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Are you a flasher? (Read 253 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Are you a flasher?
11/04/12 at 07:37:08
With my first bike, a honda rebel, I pretty much just rode with the high beam on, thinking it gave me more visibility. Did the same with my S40 when I first got it. Still had the proverbial idiots pull out in front of me, yada, yada, yada....
Got to fooling around with the button, I think my sales guy called it a passing light switch, on the lhs of the handlebar in front of the grip. For kicks, I turned my beam to low, and when I felt the need to advise a cager of my whereabouts, I'd trip the button.....darn, it works. I've since seen people starting to roll as they are looking toward me (past) and I activate it, and they quickly stop! Its a reactionary response on their part I believe. It's not like they see me, but subconsciously their mind warns them of something that they haven't, as yet assigned value, or knowledge to, and they react by stopping.
I have since employed it while riding at night as I come upon a blind intersection or curve....its eerie, the flashing lends another element  to the scene, one that is not easily missed. A cool feature, I believe it has readily improved the safety margin as such when riding  Smiley
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2206

Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #1 - 11/04/12 at 08:52:34
I have a flasher on my C50. I used it once to see what it does, a second time to show my GF what it does, and that's been it.
My Savage doesn't have a flasher.

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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #2 - 11/04/12 at 09:18:08
Yellow Button, left side, almost on front of the housing.
I ride Low Beam, when I see someone I REally want to see me, I hit that button & move back & forth across my lane.
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #3 - 11/04/12 at 10:11:21
hmm ...

I usually leave it on high beam for greater visibility, but you're probably correct that the low to high contrast would be more attention - getting.  

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the yellow switch does nothing if you're on "high", right?

I have noticed at night, if you set the beam on "low" and hold the yellow button in, you get a "better than High" beam  Smiley
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Serious Thumper

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pacific northwest
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #4 - 11/04/12 at 11:24:02
runwyrlph wrote on 11/04/12 at 10:11:21:
hmm ...

I usually leave it on high beam for greater visibility, but you're probably correct that the low to high contrast would be more attention - getting.  

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the yellow switch does nothing if you're on "high", right?

I have noticed at night, if you set the beam on "low" and hold the yellow button in, you get a "better than High" beam  Smiley has to be on low beam to work. As per the owners manual, what you are doing will cause damage to the headlamp, it will over heat and burn the area adjacent to where the front of the seat, rides against the rear of the fuel tank...... whats that smell?   Tongue
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #5 - 11/04/12 at 11:36:35
I do it all the time. I flash people who are pulling out and maybe see me, I feel the flasher gets their attention good. I also do it as I roll past people on the freeway to help remind them I'm there. It's not 100% tho, I almost got taken out by a fiat 500. Sad
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00' raptor - supertrapp - 52.5 - 155 - half spacer - versaved
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #6 - 11/04/12 at 11:57:05
I prefer the technique described here:

I couldn't say which is more effective, but people definitely notice you following the advice in that video.
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #7 - 11/04/12 at 12:24:11
Good video I learned a new maneuver!
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00' raptor - supertrapp - 52.5 - 155 - half spacer - versaved
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Serious Thumper

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Harvard, NE
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #8 - 11/04/12 at 12:31:36
The Savage does not have a "Flash to Pass" switch. That feature was added when Suzuki changed it to the S40 Boulevard. The S40 also got four-way flashers, which only work when the ignition is ON. The "Flash to Pass" turns on the high beam, but does not turn off the low beam, so both headlight filaments are lit. If you are already using the high beam, the switch does nothing.
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Mooresville, NC
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #9 - 11/04/12 at 15:52:03
I used to flash all the time, then I got married. Now I only flash while riding my S40 through intersections   Cheesy
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #10 - 11/04/12 at 16:28:53
i put a headlight modulator on my bike.  i keep it flashing unless i'm lined up behind somebody at a stop light/sign, etc. then flick it off.
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #11 - 11/04/12 at 21:18:01
I'm one who rides with the low beam on and uses high beam flashes when I think they're warranted.

Be careful if you do this, however, as some cagers will interpret a flash of the high beam as clearance to move.

The weave is good, too.  I started using this during the last year and like it.  I'm trying to remember to do it more often.....
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #12 - 11/05/12 at 08:28:41
I have thought about flashing - but I have not done so as I believe the message will be misunderstood.  In this area it is used by drivers to signal that it is OK to pull is given as "permission" to go ahead and "pull out in front of me".

I am seriously considering adding some form of flashing white strobe to get attention.  I would not have it on all the time.....and only use it when I believe I need to get some attention.  I have noticed that bicycle riders have these flashing white strobes, and they do attract attention and keep you from blending in with the background.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 1993
Mooresville, NC
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Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #13 - 11/05/12 at 12:05:39
Yea Dave the school buses here have white strobe lights, they definitely get your attention.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Are you a flasher?
Reply #14 - 11/05/12 at 17:07:47
IDK if its legal on a motorized vehicle, I DO know it would be Ultimate Dorkocity in action, but a whip with an orange pennant on it would Get attention,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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