Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
& once youre done with the move, maybe you can sell it for more & get something utilitarian, maybe a small pickup that gets better MPG,so you can start savin up again for your bike,,
You otta just see what a truck would rent for to move you over there. Just for giggles. You can rent stuff from them, even if you dont rent a truck. Those furniture dollies are the berries & so are the refrigerator dollies.,HF has the furniture dollies, but IDK the price. Whats gottan hard to get are Boxes,, they used to be so easy to get, just go to the grocery store & get all ya wanted,, but not now,, Poultry boxes are the berries, if you can get them, theyre heavy walled, & they have handles in them & theyre a good size. IIRC, theyre even slightly waxed inside,