Serious Thumper
It only snows seven months of the year here.
Posts: 3746
Eastern Michigan
Hey veterans, you're in the 47%.
Veterans benefits... I thought, until today they were from a grateful nation. Turns out veterans are a burden to Republicans. They should feel ashamed of their disability benefits, they are nothing but a burden to the people who always claimed they love the troops and veterans. I guess veterans need to start sending letters of public apology to Romney.
All our wounded warriors who have come home with war related disabilities from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember those wars Rmoney?, Your father supported WWII, but didn't fight it. You supported Viet Nam, but didn't fight it. You supported Iraq and Afghanistan, but none of your 5 boys fought there. So now that those who did fight for our country need our help either transitioning to a normal setting, or permanent help, due to a severe wound, you consider them free-loaders because they are part of the 47% that pay no federal income taxes.
Soldiers, the working poor, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, the 47% are like dirt under the mover's and shakers feet, in mitt's "Faith Based" "COMPASSIONATE" party.
BTW... keep in mind Mitt's not only a draft dodger, he's a 'chickenhawk' who advocated sending other mothers' sons to serve in war and die and be maimed while he enjoyed an exemption to dine on Pâté de Foie Gras and other delicacies in France.
Here's what Romney said in 2007 about his sons "serving America":
A woman at an Ask Mitt Anything forum earlier today in Iowa raised the question again, asking whether any of Mr. Romney’s five sons are serving in the military, adding pointedly, “If none of them are, how do they plan to support this war on terrorism by enlisting in our U.S. military?”
“One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping to get me elected.”
<end of snip>
Wow, you can't make this shlt up!
When you hear Repub politicians say they do not care about one half the country. When they say their first goal is to make President Obama a one term president regardless of what happens to us, these are sociopaths. This is the face of the "new" Republican party. This is the Republican leadership in congress, this is what you get when teabaggers and racists watch FOX 24/7 and vote Republican. When you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.
Hey Webby, remember how much you loved to use the 47% figure in previous posts? You are complicit in the lie, and you know it. I'm sure you defend your OWN benefits because you think you deserve them, but those "other people" are mooches & leeches upon society.
The stupid in this country makes me very, very tired.