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Squids. (Read 424 times)
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Re: Squids.
Reply #15 - 05/30/12 at 14:13:15
Thanks, Starlifter.  I appreciate hearing it...and I hope she's doing better now, as it seems the news was current as of November.  Was this 2011?

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Re: Squids.
Reply #16 - 05/30/12 at 15:32:25
gcsdls, no this happened a few years ago. You seem interested in Karen's story. The accident blog goes on concerning her recovery, so I will continue the story for you and others who might be interested:

Saturday November 18

In 35 years of riding this was only the second serious accident I have witnessed. The first was almost one year ago when another of the Lone Star Ladies (Evelyn) did a highside on an interstate road because her rear brakes locked. The second was Karen's accident in which she sideswiped a pickup truck.

The first accident witnessed had the most significant immediate reactions on my part. I was two bikes behind her, Elaine was immediately behind her. When I saw Evelyn begin her skid a rush of adrenaline hit me instantly. A four-letter word left my lips (sh*t!) and then she did the highside. My thoughts raced from "Control stop this baby" to "Please don't let me hit Elaine" to "Evelyn's not going to survive this."

All of the bikes in our tour who were behind Evelyn stopped before even reaching the point where she dismounted her bike, all without skid marks of our own or other incident.

We managed to take care of her, get a 911 call placed, and to direct traffic around the accident as if we knew what we were doing. But, we were ALL confused! There was gasoline all over the road yet I, for example, lit a cigarette at the scene (quickly put it out, but that is an example of the personal confusion.)

Mounting the bikes after seeing this accident was difficult for all of us. We did what we had to do, of course, but speeds were reduced, and knees wobbled (literally!)

[Evelyn was not crushed in the accident. She suffered only a mild bruise to her head (helmet saved her life!), major rode rash, and a fractured bone in her left hand. Her bike was totaled. Three months later this gal had a new bike and did the same tour again (1,200 miles) in order to get over it.]

I had flashbacks for months - seeing how her bike disintegrated as it spun over and over and high into the air. On the other hand, there was very little blood and no gore associated with this accident.

Karen's accident was much the more difficult to see, but so far there has not been as much in the way of flashbacks in my mind.

I will tell you that as I saw her cross the center-line and realized that an accident was imminent, that same four-letter word left my lips. The adrenalin rush was profound, again. When she hit the truck I had thoughts that ranged from "Oh, no - not again" to "Control stop this baby" to "I hope Judy (my passenger) does not go over my handlebars."

I hit my brakes and my CB button at almost the same time and announced to Elaine that "Karen's down!", and weaved through the debris on the road to a stop just past where Karen landed on the right side of the road. I could have stopped even faster, but elected to park off the road so went past her. Again, no skid marks on my part and I stopped safely.

Now, I here confess that there is about a one-second gap in my memory. That is, I saw her hit the truck and bounce TOWARDS the right. I next remember her hitting the ground and stopping, but I do not remember the transition. I believe it is part of the adrenaline rush and being focused ABSOLUTELY on bringing my bike to a safe stop. [Similarly, though I remember seeing Evelyn's bike skid, flip and bounce high into the air, tumble over three times and skid to a stop next to her, I cannot remember stopping my bike that time at all.]

When I ordered my passenger to disembark, I said: "Get off the bike and see if you can help Karen!" It turns out that Judy had not witnessed the accident and did not even know that Karen was in trouble. She (Judy) thought Karen had a mechanical problem of some kind that forced her to have to pull off the road. When she saw Karen down with her leg pointed towards her head, Judy went instantly into shock.

As Judy was getting off my bike I once again hit my PTT and repeated my message to Elaine: "Karen's down!" Meanwhile, Elaine had already pulled off the road and had responded to my first message, but I cannot remember her doing so.

Upon getting to Karen's side I observed what I then assumed was her body partly under the bike, face down. Her left leg was pointed towards her head at an impossible angle. I went to her head and heard her groans. This was uplifting in the extreme! I now knew that she was alive and breathing.

I knelt down at her head and told her that she had been in an accident, help was on it's way, that she would be alright, and asked her not to move. Three other men arrived almost at once as did Elaine. I asked Elaine, who got there shortly after these other men, to call 911. All three men announced that they were CPR trained and said that they could help. Two of them took over a head watch as I first inspected Karen for signs of serious bleeding then ran back to my bike for first aid gear and to help Elaine connect her cell-phone. Adrenaline was really pumping by now and I was once again getting very confused. [Again, to observers it appeared that we knew what we were all doing - but I assure you it was adlib as we went along.]

Evidence of that confusion, as I said once before, was that in response to a decision to put latex gloves on I WATCHED MYSELF open the breathing mask package instead of the zip-lock bag containing the gloves. Remembering how confused I was a year earlier, I then knew I was confused again and decided to take the gear and deposit it all with the other three men for their use and go out and direct traffic. As it turns out, I only managed to retrieve my first aid kit after the accident - I forgot completely that the other equipment (breathing mask, triangle bandages, three sets of latex gloves) was still on the ground where I had left it.

When we had to roll Karen over onto her back onto the stretcher board, I am very aware of seeing, up close, the open leg, and a pool of blood and gore on the ground. Elaine was standing right next to me at the time and I remember saying something stupid like: 'Talk about road rash!" (Quietly, nobody else could hear me - certainly not Karen.)

I replayed the crash many times in my head while we waited for the ambulance, and then while we waited for the chopper. Since then, I have had to replay it to family members and other motorcyclists that have been more than a little curious. I have flashed on it a dozen times, but those images are fading fast now.

Wobbly knees did not occur this time, at least for me. Flashbacks of the sight of her leg and the blood and gore are also fading fast. Strangely, I made myself some dinner the other night using some ground round. I was immediately reminded of the sight of that leg. Still, this seemed of academic interest to me then, rather than being troubling.

At the hospital I was affected in a new way, totally unexpected. I became increasingly angry! I tried to find a person to put the blame of the accident on, other than Karen. I could not do so. It was entirely Karen's fault, but that, too, made me angry. "How could she do something so stupid?" "Look at how devastated her family and friends are! We will be affected for YEARS!" Things like that. This, of course, made me feel cheap and selfish and further drove me into a combined sense of anger and confusion.

The hospital Chaplin picked up on my distress and put his arm around me to try to talk me down. I was then embarrassed - but that did not stop the first tear from running down my cheek. I slept badly the first night, but have had no trouble since then.

Elaine has also reported being able to finally get over the incident in two ways: first, she reconstructed Karen in reverse. That is, in her mind she put Karen's leg back to the way it was before the accident. This made Karen a 'real person' again - meaning that with her leg exposed as it was, Elaine saw that Karen was very 'animal'. That humans tend to ignore the reality of their bodies normally is the point. So, she put Karen's body back the way it was, in her mind, and now deals with the fact that 'Karen' was hurt, rather than 'it' was hurt. Second, Elaine also got angry - about four days after the accident. It was cathartic. It purged her of what was built up within her. She readily admits, as I do, that it was not a fair thing to do, but had to get rid of the pent up emotions. This has served to do so.

Tuesday November 21

Karen has been taken off of the respirator, and the tubes in her mouth have also been removed. She still wears an oxygen mask (30% oxygen is being used partly because she is asthmatic), but she is now free for the first time to move her lips and jaw. It is a joy to see her smile from time to time!

Of major interest to me is that she has begun being weaned from her morphine and appears to be tolerating the pain better and better. Further, she is self-medicating! That is, they gave her a control that allows her to add morphine when she needs it. Unlike earlier fears that patients would abuse this capability, studies have shown that they do not - that they actually tend to diminish dosage to themselves faster than the doctors would have.

Karen cannot talk yet, her throat is still swollen from the tubes that were just removed. But she nods and shakes her head appropriately, the pupils are more dilated than they have been, she focuses on the speakers around her, she uses her right hand to squeeze any hand holding hers, and to point and control her medication, she moves her right leg restlessly, and she is now able to wiggle the toes of her left foot! These are all very positive improvements.

The doctors, when asked if our daily visits to her are too tiring, responded that the lady sleeps 18 hours a day and can and does easily tolerate our visits. More, she looks forward to them and they are improving her image of herself. Similarly, upon receipt of the first batch of get well cards from those of you that sent them (from all over the country as well as Canada!), she has done better still! We have read each one of them to her and she acknowledges each with a smile and a nod of her head.

Today she receives a present - a walkman radio/tape player. We are going to the library to get some books on tape for her. She emphatically nodded when we asked if she would like us to do that for her, so that is on the list of to-do's for the day.

Karen now knows that she is badly hurt. She has not been told, yet, the extent of her injuries, but she is one smart lady and has figured most of it out for herself. She was obviously a little sad last night but worked mightily to keep that under control. Today at noon her doctors will meet with the family to discuss her prognosis and to review her treatment. The family is anxious but have observed that over the past nine days there has only been one day in which there was not significant improvement in Karen's condition. Eight out of nine days of positive news may be lulling them into a false set of hopes, so the doctors want them to come back to reality today. In a few days the doctors will talk with Karen about her leg. It is still not clear that they can save the leg, though that certainly looks good at the moment. They have decided that they need Karen to be part of the decision process on what to do about it. In many ways it will be easier for Karen if the leg is removed, but that is going to be partly her decision.

To Be Continued
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Re: Squids.
Reply #17 - 05/31/12 at 06:40:09
Thanks Starlifter.  Yes, I am interested.  Now that I know it's not current, I wonder if she still needs prayer...but I guess that's a stupid question.  We all need it all the time.  Smiley  Looking forward to more....
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 39

Re: Squids.
Reply #18 - 05/31/12 at 11:35:18
Wolfman -
Have a talk with your SIL - but have some ammo ready.  Your daughter is riding on the back of his bike - you need to feel assured that he is not going to crash.  

Give him a short Q&A regarding some basic motorcycle riding stuff and some mechanical stuff.  (2 fingers on the clutch and brake at all times or not? One foot down at a stop light or both?  Neutral at a stop light or first gear? Etc.)  Just because he passed the DMV course doesn't mean he can ride.  My building is behind the local DMV, and I watch people drop their bikes on the course and still pass.

Go to this conversation with ammo, like I said.  Print some stuff out.  There is a lot of info from more credible sites than here. (Sorry guys, but it's the truth)

When he is wrong about something, show it to him in black and white.
IE: Have him Google "GREMLIN BELLS" like this:

Then, have him Google his DEMON BELLS -

See where I'm going here?  You've got to show a person like that things in black and white to prove that they are wrong.  Make a list, do your homework, and set the boy straight.  

Take the MSF course WITH him.  I have taken the beginner class twice and the Inter. class.  Anyone who says they won't learn something from the class is a complete effing idiot and deserves to slide into a curb.

Explain to him that you DO have a stake in his riding - namely, your daughter.  If he doesn't like he can go pound sand.

All that being said - I rode to work today, on my hardtail chop, in shorts, t-shirt, and skid lid.  I get the whole "youthful immortality" thing.  I have been on 2 wheels since I was 7 or 8 riding a YZ Zinger 50.  I have had sport bikes, customs, cruisers, thumpers, mopeds, dirt bikes etc.  My current stable is an 05 YZ125, an 06 YZ250, a 79 IT250E, a 2009 DL650 Vstrom, my running 2000 Savage chop, and my non-running 86 project in stock form.  I sometimes ride like a complete jackass.  It's fun.  BUT - I know my abilities and ride within them for the given situation.  Having 2 kids has slowed me down quite a bit - I haven't even wheelied my Savage chop!!

My F-I-L had many of the same concerns you do.  I crashed while riding dirt bikes/quads with him a few times.  Here's the difference - I have RESPECT for what the man says to me.  He expressed some concern to me, I dunno, 10 or 11 years ago about riding 2 up when I bought my old V-Star 1100.  I assured him that when riding with my wife, the crazy gets left at home.  

I get where you are coming from man - but you need to sit this dude down, and MAKE him listen.  Get the computer out and use it to your advantage.....then remember, you were 24-25 once too.
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Serious Thumper

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SW Missouri
Gender: male
Re: Squids.
Reply #19 - 05/31/12 at 12:13:16
I was smart enough to listen to dad.
Ive done the info thing with the S-I-L and talked till im blue in the face.
He don't listen, all i get is the argument and 'his' searchs prove me wrong.
Fact is his comment on the 'demon bells' was go google it, he had. 'NO ONE' calls em gremlin bells. See what im dealing with?

Ive done loonnggg talks with him on skills and teniques. Get told im wrong. Guys at work say different. Sounds like he works with a couple of squids.

About the ONLY way im going to MAKE him listen is knock him down, set on his chest and beat him black and
Thankfully the daughter said last night that the one time was the only time she was going to ride on the bike. Guess he scared her a bit more and maybe she listened and read some of the info i sent her.
Or she's just lieing to me to get me off her back.

Im just hopeing when he does put it down its a low speed low side.
Funny thing is he's 'massively skilled' but was afraid to ride home in the rain last night. Wanted her to come get him if it was raining. Roll Eyes
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 39

Re: Squids.
Reply #20 - 05/31/12 at 14:01:22
It sounds like the dude needs an attitude check if you ask me.  His wife shoulda told him to ride his ass home rain or shine.

I have very litter tolerance for people like that.  My mind is always open, and while I do know a fair amount about the world of motorcycles, I am no guru.  I'm 35 and still feel like I'm 22.  Still think like I'm 22 sometimes.  Difference is - I've been fortunate enough to have my bullshit called out enough to know when to shut up and listen.  Your SIL has not.

Good luck with that one dude.  I still say you need to make him take the MSF course.  Either that, or get him around some people that really do know what they are talking about.....go to a MC show and see how much he spouts...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 664
SW Missouri
Gender: male
Re: Squids.
Reply #21 - 05/31/12 at 14:12:15
He don't 'Need' the msf course, to skilled. Roll Eyes
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get him into a bunch of old experienced cruiser riders. Then just goad him a lil and set back and watch him get his ears bobbed.

D@mn shame a daughter don't still need a dads permission to marry a

Old saying i used to tout in my firearms courses.
"Ignorance can be cured, stupidity is forever."
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 39

Re: Squids.
Reply #22 - 05/31/12 at 14:14:22
Well.....ya can't fix stupid man.  It's a shame I don;t live closer to ya, we could "meet" at a local watering hole for some edumakation.
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It only snows seven
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Posts: 3746
Eastern Michigan
Gender: male
Re: Squids.
Reply #23 - 05/31/12 at 18:45:34
(Karen's story) Tuesday November 21 continued.

Karen is definitely into humor at the moment. When I quipped that we seem to have run out of mountains for her to fall off (a reminder of the skiing accident that she had several years earlier), she smiles. When I told her that I needed her to get better real soon so that I could once again have to deal with having to fight off another redhead (Elaine is also a redhead), she smiles. When I told her that, 'by the way, you broke your bike', she nods and smirks. She is more alert than her appearance suggests and these are ample indications that it was wise not to talk about her when we were near her, even when it looked like she was not able to hear us.

Wednesday November 22

Last night I visited Karen and am pleased to report that she is now talking! The doctors had a lengthy discussion with her in the morning and they have concluded that the leg is to be saved!

Today, Karen will have a muscle removed from her back and placed into her left leg just above the knee. Skin grafts will also be started. Further, they are working on her left wrist at the same time.

Karen is pretty scared about all that she faces, but seems to understand that it is necessary. Little things, however, seem to bother her now - when the nurse pokes her with a needle to take a blood sample she reacts like it is a major invasion. No wonder - she has been finding positions and ways to deal with ongoing discomfort only to have to deal with a new 'problem'. She understands the needs, just wishes it were all over already.

Anyway, she got her walkman yesterday and it has been very well received by her. Time passes much more pleasantly with it.

She perked up in response to an observation I made yesterday. It seemed like such a little thing to me at the time. I merely said that she goes into and out of sleep easily, sometimes with 10 seconds between the time she closes her eyes and when she wakes up, sometimes with 10 hours between. In any event, one thing I'll bet she has already discovered: Every time she wakes up she is doing a little better.

This little observation was important to her for some reason. She seemed unusually satisfied to consider that thought.

Wednesday November 22

Last night I visited Karen and am pleased to report that she is now talking! The doctors had a lengthy discussion with her in the morning and they have concluded that the leg is to be saved!

Today, Karen will have a muscle removed from her back and placed into her left leg just above the knee. Skin grafts will also be started. Further, they are working on her left wrist at the same time.

Karen is pretty scared about all that she faces, but seems to understand that it is necessary. Little things, however, seem to bother her now - when the nurse pokes her with a needle to take a blood sample she reacts like it is a major invasion. No wonder - she has been finding positions and ways to deal with ongoing discomfort only to have to deal with a new 'problem'. She understands the needs, just wishes it were all over already.

Anyway, she got her walkman yesterday and it has been very well received by her. Time passes much more pleasantly with it.

She perked up in response to an observation I made yesterday. It seemed like such a little thing to me at the time. I merely said that she goes into and out of sleep easily, sometimes with 10 seconds between the time she closes her eyes and when she wakes up, sometimes with 10 hours between. In any event, one thing I'll bet she has already discovered: Every time she wakes up she is doing a little better.

This little observation was important to her for some reason. She seemed unusually satisfied to consider that thought.

Friday November 24

Last night found Karen a whole world better off than the night before. She is now conscious, taking only the pain killers that she needs, is TALKING, and EATING real food!

She has stayed away from talking about the accident, so far, but certainly seems to remember most of what happened.

The all day surgery she went through the day before was successful in every way. The muscle removed from her back was implanted into her left thigh, just above the knee, her left wrist was set. and skin grafts were begun.

Regular visitors make a big difference to her. She looks forward to those visitations and actively preens herself before we get there - insisting that the nurse wash her face, for example, and comb her hair. She is becoming 'Karen' again.

Because of the remarkable improvement in her condition over the past three days, Karen was moved from Shock Trauma ICU to what is called an intermediate care ICU located in another part of the hospital. In other words, her life is no longer in imminent danger. We are all very pleased for her.

To demonstrate how things have changed over the past few days, I began a bit of teasing last night. "You know I love my redheads, all of them, don't you? Even those that are not real redheads. Nobody, of course, especially me, has noticed that you are not a real redhead. Honest! Trust me! That's my story and I'm sticking with it!"

Her response: "I've heard that one before. Could you get me some ice chips to suck on, please?"

Yep, she's getting back to herself.

Wednesday November 29

It is hard to realize that this gal was touch and go only a week ago. Last night the doctors announced that they think she is done with any more operations, at least for the duration of her stay at the hospital. (Later grafting operations are certain.)

It happens that about 25% of skin grafts die and must be redone. In Karen's case they have all seemed to take without rejection of any kind. (You will recall that I commented that she was healthy, active and strong before the accident. Clearly it made a difference!)

For those of you that have never experienced it, a phenomena that often happens to patients in an ICU is called 'ICU psychosis'. This is a drug induced mix-up of dream and reality that the patient is incapable of differentiating. That is, they believe that what they 'remember' actually happened, regardless of how bizarre or irrational it seems to be. [In my own case, I was convinced that the nurses in my hospital were actually vampires who took selected patients out into the trees at night and offed them!] Well, today it was manifest in Karen's case.

The person that was driving the truck that she hit was finally able to bring himself to call Karen on the phone to inquire how she was doing. It was not a satisfactory phone call in any way. When he told her who he was, she lit into him with vigor. She wanted to know why he thought she would care to hear or talk to the person that 'ran her off the freeway!' Rather than argue with her, the man graciously ended the conversation and hung up. Elaine was told about this and called him back to explain what had happened.

Anyway, she was NOT on a freeway at the time of the accident, he did not run her off the road or hit her bike - she hit him! We all know that and had thought that with her general reluctance to talk about the accident that she was beginning to remember most of what had happened. Instead, 'ICU psychosis' got hold of her and convinced her that she knew what had happened even though it could not have happened the way she 'remembers' it.

Her boyfriend discussed this with her last night and advised that in fact she does not remember what happened. That that was OK, for now, if she wanted to keep it that way, and that he would be willing to tell her everything he knew about the accident if she wanted to know now, but suggested that she should actually wait until I could be there to tell it to her since I was the only person that saw it happen. Karen readily agreed to wait until I could brief her fully.

Anyway, she is eating whatever they bring her now. She has seen the scar down her abdomen and accepted it as being 'tolerable'. She has seen the scarring on the right leg resulting from the removal of some skin for grafting onto her left leg and finds that 'tolerable'. Has closely inspected the fast healing scar over her left eyebrow and agrees that it is 'insignificant'. She has not seen the extent of damage that was done to her left leg yet, but has intellectualized it - knows it is profound.

Since the healing is progressing so swiftly now on her left leg the doctors are about to change how it is dressed. The result will be much smaller bulk. This, so they can easily change her dressing without having to take her out of her room (which they can now do because she no longer has to visit the operating room.)

Believe this or not, there is now ongoing discussions about whether to release her from the hospital before or after Christmas! There is no serious doubt any longer that she will be able to leave prior to Christmas, but the argument revolves around the expected desire on Karen's part to be TOO active during the holidays if she is at home.


To Be Continued
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Squids.
Reply #24 - 05/31/12 at 21:07:47
Squid today

calamari tomorri
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 664
SW Missouri
Gender: male
Re: Squids.
Reply #25 - 06/01/12 at 00:33:19
That next road pizza you see may well be the
Real shame of it is that shadow is a nice looking bike. Gonna bung it all up when he does over ride his skills.
Im hopeing he's talking more chit then he's got b@lls to try and pull off.

Ive done my best talking to him and the daughter says she's staying off. So ive relaxed a lil bit, not a lot, but the knot in my head and gut has relaxed.

This weekend looks good for a good long ride temp wise. May go look up an old buddy and see if his 1200 sportster can keep up in the
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Posts: 341

Re: Squids.
Reply #26 - 06/01/12 at 00:49:50
Make sure your daughter adheres to ATGATT.
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It only snows seven
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Eastern Michigan
Gender: male
Re: Squids.
Reply #27 - 06/01/12 at 19:04:49
Karens Story Continued

Thursday December 7

I visited Karen in the hospital tonight. She looks and acts like an 'outpatient' now. One of the doctors had a long talk with her this morning and explained that she came VERY VERY close to losing her leg. She responded by telling him that she was well aware of that and since she still has it, she intends to get it back to useful status as soon as possible. (The doctor told her that it was only because she had a pulse in her toes that they decided to try to save the leg - that they had been prepared to and perfectly willing to take the leg based on the severity of damage to it, but that they deferred that decision for as long as possible in the slim hope that it would remain 'vital' and maintain blood flow.)

She also knows that she came just as close to losing her life. When I told her that I was convinced that keeping herself healthy, in condition, strong from jogging and workouts at the gym, she obviously had greatly increased the odds that her body would fight hard for itself, she smiled and told me that despite all the quips others had given her about her obsessive behavior (keeping physically fit), and the memory of the 'pain' she experienced on long runs or hard workouts, it was all worth it and deserves the last laugh because it 'worked'.

Great attitude also seems to have played a part it this virtually miraculous change of her condition over the past three weeks.

They are working on finding a resident 'Rehab' facility for her to move to within the next three weeks. She is expected to have to work at least three hours a day on getting her leg to function again and they still have no idea if they will be able to get any function out of her left knee when it is all done. She will have to be in that resident Rehab for about two months (unless she can work out having 24 hour a day 'care' at her apartment.)

The leg is healing very well and the second major round of skin grafts was done yesterday. There is still the problem of a two-inch piece of thigh bone that is missing just above her knee. They have not joined the ends of the bones that are in place (though they have pinned them in alignment.) It is possible that they will add a two-inch section of pig bone (honest) or, if it is found that she cannot tolerate such a procedure, they may simply join the ends of the bone that are there leaving the left leg two-inches shorter than it should be and having to go back in in a year or so to correct that problem. Karen, of course, would prefer that they add the bone and be done with it.

Karen had most all of the tubes removed from her body this morning. This, in preparation for getting her to be mobile. She is no longer on intravenous medication of any kind, and even after the skin graft operation that they did yesterday, she is now only taking pain medication orally, and darn little of it (her choice.)

We finally got to talk about what happened. She is beginning to remember bits and pieces of that day and after my review of the facts, she was amazed to learn that she had had a friend visiting her in Houston from Canada who was along as my passenger at the time of the accident. She simply had no recollection that that woman had been here at all until we discussed the day with her.

Five days ago she was demonstrating an 'attitude' - she didn't know what had happened to her, didn't know who was at fault, didn't 'care', didn't want to know. Now she knows basically what happened and accepted my assertion that the truck did not hit her but that she hit it. Now she is dealing with the realities of the experience basically from an academic point of view - she is not really very interested in 'reliving' the experience or learning from it - she just wants to fill in the holes in her memory and then get on with the healing process. I am impressed more and more as I witness this lady deal with her situation.

Friday December 8

A meeting was held with Karen yesterday to put together a rehab plan.

Rehab will begin as of the 13th and will last three weeks at the hospital. Then, instead of needing 24 hour resident support, Karen will be allowed to go home. She will not have to go to a resident rehab center for the three months that had been originally anticipated.

The rehab objectives for this coming three week effort consists of teaching her how to get out of bed and into a wheel chair, moving from a wheel chair to another chair, and from her wheel chair to and from bathroom facilities. None of that sounds awesome unless you are on Karen's end of the equation. These are the fundamental skills that allow Karen to leave 'bedridden' status and to obviate the need for 24 hour resident support.

Thus, it looks like Karen will not quite get home before Christmas, but it will be close and is still possible. She is ecstatic!

Why wait until the 13th to start? Because the ribs on her left side have not yet had opportunity to heal. They were virtually all fractured in the accident and because she had such other major trauma they did not bind her chest. Those ribs were manipulated into proper position, and then Karen, not her chest, was rendered immobile so that they could knit in place. The ribs are very close to being 'well' now, and are certain to be strong enough by the 13th.

Monday Christmas Day

Karen and her boyfriend visited with Elaine last night (and stayed the night). Karen was walking with a walker and had her wheelchair for help. She did FINE! The only negative for the evening was that the hospital sent her out on her 24 hour pass without any pain medication. Karen managed with a few aspirin. She looked good, acted very pleased to be out, if only for a day, and didn't complain the whole night.

Merry Christmas to all!!!!

Tuesday January 4

Karen was to have her last surgery this afternoon, to graft bone taken from her pelvic bone into her left leg, to make up the nearly four inches of femur she lost in the wreck (two inches of bone were left at the scene and each of the remaining ends had to be 'trimmed' nearly another inch.) She was a little apprehensive and has been told to keep the pain killers close by for the next three days or so... but she did so well during her stint in rehab that she won't need to go back when this operation is done.

You will recall from an earlier 'Condition Update' that the doctor's had no idea if she would ever be able to make use of her left leg again or, if so, if she would ever be able to even bend her knee. During her many rehab sessions Karen absolutely astonished her doctors and nurses. She worked thru the pain and managed a 55 degree flex of her left knee!

The doctors are estimating another week in the hospital, and she's to be sent home for good. "Let's get it over with!" was her view.

Wednesday January 5

The bone graft went very well! Two bone 'plugs' were taken from her hip, then 'shaped' and pinned in place (after first cleaning and 'shaping' the ends of the femur that had been shattered in the accident.) A total of about three inches of bone were needed of which her pelvis supplied over two. Thus, Karen's left leg will be slightly shorter than it was prior to the accident - but it exists!

Friday January 12

The day has finally arrived. Karen was released from the hospital today!

In order to get an idea as to her priorities at this moment, Karen did not go directly home. Instead, she was driven directly to a beauty parlor where she is having her hair and fingernails done.

Sounds fair to me.


There was more blood and gore and much more detail about a real life trauma than you probably wanted in this case study. On the other hand, you only saw 18 messages about it - Elaine and I visited with Karen virtually every day following the accident, and Karen has lived thru this nightmare, and will continue to do so for the rest of her life.


Because taking safety information casually can put you in Karen's place, or worse! The tips and techniques that I have posted here are meant to influence the way you think and act, not to be casually considered.

Karen had years of experience, had recently completed her MSF training, insisted that her boyfriend attend the MSF class before he could ride with us, thought about safety in a serious way, and surrounded herself with people who she knew to be safety conscious in the extreme. She had heard her MSF instructor talk about 'target fixation' and understood what it was all about - but apparently did not relate it to anything but pothole avoidance. Target Fixation is not so trivial as that, and now you know it without any doubt at all. Hopefully that means someday we will meet on the rode and stop for a chat over some coffee. We are, after all, family.

You cannot enjoy tomorrow's ride if you do not survive thru tonight.


To Be Continied

Next part - the following years

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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Squids.
Reply #28 - 06/02/12 at 06:30:23
Seriously, I wasnt being flip about the life/health insurance on that guy. If he gets killed, your daughter is gonna need some $$$, but if he just gets hurt real bad & gimped up for life, they may need a Whoole Lotta $$$.
It doesnt sound like youll need to pay the premiums for too long before youll know if he is gonna self destruct out there.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Nearly too old.

Posts: 1760
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Re: Squids.
Reply #29 - 06/02/12 at 07:51:31
Wolfman, you aren't going to like this, but you may need it. I didn't read all the posts, but I can say this: You can't give a 30 yr old lady a "good talking to" and have a daughter who trusts and loves you. She will rightfully stand up for her husband, even though he may get her killed. You also mention "making" them listen and quit their actions. My daughter turns 15 next week and I have just about finished our bonding process. From now on it's a shared responsibility. When she's 30 I can only help with HER permission.

Your attitude toward your doctors, the hospital, and insurance company when you got hurt pretty much tells me you talk more than you listen.

I suggest you get over whatever is causing your control issues and sit down with your daughter and son-in-law and let them talk. Don't get mad and let them know you are there to listen. LISTEN. It won't happen overnight, but it can be done. Use whatever means make you happy, but throwing gas on the fire rarely helps. You have my prayers and best wishes. Boofer
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2001 Black, Spitfire windshield, Headlight upgrade, Sissy rack, Tool bag, Fork bag, Harley muffler, Memory foam seat, Crash bars. Hwy pegs, Raptor.
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