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When are the republicans going to stop whining?? (Read 248 times)
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #15 - 11/16/12 at 09:55:40
I'm not whining; i'm just pointing out reality. There is no way to argue that point, obama got a pass compared to Bush. that's history now, doesn't matter going forward. I just wouldn't want you guys to get by with re-writing too much history...

As far as whining about the election, I'm not. You won the election by promising to give away more stuff taken from others who earned it. Pretty simple formula. It worked for you, congrats. Now you own the fallout.
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #16 - 11/16/12 at 10:28:16
WebsterMark wrote on 11/16/12 at 09:49:50:
His treatment at their hands has no precedent in American history.

You’ve got to be kidding, right?

First off, the goal of the opposition is to ALWAYS have a one term presidency for the opposition, always. To say otherwise is delusional.
Secondly, no President and I mean no President was attacked mercilessly more than Bush. It’s not even close.

My bad. I should just agree that Obama is a foriegn-born Kenyan Muslim commie nazi who's secretly planning to take away everybody's guns in furtherance of his Gay Agenda. I should accept Doanal Trump for the true, selfless patriot that he is, And in any case, we need to get the white back in the White House. Yep, Obama's presidency has been a cake walk.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #17 - 11/16/12 at 10:37:20
We're not whining as much as figuring out why we lost.  Wrong candidate?  Ineffective message?  Ineffective communication?  Voters who stayed home?  Wrong VP candidate?  All questions that the losing party always asks.

As I recall, the same thing that the Dems did after Kerry lost.  You guys take this stuff too seriously - politics is a game, but one with significant consequences.  Bammy won fair and square, and for that, he's to be congratulated.  Campaigns are getting more negative every election, but those are the evolving rules of this game.

What I see happening is that primaries are getting more hotly contested, which makes for two negatives for any challenger who wins out in the primaries - he has to spend a boat load of money to win the primary that the incumbent doesn't spend and can save for the general election campaign; and the winner of the primary emerges bruised by all of the negatives that he gets thrown at him by the others in the primary.  Again, the incumbent avoids that.

In 2016, when there will be no incumbent, both parties will have to go thru the primary process, and the playing field of our game of politics will be more even.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #18 - 11/16/12 at 10:37:47
if 10 times what you just said was heeped on Bush in just one day, it would have been a break from the norm.

the american media handled him with kid gloves and continue to do so.
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #19 - 11/16/12 at 11:08:08
"if 10 times what you just said was heeped on Bush in just one day, it would have been a break from the norm.

the american media handled him with kid gloves and continue to do so."wm

"No President and I mean NO President was attacked mercilessly more than Bush. It’s not even close."WM

Grin Grin Grin

Well if Obama had started a war for profit against a country that had done us no harm.
And if Obama and his minions had stood up in front of the American people and lied us into that war with bullsh!t about WMD's and mushroom clouds.
And if Obama had caused the deaths of over 4000 US soldiers in that war and killed over 100 000 civilians in said country including women, children, babies, fetuses, embryos, zygotes, eggs etc.
And if Obame had driven the US into total financial ruin by borrowing trillions for his wars.
And if Obama had let 9/11 happen on his watch killing over 3000 Americans and costing billions more in damages.
And if Obama had played kissy face with the Saudi royal family when he knew the hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and then flew the BinLaden family out of the US after the massacre when all other flights were grounded.
And if Obama had landed on an aircraft carrier that was waiting for him for two days 3 miles off shore, in a flight suit, swaggering his way to a banner 100 hundred feet wide reading "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" to lie about his war being over.
And if Obama had swaggered and smirked his way through his presidency saying God tells him what to do, and God chose him for the presidentcy.
And if Obama had drank and snorted coke for eight years.

Tired of to continue:

Here is a partial list of W's accomplishments IN JUST HIS FIRST YEAR!


George W. Bush's FIRST Year In Office (List of 77 Accomplishments*).
In George W. Bush's first year in office he:

1. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.
2. Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million.
3. Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced pediatric training.
4. Cut funding for research into renewable energy sources by 50%.
5. Revoked rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water.

6. Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English speaking persons. This, from a candidate who would readily fire-up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be Hispanic voters.
7. Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii (please see San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2001).
8. Cut funding for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks by 28%
9. Suspended rules that would have strengthened the government's ability to deny contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental and other federal laws.
10. Approved the sending of letters by Interior Department appointee Gale Norton to state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and foresting.

11. Appointed John Negroponte -- an unindicted high-level Iran Contra figure to the post of United Nations Ambassador.
12. Abandoned a campaign pledge to invest $100 million for rainforest conservation.
13. Reduced by 86% the Community Access Program for public hospitals, clinics and providers of care for people without insurance.
14. Rescinded a proposal to increase public access to information about the potential consequences resulting from chemical plant accidents.
15. Suspended rules that would require hardrock miners to clean up sites on public lands.

16. Cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for public housing.
17. Proposed to eliminate a federal program, designed and successfully used in Seattle, to help communities prepare for natural disasters.
18. Pulled out of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty global warming agreement. 19. Cut $200 million of work force training for dislocated workers.
20. Eliminated funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, which encourages farmers to maintain wetlands habitat on their property.

21. Cut program to provide childcare to low-income families as they move from welfare to work.
22. Cut a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to federal employees (though it still pays for Viagra).
23. Cut $700 million in capital funds for repairs in public housing.
24. Appointed Otto Reich -- an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure -- to Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.
25. Cut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency by $500 million.

26. Proposed to curtail the ability of groups to sue in order to get an animal placed on the Endangered Species List.
27. Rescinded the rule that mandated increased energy-saving efficiency regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps.
28. Repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health and safety.
29. Abandoned campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide, the waste gas that contributes to global warming.
30. Banned federal aid to international family planning programs that offer abortion counseling with other independent funds.

31. Closed the White House Office for Women's Health Initiatives and Outreach.
32. Nominated David Lauriski -- an ex-mining company executive --- to post of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.
33. Approved a controversial plan by Interior Secretary Gale Norton to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast of eastern Florida.
34. Announced intention to open up Montana's Lewis and Clark National Forest to oil and drilling.
35. Proposes to re-draw boundaries of nation's monuments, which would technically allow oil and gas drilling "outside" of national monuments.

36. Gutted the White House AIDS Office.
37. Renegotiated a free trade agreement with Jordan to eliminate workers's rights and safeguards for the environment.
38. Will no longer seek guidance from The American Bar Association in recommendations for the federal judiciary appointments.
39. Appointed recycling foe Lynn Scarlett as Undersecretary of the Interior.
40. Took steps to abolish the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

41. Cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program.
42. Allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to shelve citizen-led grizzly bear re-introduction plan scheduled for Idaho and Montana wilderness.
43. Continues to hold up federal funding for stem cell research projects.
44. Makes sure convicted misdemeanor drug users cannot get financial aid for college, though convicted murderers can.
45. Refused to fund continued cleanup of uranium-slag heap in Utah.

46. Refused to fund continued litigation of the government's tobacco company lawsuit.
47. Proposed a $2 trillion tax cut, 43% of which will go to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
48. Signed a bill making it harder for poor and middle-class Americans to file for bankruptcy, even in the case of daunting medical bills.
49. Appointed a Vice President quoted as saying "If you want to do something about carbon dioxide emissions, then you ought to build nuclear power plants." (Meet the Press.")
50. Appointed Diana Roth to the Council of Economic Advisers. ("There is no gender gap in pay", Boston Globe, March 28, 2001.)

51. Appointed Kay Cole James, an opponent of affirmative action, to direct the Office of Personnel Management.
52. Cut $15.7 million earmarked for states to investigate cases of child abuse and neglect.
53. Helped kill a law designed to make it tougher for teenagers to get credit cards.
54. Proposed elimination of the "Reading is Fundamental" program that gives free books to poor children.
55. Is pushing for development of small nuclear arms to attack deeply buried targets and weapons. This would violate the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

56. Proposes to nominate Jeffrey Sutton, the attorney responsible for a recent case weakening the Americans with Disabilities Act, to federal appeals court judgeship.
57. Proposes to reverse regulation protecting 60 million acres of national forest from logging and road building.
58. Eliminated funding for the "We the People" education program which taught school children about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and citizenship.
59. Appointed John Bolton, who opposes nonproliferation treaties and the UN, to Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.
60. Nominated Linda Fisher, an executive with Monsanto, for the number-two job at the Environmental Protection Agency.

61. Nominated Michael McConnell, leading critic of the separation of church and state, to a federal judgeship.
62. Nominated Terrence Boyle, an ardent opponent of civil rights, to a federal judgeship.
63. Canceled 2004 deadline for automakers to develop prototype high mileage cars.
64. Nominated Harvey Pitts, a lawyer for a teen sex video distributor, to head SEC.
65. Nominated John Walters, a strong opponent of prison drug treatment programs, to be Drug Tsar. (Washington Post, May 16, 2001.)

66. Nominated J. Steven Giles, an oil and coal lobbyist, for Deputy Secretary of the Interior.
67. Nominated Bennett Raley, who advocates repealing the Endangered Species Act, for Assistant Secretary for Water and Science
68. Is seeking the dismissal of class-action lawsuit filed in the US against Japan by Asian women forced to work as sex slaves during WWII.
69. Earmarked $4 million in new federal grant money for HIV and drug abuse prevention programs to go only to religious groups and not secular equivalents.
70. Reduced the Low Income Home Assistance Program by 40%; it aided low-income individuals who need assistance paying energy bills.

71. Nominated Ted Olson, who has repeatedly lied about his involvement with the Scaiffe-funded "Arkansas Project" to bring down Bill Clinton, for Solicitor General.
72. Nominated Terrance Boyle, a foe of civil rights, to a federal judgeship.
73. Proposes to ease permit process, including environmental considerations, for refinery, nuclear and hydroelectric dam construction. (Washington Post, May 18, 2001.)
74. Proposes to give government the authority to take private property through eminent domain for power lines.
75. Proposes that $1.2 billion in funding for alternative renewable energy come from selling oil and gas lease tracts in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve.
76. Plans on serving genetically engineered foods at all official government functions.
77. Forced out Forest Service chief Mike Dombeck and appointed a timber industry lobbyist.
78. Allowed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 to take place through personal inaction and unwarranted tinkering with our nation's intelligence apparatus.


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« Last Edit: 11/16/12 at 19:57:01 by Starlifter »  

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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #20 - 11/16/12 at 11:25:09
WebsterMark wrote on 11/16/12 at 09:49:50:
His treatment at their hands has no precedent in American history.

You’ve got to be kidding, right?

First off, the goal of the opposition is to ALWAYS have a one term presidency for the opposition, always. To say otherwise is delusional.

But the democrats didn't say "make him a 1 term president" or the other wonderful Lindsay Graham I think who said - "Come november the republicans are going to be like @ conjugal visit time at the state penitentiary" - To have sex with a convict ??? Yea I think so ...

WebsterMark wrote on 11/16/12 at 09:49:50:
Secondly, no President and I mean no President was attacked mercilessly more than Bush. It’s not even close.

And I'd easily make the case that ... no one deserved it more than the bushies baby ... Not only was he a moron and let his VP - Devil Cheney run the country, he also gave massive tax breaks to his cronies - TX oil companies, gave out massive handout's to the wealthy and super wealthy, pumped up the housing bubble cos well, he didn't want to run for re election in a down economy, as well as invade 2 countries under false pretenses without an exit strategy.

Yes if you are a moron, some people are going to point it out.

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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #21 - 11/16/12 at 11:59:19
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/16/12 at 10:37:20:
We're not whining as much as figuring out why we lost.  Wrong candidate?  Ineffective message?  Ineffective communication?  Voters who stayed home?  Wrong VP candidate?  All questions that the losing party always asks.

None of the superficial stuff...
Look at the the policies and behavior over the last 4 years...
Lots of talk about the economy and jobs,... but no action... 100's of legislative attempts to ban abortion, at the federal and state levels...
Holding their breath 'till they turn blue, to fight against any legislation to create jobs,.. in the hope of ruining Obama's 1st term, and preventing a second one...
Work for the people,.. not the party... Wink...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #22 - 11/16/12 at 13:15:36
And FWIW, Haley Barbour, hardily a spokesman for the left, has suggested that the GOP would benefit from a proctological exam. Just sayin'...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #23 - 11/16/12 at 13:22:27
Yeah, I agree.  We've got to get more inclusive.  Intelligent people come in all sizes, genders, ages and races.  We've got to get them into the GOP fold.

My father said it best when, as a lifelong Democrat, he switched to the GOP in 1960.  He said the Dems had always been the party of the working man, but had become the party of the non-working man.  He saw it even back then, and it's only progressively gotten more so since.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #24 - 11/16/12 at 14:08:18
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/16/12 at 13:22:27:
Yeah, I agree.  We've got to get more inclusive.  Intelligent people come in all sizes, genders, ages and races.  We've got to get them into the GOP fold.

My father said it best when, as a lifelong Democrat, he switched to the GOP in 1960.  He said the Dems had always been the party of the working man, but had become the party of the non-working man.  He saw it even back then, and it's only progressively gotten more so since.

Romney did better than McCain, I woulda voted for Romney if I was in a swing state, as it was I was free to give my vote to Gary Johnson.

it comes down to are there more hard core conservatives that couldn't vote for "liberal" Romney or more moderates like me, idk
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #25 - 11/16/12 at 14:17:43
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #26 - 11/16/12 at 14:34:55
Anyone who believes the GOP is the working man's party probably embraces Marie Antionett's dietary suggestions. Tired, inaccurate bromides villifying half the population won't bring us to a worthwhile exchange of ideas.

The GOP has become the province of  hatred,racism, bigotry, mysoginy, etc., etc., lead by Tea Baggers, Faux News, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, etc., etc.. People IN THE GOP now acknowledge this. It is to be hoped that such wiser heads will prevail, allowing us all to engage in meaningful dialogue. Failing that, the GOP will continue to be further marginalized by its own shortsighted intransigence, and the country will suffer for want of potentially desirable input.
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White '07, OEM wind screen, 1" seat lift, re-shaped OEM seat, seat beads, TKat, Dyna muffler (Serowbot), Raptor petcock, seat pins (Verslagen1), Big Crank.
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #27 - 11/16/12 at 20:03:09
Spot on Arizuno.
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #28 - 11/16/12 at 21:35:19
"You won the election by promising to give away more stuff taken from others who earned it. Pretty simple formula."WM

Not so simple. The repubs promised to give a whole lot of  "stuff" " to their entities who supported them e.g. millionaires and billionaires in the form of huge tax cuts, the resending of the clean air regulations, union busting, no healthcare, pensions or benefits to pay out to their employees...Talk about taking stuff away from those who earned it and giving it away to greed mongers and other slugs who plunder the system.

Why all the "Free Stuff" Bullsh!t? Because the 1% Needs to Pay Back the SS Trust Fund...You see, Reagan and Greenspan (and later Bush II) used the $3 Trillion SS Trust Fund to justify Tax Cuts for the Rich.

If you really want to stop people from getting "free stuff," how about we cut down on welfare to the military-industrial complex, oil companies and drug corporations who don't need it? Those are the real looters and moochers feeding off the government.

And now that us Baby Boomers are about to retire and start redeeming said trust fund, well, the cupboard is bare. So where do we get the money to redeem that $3 trillion stolen.

And THAT's why the 1% are scared sh!tless and screaming "They Want Free Stuff!". We worked hard to build that Trust Fund. We want the money the wealthy got in undeserved tax breaks back. There ought to be a SS Trust Fund Abuse Prevention Act.

I'm sick of these sociopathic projections of the shiftless rich who have been getting free stuff for over 30 years now at the expense of working people.
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Re: When are the republicans going to stop whining
Reply #29 - 11/16/12 at 22:10:40
All Romney had to do was to promise the country he would do for it what he did for Mass. I honestly believe he was a good govenor. He might have gotten my vote.  What or who made him do a 180. Who made him choose Ryan, a despicable running mate? My buddy JOG's conspiracy theories get more believable every day.
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