With my first bike, a honda rebel, I pretty much just rode with the high beam on, thinking it gave me more visibility. Did the same with my S40 when I first got it. Still had the proverbial idiots pull out in front of me, yada, yada, yada....
Got to fooling around with the button, I think my sales guy called it a passing light switch, on the lhs of the handlebar in front of the grip. For kicks, I turned my beam to low, and when I felt the need to advise a cager of my whereabouts, I'd trip the button.....darn, it works. I've since seen people starting to roll as they are looking toward me (past) and I activate it, and they quickly stop! Its a reactionary response on their part I believe. It's not like they see me, but subconsciously their mind warns them of something that they haven't, as yet assigned value, or knowledge to, and they react by stopping.
I have since employed it while riding at night as I come upon a blind intersection or curve....its eerie, the flashing lends another element to the scene, one that is not easily missed. A cool feature, I believe it has readily improved the safety margin as such when riding