Ayyyuupppp.. Whoever decided on what to put on them, whoever it was that wanted them there, in 8 languages, chose to do it in secret. No one knows where the $$$ came from, or even the true identity of the agent who placed the order.. but just look at what it says,
& then, go back in history & consider the warnings from people in high office, about there being a powerful force, unseen, guiding things.
& think about the things that are happening, disease levels, economic problems, not just here, look in Europe, heck even China is starting to hurt some, ( I guess when the customers cant buy as much, it hurts, huhh? Probably mor3e to it than that).
Make not of the way the economies of Iraq & Libya were. Not invo9lved in the Wo9rld Bank, IMF stuff. Sovereign, internally supported, not dependent.
Heres some insight into what is happening. This is how business gets done,
http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=confessions+of+an+economic+hit+man...Reality, as understood by the general public, doesnt exist,
The realities of the world are vastly corrupt, incredibly underhanded &, on the surface, complicated. Once one starts seeing behind the curtain, a whole new world opens up. I SO wish I lived in the America I was told I was growing up in when I was a kid. At age 12, I started seeing things werent as I was being told. It took me until about 8 or 9 years ago to find the info I needed to prove it, then, more & more stuff just pops up, every so often, more info,, its something,,its not fun, its very sobering,
But, its less complex once ya get behind the curtain,
Disease is exploding, They keep telling us to protect ourselves, take that shot,, drink that fluoride water, & eat that processed food, because youre too poor & in too much of a hurry to buy good food & fix it.
&, as we create more & more dependent people, the goobs will tell them they must have their shots to get their benefits,, just wait,just wait,