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SLUGGO'S TABLE (Read 399 times)
Serious Thumper

big singles lead,
twins follow the

Posts: 4744
moses lake washington
Gender: male
Reply #15 - 05/29/10 at 17:54:49
i had a death in the family christmas, and am now just working on getting back to life.
so to all those who got out of hand get over it.  it's back to mc related
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Reply #16 - 05/29/10 at 18:58:00
You can never stop the coward anonymous poster.  None of his obscenities have been deleted.  He will continue to do just as he pleases.
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Serious Thumper

big singles lead,
twins follow the

Posts: 4744
moses lake washington
Gender: male
Reply #17 - 05/29/10 at 19:28:08
it's not myu place t0 delete posts/     first ammemnd ment and all that.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1811
Harvard, NE
Gender: male
Reply #18 - 05/29/10 at 19:42:29
The First Amendment does not strictly apply to a private forum. The owner or administrator of the forum can make and enforce whatever rules they see fit. That would specifically include deleting any posts which do not comply with forum rules. If the person or persons whose posts are deleted is unhappy about it, they don't have to return.
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Eschew obfuscation.

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Reply #19 - 05/29/10 at 19:42:32
I don't understand, Sluggo.  The site has the following warning:


The coward anonymous poster has posted under several member, ex member names, and never agreed to the rules.  According to the list of members online, you were sometimes online when his posts were at the top of the Cafe list.  Despite almost everyone of his posts having detailed, descriptive sexually obscene personal attacks against at least 3 members, and despite his never agreeing to the rules, nothing is or was deleted.  Yet the site rules quoted above say the posts will be deleted.  If it is not your place to delete due to 1st amendment rules,  who's place is it to enforce the stated forum rules through deletion of posts?
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Reply #20 - 05/29/10 at 20:15:57
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.

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Reply #21 - 05/29/10 at 20:41:02
Charon wrote on 05/29/10 at 19:42:29:
The First Amendment does not strictly apply to a private forum. The owner or administrator of the forum can make and enforce whatever rules they see fit. That would specifically include deleting any posts which do not comply with forum rules. If the person or persons whose posts are deleted is unhappy about it, they don't have to return.

Look up PUBLIC, dumb a$$ This forum is NOt private. It's available to anyone. Especially if they have over 3,000 IP #s Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!  
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Reply #22 - 05/29/10 at 21:16:14
Arthur wrote on 05/29/10 at 19:42:32:
I don't understand, Sluggo.  The site has the following warning:


The coward anonymous poster has posted under several member, ex member names, and never agreed to the rules.  According to the list of members online, you were sometimes online when his posts were at the top of the Cafe list.  Despite almost everyone of his posts having detailed, descriptive sexually obscene personal attacks against at least 3 members, and despite his never agreeing to the rules, nothing is or was deleted.  Yet the site rules quoted above say the posts will be deleted.  If it is not your place to delete due to 1st amendment rules,  who's place is it to enforce the stated forum rules through deletion of posts?

WHaaaaaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaa , Quit whining because you got your illiterate a$$ kicked, you imbecile......The man said he had a death in the family....Stop the ME ME Me , you immature mama's boy. This is all you have isn't it? You sad pathetic whining piece of dog crap. You are beyond help you sissy whiner.  Grin
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Reply #23 - 05/29/10 at 21:31:32
You see Sluggo?  The forum rules mean nothing because you nor anyone else can enforce them.  This is an open forum and anyone can post anything, anywhere they want.
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Serious Thumper

big singles lead,
twins follow the

Posts: 4744
moses lake washington
Gender: male
Reply #24 - 05/29/10 at 23:17:45
there are times my wife has been on lookin like i was.
i will be ready fOR A new tire at the end of the season. anybody else done one.. a burnout
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Reply #25 - 05/30/10 at 01:34:11
SSWatchDog wrote on 05/29/10 at 20:15:57:
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.


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Reply #26 - 05/30/10 at 01:34:31
SSWatchDog wrote on 05/29/10 at 20:15:57:
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.


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Reply #27 - 05/30/10 at 01:34:46
SSWatchDog wrote on 05/29/10 at 20:15:57:
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.


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Reply #28 - 05/30/10 at 01:35:00
SSWatchDog wrote on 05/29/10 at 20:15:57:
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.


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Reply #29 - 05/30/10 at 01:35:21
SSWatchDog wrote on 05/29/10 at 20:15:57:
Goodness, you housebound losers just get dumber and dumber as time passes. I am away for nearly a week and now I have hacked a forum? LOL, too funny!  Have none of you been outside at all? Lots of time to dream up different scenarios?
That is too sad...really, it is. It does shock me that I have made that much of an impact on your pathetic little lives though. I will always remain a legend, and you people will ramble on for weeks or months after I am gone. Maybe as you hang on my every word and re-read my posts, brain osmosis may occur and some of you may actually have some hope for a  future.

I see Gort is still whining and obsessing over me as usual. Everyone darn well knows that he is the sexually deviant pervert here in which I have posted a LONG and incomplete list of your descriptive sexual posts. In fact, if one goes to his photobucket account and searches the ID he uses there, they will come across several Straight, bisexual, and gay  forums and websites in which he belongs to, or was chased out of. Many of these forums containing explicit sexual content and him begging for members to send you pictures or links of content you cannot access without a credit card, in which he clearly do not have. Of course he would need a job and an income to apply for credit. I am sure he will run and change or alter his ID  on photobucket now, as he sweats like the greasy little slime-ball he is. Seems Gort's afternoon and evening is pre-planned for him.........LOL
So Gort,if you are going to blame someone else for your sick aggression, at least cover your darn tracks before you do it. By looks of some of these forums you belonged to, you caused lots of trouble in many of them also, and were run out of most of them.

The reason I have NOT been banned from this forum is I have broke far less rules than you. If you care to hit the "register" button and read the terms of service" page, you have in fact broken EVERY rule, multiple times, and for months and months. So why haven't you been banned????? You have name called, harassed women, posted sexual content almost daily, created sexually explicit pictures of your latent homosexual fantasies about Mick, and other infractions too numerous to mention. So why would a moderator ban me and not you and Mick and your little whiny effeminate friend sore-o-butt? You and Mick are notorious for cursing, attacking women, name calling, etc....So, should I ask that you be banned? You have been far more offensive than I ever dreamed of being.
Nowhere does it state that I cannot change my name as I see fit. Once again, fool, MOST of us are under an alias. Whether one uses the same alias or 500 aliases, it's still an alias. I don't need any one's permission to do so, and when you all start posting under your real names, then I will also. What are you not getting?  YOU ARE DOING THE SAME THING AS ME, ONLY YOU ARE FAR MORE CONSISTANT AT IT AND FAR MORE BRUTAL! If the moderators find reason to ban me, then they find reason to ban several others. This place would be an Internet ghost town.
In the event that a moderator even gave two $hits who I was, what are they going to do? I have not threatened anyone nor done anything against the law. Nothing any different than many of you. Are they going to scold me and ban me from the site?...Even if they were capable, which they aren't,I can just come back 2 seconds later if I wish. Today I am in the UK, last week I was in Australia, and I could be in Canada tomorrow if I so choose.
News flash People, exposing creeps, woman abusers, perverts, bullies and a$$holes is NOT against the law.If you are on a public forum and fighting with someone, scream harassment all you wish, and the police will just tell you to get a life, and hang up in your ear, as they laugh their heads off. After all, even if it was investigated, they would soon see that it was just a free for all with NO innocent parties. By the way, I guess I will back up particular threads on disk, so when Gort deletes content, as he often does, I have the posts.

By the way, BIKEMOM did NOT ask anyone for money. Another lie you made up. Members tried to help her by taking donations and she made it clear several times that she just needed to vent and donations were not necessary. She was a very popular member until you spun your web of lies and distorted facts, twisted truths, altered posts, and basically screwed her over....The same thing you accuse others of doing. You exploited this and attacked the poor gal, when she was weak and vulnerable. Anyone that witnessed this,speaks to you, or calls you a friend, needs their head examined.

And as a side note to Mick, you're a functionally illiterate moron. How someone can be that dumb and not realize it is beyond comprehension. You sling accusations as the wind blows.The fact that you can actually use a computer is very shocking. If I were half as stupid as you I would take a swan dive off the first bridge I found. I wonder how many people here have seen your criminal record sheet which dates back several years and 4 towns in California. No wonder you were married 5 or 6  times. A little slap happy while intoxicated were we?  Net Detective is a wonderful site! Keep up your crap and I wouldn't be shocked if it leaked into the forum. I of course would not look or read it, as it would be a darn shame that anyone would do such a thing!  What would people think? Oh of course, that person would be called a liar!  

I am done trying to reason with people who refuse to listen . I have far more important things to do than try to educate those that refuse to see the forest for the trees. You keyboard- kooks have stolen far too much of my  valuable time.

It would seem that Gort's life span on a public forum averages 6 to 8 months before he is chased out. He is overdue for a major blow up..........Don't say I didn't warn you.

PS: If any of you basement dwelling losers want a day out, I will gladly donate a few bucks in the name of charity,  so you can at least stuff street-side hot dogs into your face for half an hour, until you're asked to move on, as mothers hide their children;s eyes and tell them not to stare.


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