Srin,... has proven himself to be extraordinarily informed and insightful...
"Pass the Mustard" may be a faux pax,.. or pure sarcasm...
Which you and I are so constant with,.. we've lost all respect...
I remember my own false interpretations as milestones of embarrassment...
I used to say,... "a long road to hoe"...(why would anyone hoe a road?)...
... and,.. "it's a mute point"... (that one almost works?)...(it took a Rick Springfield song to straighten me out)...
... "S'cuse me,,.. while I kiss this this guy"... apologies to Hendrix, and Dylan... (and thank God for the interwebs)...
I heard a Congressman (unfortunately a Dem), talking about the lack of "specisifity" of the Rom/Ryan tax plan... (specificity...)...
My personal peeves are,... Nucular,.. axsk,.. and exspecially...
... and the mixing of poles with polls...
... but, they have become almost accepted/excepted in the new century... (gonna' go with accepted on that one)...
I have my own mix-ups... but I so often talk foolish, no one knows when it's on purpose...
Diabolically clever of me,.. eh?...
I is a diametrical genus, of monetary perversions...
... and,.. Bill is my god..
I never know when he's yankin' my chain...
... but, I suspect it's often...
He's a cross between Yogi Berra and Nietzsche...
... and he definitely owns shares in Klotz... (which I suspect isn't even a real product)...
Now I'm confused...