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American muslim (Read 432 times)
Serious Thumper
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Re: American muslim
Reply #15 - 11/12/10 at 01:13:10
mick my man, those Fundamentalist Muslims who live in and/or are citizens of non-Muslim countries do not see their anti-American, anti-British, anti-etc. views as treasonist ... as already pointed out, their ONLY allegiance is to Allah ... in fact, they see it as their right to live whever thay want, because Allah (God) created the world and as his subjects they can live anywhere ... even amongst infidels, because part of their belief system is to spread the word of Allah and either succeed in converting Infidels to Islam or to eliminate them ...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: American muslim
Reply #16 - 11/12/10 at 07:08:39
Mck, et al :

Perry has it right.  Jihadists have no loyalty to any secular state or gov't.

The U.S. has gone down the sewer pipe of political correctness and over sensitivity to other cultures.  We have ceased to say that we have an American culture, and if you want to come here, adopt our way of living, our dress, our language, or stay where you are.  That is now considered a radical position to take.  It was what we taught and believed 100 years ago when America was being built by immigrants from everywhere, who quickly adopted American ways, dress, language, and policies.

But, unfortunately, it's the position of most liberals now to cow-tow to the ridiculous concept of "diversity".  

Mick, here's the rub:

You are a liberal - OK, I can deal with what that used to mean in the days of FDR.  What I can't understand in this day and age is how you can vote for people like O'Bama, Pelosi, and all of the other modern day liberals who have bastardized the very nature of liberalism into blind failure to preserve any American, national identity.

You all called GWB stupid - well, he had the guts to tell the Taliban to "cough him up or else" when it came to bin Laden after 9/11.  Sure, the war hasn't resulted in catching him yet, but does that mean we shouldn't be trying?

This war won't end for a LONG time.  Remember your history of the American Indian wars?  They started in earnest in 1865, right after the Civil War ended, and Geronimo surrendered in 1912, 47 years later.  But then we had a manifest destiny - today we have no manifest anything, because we don't view ourselves as the UNITED States anymore, but rather, to more and more of us, we are the Divided States.  Diversity will destroy us, it will never be the salvation of anything.  Diversity means division, not unity.

Be an American, or don't come.  That's why I refuse to use the phrase "African American", "German American" or anything like it.  There is only one "American", and if you have to hang onto some false label that links you to a past that most people haven't ever been a part of, they need to think again.

Gotta get of this soapbox before my blood pressure gets any higher.

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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: American muslim
Reply #17 - 11/12/10 at 07:28:23
You all called GWB stupid - well, he had the guts to tell the Taliban to "cough him up or else" when it came to bin Laden after 9/11.  Sure, the war hasn't resulted in catching him yet, but does that mean we shouldn't be trying?

& they initially declined. After the invasion, they offered him up for a cease fire.. DEEE NIED,,
Were there because we WANT to be ther, Bin Laden or not. we would be ther.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: American muslim
Reply #18 - 11/12/10 at 09:16:21
In the UK ,like the US we have two main party's , Labor and conservitives,(or Tory party) I'm sure you can all guess what party is the equivilent to each. The working class people always voted Labor ,
the CEOs Bankers,lawyers, and people who in general had people working for them,were pretty much the Tory party. When the labor party get in they always raise the price on luxury items like fancy cars ,boats, they raise taxes on second homes , and 3rd homes.
When the torys get it they up the price of beer and cigs and anything else the working people enjoy.
That is why I voted for Obama, just an old labor party for that stupid b1tch Pelosi I have no respect for her after she said she was going to go after Bush for war crimes ,and after the election she withdrew, dang chicken sh1t.
Ever since I have lived here it always amazes me to see working class people voting republican (Tory) who have no respect for the working class.  Or is because you guys don't like calling your selves working class, I think it's very much like keeping up with the Jones'es,
"OOooh, we had better put some signs on the front lawn and vote republican,or our nieghbors will think we are poor working class.
Where I'm from we are very proud to be working class.Without us the wheels of industry will STOP.
PS, see how the country does if truckers stopped for just two weeks.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: American muslim
Reply #19 - 11/12/10 at 11:05:29
Mick -

As you know, this Republican is proud to come from working class stock.  My father was a Dem most of his life, and switched parties after Truman was Pres., saying that the Dems had ceased to be the party of the working man and had become the party on the non-working man.  Sums it all up pretty well to me.

You didn't say anything about my comments about this stupid diversity stuff - don't you agree with me?
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: American muslim
Reply #20 - 11/12/10 at 12:18:24
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 11/12/10 at 07:28:23:
You all called GWB stupid - well, he had the guts to tell the Taliban to "cough him up or else" when it came to bin Laden after 9/11.  Sure, the war hasn't resulted in catching him yet, but does that mean we shouldn't be trying?

& they initially declined. After the invasion, they offered him up for a cease fire.. DEEE NIED,,
Were there because we WANT to be ther, Bin Laden or not. we would be ther.

+1 I agree 100%
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william h krumpen
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Re: American muslim
Reply #21 - 11/12/10 at 12:38:23
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 11/12/10 at 07:08:39:
Mck, et al :

Perry has it right.  Jihadists have no loyalty to any secular state or gov't.

The U.S. has gone down the sewer pipe of political correctness and over sensitivity to other cultures.  We have ceased to say that we have an American culture, and if you want to come here, adopt our way of living, our dress, our language, or stay where you are.  That is now considered a radical position to take.  It was what we taught and believed 100 years ago when America was being built by immigrants from everywhere, who quickly adopted American ways, dress, language, and policies.

But, unfortunately, it's the position of most liberals now to cow-tow to the ridiculous concept of "diversity".  

Mick, here's the rub:

You are a liberal - OK, I can deal with what that used to mean in the days of FDR.  What I can't understand in this day and age is how you can vote for people like O'Bama, Pelosi, and all of the other modern day liberals who have bastardized the very nature of liberalism into blind failure to preserve any American, national identity.

You all called GWB stupid - well, he had the guts to tell the Taliban to "cough him up or else" when it came to bin Laden after 9/11.  Sure, the war hasn't resulted in catching him yet, but does that mean we shouldn't be trying?

This war won't end for a LONG time.  Remember your history of the American Indian wars?  They started in earnest in 1865, right after the Civil War ended, and Geronimo surrendered in 1912, 47 years later.  But then we had a manifest destiny - today we have no manifest anything, because we don't view ourselves as the UNITED States anymore, but rather, to more and more of us, we are the Divided States.  Diversity will destroy us, it will never be the salvation of anything.  Diversity means division, not unity.

Be an American, or don't come.  That's why I refuse to use the phrase "African American", "German American" or anything like it.  There is only one "American", and if you have to hang onto some false label that links you to a past that most people haven't ever been a part of, they need to think again.

Gotta get of this soapbox before my blood pressure gets any higher.

Jerry, when I immigrated I had to fill out a million forms,it would be so easy to add to those forms, stuff about our culture, and some rules that come with green card status,like learning english in 5 years, no wearing of berkas,no building of mosques, When in rome,etc.
Cough him up or else " was ignored,they had no fear of Bush.
I agree on the African American and so on ,it's rediculious,I mean we have the black people dressing in African garb in parades and so forth,
I bet they never did that during the war. I told you I don't like Pelosi at all,because she lied, and at beginning of Obamas presidency if I recall correctly you said ,"regardless of party you would support your president" didn't you ? As for your soap box please try not to do yourself an injury, a good workout on a soap box should relieve the pressure.
One more thing ,this bloody war is costing us a fortune, well over 250 million a day, that money could and should be used for health care.
Another reason I vote democratic ,we will never have health care plan
while the republicans are in power ,they do not care about the people.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: American muslim
Reply #22 - 11/12/10 at 21:36:08
Pelosi's two years of vindictive reign is over..she felt mistreated by the Republicans when they were the majority....and she will be again.
Neither party is the party of the working man.  The republican party wants the government to support the wealthy, as it has done for most of its existence.  The more "liberal" democratic party wants to redistribute the wealth to the help the poor (which unfortunately seems to train people to not wanting to work).  The tea party..well, they want less taxes for themselves.  I grew up thinking, after some lengthy thought on it, that the founders got it right.  Power corrupts.  They had seen it in the european continent and Great Britian for centuries.
The question is (as JOG likes to ask) is this:  Do we have an executive, judicial and legislative branch anymore?   Each one looking out for the country by balancing the power into three cometative places.  
As noted on one of the news channels this week, a major warping has taken place in capitalism as practiced in the US.   CEO's are no longer held accountable in publiclly traded companies.  They are rewarded for taking risks;, the stockholders, and now far too commonly the taxpayers are left holding the bag.  None of the privately owned business or banks, brokerige house went belly up during this big recession  because the owners did not allow their CEO's  to take the risks the public companies did (to wow investors with big returns on their investments).
We need to overhaul how public stock companies are managed (theboards of directors failed completely to control the CEO's).  The pension failures are mounting and if you think national health care costs..waite until this bill comes due.  We need to overhaul unemployment and welfare; making them 1 time short term interventions.  I feel we should stop subsidizing religion by taxing all their holding except the houses of worship.  We definately need to downsize the overseas military footprint, the military budget, and the intelligence budget.   And everyone should get a $10,000. voucheer to help them buy the motorcycle of their choice. Wink  End of rant.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: American muslim
Reply #23 - 11/12/10 at 22:45:56
I knew this guy was a genius as soon as I saw

And everyone should get a $10,000. voucheer to help them buy the motorcycle of their choice.

Why, Hayull YEAH!
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: American muslim
Reply #24 - 11/14/10 at 23:08:50
Pelosi is gone, bring back Tip O'Neil .
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: American muslim
Reply #25 - 11/16/10 at 07:52:29
Why would anyone want 72 virgins?  It was hard enough to train 1.  Wink
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Re: American muslim
Reply #26 - 11/16/10 at 09:39:25
EricTheRed wrote on 11/16/10 at 07:52:29:
Why would anyone want 72 virgins?  It was hard enough to train 1.  Wink

Don't worry Eric,in there crazy religion you can use whips and knives or anything you like to train them.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: American muslim
Reply #27 - 11/16/10 at 10:43:57
72? You'll need more than a whip.  Just realized, haven't these women caught on to the power of the burka?  Imagine, "Abdullah, you say you were attacked by a woman?" "Yes, she kicked me in the groin."  "She must be arrested!  What did she look like?"  "About this tall, wearing a powder blue burka."  "That's every woman in town."
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Re: American muslim
Reply #28 - 11/16/10 at 15:09:31
EricTheRed wrote on 11/16/10 at 10:43:57:
72? You'll need more than a whip.  Just realized, haven't these women caught on to the power of the burka?  Imagine, "Abdullah, you say you were attacked by a woman?" "Yes, she kicked me in the groin."  "She must be arrested!  What did she look like?"  "About this tall, wearing a powder blue burka."  "That's every woman in town."

Yes but this one had the cutest eyes.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: American muslim
Reply #29 - 11/16/10 at 16:22:41
LOL!! But have ya ever seen any of those Arabic women from the more moderate countries where they don't have to cover themselves up? Some of 'em are jaw-drop gorgeous! Cool
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