friend that was in Germany before the war broke out. The Jews mistreated the Germans. If a German went into a Jewish store to buy a loaf of bread the shopkeeper would walk back to the back of the store and sell the German stale bread. The Jews owned all the banks and they would charge more interest if a German borrowed money. The Jews owned most of the businesses and they ripped the Germans off. The Jews brought a lot of trouble on themselves but no one deserved the holocaust.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #27 - 08/18/13 at 15:24:33
Never said they did, I focus on the positives of the movement. And I too know people who lived there before and during the war. The way the common citizen was treated prior to the Party gaining control was atrocious. The Party was responsible for a lot of ills, but before it went totally off track, it put a lot of people back to work, got a lot of family farms and other small businesses back in the black, had a working infrastructure...

Study what the Germans did right, what went wrong is well documented. Learn from both.
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #28 - 08/18/13 at 15:41:30
Most people don't realize that the soviets killed an estimated 50 - 60 M people.  Not many movies about the soviet atrocities and even fewer people understand the evil behind sickle & hammer.
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Re: Are you one of the Zombie targets
Reply #29 - 08/18/13 at 15:45:17
I could've sworn I posted it here but I just searched and couldn't find it.
Hitler came to power during extreme unemployment. People were starving. A wheel barrel of money couldn't buy a loaf of bread. People were burning money to stay warm because it was cheaper than firewood.
Hitler put everyone to work and gave them jobs.

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