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Why didnt the get more security? (Read 395 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #75 - 10/30/12 at 08:03:38
This is a spin, look at my timeline.. Can't expect much from Faux news...

You cannot say 100% of everything that comes out fo Faux News is unreliable. That's 100% ridiculous.

To say this is a spin is a bit much, don't you think? Where is the 'spin'? Do you know what spin means? This is a report of what a reporter was told. Spin is what Bill O'Reily will do on his show tonight. Spin is what Chris Matthews will do on his show tonight.

The 3 networks, CNN, MSNBC, most major newspapers and pop culture are predominately liberal in their leanings and I do not discount 100% what they say. I have individuals I question everything on immediately (Rachel Maddow for example), but I don't discount it outright as lies.

Everyone has a bias, but to constantly discount anything with a Fox News byline is not reasonable. I looked at your timeline and asked questions about the gaps. Fox News published sources with reasonable questions and you discount with a sentence? Do you think that’s reasonable?
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #76 - 10/30/12 at 09:55:13
Everything from any Right Wing source that conflicts with your belief system is spin, or an outright lie, Ive shown you everything that you need to stop & think about, but, instead of being willing to accept the painful truth, that politics is a dirty business,, but its a Business,, & there are ways to do things that bring about support from the people, & they set up situations inn order to gain support,,darn little that happens is really as it appears. There are manipulations going on from behind the scenes, we are watching a huge puppet show, the same people own & operate BOth Sides, they get richer when people spend $$$ on bombs, guns, bullets, etc.

PLease, go look at the presidential cabinets from history, note the direction of the country as they slowly became 100% CFR & TRilateral & Bilderberger members,
Take note of when lobbyists & high ranking corporate members ( LIke VP of a pharmaceutical company becomes head of FDA) started being the norm,
This isnt BUbs Bad, Dems Good, or the other way, either.,They each move the globalist agenda forward, one moves us a few degrees ;eft, the other, a few degrees right, but the DIrection of American policy & laws are, less freedom for US, more DEbt for us, more militarism, it doesnt change, no matter who is in office,

& When the bub pass a HORRIBLE ,, OHH My Gaawd BIll,, & then the dems get in charge, why dont they repeal it?

Answer that last question,, just answer that ONE question,, or, admit theyre working together. unless thers some other excuse for it, I cant thyink of one,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #77 - 10/30/12 at 10:22:56
Answer that last question,,

Since the result of the changes / laws you are talking about almost always end up as giveaways which enslave another portion of the population, it's hard to change that. Look at SS and Medicare. Every democratic commercial says Romeny / Ryan will destroy Medicare 'as we know it', but fact is it is doomed without some changes. Yet, good luck getting a vote when you tell someone the handouts have got to change a little.

But on the whole, yea, politicians are no angels and they are not saviors. All and I mean ALL, politicians crave power to some degree. Some more than others.

I don't believe in all the wide ranging conspiracies and ‘connect the dots’ like you do. I don’t see it that way. I see the actions of those who pursue power and money have limited pathways they can travel. That make it seem like multiple people are joined at the hip, but it only seems that way.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #78 - 10/30/12 at 15:14:48
President Hopey’s all over the airways about this storm saying to state agencies ‘if anyone’s getting a no from the Federal Government, we need to know that etc….” and then this precious one “…this is American, we leave no one behind…”

....which leaves me to the conclusion if the 4 people killed in Benghazi had just said there was a hurricane bearing down on them and they had no way to vote for Obama, they might be alive today….
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #79 - 10/30/12 at 16:59:30
...which leaves me to the conclusion if the 4 people killed in Benghazi had just said there was a hurricane bearing down on them and they had no way to vote for Obama, they might be alive today….

Head shot
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #80 - 10/30/12 at 17:19:01
  Chris Christie just said Obama is doing a great job.. Meanwhile Romney is up to his lying arse in another whopper, moving Jeep to China.. The CEO of Chrysler/Jeep just called him a liar, yet he continues to run with it..... The man is about as honest as a two faced coin..  Your backing a loser, and chasing your own tails...
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #81 - 10/30/12 at 17:30:49
& IF everything you just said is 100% true, it changes not one thing I said in response to your post that you simply pretend is nonsense so you dont have to admit I destroyed your position.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #82 - 10/30/12 at 17:40:09
 Again JOG? You are certainly a legend in your own mind... I'm not going to wrestle with pigs anymore, your conspiracy is nothing more than an overactive imagination and internet GOP fantasy.. Give it up already...
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #83 - 10/30/12 at 19:00:07
& yet, you wil not reply on a line by line basis, I used straight logic, clear thinking & took your agenda based prattling apart. YOu just Declare youre right, go back, quote my reply to your post & dissect it, like I did yours,

You Will NOT, because you Cant,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #84 - 10/30/12 at 21:55:32
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 10/28/12 at 08:17:04:
Retread wrote on 10/28/12 at 06:46:11:
I'm saying he ignored eight months of national security notices... 9/11 followed, where was the outrage when 3K+ people died? Not a word was said, in fact when anyone even suggested the reasoning for the attack they were run out of town on a rail..

SO,, YOu thot that was a bad thing, did ya? Handled poorly, & all like that?

YOu didnt think he was properly held accountable?

& you thot that was Wrong?

SO< YOU want to perpetuate wrong by making sure YOUR guy isnt held accountable? BUsh wasnt, so its not fair here? OR, what? What are you saying? I REally dont want it to be what I just asked if youre saying..

Or, you REally dont believe , what? Obama was allowed to help, or Obama didnt really know they needed help or Obama wasnt even asked or told,, what?
PLease, tell me what make you believe Obama is not the Top Dog who is responsible for the failures of his admonistration.

I cant help but believe he would have been on TV, telling us all how great he is if he woulda got some help in there in time & they had a BIGASS fight & we won,, OHH it woulda all been HIm & what a Great Leader he is ,, But ,, no,, we bury 4

  Ok, Yes, anytime there is a security failure that results in 3K Americans killed, its a BAD thing..

  And no, he was never held accountable, nor took responsibility for this inaction!

  I am saying that you a hypocrite if you make a huge deal over Benghazi and not recognize 9/11's failures... And you are ignoring THIS President taking responsibility for it!!!

 I believe intel being passed alone was blurry to say the least, that he was not in charge of the situation, Panetta, and state dept security officials were... He still has TAKEN responsibility for it!!!

 So you think this President grandstands? Really? The only time he has ever done anything close to this nature was after Osama was killed, and then gave the credit to the seals on the ground! I think you have mistaken him for Mitt, he was the one on the air when Benghazi was going down accusing Obama of apologizing!!!

 Oh and Bush buried seven thousand!!!

  What else would you like refuted JOG?
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #85 - 10/30/12 at 22:25:52
First, I never gave Bush a pass, on anything, Im no hypocrite,. Your memory must be pretty short,
Now, you wanna talk about Libya?>
When I see BUSH in your post, I stop, go to MY reply to YOUR post, the one where I took your post apart, line by line,, & defend your position, Im not even gonna look at an anti Bush rant, its not relevant, That whole childish game
Your guy didnt get in trouble so mine shouldnt either GOOD GOD No One ever gets hels accountable playing that childish game, I SCREAMED against Bush & you call ME a hypocrite? Get real.
Ill go look at your post now,, Ill be disappointed, Im sure,

Yea,, IM disappointed, but certainly not surprised,

Wait!~ I get it now! YOU havent figured out that someone can be Anti Obama AND anti Bush yet!
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #86 - 11/05/12 at 09:33:46

For all of you who so strongly push back against the idea obama was purposely avoiding the terrorist claim:

In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof--two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public--that President Barack Obama lied to the public about the Benghazi attack, as well as about his later claim to have called the attack "terrorism" from the beginning.

CBS unveiled additional footage from its 60 Minutes interview with President Obama, conducted on Sep. 12 immediately after Obama had made his statement about the attacks in the Rose Garden, in which Obama quite clearly refuses to call the Benghazi an act of terror when asked a direct question by reporter Steve Kroft:

KROFT: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya Attack, do you believe that this was a terrorism attack?

OBAMA: Well it’s too early to tell exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.

[i]CBS News held onto this footage for more than six weeks, failing to release it even when questions were raised during the Second Presidential Debate as to whether Obama had, in fact, referred to the Benghazi attack as an act of terror before blaming it falsely on demonstrations against an anti-Islamic video.
The moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley, intervened on Obama's behalf, falsely declaring he had indeed called the attack an act of terror in his Rose Garden statement, and creating the impression that Romney was wrong.

That exchange turned what would have been an outright win for Romney in the debate into a narrow win or possibly a loss--and it discouraged him from bringing up the issue again in the next debate or on the campaign trail. CBS News could have set the record straight, but held onto this footage, releasing it just before the election--perhaps to avoid the later charge of having suppressed it altogether.

Fox News' Bret Baier, who has been following the timeline of events closely, noted in his analysis this morning:

These are two crucial answers in the big picture. Right after getting out of the Rose Garden, where, according to the second debate and other accounts he definitively called the attack terrorism, Obama is asked point blank about not calling it terrorism. He blinks and does not push back.

Understand that this interview is just hours after he gets out of the Rose Garden.

How after this exchange and the CIA explanation of what was being put up the chain in the intel channels does the Ambassador to the United Nations go on the Sunday shows and say what she says about a spontaneous demonstration sparked by that anti-Islam video? And how does the president deliver a speech to the United Nations 13 days later where he references that anti-Islam video six times when referring to the attack in Benghazi?

There are many questions, and here are a few more.

Why did CBS release a clip that appeared to back up Obama's claim in the second debate on Oct. 19, a few days before the foreign policy debate, and not release the rest of that interview at the beginning?

Why on the Sunday before the election, almost six weeks after the attack, at 6 p.m. does an obscure online timeline posted on contain the additional "60 Minutes" interview material from Sept. 12?

Why wasn't it news after the president said what he said in the second debate, knowing what they had in that "60 Minutes" tape -- why didn't they use it then? And why is it taking Fox News to spur other media organizations to take the Benghazi story seriously?

Whatever your politics, there are a lot of loose ends here, a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of strange political maneuvers that don't add up.

Actually, the conclusion to be drawn is quite simple: CBS News, in an effort to assist President Obama's re-election campaign, corruptly concealed information about two critical issues--namely, a terror attack and the president's dishonesty about it. When the players in the Libya scandal face investigation, so, too, should CBS News and those in the mainstream media who have wantonly assisted the administration's shameless lies.[/i]

this is going to make Romney's win tomorrow even better since he defeated both Obama and MSM.

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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #87 - 11/05/12 at 10:05:42
  You can imagine up a win for Romney, imagine whatever you want, but in the end, poop in one hand, imagine in the other, see which fills faster...
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #88 - 11/05/12 at 16:01:10
Retread; doesn't it bother you that a 'news organization' had an interview with the president talking about a topic that was in the news for full two weeks and they didn't release it? That doesn't bother you?
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Re: Why didnt the get more security?
Reply #89 - 11/05/12 at 16:27:20
WebsterMark wrote on 11/05/12 at 16:01:10:
Retread; doesn't it bother you that a 'news organization' had an interview with the president talking about a topic that was in the news for full two weeks and they didn't release it? That doesn't bother you?

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