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Dems say no to God (Read 304 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #15 - 09/10/12 at 21:06:44
"Big, BIG difference between the Government telling the [people who or what or when to worship, & the government not acknowledging a Creator."

"You have NO Clue what is real."

What is real is reality.

So now then, who created the creator? Lets just go with the "Big Bang Theory. No really. The age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The best current estimate of the age of the universe is 13.75 ± 0.11 billion years (4.339 ± 0.035....

Now In the beginning there was the "Singularity". Everything in the universe, all the matter that formed a hundred trillion trillion galaxies with so many stars the numbers are uncountable, was condensed into one tiny point smaller than the head of a pin...Then "BANG" (the lord said "let there be light?) and there was light, and the universe was born.

This should satisfy everyone, scientists, religious types, and anyone and everyone in-between.

End of controversy.
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #16 - 09/10/12 at 23:22:28
JOG,.. can you show me a reference to Christianity in the Constitution?...

The majority of signers were not Christian... Huh...
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #17 - 09/12/12 at 00:51:26
Why would I need to show you a specific reference to Christianity in the C?

Can you show me where the C says someone cant pray in a state owned building? WHO is the State? Am I not the state? You? Every kid in the school? We do not exist at the pleasure of the state. The state is OUR creation.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #18 - 09/12/12 at 05:57:21
The majority of signers were not Christian...

Sew is repeating a lie that the left wants desperately to be true, but is not. The signers to the Constitution had a wide range of beliefs but the foundation of those beliefts and understandings place them squarely in the "Christian camp" so to speak.

There is no way of getting around that. Tell a lie all you want, but the truth is the truth.  

Now, argue all you want what the documents mean for citizens today, like Nativity scenes on the front lawn of a courthouse, but don't say they weren't written by Christian men because they were.

I found the stuff below, but there is certainly more.

•Baldwin, Abraham - Chaplain in the American Revolution (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Bassett, Richard - Participated in writing the Constitution of Delaware, which states: "Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust... shall... make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit: 'I, ____, do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, an din the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.'" (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Bedford, Gunning - Funeral oration on the death of Washington: "Now to the triune God, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honor and dominion, forevermore." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Blair, John - Member of the Episcopal Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Blount, William - Member of the Presbyterian Church. Helped draft the Tennessee Constitution, which said, “No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this State.” (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Brearly, David - A warden of St. Michael's Church, a compiler of the Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book, and a delegate to the Episcopal General Convention in 1786 (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Broom, Jacob - Writing to his son: "[D]on't forget to be a Christian. I have said much to you on this head and I hope an indelible impression is made. " (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Butler, Pierce - Member of the Episcopal Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Carroll, Daniel - A Catholic who studied under the Jesuits at the College of St. Omer in Flanders (one of two Roman Catholics to sign the Constitution) (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Clymer, George - Was both a Quaker and an Episcopalian (Signer of Declaration of Independence, Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Dayton, Jonathan - Member of the Episcopal Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Dickinson, John - From his will: "To my Creator I resign myself, humbly confiding in His goodness and in His mercy through Jesus Christ for the events of eternity." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Few, William - Few was a devout Methodist and was known to donate generously to philanthropic causes. (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Fitzsimons, Thomas - Member of the Roman Catholic Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Franklin, Benjamin - Considered much more a Deist than a Christian. He was nonetheless a follower of the Bible, and said: "I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth -- God Governs in the Affairs of Men, And if a Sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, Is it possible that an empire can rise without His aid?...Except the Lord build the house, They labor in vain who build it." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Gilman, Nicholas - Gilman was a Congregationalist. (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Gorham, Nathaniel - A Congregationalist who helped write the Massachusett's Constitution, which required this in the oath for office: "...I believe the Christian religion, and have a firm persuasion of its truth." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Hamilton, Alexander - Proposed formation of the Christian Constitutional Society to spread Christian government around the world. After the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he stated: "For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests." - from Diffine, D.P., One Nation Under God - How Close a Separation? (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Ingersoll, Jared - Member of the Presbyterian Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Johnson, William Samuel - Speaking as President of Columbia University to the first graduating class after the Revolutionary War: "Remember, too, that you are the redeemed of the Lord, that you are bought with a price, even the inestimable price of the precious blood of the Son of God." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•King, Rufus - Selected as manager of the American Bible Society. In a speech made before the Senate at the time Missouri was petitioning for statehood, he said: "I hold that all laws or compacts imposing any such condition [as involuntary servitude] upon any human being are absolutely void because contrary to the law of nature, which is the law of God." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Langdon, John - Vice President of the American Bible Society (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Livingston, William - Said, "I believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, without any foreign comments or human explanations... I believe that he who feareth God and worketh righteousness will be accepted of Him..." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Madison, James - Member of the Episcopal Church. He said, "The belief in a God, all powerful, wise, and good, [is] essential to the moral order of the world, and to the happiness of man." (Signer of Declaration of Independence, Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•McHenry, James - President of the first Bible Society in Baltimore. In soliciting funds for distribution of Bibles, he wrote: "...Consider also, the rich do not possess aught more precious than their Bible, and that the poor cnnot be presented by the rich with anything of greater value." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Mifflin, Thomas - Known as both a Quaker and a Lutheran (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Morris, Gouverneur - [T]he most important of all lessons [from the Scriptures] is the denunciation of ruin to every State that rejects the precepts of religion (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Morris, Robert - Member of the Episcopal Church (Signer of Declaration of Independence, Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Paterson, William - Supreme Court Justice and a signer of the Constitution, declared that `Religion and morality ... [are] necessary to good government, good order, and good laws'; (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth - President of the Charleston Bible Society; Vice President of the American Bible Society (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Read, George - Read was an Episcopalian. (Signer of Declaration of Independence, Signer of Constitution)

•Rutledge, John - Member of the Episcopal Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Sherman, Roger - (Signer of all 4 of our founding documents). When asked by his church, White Haven Congregational, to help revise the wording of their creed: "I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. That the Scriptures of the old and new testaments are a revelation from God and a complete rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Spaight, Richard Dobbs - Member of the Episcopal Church (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Washington, George - Member of the Episcopal Church. In his prayer at Valley Forge he said, "Almighty and eternal Lord God, the great Creator of heaven and earth, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; look down from heaven in pity and compassion upon me Thy servant, who humbly prorate myself before Thee." (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Wilson, James - Wilson was an Episcopalian and a Presbyterian. Supreme Court Justice. He declared that "Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is Divine ... Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants" (Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Signer of Constitution)

•Witherspoon, John - Witherspoon was a Presbyterian. He said, "[S]hun, as a contagious pestilence,... those especially whom you perceive to be infected with the principles of infidelity or [who are] enemies to the power of religion" (Signer of Declaration of Independence, Signer of Constitution)

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #19 - 09/12/12 at 08:58:41
George Washington said(Thank you god for my 200 slaves) George was a good Christian,The bible says blacks are supposed to be slaves.
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william h krumpen
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #20 - 09/12/12 at 10:26:30
WebsterMark wrote on 09/12/12 at 05:57:21:
The majority of signers were not Christian...

Sew is repeating a lie that the left wants desperately to be true, but is not. The signers to the Constitution had a wide range of beliefs but the foundation of those beliefts and understandings place them squarely in the "Christian camp" so to speak.
There is no way of getting around that. Tell a lie all you want, but the truth is the truth.  
Now, argue all you want what the documents mean for citizens today, like Nativity scenes on the front lawn of a courthouse, but don't say they weren't written by Christian men because they were.

I found the stuff below, but there is certainly more.

..."blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"........
..."blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"........
..."blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"........

All cut n' pasted from a religious-nut blogsite...
There's proof for ya'...

Aren't you the one always complaining about mindless cut n' paste replies?...
At least get a reputable source... not a nut-blogger...

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #21 - 09/12/12 at 14:29:22
I'm sorry, did I miss where you posted a retort to the claims I stated?
Is that all you can come up with: a cute little girlie smiley face and a slam against the source of the material. Do you have evidence against the accepted view that the vast, vast majority of the signers to the Constitution were Christian or strongly influenced by Christianity?

You repeated a lie that the majority of signers were not Christian. I provided quotes and evidence to the contray. So, either put up something that shows otherwise or stop spreading a lie. Choice is yours.

My objection to cut and paste is your liar friend Starlifter who cuts and paste things to make it look like the writing is his original thoughts and words.
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #22 - 09/12/12 at 15:55:04
That's my manly smileyface...  Huh...

This is my girly smileyface...(Huh)...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #23 - 09/12/12 at 22:48:01
Again, I see you were unable to post anything that retorted my objection to your lying. Fine, you lied,  got busted, but ignore truth and reality. Go ahead, post another stupid little face.

I'm sorry, but I have zero tolerance for you losers tonight.

JOG; this is why elections matter. There are times when circumstances occur that remind us that all this banter back and forth is academic.  
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #24 - 09/13/12 at 06:08:44
WebsterMark wrote on 09/12/12 at 22:48:01:
I'm sorry, but I have zero tolerance for you losers tonight.

If we are all losers then why are you here everyday posting snide comments and generally stirring up trouble? Mark you ahve got to be the worst name caller I have ever seen, I bet your a narc too.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #25 - 09/13/12 at 08:56:53
If we are all losers then why are you here everyday posting snide comments and generally stirring up trouble? Mark you ahve got to be the worst name caller I have ever seen, I bet your a narc too.

Good question. I think its two things. 1) it's like a train wreck; hard to look away. The ignorant points of view some of you have is astounding.
2) Because I can't believe this group represents a significant % of the population. I refuse to accept the idea that there are many of you guys walking around. I talk to a dozen people a day and cris-cross the country. I never run into people like you, never. Where are you guys? Where do you hide all day? Why don't I physically meet people with the views expressed on here?
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #26 - 09/13/12 at 09:00:31
Web we've got you now,were going to do you in,but you don't know when. Smiley
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william h krumpen
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #27 - 09/13/12 at 09:06:29
We dont hang out in airports or high rises. We dont read Forbes or the Wall St Journal. Several of the people you meet make more in a week than we make in a year. We're the average everyday hard working Americans who are the backbone of this country.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #28 - 09/13/12 at 09:58:21
We are the majority... hence, Obama is president... plus, the majority of non-voters leans democrat as well...  This is why, every election, Rep's try to suppress votes, and Dem's try to boost turn-out...
If you can't find us,.. you're living in a bubble...
Many of the posters here are not even liberal,... they are middle ground voters...  It just happens that, the Democrat party now owns the middle ground, and the Rebublicans have shifted radically right.

It is unfortunately, in the nature of conservative thinking to be resistant to change or compromise...  so, as the world progresses, conservatives hunker down, and become even more extreme... their members become more bitter and intolerant..

I don't respond seriously to your arguments because I already know that you will simply deny facts, and continue to lash out with name calling, insanity...
You are begging to be banned from posting, but too incensed to logout...

You have even sunk to the point of name-calling smileyfaces...
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin...

Nobody but you, Web,.. thinks this is clever..  it sure ain't boosting anyone's opinion of you...
So, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?...
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #29 - 09/13/12 at 10:28:21
WebsterMark wrote on 09/13/12 at 08:56:53:
I talk to a dozen people a day and cris-cross the country. I never run into people like you, never. Where are you guys? Where do you hide all day? Why don't I physically meet people with the views expressed on here?

Yes webster you sorta need to step outside the boardroom and I dont mean to your attached corner office. We are the people writing your code, making the bloomberg files with the vital stock information you need move from one place to another and render it in a report format you can understand and put in cool chart like formats etc - all signed sealed and delivered for 40 bones an hour.

Even so I dont think I'd be discussing politics with the big boss ...

Sorry webster, I think I know your type very well. Has $$$, likes babies - got it.

Hey atleast you are not a single issue voter ... I know someone who is this - Likes guns.
That is it. Works as a mechanic, is pretty low middle class and so on on on ... but "likes guns" is what he votes as.

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