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Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay? (Read 139 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
06/20/10 at 20:34:55
As far as Im concerned, yes.

Generation Monsanto (GM) - Why We Need Labels on GM Foods Now
Gen-M, the first Monsanto Generation of humans force-fed genetically modified foods hasn't reached reproductive age yet (they were born in the late 1990s). But, if a critical mass of animal feeding studies are any indication, the millennial generation, reared on Food Inc.'s unlabeled "Frankenfoods" can look forward to a long-term epidemic of cancer, food allergies, learning disabilities, sterility, and birth defects.

Corn (85% of U.S. production is GM), soy (91% GM), cotton (88% GM), canola (85% GM) and sugar beets (95% GM) are all genetically engineered by Monsanto to withstand massive doses of the company's glyphosate herbicide RoundUp, or else to exude their own pesticide, Bacillus Thuriengensis (Bt). RoundUp, the favorite weedkiller poison of non-organic farmers and gardeners, causes brain, intestinal and heart defects in fetuses. And scientists warn that RoundUp, the most extensively used herbicide in the history of agriculture, "may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils infertile, crops non-productive, and plants less nutritious." In addition, hundreds of thousands of US dairy cows are injected with genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (developed by Monsanto) in spite of studies linking BGH with cancer, and longstanding bans on the drug in the EU, Japan, Canada, and most industrialized nations.

With genetically modified foods and crops threatening public health and the environment, not to mention the next generation's reproductive capacity, why isn't there a massive consumer outcry to restrain Monsanto's biotech bullying and ban genetically engineered foods and agriculture?

The answer is disturbingly simple. Collusion between Monsanto and elected public officials (including the current Obama Administration) has obscured the fact that almost all non-organic foods in the US contain GMOs. Despite poll after poll indicating that 85-95% of US consumers want mandatory labels on foods containing GMOs, Congress has heretofore listened to Monsanto and corporate agribusiness, rather than their own constituents. In the European Union, Japan, or South Korea, where GM foods must be labeled, there are no GM foods on grocery story shelves (and little or none served in restaurants), since most consumers would not buy them and a significant number would complain if they saw GMO labels on products. Consequently there are very few GM crops being cultivated in the EU (mainly a small amount of corn in Spain for animal feed).

Most Americans simply do not understand that 80% of non-organic supermarket processed foods (basically every product containing soy, corn, canola, cottonseed oil, or sugar beet derivatives) are contaminated with GMOs. While nearly everyone in North America has eaten genetically modified foods, only 26% believe that they have.

People don't think they're eating genetically modified foods because they have no way of knowing whether they are or not. Genetically modified foods aren't labeled.

If we're going to save this generation from reproductive dysfunction and save our farmland from the ravages of RoundUp, we need to stop Monsanto.

The first step is to protect consumers' right to know whether their food is genetically modified.

We need genetically modified food labeled now!

Write your Congresspersons and 2010 candidates for the House and Senate. Tell them to support mandatory labeling of all genetically modified foods.

Take Action
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #1 - 06/20/10 at 21:26:04
my s40 is worries

(personally modified)
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #2 - 06/21/10 at 11:54:58
OF, I do not believe I have ever seen any of your posts in which you provide praise for any corporation, large or small. Surely you do not believe ALL of them are bad. As far as the collusion of business with members of Congress (both houses) and other government officials, that is something that has gone on throughout all of recorded history, and probably before then. I cannot say whether that collusion is good or evil, but it will continue to exist whether we like it or not.
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #3 - 06/21/10 at 14:24:31
Think global, buy local.

Grow your own, join an organic CSA (community supported agriculture), join the organic food co-op...

Keep kosher or halal, the restrictions on animal raising and slaughtering/processing are very strict.

Backyard chickens are cheap, eat bugs and weeds, don't require iffy vaccinations, and make fertilizer.

Get a mini horse, a couple pygmy goats, and meadow maggots (sheep) and you won't need herbicides. What the horse misses, the others will obliterate. And turn into fertilizer.

Buy heirloom varieties of seeds and plants. Tend to be healthier overall than modern hybrids.

And while you are at it, only buy products made in North America, western Europe or Japan. You think Monsanto is bad, you should see the contaminants in imported freight shipping containers...bugs, molds, viruses, radioactive ceramics/tiles (including dinnerware and drinking glasses), frogs/snakes/lizards/spiders in refrigerated produce loads, rotting smuggled human corpses (live when loaded...).

Compared to some of that crap (which has put me in chemical/biological emergency showers) a bit of Round Up might be seen as seasoning.

For the record, I garden, have chickens and a mini horse, and won't buy anything supposedly edible labeled China, Vietnam, Mexico or any other place that American companies send jobs to. And I don't use any pesticide stronger than snail bait (stale beer).
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #4 - 06/21/10 at 19:43:04
Good ideas, all. Thing is, we are being atacked by this crap.We need to get our FDAto stop allowing this open attack on our health. Thats what theyre supposed to do. The average American works all day & then wants to live a normal life, few even have a decent place to raise food & even fewer know how or want to learn. The food has been in steady decline in nutritional value & quality ( as in non poisonous). We live in a society where people axpect to be able to stop & get food & go on, thing is, what is available is more & more, filled with garbage. The FDA has been run by people who are tied to corporate interests instead of an interest in watching over the health & welfare of the people. Corruption & evil desires are in charge. The Georgia Guidestones say that the population needs reduced. Population reduction is the goal of the elite & they are doing it, using soft kill methods. The UN has been straight up busted using hormones to sterilize people in Africa, telling them they are getting a free vaccination for some disease. Africa isnt the only place the elite want to take the p[eople out. The USA is, too. Look around. Look at the sick people.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Rosemark TN
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #5 - 06/21/10 at 20:09:10
I'm all for population declines, firmly believe that if you can't feed them, don't breed them. And RU486 in food aid doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact, I think it is a good idea.

Seattle is supposedly a dippy hippy liberal stronghold, a hot bed of the green movement. Yeah, right. The storm drains dump directly into Putrid (I mean Puget) Sound, the city mascots are Fraud Expeditions (to where, Starbucks) and Stuporscrewed (Subaru) Buttcracks (Outbacks). E-mail? Nah, billboards. The fresh local farmers market gets its products from China, Mexico, California, Vietnam, Thailand, basically everywhere but from local farms. 90% of which have been paved over for empty warehouse space.

I've been gardening all my life. Family was in Organic Gardening magazine when I was 7, in 1979. Lisa and i get Hobby Farms, Hobby Farm Homes, Hippy Times (Mother Earth News), sometimes still get gifted subscriptions to Organic Gardening. The last two are sell out corporate butt kissers, but there is the occasional gem. My Dad is a state master gardener, who is always fighting the program's pimping of treated sewage solids, industrial compost, mono-cropping and other unsafe/unsound practices.

My garden is being done in the traditions of my Mennonite/Amish forbears. Hand spaded, manured, composted, crops rotated, cover cropped...

100 square feet can feed a family of four for the whole summer. Safely, cleanly, cheaply.
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #6 - 06/22/10 at 05:24:21
You mean you can raise a couple cows and pigs to chop up into steaks and ribs all on 100 sq ft? Who would have thought that?...
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #7 - 06/22/10 at 05:56:26
WD -

As a former gardener, I would like an honest estimate of the time it takes each week, from first tillage in the spring thru fall tillage, to do all of this type of gardening.

The problem with it is that if it's your only hobby, and your work a normal 40 hour week, maybe you have the time to do all of this manual labor, with little if any time left for anything else.

Unfortunately, my work schedule is normally from about 7 AM to 7 PM five days per week, then from about 9 AM to 5 PM on weekends.

I also try to spend a couple of hours per week on fun stuff - so, no way I could keep up with my garden, and quit it about 15 years ago. I got tired of having weeds taller than my sweet corn.

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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #8 - 06/22/10 at 13:49:30
BTW did you guys know all the grass in the South Afican soccer stadiums comes from Oregon grass seed .
see, you didn't know that did ya ?
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #9 - 06/22/10 at 13:57:18
Mick -

No, I didn't know that.  But since I can't stand soccer, I've never watched it.

Soccer - back and forth; back and forth, never do anything.  At least hockey players, while doing basically the same thing, manage to bang their buddies into the wall, and fight once in a while, so hockey has some entertainment, but not much.

I cannot understand at all way so much of the world loves soccer - to me it's like watching paint dry.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #10 - 06/22/10 at 18:18:25
I'm a heavy food export container hauler. Lisa works for the census (traitor). Not garden to speak of this year, neighbors have more than enough in their organic raised gardens for the whole street. No spring here yet, nothing of ours did well, so, screw it, I'll turn it under this fall and cover crop it for next year.

You can raise all the veggies you can choke down in 100 sq ft. I don't much care for most of them, but, I try to balance the truck stop grease by forcing myself to eat them.

I've got 2 roosters and 9 hens in an old dog kennel. Hook the front and back panels together, use poultry net across the back and top to keep out possums, coons, raptors.

We get locally grown, grain finished meats. Lots of local shops carry meats that were never dosed with steroids, antibiotics or other garbage.

You do get what you pay for. I know the real costs of industrialized foods...

I think I'll have McSlimes (McDonalds) tonight... Tongue
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #11 - 06/22/10 at 19:59:44
Working for the census isnt bad. I just wouldnt ask but that one question that is the only one the goobs have the right to ask. How many live here?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Rosemark TN
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Re: Monsanto isnt all bad, are thay?
Reply #12 - 06/23/10 at 20:31:57
Field personnel can't report: illegals, grow houses, meth labs, chop shops, houses of ill repute, stills (phew... Wink)...

Seems to me it just give Uncle Scam another way to take away my money and give it to lazy breeders.
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