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From the end of last century..... (Read 158 times)
Serious Thumper

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From the end of last century.....
11/23/12 at 12:45:14
Dealing with some issues from close friends who use to live by us, years ago, in California. They moved away, to Nevada, to raise their kids. We stayed put until 9 years ago when we moved to the Pacific Northwest. We maintained contact with visits until life got in the way.

They have a daughter who chose drugs at 15 or so.
To feed her use, the crime of theft was used.

They called a few years ago asking to visit us, we said sure.

They showed with her in tow and a boyfriend, to boot, without so much as asking us if its was ok. Then they proceeded to almost double their stay, without asking once again.
We got through it and licked our wounds.

Upon return she was busted once again and sent to prison, again. She ripped off his (the dads) sisters house.
They defended her in court saying it was her boyfriend, and not her.

To prison she went.

About 2 years ago they found a house by us on the internet and asked if we could help in them buying it (not with money, but in lining up an agent, etc). We did, the daughter was in prison in Nevada, and they moved here to, as they put it, "Start over".

She came up for parole, he (the dad) went and promised the courts he was living in a better place, away from all the influences of her past, and said he wanted her to move here and he'd agree to her probation mandates. The judge granted it against the objection of family members with differing opines.

She is/was here now, same results, she has found her drugs. She rips off what she needs and only returns to steal again.
Our friends invite us in (advice) only to ignore our pleads.

Last night while have Thanksgiving with them he went and got her once again down at the ferry. She returned cranked to the max after telling them she had been in treatment since her last escape where she ripped them off.
Only this time she brought another person, a man they had never met, but one her daughter says, he (this new guy) wants to help her get clean. They introduced him to me, my wife, and son and I could tell he only came to get in on the booty.

We left, and since our calls and texting  go unanswered....

As you can tell, I need to back away from it, as my frustration is turning to anger, and of course that is never a good place to deal from.
Knowing that, I did some internet searching with the hope of getting a better understanding into my emotions, reactions, etc....
and came across this.

I'd love here some thoughts on this mans essay if you will.

BTW, I'm 10 years sober from drinking most of my life. I know the lies I told to keep in my booze. I now know I lied to myself as well. I know I can't change what I did. What I can do is live in the moment, for that is all I have. To do so requires I'm honest and open at all times. For if not, then darkness can slip back in without me evening knowing it, evil is that good!


By Douglas Yeo
This column originally appeared in The Lexington Minuteman
September 26, 1996. © 1996 Douglas Yeo. All Rights Reserved.

It perhaps came as no surprise to most, but reasonable citizens likely shook their head in disbelief when, on September 10, they opened their Boston Globe to read the screaming headline, "Study: Parents expect teenagers to try drugs." What goes around comes around, I guess. Now that the pot smoking baby boomers of the 1960's and 70's have kids that are old enough to know better, their children are not only trying and using drugs but mom and dad are simply shrugging their shoulders as if it's not a big deal and they are powerless to stop it.

Drugs have been a hot topic even in our quiet little bedroom community. The alarm bells went off in January when the results of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, given to students at Lexington High School in 1995, were reported. The numbers weren't just bad - they were catastrophic. 42% of LHS students admitted they had tried marijuana (lest we think this is no big deal, reports indicated that the pot sold on the streets today is 10 times stronger than that which Bill Clinton didn't inhale in the 60's), 10% have smoked pot on school property and a stunning 44% said someone had offered, sold or given them an illegal drug on school property in the last 12 months. This is not good.

Naturally there was the predictable call for more drug education in the schools. The mostly ineffective security guard at the high school has been replaced by a policeman and our new D.A.R.E. officer (a terrific guy, I hear) is now doing his thing in the elementary schools. But all of these interdictions are too little and too late. The real solution to the problem lies with parents, and that's why the new survey telling us that parents expect their kids to "do drugs" is so disturbing.

We have reached a true crisis in our society, one that is far more serious than alleged homophobia, historically revisionistic multi-cultural education and the curricular fiasco being foisted on our elementary school students called the University of Chicago math program. The real, significant crisis is the fact that so many parents today have given up being parents. They feel helpless, unable, or uninterested in actually parenting their children, or, in the ultimate misguided application of the PC twins "tolerance and diversity," they feel they have no "right" to interfere in their children's dysfunctional journey through puberty. Perplexed and paralyzed, many parents (two-thirds in the recent survey) simply feel they have no control over their children's inevitable experimentation with drugs and turn to the schools, police and courts to parent their children.

This is wrong.

What the Globe story, in its accent on the horrifyingly negative statistics, failed to mention was that the report showed clearly why kids who don't use drugs decline to smoke a joint when it's offered. Kids who don't use drugs: live in homes where religion is important, have an active, personally interactive family life, believe that using drugs is morally wrong and have a fear of the consequences should they get caught using drugs.

Alas, many parents feel that inculcating these important virtues in their children is either not possible or not permissible, as our PC police (beginning with First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton) are more interested in promoting the "rights" of children over teaching them what is "right." Digby Anderson, in his insightful introduction to This Will Hurt: The Restoration of Virtue and Civic Order, comments, "Older societies were not afraid to discuss and use conscience, guilt, pain, shame, ostracism, degradation, ridicule, stigma, authority, example, approbation, and uniformity to make men good and hold society together. . . They knew that men have bad, selfish, and destructive appetites which must be restrained and that civilization is a precarious thing."

Having sensed that many parents have abdicated their role as teacher and example for their own children, our schools are giving it a go. But when it comes to teaching "virtue" (bedrock principles of right and wrong that have been the glue of societies for the last 6000 years) as opposed to "values" (personal principles that can be relative and neutral), the schools do no better. The D.A.R.E. program continues despite study after study that has proven it utterly ineffective in keeping kids from experimenting with drugs. The policeman now stationed at the High School is a near impotent enforcer; stripped of his uniform and gun (so as not to make students feel "uneasy"), there seems to be a vague hope that kids will see him as their friend rather than the authority of the law he is. And, echoing the confused thinking of many of today's parents regarding drugs, there is the condom distribution program at the high school. A parent quoted in the Globe story on parent attitudes about adolescent drug use said, "It's not so much that people are resigned [to kids using drugs]; I think they're realistic. Drugs are everywhere and that's hard." Substitute the word "sex" for "drugs" and you have the pathetic, flimsy rationale that continues to prop up the condom program at LHS. Never mind that we have a "zero tolerance" for drugs. The message is that using them is ALWAYS wrong. But with sex, well, we can fudge on that one, giving an equivocal abstinence message on one hand while handing out condoms with the other.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin has put his finger on the real problem we face. "We usually ask, 'What has caused our lives to become so much more squalid, expensive and dangerous?' Instead, we should be asking, 'What did we used to do that kept society so stable, safe and prosperous?'" The answers are simple if we have the courage to face them. Parents need to be parents. Children must be taught by example what is right and wrong. Those who disobey the accepted moral/social virtues shall meet with proportionate public punishment. And we must give up the inane notion that we are powerless to stop the slide into the abyss. Instead of throwing up our hands, we must roll up our sleeves and go about the business of getting our own families in order. Now. Before it's too late.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #1 - 11/23/12 at 14:49:45
IMO, she'll never recover till she hits rock bottom and wants to pull her self out.  You know it as well as I do.  I've lived with my brother these last 6 years till he died just recently of liver disease brought on by his drug use.  One addiction just rolled over to the next one.  And if he didn't have to be somewhat straight for his racing, would've died a long time ago.

So there you go, something has to motivate them to being straight.  Until that's found, they all might as well be in prison/camp/whatever.

But guess what, you gotta apply the same to your friends... Support, honesty, responsibility.  Sure, they're friends, in trouble, their thinking aint to clear.  My opinion of the boyfriend is a sign of their weakness... she aint coming unless the bf does... too bad... I guess you're not committed to change either... so stay.

"can't run from your troubles, aint no place that far" "Song of the South"

You're fortunate not to be included in the "whats yours is mine" game.  At least she respects you that much.
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #2 - 11/23/12 at 15:21:00
Raydawg, you've done more than you needed and certainly more than you should.  FRIENDS don't subject their FRIENDS to this chit!  Move on and remember, you have a wife and child, which are your FIRST priority.  Until your "friends" can accept the simple fact, their daughter is lost and probably lost forever, nothing will change.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #3 - 11/23/12 at 15:44:41
Thanks for the replies, I posted this with the hope of honest "detached" replies.
Right before we left last night they wanted to draw names for Christmas, so my wife wrote down all who would be there for "sure". When the mother asked my wife if she included their daughter, she said no. The mother said well we need to redo the draw then. We excused ourselves and said we try later....
But in all honesty, which I wasn't at that particular moment, I should have boldly acclaimed we would not be participants in a faux celebration and have no need to draw as we cannot  commit our support under the terms they have agreed to live.

My wife finally did contact the mother today, and she said how nice it was to have her daughter there, asking my wife to agree. My wife said she could not believe what she saw. The mother said, her exact words,
"yeah, she was not herself"....WTF, yeah she was, she is a street heroin addict, NOT the little girl they have trapped in their mind past.
My wife asked for the parole officers #, but was told no. Understand they signed an agreement to not allow any of this and if the daughter did they would report her. Which, of course, shows the daughter its ok to lie to get what you want.

Again, thanks for letting me vent, and for your advice. I want to just call the police so she gets put back into the systems where that rock bottom might be found. I fear the only bottom she'll find on this present course is death, and you can kiss hope goodbye with that scenario....

PS: If any of you are/know folk in the criminal justice system, please, you have my permission to forward my email address listed here on the site to them. Armed with knowledge and assistance from such, perhaps a remedy could be found.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Cavi Mike
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #4 - 11/23/12 at 15:48:20
Death and incarceration are not ways to scare a person straight. Scare tactics don't work. It's a shame so many people think it will.

*edit* By the way, I am an addict. The only thing that helped me was when I realized how disgusted I was with myself to let a substance control my life.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #5 - 11/23/12 at 16:07:58
Hey Mike.....thanks.  Never having been incarcerated I only went to rehab once. Thank goodness I found some serious help, and of course a serious effort on my part helped in getting sober. My thinking runs the further a person gets away from using, basically living life on life's terms, you begin to realize you lived a lot on false beliefs and assumptions based on simple ignorance. The cleaner you get your mind now begins to understand the things that use to riddle us. That separation, forced, at least offers a better chance at finding it than just hoping the chamber holds no bullet, eh?
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #6 - 11/23/12 at 17:36:33
Dawg, it's their business and problem - don't get involved any more than you have already.   If you call the police or PO you will be blamed for making things go from bad to worse (and yes, if she hasn't hit bottom, things will).   You will probably lose your friends in the process.

Versy is right, nobody can help her until she is ready; the cure is internal, not external.   And that means going against every parental instinct by totally shunning her.  Anything else is enabling her behavior, and making things worse, even tho that's so hard for a parent to accept.  I suspect her parents are probably doing that now.   The parents need to understand that it's NOT their fault!   She will milk any sympathy for that as long as she can, until they can't take anymore and fully detach.   So it's better they do that sooner rather than later, after so much damage to everyone.   She needs to understand that if she wants the drugs that much, they come at a price.  So she must also accept the lifestyle that goes with it; being dirty, smelly, hooking, diseases, and no motivation, other than chasing the dragon toward the inevitable.

As far as reasoning with her...  the daughter they think they are dealing with is no longer there.   She has been replaced by an insane irrational slave to a chemical, that can take on the facade of being their daughter to gain favor.   The drive to get the chemical has completely overshadowed any normal human feelings of love, friendship, and compassion.   I know this sounds harsh, but unless you are experienced dealing with this (most parents aren't), things can be very deceiving, and THAT is the nature of the beast.
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #7 - 11/23/12 at 19:25:51
If you really want some names, my farmhand is a former l.e.o. and corrections officer from out there. But it won't help matters any.

Until her parents crowbar their heads out of their butts and cut her off, nothing is going to change. Trust me, been there with my  alcoholic/addict  stepson and his "friends" (that means enablers, dealers, buyers when he was underage...). Been there myself when I was in the Navy and my second wife got killed on her motorcycle. I can just vaguely remember my time in service.

Best advice? Wash your hands of the whole mess and be there for the parents after they end up burying her. You don't come back from meth.
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #8 - 11/24/12 at 06:26:47
Cavi Mike wrote on 11/23/12 at 15:48:20:
Death and incarceration are not ways to scare a person straight. Scare tactics don't work. It's a shame so many people think it will.

Each case is different, people are all different with individual needs and issues. Certain treatments and exposures work for some and not for others, there is no one answer to helping or "curing" any type of addict.  The only constant is that they can't truely be helped until they themselves come to the rationalization that they need help.

Ray you and your wife have tried to be there for your friends and their daughter, but until they come to terms with what/who she is I don't think it's healthy for you to be involved. Keep trying to get them to see the light and be supportive, but be leary of getting involved directly. I fear until they reolize just how bad things are with her your relationship will be strained.
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #9 - 11/24/12 at 10:29:07
Thanks all who took the time to share, it really helps!

An update: They took the BF and their daughter back down to the ferry and let them return to the streets of Seattle. Her pleas for money went unfulfilled, or so I'm told by the mother. She, by herself, came down last night. My wife and I talked to her. She really does appear firm in stance to not accept the condition her daughter wants, and reports she told her so. That no longer will she abide or share her life with her as she is. We hugged and cried, and affirmed again we are here for her. Even tho I wish her husband had come too, I understand he wants to sort the pain alone right now. I accept as fact it was a giant step for him to return her to the dock.
I wish they would honor the agreement they made with the judicial system to inform them of the default of terms they all agreed to. My worry is she will die on these streets, and it could very well include other innocent people in the process. I know that is a big assumption on my part and only adds more confusion to an already confusing situation. I'll keep that thought to myself.....

Again thanks guys, and to those of you who believe in the power of prayer, please if you can offer one for Annmarie, that in the depth of despair and fear of that she fleas, she finds truth and forgiveness in the power that can offer it.....thanks!

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #10 - 11/24/12 at 18:28:11
I just wanted to add a little to what I sent via the PM.
Encourage your friends that they did not just through their daughter away, but that through faith in God they have put her into HIS hands, and what better place can she be ?  He loves her more than they do and if she will respond to Him at all then He will take care of what she needs....a relationship with Hom.  HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL HEALING.
HE IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE IS SEARCHING FOR but just does not realizes it yet.
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #11 - 11/25/12 at 09:09:40 the blink of an eye, when I surrendered my will, and all its failings, at repeatedly trying/really wanting, to stop my destructive drinking, hurting of the ones I loved so dearly, was it ever stopped.
What made no sense before, made sense. What scared me before, became impotent, and could no longer drive me to fear.
Inner turmoil, became peace.....
Serenity and joy were the norm when my will yields to the very power that uses it for real truth and love.
Ten years and never a once has it failed, no, it only gets stronger and better as I become more like Him!

PM back at ya bro  Kiss
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #12 - 11/25/12 at 09:52:33
I don't want to step on toes here, but this is starting to spill over into an area best suited to Politics and Religion.   Please don't start any flames, but read the guidelines for The Cafe.
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The JOURNEY is the reward!
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #13 - 11/25/12 at 11:05:16
Flame war, I hope not......
One day perhaps mankind will rise to an understanding of real tolerance, not being offended by another beliefs as an attack on their own, be it political, religious, or choice of scooters  Cheesy
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: From the end of last century.....
Reply #14 - 11/25/12 at 15:16:26
360k+ wrote on 11/25/12 at 09:52:33:
I don't want to step on toes here, but this is starting to spill over into an area best suited to Politics and Religion.   Please don't start any flames, but read the guidelines for The Cafe.

Really? Asking for a prayer, or giving a prayer might put a thread in Politics and Religion? There is no debate involved here! Shocked
What about all the prayers offered for Skat??
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