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Dems say no to God (Read 304 times)
Serious Thumper

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Dems say no to God
09/05/12 at 17:55:01

How is this a news story?... News is suppose to present information that is not known to the viewers and the fact Dems are out of touch with mainstream Americans is not news.

Question: in a 2nd term with a full dem congress, would Hopey amend the constitution to say something like ‘we are

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by random evolutionary trial and error alterations that could have just as easily relegated them to millenniums  of climbing in trees, but luckily didn’t;  with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Finally, maybe some of you hard core liberals can explain this to me: what's with your hatred of Jews and Israel? Honestly, what's the deal?
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #1 - 09/05/12 at 18:05:33
That works for me...

PS.. I like the Jews,.. and Israel...'s the Christians that get on my nerves... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #2 - 09/05/12 at 19:48:02
What is the 11th comandment. A jewish joke.
Thou shalt vote democratic.

Though to be honest, I dont think Obama has the same respect for jews as Romney does ... after all he (his advisor) did tell a reporter, "this is a holy site, show some respect, kiss my cheeks"

Obama will have just not said that.

From Romney's advisor - That just shows so much respect.

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #3 - 09/05/12 at 20:26:06
Serowbot wrote on 09/05/12 at 18:05:33:
That works for me...

PS.. I like the Jews,.. and Israel...'s the Christians that get on my nerves... Huh...

Sero the problem is not's the organized religions. Specficly those that pay homage to fancy church buildings and fund-raising and forget that Christ spent his time working among the poor and sick. Not tithing,not sitting in padded pews,not praying in front of a crowd....but walking the slums and backroads and kneeling down with those that need help. In laymans terms.....rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. Those are the true Christians....the ones who are know by their "good works". I hope they are not the ones that "get on your nerves".
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #4 - 09/05/12 at 20:52:26
Most of hinduism also follows that narrative.
The sacred sites of hinduism are ones that were built 100's if not 1000's of years ago and a lot of them have centuries of what we refer to as the divine energy centered to them. Sorta like the wailing wall - the site of the famous "kiss my a$$" from romneys advisor.
The shiny new temples and whatever are not for the truly religious. Like they work OK in a pinch, but they need to be round a few 1000 years and then they get "religion".
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #5 - 09/05/12 at 21:32:09
ZAR wrote on 09/05/12 at 20:26:06:
Sero the problem is not's the organized religions.

Yes,.. just making a point...
All religions have good lessons and moral guidance... it's the manipulators that hurt it...
Christians do have more manipulators...
Muslims come in second...
Jews,.. just don't seem to allow it...

Actually,.. many people say they are "spiritual" but not religious... meaning that they have have beliefs in a god, but don't follow religion...

I'm the opposite to that... I'm religious, but not spiritual...  
I believe in the moral teachings of most all religions... but not in a god...
I love religious mythology... and think most spiritual writings are beautiful, and commendable...
.. but, i don't believe in a god...

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #6 - 09/06/12 at 06:47:45
I believe in God, but I don't think He's paying attention.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #7 - 09/06/12 at 08:40:53
Yes god is paying attention,He's making use pay for bombing Iraq and afhasan
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #8 - 09/06/12 at 09:01:14
Did he say,.. halfasstan?... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #9 - 09/06/12 at 09:19:57
Serowbot wrote on 09/06/12 at 09:01:14:
Did he say,.. halfasstan?... Huh...

Yessir! That's right next door to a smaller country called Quaterstan and across the desert from nicklestan! Grin
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #10 - 09/06/12 at 21:18:51
Which is not too far from "Dumbf*uckistan" where Webster lives. Cheesy

...yup, *Starlifter is back, but only for a few days then off again.
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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #11 - 09/06/12 at 21:51:06
Serowbot wrote on 09/05/12 at 21:32:09:
ZAR wrote on 09/05/12 at 20:26:06:
Sero the problem is not's the organized religions.

Yes,.. just making a point...
All religions have good lessons and moral guidance... it's the manipulators that hurt it...
Christians do have more manipulators...
Muslims come in second...
Jews,.. just don't seem to allow it...

Hinduism has had its beacons of manipulators - well, just 2-3 (Rajneesh, hare krishna etc) but really big those have been. However otherwise hinduism is notoriously poor in that regard. I think it is a bit sad, and many branches of hinduism you cannot convert to, so there is no need to find a non believer and get him/her to your side. So we dont have a section of the population that "learns it" ...
Most preachers are also something else. Kinda like bikers. Most not all have other jobs. Big temples have a full time staff cos they have all day events. Few and far between, I only know of 4 in the whole country.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #12 - 09/07/12 at 06:38:46
Which is not too far from "Dumbf*uckistan" where Webster lives

I thought that was a bit out of line, but then I saw who wrote it and considered the source.....
You can take the boy out of the gutter, but you can't take the gutter out of the boy.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #13 - 09/10/12 at 10:56:45
WebsterMark wrote on 09/07/12 at 06:38:46:
Which is not too far from "Dumbf*uckistan" where Webster lives

I thought that was a bit out of line, but then I saw who wrote it and considered the source.....
You can take the boy out of the gutter, but you can't take the gutter out of the boy.

Funny, we are usually the one telling you that you are out of line.

What happened to separation of church and state? God has no place in our government. I don't need religion to tell me what good moral and ethical behavior is.

Who ever said liberals hate Isreal and jews, where do you come up with this crazy ass nuts?

And BTW that amendmnet sounds pretty good to me too.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Dems say no to God
Reply #14 - 09/10/12 at 16:46:42
You guys REALLY need to read the Constitution. Big, BIG difference between the Government telling the [people who or what or when to worship, & the government not acknowledging a Creator.

You do know Christianity is, BY Law, acknowledged? & there is a prayer to open Congress? YOu guys have been so completely TOLD what to think by the schools & media you have NO Clue what is real.,
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