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Welcome to Afghanistan... (Read 219 times)
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Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
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Welcome to Afghanistan...
07/31/13 at 11:50:06
I know there needs to be a balance here, between gun rights and civil society,... but...

Az Daily Star...
Moms group plans bus ride to protest AZ gun law
..."The protest stems from an incident about a month ago when a man boarded a Sun Tran bus with a loaded AR-15 and sat with his finger near the trigger while he waited for his stop."...

Are you feeling safer or freer with this guy on the bus?... or with your children riding this bus?...
...or how 'bout say,.. 11 people armed with AR-15's on the  bus,.. or in line with you at the bank?...
... or hanging out at the park where your kids play?...

This stuff is ridiculous...
God help us,... we are Afghanistan...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #1 - 07/31/13 at 14:51:37
hy·per·bo·le  (h-pûrb-l)
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton or welcome to Afghanistan

I understand the larger point  you are making, but I wonder what the rest of the story is?... Was this guy conducting his own 'protest'?
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #2 - 07/31/13 at 14:56:49
"The way state law is currently written, fugitives and criminals can carry loaded weapons on buses, openly or concealed, any time they want

above is a quote from the original story which I think is an excellent illustration of how two people see the same thing so vastly different.
question: would a 'fugitive and criminals' really care if it is against the law to carry a gun on a bus? I mean, by definition, a criminal disobeys the law. Just exactly what good does the law do? Doesn't this make the point that criminalizing guns means only the criminals have guns?
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #3 - 07/31/13 at 15:23:28
"A man" but no name.
So they didn't interview "the man"? How do they know it was loaded? X ray vision?

"Carry[ing] a firearm in a menacing way" sounds pretty subjective. How would you carry it in a non-menacing way?

If he were holding the grip he could be near the trigger but not planning to fire the weapon. I've always been taught not to even put your finger on teh trigger until you're ready to shoot. Not like these things come with luggage racks though.

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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Tucson Az
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #4 - 07/31/13 at 15:44:20
A bit of nit-pickin' to avoid the point?...

The point is,... an AR-15 on a public bus, is not a comfort to a Mum and her children...
--- in a TV a interview, one of the woman that witnessed this, and complained to the bus service, was asked...
"Was he behaving strangely?"...  
...she replied, "He was carrying a machine gun on a bus,... at what point is the behavior deemed strange,.. When the bullets start flying?"...

Seems a valid point... Huh...  

Maybe if he wore a Turban?... Huh...
Maybe a bulletproof vest?...

Must a grown man act so afraid, in front of children?...
These fools think they look tough,.. to me, they look like paranoid chickenshits...
These guys need to grow up...
Jes' sayin"...
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #5 - 07/31/13 at 18:22:43
He could have been going to an indoor shooting range but he should have had the gun in a case on the bus. If I had been on the bus I would have struck up a conversation about his nice gun to see what mental state he was in. He could have been going to a gun shop to sell it. A conversation would have revealed that. I would have taken the seat behind him and had my LCP ready to go. If he would have chambered a round or pointed it at anyone he would have got a bullet in the back. That's why I support concealed carry. My children are grown but when my grandchildren go out with me I'm ready to protect them. We're not Aghanstan yet, they're just a bunch of religious idiots like the rest of the middle east.. Our problems are mental health and gangs.If we had decent law enforcement instead of ones who bust a lady's door down because her lawn hasn't been mowed the gang problem maybe could be for the most part eliminated. I would join a sane militia to stop the gang problem.I want people to be able to walk our streets safely again even if it puts my life in danger. There's things worth fighting for in the USA, nothing is worth dying for overseas, we haven't been attacked lately except for the embassy Obama and Hillary are lying about. It would be impossible to get the real perpotaitors.I feel like Ron Paul, shut down our embassys and withdraw from the UN. You cant buy friends and our piggy bank is empty.

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #6 - 07/31/13 at 19:22:43
But this is the crux of the problem, Midnight...
The more people think like that,.. the more seats on the bus will have a gun pointing at the guy in front of him, and him, and him... like a circlejerk Mexican stand-off... one click or pop, and everybody shoots everybody...

This is almost literally true in some parts of the world,... it's just not the parts we want to live in...

In Afghanistan, I would probably carry an AK on the bus,... because I would need too... I don't want to live like that... neither do the majority of Americans...
Some common sense has to injected into this argument, or gun rights really will be infringed...
If both sides can't make reasonable compromise,..  the majority will win...
Gun advocates are not in the majority...

Remember,.. women, minorities, young people,... are all on increase in voter-ship...
Pounding on a copy of the Constitution, won't prevent a landslide, it will trigger one...
Jes' sayin'...
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #7 - 07/31/13 at 19:36:59
This is like the Zimmerman case. One side pushed the issue into something it wasn't which forced lines to be drawn and sides  to be taken.

Some gun owners feel they are being forced into defending something that they might not even be able to articulate.

What's the solution? Not sure. I know for sure the liberals aren't gonna back down cause they've got the left leaning culture on their side. If the right doesn't back down, they'll be a fight.

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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #8 - 07/31/13 at 19:40:57
That is why,... both sides need to recognize that rights, and opinions of the other...
Pushing at each other, isn't working...

BTW... Very civil reply, Webster... I thank you... Wink...
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #9 - 07/31/13 at 19:54:57
I gave up fighting.  Plus, star isn't around....

The left needs to stop pushing. Fact is, gun laws, or lack thereof, is not the problem. Enforcing laws on the books is. Most of the gun crime is isolated. dealing with the massive crime in mostly black neighborhoods would be a nice place to start. addressing  juvenile crime better in these neighborhoods would lessen more serious crime later on. Messieurs  Sharpton and Jackson aren't putting the hard time needed with zero recognition to address this. They'd rather protest a crime that wasn't. How much different would it be if they did that rather that stage rallys that do nothing but inflame?

  Someone needs to give me a real retort to the statement: if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. No place that loosened gun laws has turned into the Wild West.
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #10 - 07/31/13 at 20:13:14
I believe protecting ourselves and our family is a God given right and nowadays it takes a gun to do it. The liberal news never reports unarmed white people gunned down except maybe locally about it. Last night my next door neighbors house was cleaned out. She had a lot of valuable jewlry and they got a credit card. I'm usually up late but I went to bed early last night. She's 90 years old, had a stroke and moved in with one of her daughters. She's a great lady and we've been friends almost 30 years, I just wish I had been up and seen something. I know who did it but I cant prove it. It was someone who knew she no longer lived there. The police called here today because they know my wife is a part time cop. The lady's next door neigbors on the other side of her house are white trash and the jewrey probably has been traded for drugs. Sew I always value you and your opinion and consider you a friend. I'm glad you're back on the TT.Both of us have valid points and I'm willing to let it go for that reason. Have a great day my friend.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #11 - 07/31/13 at 20:18:30
WebsterMark wrote on 07/31/13 at 19:54:57:
I gave up fighting.  Plus, star isn't around....

The left needs to stop pushing. Fact is, gun laws, or lack thereof, is not the problem. Enforcing laws on the books is. Most of the gun crime is isolated. dealing with the massive crime in mostly black neighborhoods would be a nice place to start. addressing  juvenile crime better in these neighborhoods would lessen more serious crime later on. Messieurs  Sharpton and Jackson aren't putting the hard time needed with zero recognition to address this. They'd rather protest a crime that wasn't. How much different would it be if they did that rather that stage rallys that do nothing but inflame?

  Someone needs to give me a real retort to the statement: if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. No place that loosened gun laws has turned into the Wild West.

I could leave here in and be back home in 30 minutes with a gun not registered to me. I've done it. They cant enforce the laws they have. I'm all for strict background checks to stop criminals and mentally ill from purchasing guns but that only works on new guns.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28660
Tucson Az
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Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #12 - 07/31/13 at 21:37:44
Midnightrider wrote on 07/31/13 at 20:18:30:
I could leave here in and be back home in 30 minutes with a gun not registered to me. I've done it.

Why can you do that?...
Could you do that in England?... France?,.. Australia?...
Can you name a country that you admire, or think might be a good place to live,... where you could do that?...
Name any country where you could do that,... and tell me it's a good place to be...

So how is it a good thing here?...
The reason that you can do that here, is because guns are so prevalent....
So,.. we justify our need for guns because of the prevalence of guns, and we make more guns because we need them because there's so many guns...

It all makes sense now...

...the Constitution has been amended more than 20 times...
That wall has holes in it... not a thing to be standing behind...
Especially when the majority is not on your side... and that side has the growing demographics...

There were those Halcyon Days when these issues weren't issues...  those days of "Leave it to Beaver", and "Ozzie and Harriot"... but,... what if the Beave came home and told dad, there was a man on the bus with an AK-47?... or Harriot said "Oz, I saw the strangest thing at the market today"...
...and this was during the conservative, McCarthy era...
... but, what conclusion would those episodes have?...
Would watching Beaver be the same, if he rode the bus with a few AK's and AR's on there with him?...
This is not going to create that Utopia...
This not even going to take us back to the days of the Revolution,.. or even the Wild Wild West...
Legendary massacres like the OK corral, and the St, Valentines day massacre don't hold a candle to this modern America...
It does hold a candle to Afghanistan,.. or Iraq...

More guns, equals more guns stolen, more guns purchased by straw men, more guns swapped for a motorcycle,.. more guns in the hands of people that will use them...
I just don't see the solution to be more guns...

...and I'm as guilty as anyone... I have 9 guns...
My buddy's dad had a collection of over 200... guess where they went?... he was burgled...
I don't carry,... mine are mostly 22 plinkers... I have one for home defense...
I'm not going to go out carrying a gun... I'm not going to kill someone that wants to take my wallet. or car, or bike...
If they're in my house, while I'm home, I'll have it for protection...
... and I live 70 miles from the border... drug alley...
If I carry,... I'm not safer,.. I'm in more danger...
I'm a realist... I'm not Dirty Harry, or Bruce Willis....
...bullets don't go around me...
I can't out shoot a cartel... or even a drug gang...
They have more guys,.. and they have my buddies dad's guns...

It is here,.. and it ain't pretty... and it's scary how many bad guys have weapons...  ... but, adding to it, won't fix it...
It's a "short term, feel good, solution"...
It's not a fix... it's not where we want to go...

Courage,.. is not in carrying a gun,.. it's in taking the in the bigger picture and saying this has gone too far... this is not the world I want for my children's children...  I will not add to this... my car, wallet, bike, even my life, is not worth making this worse...

We need to start having a more intelligent conversation than our representatives....  
When we start getting smarter, they will too...
They are only parrots....  
Part of the problem is, we've started to parrot them...
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #13 - 07/31/13 at 22:22:55
I'm disabled, I've lost over half my body strength, I cant run. I carry to keep from getting killed, not to start some sh!t with someone and shoot them. I'm too weak to fight and too slow to run. If I had been on that bus and the idiot opened fire maybe I could have saved innocent lives, maybe not but I would like to think I could try, not sitting there defenseless. I've bought guns not registered to me so if their is a mass confiscation i'll have a couple left. I'm a plinker and I love 22's. I have 6 of them and I'm looking for one more. I don't have a bolt action 22 Most people don't realize what you can do with a 22 at 300 yards if there isn't a hard wind. The 10/22 I've heard you mention is probably the greatest gun ever built. It will eat anything and its as accurate as $1000 dollar target rifles. I hardly ever shoot my self protection guns, that's what they're for, not target practice. I only keep one gun loaded in my house because of my grandchildren and they cant get to it, its a Mossberg 12 ga. pump. My LCP stays in my pocket almost 24/7. Its a long story but I prevented a rape one night without a gun and I realized how much easier it would have been with me now disabled if I were carrying. I wouldn't have killed the guy, I would have held the gun on him while the girl called 911. I might have fired a warning shot to let him know I meant business. If I can get an innocent person getting raped or killed by carrying I'm all for it. I don't ever want to feel helpless or fear for my life again like that night.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Welcome to Afghanistan...
Reply #14 - 07/31/13 at 22:46:43
" Courage,.. is not in carrying a gun"  I carry because I'm chickensh!t and cant fight LOL. It doesn't make me feel like a man to carry But if I can save an innocent life or mine I believe its the right thing to do.I really don't know much about foreign countries. I heard the murder rate in Austailia went up after the gun laws were changed, don't know if its true or not. Jerry and I have printed the statistics that the minorities are responsible for at least 85% of the murders. Do way with that and we would be one of the safest countries to live in.. You know I'm not a racist but you cant argue with the facts. I never locked my doors 20 years ago but times and people have changed. These kids growing up with the violent video games have no conscience, just like the whacko at New Haven. I have a lot of friends who carry and they really don't want to, they just believe as I do. There are a lot of guys carry big guns. I don't know if its to make up for small genitals of an inferiority complex. The biggest guns I have are deer hunting rifles and I cant use them anymore. I couldn't get a deer out of the woods if I killed it. My favorite round is the 22. I have 2 black automatic 22's, one with a 50 round clip. I don't need it but that's the way it came. I got em because the guy's needed money quick. They're great fun to shoot but you could have practically the same gun with a 10/22 with a 30 round clip. They sell a lot of them, probably to guys who cant afford a real AK or cant afford to shoot one. I would love to have an AR because like the 10/22 its about the best firearm ever made. I hang my guns on the wall unloaded and I love looking at them like my guitars. I think I have 6 guns I've never shot, I'll get around to it one of these days. I could talk guns all night but I'll quit boring you. God Bless You!
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