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The fourth estate has let us down (Read 108 times)
Serious Thumper

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The fourth estate has let us down
02/10/13 at 06:07:53
There’s no mention of the extensive sections praising gun control, nor of the author’s appreciation for Piers Morgan, Dianne Feinstein, and President Obama. There’s nothing on his hatred for the NRA and Wayne LaPierre, whom Dorner calls a “a vile and inhumane piece of s***” whose defense of the right to bear arms justifies his “immediate and distant family” to “die horrific deaths in front of” him. There’s no reference to Dorner’s commendations of the “great work” of “Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper,” nor of his lionizing Ellen DeGeneres for her work in changing “the perception of your gay community.” Readers would not know that “Prop 8 supporters,” per Dorner, are “pieces of s***.” They’d have no idea that moderate Republicans are praised: George H. W. Bush, Jon Huntsman, Colin Powell are all singled out.

None of the people that Dorner mentions are guilty of anything whatsoever. But let me ask an earnest question: Had the killer instead praised Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, President George W. Bush, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA, and Proposition 8, and slammed the collection of journalists that he praised, perhaps singling out Piers Morgan for particular attention on the basis of his gun-control advocacy, what do you think the media’s reaction would have been? Ignore your first response and dig deep. What do you think the media’s reaction would have been?

The writer makes an excellent point. All of us know this manhunt story would be 24/7 with constant implications how right wing rhetoric caused the deaths. Instead, until I read this on National Review,  I did not hear a word of this. Here’s why we get Obama as President, here’s why Hilary is somehow praised despite getting her Ambassador killed, here’s why a 60 minute interview with a President in office during an awful  economy  with massive unemployment sitting alongside a failed Secy of State gets practically gets a hand job instead of a tough question, here’s why we borrow more and more money yet keep falling further and further in debt and we think it’s okay, here’s why the greatest healthcare system in the world is soon to be replaced with the equivalent of healthcare soup kitchens…..    

The fourth estate has picked which team it plays for and we will pay the price. God Bless Fox News; Wall Street Journal, NY Post and a handful of others that offer at least some balance.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #1 - 02/10/13 at 06:21:04
And by the way, since you probably didn’t hear this on the news anywhere, remember the last few month’s fight over how we had to tax the ‘evil rich’ to solve our budget problem? Remember that? The rich had to pay their fair share right so we could get out of this mess. ….

The bill Congress passed as ‘relief’ for Hurricane Sandy (which included a lot of crap having nothing to do with Sandy) cost MORE than what the tax will bring in next year. Say again, more than what the tax will bring in. And since we spent Sandy money this year by borrowing that money, we’ll actually lose ground even further……

Yea, but we have a revenue problem….
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #2 - 02/10/13 at 09:00:13
Quit trying to police the world, bring our troops home and put them to work here. Take care of our own, revenue problem solved. Ron Paul and millions more know it. Republicans and Democrats have ruled for 150 years and got us in this mess and its not gonna get better until we reposition our place in the world and clean out Washington.. I paid into my Social Security for over 40 years and you want to cut it out and give it to a foreign country. The goverments might need all that ammo they been buying up. Millions are fed up. I bought a gun from a young kid working for Walmart yesterday. He fought in Iraq. We talked awhile during all the paperwork. He said I never knew what I was fighting for in Iraq but when it breaks out here I dam well know what I'll be fighting for. he said me and millions of veterans like me are fed up.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #3 - 02/10/13 at 09:12:24
WebsterMark wrote on 02/10/13 at 06:21:04:
And by the way, since you probably didn’t hear this on the news anywhere, remember the last few month’s fight over how we had to tax the ‘evil rich’ to solve our budget problem? Remember that? The rich had to pay their fair share right so we could get out of this mess. ….

The bill Congress passed as ‘relief’ for Hurricane Sandy (which included a lot of crap having nothing to do with Sandy) cost MORE than what the tax will bring in next year. Say again, more than what the tax will bring in. And since we spent Sandy money this year by borrowing that money, we’ll actually lose ground even further……

Yea, but we have a revenue problem….

The evil rich are just that. They're moving out in droves renouncing their citizenship all the while its their business as usual here in the states. Its state and national. The rich are moving out of California to avoid high state taxes and the billionaires are renouncing their citizenship and becoming citizens of Switzerland, Cayman Islands etc. Their businesses and corporations are running full tilt here paying no taxes.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #4 - 02/10/13 at 10:52:06
Welcome to Corruption, USA

By Porter Stansberry

Americans know, deep in their bones, that something terrible is happening.

Maybe you can't articulate it. Maybe you don't have the statistics to understand exactly what's going on. But my bet is, you think about it a lot.

If you are at all like me, you know something has gone wrong with America that's critical to our national prosperity... something that jeopardizes the future for our children and ourselves.

Something that threatens both the financial order (like the stock market) and the political order.

Well today, I'd like to help identify the real problem with America, by telling two quick stories.

Both of these stories will give you a very good idea about the current state of our nation, and where we are heading next.

The first story involves some of the most powerful, richest, and most-connected people in the country.

Why are these guys not in jail?

Last fall, Bloomberg news published an article based on confidential sources about how Henry Paulson – the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and the Republican U.S. Treasury secretary during the financial crisis – held a secret meeting with the top 20 hedge-fund managers in New York City in late July 2008.

This was about two weeks after he testified to Congress that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were "well capitalized."

I knew for a fact that what Paulson told Congress wasn't true. I wrote my entire June 2008 newsletter detailing exactly why Fannie and Freddie certainly had billions of dollars in losses that they had not yet revealed to investors – $500 billion in losses, at least. There was no question in my mind... both companies were insolvent – "zeros," as I explained.

And yet, in front of Congress, the U.S. Treasury Secretary was saying exactly the opposite. Either I was a liar... or he was.

Then... only a few days later... what did Paulson tell those hedge-fund managers?

He told them the same thing I had written in my newsletter. He told them the opposite of what he'd said publicly to Congress. He told these billionaire investors that Fannie and Freddie were a disaster... They would require an enormous, multibillion-dollar bailout... The U.S. government would have to take them over... And their shareholders would be completely wiped out.

Here you had a high-government official explicitly lying to Congress (and by extension, the general public), while giving the real facts to a group of people who represented the financial interests of the world's wealthiest folks. The story didn't come to the public's attention for two years.

This was the most outrageous example of graft and corruption I have ever seen. Certainly it involves more billions of dollars in misappropriated value than any other similar story I can recall. These managers had the risk-free ability to make tens – if not hundreds – of billions of dollars by using derivatives to capitalize on what they knew was the imminent collapse of the world's largest mortgage bank.

Who picked up the tab? You know perfectly well: It was you and me, the taxpayers.

In an interesting side note: One of the investment managers present at this meeting was Steve Rattner, who by that point was already deeply involved in another bit of graft: his efforts to bribe New York state pension-fund managers for large investments into his hedge fund... from which he earned perhaps as much as $100 million. He later settled the charges for a mere $10 million shortly after Andrew Cuomo was elected governor of New York.

The Bloomberg story about a crooked Treasury Secretary handing a room full of crooked billionaires inside information worth billions of dollars hardly caused a ripple.

As far as I know, no actions are being planned against Henry Paulson or any of the hedge-fund managers involved. No other major media outlet picked up the story. I saw nothing about it from the Department of Justice or the Securities and Exchange Commission.

What does that say about our country when even the most egregious kind of corruption – involving hundreds of billions of dollars – is simply ignored?

It seems like everyone in our country has lost his moral bearing, from the highest government officials and senior corporate leaders all the way down to schoolteachers and local community leaders.

And here's the point: The ethos of my fellow Americans seems to have changed from one of personal integrity and responsibility to "getting yours" – the all-out attempt, by any means possible, to get the most amount of benefits with the least amount of work.                              
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #5 - 02/10/13 at 11:49:01
The evil rich are just that. They're moving out in droves renouncing their citizenship all the while its their business as usual here in the states. Its state and national. The rich are moving out of California to avoid high state taxes and the billionaires are renouncing their citizenship and becoming citizens of Switzerland, Cayman Islands etc. Their businesses and corporations are running full tilt here paying no taxes.

you would do the same.
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #6 - 02/10/13 at 12:15:30
you would do the same. So that makes it OK. You dont know what I would do but next time I mention evil rich not paying their share dont argue with me. They're legally stealing from this country and reaping all the benefits and you know it. You just admitted to it. I dont want nothing I havent worked for, I dont mind paying my fair share, and I dont want the benefits I've worked for most of my life taken away from me and given to a foreign country.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #7 - 02/10/13 at 14:46:23
They're legally stealing from this country and reaping all the benefits and you know it.
no, they are not. That's 100% silly. They are not stealing anything.

I dont want nothing I havent worked for
You get plenty you haven't worked for. Bill Gates has paid millions and millions over the years. You've paid a tiny amount comparatively speaking yet you drive on the same roads, rely on police and firemen... etc...

Don’t sit there and think you are self-sufficient and paid your way because you are not. You are nowhere near that. None of us are, I am certainly not. No one disputes the need to pay taxes, not even those ‘evil rich’. What they dispute are people like you demanding more and more; calling them evil. . Stop taking money from people. Start spending less.  Phil Michelson is right; screw California. You want to build goofy high speed trains and pay welfare for life to every Tom, thingy and Harry that ask for it, fine; go ahead, but you’re done getting my money.  I’m the same way, I’m getting ready to do my taxes and I’m going to freak out when I see what I owe and see what’s being wasted.
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #8 - 02/10/13 at 15:28:26
People like me demanding more and more? I dont ask for nothing I havent paid for or paid into. I worked over 40 years before I became disabled and asked for disability. No I dont have back problems. I dam near died 6 weeks ago from my desease (I developed blood clots in my lungs and was in IC for four days)and a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I got a workers permit when I was 12 years old and started working after school and paying into the system. I've paid my own way, I wont live long enough to get back what I paid into the system. I have Lupus, heart disease and now diabetes. My days are numbered and the gov. made money off of me. I wish I was healthy and could still work but thats not in the cards. Web you dont know who you are talking to or their situation. You name call and catorgorise people you know nothing about. Anyone who doesnt want to pay taxes in this country (Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, Tina Turner) shouldnt be allowed to work in this country. You can cry and moan all you want to about the goverment wasting your money but the bottom line is its the people you have elected doing it.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #9 - 02/11/13 at 05:12:51
here's another example. Tell me the outrage if you simply replace the name obama with Bush?...

We've both had the honor to work in the White House. We've seen presidents, vice presidents, chiefs of staff and national security advisers during moments of international crisis. We know that in these moments human beings make mistakes. There are failures of communication and errors of judgment. Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.
But there are standards. If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid. Due diligence must be demonstrated. A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do. On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief. In a crisis, the president went AWOL.
Thanks to the congressional testimony of outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey late last week, we know they met with President Obama on Sept. 11 at 5 p.m. in a pre-scheduled meeting, when they informed the president about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The meeting lasted about a half-hour. Mr. Panetta said they spent roughly 20 minutes of the session briefing the president on the chaos at the American Embassy in Cairo and the attack in Benghazi, which eventually cost the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and information officer Sean Smith.
Secretary Panetta said the president left operational details, including determination of what resources were available to help the Americans under siege, "up to us." We also learned that President Obama did not communicate in any way with Mr. Panetta or Gen. Dempsey the rest of that evening or that night. Indeed, Mr. Panetta and Gen. Dempsey testified they had no further contact at all with anyone in the White House that evening—or, for that matter, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
That's not all we discovered. We now know that despite Gen. Dempsey having been informed of Ambassador Stevens's repeated warnings about the rise of terrorist elements in Benghazi, no forces were put in place or made ready nearby to respond to possible trouble. It also seems that during the actual attacks in Benghazi, which the administration followed in real time and which lasted for some eight hours, not a single major military asset was deployed to help rescue Americans under assault.
And we learned one other thing: Messrs. Panetta and Dempsey both knew on the night of the assault that it was a terrorist attack. This didn't prevent President Obama, Secretary Clinton and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice from peddling a false version of events in the days and even weeks that followed, as the administration called the incident spontaneous, said there was no evidence of a coordinated terrorist attack and blamed the violence on an anti-Muslim video. So the White House, having failed to ensure that anything was done during the attack, went on to mislead the nation afterward.
Why the deception? Presumably for two reasons. The first is that the true account of events undercut the president's claim during the campaign that al Qaeda was severely weakened in the aftermath of the killing of Osama bin Laden. The second is that a true account of what happened in Benghazi that night would have revealed that the president and his top national-security advisers did not treat a lethal attack by Islamic terrorists on Americans as a crisis. The commander in chief not only didn't convene a meeting in the Situation Room; he didn't even bother to call his Defense secretary or the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Not a single presidential finger was lifted to help Americans under attack.
This is an embarrassment and a disgrace. Is it too much to hope that President Obama is privately ashamed of his inattention and passivity that night? And that he has resolved, and instructed his senior staff, to take care that he not be derelict in his duty as commander in chief ever again?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #10 - 02/11/13 at 05:14:40
Web you dont know who you are talking to or their situation. You name call and catorgorise people you know nothing about. Anyone who doesnt want to pay taxes in this country (Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, Tina Turner) shouldnt be allowed to work in this country. You can cry and moan all you want to about the goverment wasting your money but the bottom line is its the people you have elected doing it.

who said they didn't want to pay taxes? Tell me where you read that? Reprint it? I don't know crap about Tina Turner, but that's not what Mickelson and Woods said. they said they paid enough. There's a big, big difference. Work with facts Midnight, not speculation.
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #11 - 02/11/13 at 13:15:45
Tina Turner renounced her American citizenship and became a citizen of Switzerland. Its been in the news everywhere. I dont think anyone in my cond (totallydisabled) with no way of earning any income should have to pay taxes but I do. I just wish my money was spent here more wisely, but I'm not in control and no matter who I vote for they always let me down. Dont accuse me of whining for entitlement because I've paid into the system more than I'll ever get back. I'd give anything to be working right now paying more taxes.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #12 - 02/11/13 at 14:41:53
Benghazi was a major cluster. I'm no longer an Obama fanboy. I voted for him the first time but it just didnt feel right this time. Didnt vote for Romney either. Obama is ten times the man Romney will ever be but politically they're on equal footing. Obama has got away with more than any president in my lifetime. I dont like rappers in the Whitehouse who brag about killing white people and LEO's. If I were president and I invited David Allen Coe to the whitehouse (he's recorded several songs with the N word) I'd be impeached the next day. I dont like the gov buying up all this hollow point ammo. I've got a gut feeling something bad is coming down the pipe. They cant disarm us but they can kill us.They cant keep spending trying to rule the planet while here at home everything has gone to hell. The American people are polled but the politicians we voted into office vote against our wishes, siding with the major corporations most who pay no taxes. Everyday we lose more freedoms, our email is watched, telephone conversations monitored and drones flying over your house filming your activities. This isnt the same country I was born in.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

old  tired

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genoa city wisconsin
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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #13 - 02/11/13 at 15:34:40
Where did the people train that did the Benghazi attack and how many were killed.Where did the people train that took down the Towers and how many were killed.
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william h krumpen
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Serious Thumper

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Re: The fourth estate has let us down
Reply #14 - 02/11/13 at 16:08:36
I dont think anyone in my cond (totallydisabled) with no way of earning any income should have to pay taxes but I do
I agree; you shouldn't have to. The rich pay plenty, it's not revenue, its spending. Stop taking anymore money from anyone. they have enough.

it's a free country so I guess Tina Turner can do what she wants.
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