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Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate? (Read 75 times)
Serious Thumper

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Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
06/07/13 at 19:04:56
Studies have repeatedly shown that conservatives are more susceptible to spin and lies.
There is a vast amount of empirical evidence showing that conservatives, and Republicans in particular, are more manipulable than non-conservatives.

A famous study by Jost, Glaser, Kruglansky and Sulloway, “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition,” in the May 2003  Psychological Bulletin , found that prejudices were even stronger among conservatives than among the general population.  

Furthermore, this survey found that, “In the race for Congress, Fox fans will vote for GOP candidates by a 56% to 25% margin. The CNN audience will vote Democratic by a 54% to 27% margin.” The PIPA study of “Misperceptions” and “the Iraq War” found: “The extent of Americans’ misperceptions vary significantly depending on their source of news. Those who receive most of their news from Fox News are more likely than average to have misperceptions. Those who receive most of their news from NPR or PBS are less likely to have misperceptions. These variations cannot simply be explained as a result of differences in the demographic characteristics of each audience, because these variations can also be found when comparing the demographic subgroups of each audience.”

On November 22, 2011, headlined “Fox News Viewers Are the Most Misinformed: A Seventh Study Arrives to Prove It,” and Chris Mooney linked to each of the seven different studies that had been done of this subject, all of which found the same thing. The latest study was titled “Climate on Cable: The Nature and Impact of Global Warming Coverage on Fox News [FNC], CNN, and MSNBC.” This latest study closed by saying: “In sum, the results overwhelmingly support Hypothesis 4 [that FNC viewers rejected the reality of global warming, whereas CNN/MSNBC viewers accepted its reality], demonstrating that Fox News viewing is associated with lower levels of global warming acceptance, with the reverse true for CNN/MSNBC viewing. ... [Moreover, a separate finding was:] The views of Republicans seem to reflect the cable news outlet (FOX) they watch.

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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #1 - 06/07/13 at 20:12:20
There are things inherent in a conservative philosophy...  both good and bad...
On one hand,.. respect for tradition, and history... We hope...
On the other,... and element of denial, and rejection of change, for good or bad...
... but, in combination, these things all look back instead of ahead,.. and create a skeptical view of the future...  and a sort of "head in the sand" point of view towards making anything better...

Change still happens... it always will...  there will always be those that go with it, resist it, deny it, embrace it... and those that try to make it better, and those that try to destroy it...
...but, Sh!t still happens...
Blacks vote,... women too... women have choice,.. gays can serve,   and soon can marry,...
Healthcare, representation, information, and communications, are becoming human rights, globally...
Liberals push it forward,..  conservatives hold it back...
The tug-of War never seems to end,... until it does... then it becomes accepted and we go forward to the next war... where conservatives try to hold it back and liberals push it forward...
It never ends,... but it always goes forward...
It's in the nature of time...

Conservatives fight a hopeless cause... trying the reverse the clock...
That's not always bad... but it always loses...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #2 - 06/07/13 at 21:52:10
What is a shame is no one ever goes back and changes the bad laws.
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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #3 - 06/07/13 at 23:35:38
Seems like we do just lay new laws over the top of old ones... to correct what goes wrong...
Just creates huge piles... Grin...

If there's one thing we humans do well,... it's hoard...
Stuff over stuff over stuff...

I spent many years acquiring stuff,.. and then realizing it wasn't quite the right stuff, and getting more, better, stuff...

Seems more satisfying to get rid of something, than get something new... now...
That is probably a conservative ideal...
Shocking!... Grin...

Really,.. this bike I choose, is a conservative choice...
I hate Rap music... I detest cell phones (Although, I did get one 3 years ago... I've used about 1hr of minutes, and have 1800 in account... I just can't think of anything that urgent to say, so I wait 'till I meet up in person)...
I find that money in the bank account is more satisfying than payments on a credit card...
I am more conservative than most people think I am...
Morally, financially, traditionally,... conservative...
Socially,... liberal...
Although,.. by morally, I don't mean selective bible bashing... (I'm atheist)...
I mean, ... honor, compassion, chivalry, tolerance, respect, integrity...
Conservative qualities?...
It all fits hand in hand in my book...

As an atheist,.. I do see Jesus as roll model...
Not a god, or demi/semi god... but, as a man that lived as true  as he could in his heart...
Every lesson... honor, compassion, chivalry, tolerance, respect, integrity...
A decent guy...
Nobody can ever get it right... Jesus is a fiction... but, a good and decent one...
I think the lesson is to try...

That's part of why I decided to leave the TT section... for the most part...
I think too many people here, that I disagree with, are actually trying, as I am, to be decent people...
It makes no sense to argue...
Kinda' sad...
These arguments are depressing... they suck away my energy and spirit...

Think about it, next time you post... and ask if it makes you feel better or worse...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #4 - 06/08/13 at 05:31:36
Star; As proof that that’s not true; you guy elected a man who accomplished nothing before you made him President. A ‘constitutional scholar’?! …. Now that’s being manipulated!
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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #5 - 06/08/13 at 05:45:17
Sew; I suspect if I stopped riding to have a brew at a bar and sat down next to you; we’d find a lot of things in common and have a good conversation. The internet is like driving; the anonymity behind the wheel and behind the keyboard is similar. It’s easy to throw a dirty look at 50 mph; much harder sitting next to someone. The social instincts God gave mankind designed to foster unity are harder to ignore in person; as it should be. We are not animals; we have very little in common with animals.

I would disagree with your analysis just as strongly, but in a conversational tone. It seems easy to say the conservative members of our society aren’t always “ready” for this new twist or that new twist. But, it’s our role balance hope and change against tradition and remembrance of experiments gone bad in the past.

I think it’s fair to say conservatives are the old members in a group who are cautious while liberals are the youngsters full of energy, ideas and ready to plunge ahead. A conservative’s greatest fear is to be standing in the ruins of society and think back to a time when we should have stood up and said NO.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #6 - 06/08/13 at 08:59:32
A conservative’s greatest fear is to be standing in the ruins of society and think back to a time when we should have stood up and said NO.

Id say we are just about there..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #7 - 06/08/13 at 16:35:29
Id say we are just about there..  Amen!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #8 - 06/08/13 at 20:15:46
Those who live in fear are the easiest to manipulate. The GOP, Rush, Glenn, religeous fundamentalists of all stripes, ad. inf., know this and milk it.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #9 - 06/08/13 at 20:22:19
HUGE difference between fear & knowing the truth. Better to know the truth than believe a happy faced lie.

Those who believe that all we need to get this together & get the economy going & make everyone happy & with enough income to be okay is give the left more power are just screwed in the head. Same is true of those who believe the far right can save the nation.
You wanna future? Learn what Ron Paul is about & support that kind of person..
OHHHH Wait,, there is no one else,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #10 - 06/08/13 at 21:30:42
Money can't buy happiness...

... it can buy security and contentment...
I can live with that...

Ever notice,.. only rich people say,... "Money can't buy happiness?"...
Poor people say,... "Really?"...
Middle class people just know,... payday ain't so bad...
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #11 - 06/08/13 at 21:36:54
MOney doesnt buy happiness, but it sure makes it easier to lay hands on,
Some people will never be happy. Its just "Them",, & some are content & at peace with dang little, Money alone isnt the answer,, but poverty makes life hard. Its not real easy to be real happy when life is hard, UNless someone is REally at peace with themselves.. Take hours to explain, or even get close.. I believe spirituality plays a role in many people's ability to be happy when life is hard,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #12 - 06/08/13 at 22:26:09
We're headed downhill like a snowball headed for hell. The crooks in Washington way outweigh the good guys and no one is trying to stop them. The Iraq war, the bailouts, The IRS scandal, We're losing our 2nd and 4th amendment rights and no ones going to jail. They know they can do anything they want to, disappear for a year or two and come back and get reelected like the gov. of SC. That's a prime example of people dumb enough to vote for whatever their party does right or wrong. Its just a matter of time and it wont be long we'll all be history. Historians are gonna not understand while we set on our asses and done nothing and let all this happen starting with the Federal Reserve. The lies involving the Twin Towers The Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, The Illmunati should all be wiped off the face of the earth. This is where the war needs to be, not the Middle East. Do that, I'm 58 years old and disabled but I'll fight for my country.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #13 - 06/08/13 at 22:35:43
Someone can commit a crime in Wahington that can rip this country in two like the bailouts but no one ever goes to jail. The Federal Reserve gave away 16 Trillion behind our backs but no one ever goes to jail. Cheyney, Bush and Romsfield can tell out and our lies to get a war started but no one goes to jail. They should be hung for committing war crimes. There's no justice in Washington. Obama hasn't made anything better, he's too busy fighting scandal after scandal and trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment of the constitution while he should have been working on jobs and the economy.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Are Conservatives Easier to Manipulate?
Reply #14 - 06/10/13 at 13:54:15
Conservatives are not easier to manipulate.

First off ... republicans are not conservatives. They are as loose with $$$ as liberals, its that they funnel it to different people.

There are no conservatives in political positions of any real consequence.
TEA baggers are not conservatives.

The republicommunists are the ones doing the manipulation, and they are doing it very well. Its evidenced by the shrill and screeching talking heads like Sean Hannity, Rush "where is my pills" Limbaugh, Ann "Screw sarah palin, I was here first" Coulther and the rest of the shrill bitches of the republicommunists on TV and radio.

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