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'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmakers (Read 93 times)
Serious Thumper

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'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmakers
05/18/13 at 19:12:38
Rep. Issa on Benghazi report: "A lie to the American people"

Source CBS News


Republicans fabricated e-mails in an effort to embarrass the Obama administration. A GOP leak of doctored e-mails (became) the basis of GOP talking points. "That’s a pretty disturbing irony considering the investigation was supposed to be about spin on talking points."

NOW we have a real SCANDAL!! And it's nothing to do with Obama--it's the Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) today asked for an accounting as to how “doctored” e-mails relating to the Obama administration’s deliberations on Benghazi wound up in the hands of the media. The impetus for Schiff’s call is the months-long controversy over the talking points that the Obama administration developed immediately after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks that resulted in the deaths of four U.S. personnel. Republicans said that they were drafted to downplay the administration’s election-year vulnerability on terrorism.

The talking points zoomed back into the news just weeks ago, when the Weekly Standard and ABC News published stories showing that the document had shrunk through an extensive review process ending at the White House. Those stories were based on leaks from unidentified sources, and they put pressure on the White House to explain itself on Benghazi for the thousandth time.

It did, authoritatively, by releasing 100 pages of e-mails detailing the back-and-forth among the agencies, a dump that beat back the notion that the White House exerted political influence over the talking points from the start. In a statement released today Schiff asked for an accounting as to how “doctored” e-mails relating to the Obama administration’s deliberations on Benghazi wound up in the hands of the media...Schiff was irked that prior to the e-mails’ release, news reports inaccurately portrayed key bits of correspondence, and he specifically cited ABC News in a chat with the Erik Wemple Blog today. On May 10, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl issued an explosive story chronicling the evolution of the administration’s talking points...Though ABC News and Weekly Standard didn’t give extensive details on their sourcing for the stories, Schiff says it’s not hard to reverse-engineer them: “I don’t know precisely who doctored and leaked the e-mails but plainly it didn’t come from administration, and it wouldn’t have come from Democratic staffers,” Schiff said. Earlier this week, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney accused “Republicans” of “fabricating” e-mails in an effort to embarrass the Obama administration.

<end snip>


Heh, so it coes back to bite them in the ass. Republikans falsifying evidence! Just like Cheney's gang made up their own facts on Iraqi WMD's. Overwhelming evidence that those guys will do anything to gain/hold power and money. They are NEVER to be trusted!!!

Can we call it sedition, yet?

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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #1 - 05/18/13 at 20:20:29
I've not heard of this story and I looked it up. it's two days old. there's nothing to this story. Were the emails "doctored" or was it just a case someone told reporters the emails said one thing, but in fact when the emails were finally released, they didn't say that.

However, they were still damaging emails. The emails showed Obama and crew was doing everything they could to limit the damage to their reelection efforts; despite getting their ambassador killed. The emails confirm Hopey and Hilary realized they screwed up big time and were re-writing everything they could, including making up a story about a video. they are darning emails.

nice try star, but the latest Dan Rather attempt failed.
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #2 - 05/19/13 at 09:34:42
I cant believe this is what you have hitched your wagon to webster -

This news is so old - its dropped off the radar on a lot of sites.

Libya security: Rep. Jason Chaffetz admits voting to cut funding for embassy security (VIDEO)

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, said Wednesday he "absolutely" voted for cutting funding for embassy security.

In a way you're better off getting american news from BBC or outiside news agencies. They are not in the echo chamber as much.

This is old news - I cant find it on CNN or anywhere. Oct 2012.

In any case, it sounds to me like republicans invited the attack by cutting security and then when the attack did come, they tried to blame the Obama administration just before the election.

Sadly for them It wasn't enough to get their man Mitt "I pay 13% in taxes and talk about it like its something that would impress people cos I have no clue, but its better than using my spray tan personality" RMoney over the finish line.

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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #3 - 05/19/13 at 09:42:29
Oooo this gets better and better - check this out

When Democrats tried to turn the tables by pointing out that it was the GOP, not the Obama administration, that slashed embassy security funding, Chaffetz stood firm, saying, “Absolutely [we cut funding]. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have … 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things,” Chaffetz added, “But for Christ’s sake, we’re the GOP. To listen to our advice or enact the legislation we pass is ludicrous. It’s as if Obama wants the terrorists to win.”

Lets see - We have … 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. - uhhhh You do know that Obama wasn't sending people to Iraq right ? Or does your memory drop off a cliff in 2009.

Then this beauty - “But for Christ’s sake, we’re the GOP. To listen to our advice or enact the legislation we pass is ludicrous. It’s as if Obama wants the terrorists to win.” - Yea ... we shouldn't enact the legislation they pass ... uhhh OK then why do we even have you.

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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #4 - 05/19/13 at 10:17:26

&, regardless how many were there ON security detail, the attackers were gonna have them, cuz they were many & they had military weapons./


Shut UP, accept the facts, for ONCE in your left twisted lives, accept the FACTS.
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #5 - 05/19/13 at 11:32:26
Here Ya Go:

From Face the Nation May 12th 2013

Robert Gates, who served as Secretary of Defense during the Bush and Obama administrations, debunked these claims


Benghazi, Libya. Robert Gates is calling out conservatives for the "cartoonish impression of the military" they promote when baselessly criticizing the Obama administration for not sending additional support during the September attack on diplomatic facilities in Benbhazi Libya.

GATES: I think the one place where I might be able to say something useful has to do with some of the talk of the military response. And I listened to the testimony of both Secretary Panetta and General Dempsey, and frankly had I been in the job at the time, I think that my decisions would have been just as theirs were. We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice. And so getting someone there in a timely way would have been very difficult if not impossible.

And frankly I've heard, well, why didn't you just fly a fighter jet over there to scare 'em with the noise or something. Given the number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from Qaddafi's arsenals I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances.

And with respect to sending in Special Forces or a small group of people to try and provide help, based on everything I've read people really didn't know what was going on in Benghazi contemporaneously, and to send some small number of Special Forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, I think would have been very dangerous and personally I would not have approved that because we just don't -- it's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces. The one thing our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way, and there just wasn't time.


The wingnuts have been frothing, raving nuts over this story. I'm shocked someone hasn't posted that the President was at a gay strip club, getting a lap dance, smoking & drinking while watching everything on an iPad as he slips dollar bills into some stripper's g-string. I mean, some of the stuff they're ranting about is pure bullsh!t.
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #6 - 05/19/13 at 11:50:23
Fox News, Drudge, and the right wing hate mongers, sat by and said jack sh!t about the fact that Bush/Cheney's grand incompetence and arrogance, allowed 9/11 to happen. I mean TALK about ignoring a threat!!! They were never forced to answer for that.

The fox news asshats don't give a sh!t about the people who perished in that Libya attack. They only want to make it the "thing" that takes down Obama. Period. They have no conscience about sending thousands of our troops to die and be injured in Iraq over lies... but this is suddenly the worst thing that a President has ever done.

This isn't a f*king sandwich from Jimmy Johns. IF (and this is still a big IF) someone at the embassy called for reinforcements during the assault, it should be noted that the nearest military assets would have been at the U.S.Embassy in Tripoli, which is more than 400 miles away.

Assumption #1: There were troops at the Embassy that could have been redeployed to Benghazi -- bear in mind that riots were breaking out everywhere, and it might not have been safe to weaken the Embassy's security detail at that time.

Assumption #2: There were at least three Black Hawks available to transport troops from Tripoli to the Consulate -- bear in mind that these helicopters would NOT have been on the ground in Tripoli, but likely on a naval vessel in the Gulf of Sidra.

So from the time an S.O.S. came from Benghazi (if it ever did), it would have been hours before reinforcement could have arrived, and the damage would have been done.

Additional Food For Thought: Let's assume that a commander decided to put twenty Marines on three Black Hawks that magically appeared in the Embassy compound. This detail would have been flying blindly into a combat zone with an unknown number of hostiles and (possibly) no place suitable as a Landing Zone. They might have been circling the hot spot with no ability to engage the enemy in helicoptors that were precisely one rocket-propelled grenade from disintegration. Any officer foolish enough to give that order should spend the rest of his military career scrubbing toilets in Greenland.
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Dane Allen
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #7 - 05/20/13 at 13:02:00
Yawn!!! Next your gonna say there is no such place as Benghazi and no one died there. Grin Grin Grin
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #8 - 05/20/13 at 17:05:01
Dane Allen wrote on 05/20/13 at 13:02:00:
Yawn!!! Next your gonna say there is no such place as Benghazi and no one died there. Grin Grin Grin

When Bush was asked to find where benghazi was say within 1000 miles, lets just say - mission accomplished. That guy was a true go getter. Just as long as he wasn't asked to point where to go or get.

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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #9 - 05/20/13 at 18:10:38
"Yawn!!! Next your gonna say there is no such place as Benghazi and no one died there."

Always back to  Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi.

Manufactured scandal. Republicans doctored Benghazi emails and used the mainstream media to create a false scandal. End of story.

Can't you make up some different sh!t to spew? Tongue

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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #10 - 05/20/13 at 20:01:25
Manufactured scandal.

yep; dead ambassador dragged through the street was manufactured.
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #11 - 05/20/13 at 21:50:02
"Dead ambassador dragged through the street was manufactured?"


The photos I saw were people helping him. There was no dragging in the streets. Do you have photos of that? Or is this the same old neo-con bullsh!t being spread around?

At 1:00 am, they pulled him from the burning building. this was while the fighting was still going on, and the Libyans weren't able to completely secure the area until 2:30 am.

At 1:00 am the Libyans defending the consulate pulled him unconscious from the building (that must have been a terrible and desperate search) and carried him to a vehicle, where he was rushed to the hospital. They weren't able to revive him and his body was transferred from the hospital to US authorities at the airport. It was a heartbreaking picture...

Interesting-- radical Republican wingnuts using a dying American as propaganda.

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Dane Allen
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #12 - 05/21/13 at 10:29:55
Starlifter wrote on 05/20/13 at 18:10:38:
"Yawn!!! Next your gonna say there is no such place as Benghazi and no one died there."

Always back to  Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi.

Manufactured scandal. Republicans doctored Benghazi emails and used the mainstream media to create a false scandal. End of story.

Can't you make up some different sh!t to spew? Tongue

Wow, I don't know where Benghazi came from...oh, right, it's your own title to your own post. What did I spew, exactly? I thing you need to borrow Srinath's dictionary, he isn't using it.
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Dane Allen
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #13 - 05/21/13 at 10:31:42
Starlifter wrote on 05/18/13 at 19:12:38:
Heh, so it coes back to bite them in the ass. Republicans falsifying evidence! Just like Cheney's gang made up their own facts on Iraqi WMD's. Overwhelming evidence that those guys will do anything to gain/hold power and money. They are NEVER to be trusted!!!

Can we call it sedition, yet?

Dumb, desperate liberals, clutching at straws and pulling nonsense out of their ass, all in a sad pathetic attempt to legitimize themselves.  Grin Grin Grin
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RIP!! 01/2012-09/2016 S40 Boulevard, Raptor Pet, Rotella T6 Synth, Verslavy CC Tensioner -- You left too soon.
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Re: 'Doctored’ Benghazi e-mails Anger Dem Lawmaker
Reply #14 - 05/21/13 at 12:50:38
"What did I spew, exactly?"

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