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Multiculturism ??? (Read 855 times)
Jerry Eichenberger
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Multiculturism ???
10/18/10 at 04:42:24
There's a story this morning on Yahoo about the German Chancellor's remarks in a speech over the weekend about how the concept of multiculturism in Germany has totally failed.

Her thoughts are that immigrants, mainly Turks, who have failed to learn the German language, who hold onto their Muslim practices such as forced marriages, and who insist on wearing their native garb have dragged down the entire German society, and are no more than a drag on the gov't budget in terms of the benefits they receive without producing anything.  The Turkish Prime Minister actually agreed with her, and said that Turks immigrating to Germany must learn German and become a part of te German culture - how refreshing !!

Sound familiar?  Kinda like what we're suffering here.

America's national motto - E Pluribus Unum - translated as One From Many, has lost its meaning here too.

I would propose:

1.  English as our official national langauge.  Stop all multi lingual signs, gov't documents, etc.  If you come here, learn English or fail, just like most of our ancestors did.  Unless you came here from England, Scotland, Ireland, or Canada, you learned to speak English.  My grandparents did, and I bet, most of your ancestors did too.

2.  Adopt the historic American culture - mainly that means normal, American clothing ( I'm of Swiss descent - if I showed up in public in lederhosen - those leather shorts with a bib like top, thick woolen socks, and the funny little hat with the feather sticking out, people would think I had lost it ).  Quit tolerating African attire, Muslim attire, and allow schools and businesses to adopt dress codes.

3.  No gov't benefits of any type until and unless you become a citizen.  That includes health care, unemployment, SS, - all gov't benefits.

Harsh ?  Maybe, but it might restore us to what we once were - the Great Melting Pot.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #1 - 10/18/10 at 08:04:36
As a person who has been involved with Foreign Student Exchange Programs on a volunteer basis for the past decade and the father of an adopted Thai daughter, I have mixed feelings on this whole problem to be honest. The success or failure of multi-culturalism is not a "black and white" (no pun intended) issue. Traditionally in America it was the white, European-descent people who were, for the most part, less distinguishable as "immigrants" (in a t-shirt and jeans, a Swiss national is indistinguishable from a British national for instance) ... and so, were able to integrate more easily. Visible minorities, no matter if they dress "American" or not will likely have a harder time with integration.

My daughter came to Canada at age 12, knowing very little English but now speaks it with a distinct Newfie accent! That said, eventhough she is almost 21 now and has returned home to visit her natural family almost every summer since coming here, I cannot help but feel that she has in some way lost touch with her Thai heritage. Aside; several years ago some kids on a school bus taunted her with "Chinky, chink" remarks ... had she been Swiss or Belgian or Norwegian for instance, I doubt she would've been teased at all ...

Multi-culturalism vs Melting Pot? No easy solutions I'm afraid ... both have their advantages and disadvantages and either way, one walks a fine line ...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #2 - 10/18/10 at 08:34:57
Perry -

I agree with most of your comments.  But I bet your daughter wears normal attire and not some native Thai dress.  As you said, she also learned to speak English.

Yes, people of other than European ancestry will be taunted now and then.  Heck, with my Germanic name, I was called "Hamburger" through most of elementary school.  It bothered me some, but I got over it.  Kids can be the cruelist of all toward others.

My beef isn't with different races - it's with people who won't learn English, and insist upon their "right" to wear their native attire.

I also can't stand the phrase "African American".  Most black people in America have no ties with Africa, and haven't had for generations.  Since most American blacks are the descendants of slaves who were forced here in the 1700s, it's been nearly 300 years since they had any direct African ties.  I suppose Pres. Obama is an unusual exception to this general statement - his father was African.  I'm not a Swiss American, and for me, it's only 2 generations since my grandfather came here - I'm just an American.

Yet, some Europeans are distinguishable for the most part.  Greeks and Italians don't generally look the same as a Swede or a Norwegian, for instance.  A Spaniard doesn't resemble many Poles nor Germans.

The United States was the great melting pot, a shining light to which the peoples of the world came for a better life, and who quickly adopted what had become American culture and the English language.  What happened in the past 30 or 40 years to abandon that successful model, and why did we allow it to happen?

Some goofball who thought political correctness mattered, that's who.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #3 - 10/18/10 at 09:10:01
Intersting points Jerry ... I'm no fan of this "political correctness for its own sake" thing either ... that concept has been carried waaaaaay too far!

Have to disagree about the "different races" ... there is only the "Human Race" ... made up of various ethnically distinct groups.

Yes, my daughter wears typical North American/Western clothing ... but so do most Thais in her homeland ...

and yes, some Europeans are more "visually distinct" than their northern European counterparts ... and I would say that the immigrants from those "less white" looking countries probably had a bit more difficult time with integration into American society.
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mornhm - FSO
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #4 - 10/18/10 at 09:10:04

I have a different impression (based on what my ancestors have told me, and stories that have been handed down through the family or rediscovered through research) and just general history of what it was like as an immigrant in the United States. Yes, people did learn english (see below), but they for the most part kept to "their own kind," and kept family and religious traditions pretty much the same as they were before immigrating. That is why you have towns that were known as German, Swedish, Irish, or whatever. Or if the town was big enough, you had neighborhoods. Different cultures took different stations on the pecking order. And unless you were here first - near the top of the pecking order (the English come to mind) or plentiful - near the bottom of the pecking order (the irish come to mind), your traditions better stay at home. The most popular and plentiful became the standard or rule in public. Most of the music in the US that is considered "American" music comes from Celtic rythms and melodies.

As far as language, lets face it, the British won the war at sea and so what we call the United States were settled by primarily the English. The people who won the revolutionary war were for the most part English speaking. The reason we speak English today is mainly the suppression of other languages and cultures, not inclusion.

What people call the melting pot was more of a mortar and pestle, if you weren't already part of the mix you got crushed.

Look at all the sayings that we have:
"nail shoes on the natives"
"The Kings English when spoken loudly, clearly and slowly enough can be understood by anyone"
"The nail that sticks out gets hammered"

Etc. etc.

On one hand, I think that for legal and business matters we should use one language (english), on the other, I think that all people should maintain their family heritage.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #5 - 10/18/10 at 09:36:37
Mornhm -

I have no problem at all with maintaining heritage, in your home.  But to say that I can speak German and then expect others to adapt to me is my beef - why can the Mexican immigrants expect me to tolerate their not learning English?  I don't give a hoot what one does at home.

The average Jewish person is a prime example.  Most all, except the most orthodox, melt into society perfectly.  Yet in their homes, they may celebrate purely Jewish holidays, eat ceremonial Jewish meals, etc.  Good for them.

And I don't agree with your comments about classes, and those "at the bottom getting crushed".  

Yes, the great majority of the early Amercians were English, but the Germans weren't far behind.  My own grandfather came to Columbus from Switzerland because of the large number of German speaking people here, but merely to aid him for the couple of years it took him to learn English and American ways.  None of them continued to speak German in public nor in their jobs; even to each other.  We have a German music club here where we eat Sauerbraten and other German dishes, but I sure don't speak German here at the office, except in jest once in a blue moon.

That is why you had the immigrant ghettos, predominantly in the big cities on the East coast - non-English speakers needed a safety net for a short while until they learned enough English to get along outside of a very close knit native group.  The same held true for the Irish in Boston too - although they naturally spoke English, they needed a safety net too for a while.

I never met my grandfather as he died before I was born.  But I've always wondered how awful things had to have been in much of Europe during the late 1800s to cause the wave of immigration to the U.S..  Imagine packing everything you can take in one or two trunks, braving the bowels of a stinky immigrant ship for the better part of a month, packed in like sardines with minimal sanitation and food, half of your fellow passengers constantly seasick, to go to a place where you knew no one, and didn't speak the language.  No National Geographic or the Travel Channel to give you any real idea of what to expect when you arrived either.

These people made our country what it is, or maybe, what it was.

We all should maintain some of our heritage; no agrument with that.  But to expect us to put up public signs and print gov't papers in Spanish - that's my beef.

Another total aside - ever wonder when the colonists lost their English accent?  Did Thomas Jefferson, Washington, etc. speak with an accent different than a Virginian of today?  Obviously we'll never really know, but it's just one of the goofy things I think about.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #6 - 10/18/10 at 09:36:50
It is too bad about you daughter, but try being a fat kid with thick glasses, I didn't fare any better than her.  The fact is kids will always do that and we all learn and grow from it.

As far as discrimination, the Irish and italians had it pretty hard, the difference here is that they assimilated rather than maintained a separate existence.  My grandparents came here not speaking english but they learned because they were proud to be Americans.

The problem here isn't racial, but cultural, no one has a problem with other cultures until any negative gets met with charges of racism and hatred.
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #7 - 10/18/10 at 10:00:01
LOL buttgoat! I hear ya ... I was 2 1/2 mnths premature and birthed at less than 3 lbs ... so I grew up as the personification of the "runt of the litter", the proverbial 98 lb weakling ... also wore glasses, read a lot of books and built sci-fi models ... yup, I can identify with being singled out and picked on! LOL!! Needless to say that at age 50 I may not be "physically imposing", but I have a VERY thick skin!
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #8 - 10/18/10 at 10:19:17
Faaabulous! Teach YOUR kids the language their Great Gramma spoke, thats fine, BUT, teach that kid English & dont expect ME to pay Taxes to hire a teacher to teach that kid the language his Great Gramma spoke OR any subject IN that Language..
or run a court proceeding or provide legal documents in another language,, et screaming Ceterra!
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #9 - 10/18/10 at 11:22:21
It's ironic,... but the the natural tendency of kids to succumb to peer pressure, and want to fit in, and pick on the odd one,... tends to solve the problem naturally...
Adult immigrants may have more difficulty assimilating into a new culture and have more difficulty learning a new language, but kids want so badly to fit in, that they adapt more quickly...
Whether their parents want them to or not, they will start to act, and dress, and speak like the other kids, and have the same wants and goals...
... and in a generation or two,.. the problem solves itself no matter what the government does... or parents...

So what's the deal with small government right-wingers wanting to regulate what language people are allowed to speak, and what clothes you can wear, and how you can behave, and what you want to call yourself?...
Aren't we supposed to have freedoms and individual liberties?...  

You may find it annoying to see and hear people that are different or strange,... I do too, sometimes...
...but freedom has it's price, and accepting others for who they are is one of them...
... and the same laws that guarantee us a fair trial and equal justice, also requires that new members of society get the same... it may be costly and cumbersome, but it's the price we pay for freedom and equality...

Given a few generations, Mexicans  and Arabs will be more like us than different... I see it happening here everyday...

One of the best things you can do is to say hello,... people naturally want to feel comfortable in their community...
... resentment makes them resistant to change...

... and now,..
...I'd like to buy the world a Coke...  Grin...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #10 - 10/18/10 at 11:49:28
Serowbot -

Evreything you said is true.

Just don't perpetuate the differences by coddling the language issue - no official anything in any language other than English - no signs, official documents, etc. in Spanish.

Allow schools and businesses to do as they see fit with dress codes - no one working for me is going to wear a diaper on his head, a scarf on her head when ndoors, or a goofy little hat like Jim Brown wears.  If they want to look odd, they can do it elsewhere.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #11 - 10/18/10 at 11:50:13
Serowbot wrote on 10/18/10 at 11:22:21:
... and in a generation or two,.. the problem solves itself no matter what the government does... or parents...

I'd say you're right on for the most part ... these days the exception being those fanatic Imans who actively brainwash & recruit new terrorists from American (& Canadian & British, etc.) born children of Arabic immigrants ... but thankfully this is the exception. I remember another weird case in British Columbia, Canada a few years ago where a young East Indian gal was killed by her father because she had become, in his opinion, "too Canadian" ... very, very sad ...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #12 - 10/18/10 at 11:56:40
Hopefully they take the father of that Indian girl out and shoot him.  Oh, I forgot, no capital punishment in Canada - darn.

That's the difference today - immigrants want a one way street - they want to come here, take advantage of what we have in the U.S. and in Canada, but not really become Americans or Canadians.

Sorry, it won't work that way.  Become one of us in all ways, or stay home.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #13 - 10/18/10 at 12:27:58
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 10/18/10 at 11:56:40:
Sorry, it won't work that way.  Become one of us in all ways, or stay home.

And yet you long for the melting pot of yore:

Harsh ?  Maybe, but it might restore us to what we once were - the Great Melting Pot.

Jerry, I think you don't know what the term melting pot means, because you say you desire it, but then you go on to also say "become one of us in all ways" -- those two things are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum!

And please tell me who gets to decide what constitutes "one of us" -- what if I disagree with your list? Suppose I say that all newcomers must learn Ojibwe? After all, shouldn't they have to learn an original language of this land? All signs should be in Ojibwe, and only Ojibwe. The heck if I'm going to spend my tax dollars paying for language services for a foreign language such as English!
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #14 - 10/18/10 at 12:38:47
Spiff -

when you make a sensible comment, I may reply.
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