Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
A proper hormone test requires spitting in a tube at certain times during the day,, not sure any more if it is more than 1 tube or more than one day, but Ive done it,, My Dr asked me 3 times if I was taki8ng any testosterone supplements,, & No,, I wasnt. She said I had levels of a 16 Y/O when I was in my late 40's. Then, she also said I had higher than normal estrogen,, for a man, but nothing near comparable to the testy levels.. Yes, steer away from soy. Hmm,, inatt sumthin? Look at how much soy is sold as infant formula,, I wonder what impact thats having on the boys.. & the girls,, Awwww,, everythings okay,.,kids are developing just like they did before that soy push,.,arent they?