Guidelines Quote:The purpose of this section is to sell/buy LS650s (Savages/S40s) or LS650-related items. The occasional listing of another type of motorcycle will be allowed by regular posters. Other items are allowed only at the discretion of the moderator.
In order to keep this section current, if you have sold an item you listed for sale, or found what you were looking for, please update the subject with the word "sold" or "found". You can do this by opening up the thread and clicking on "modify" on your original post.
All threads older than three months will be deleted periodically unless there is a reason for them to remain (you will need to let a moderator know).
Caveat emptor Quote:This is a suggestion from your Mod Squad, not a worry alert.
Be cautious... as buyers and sellers...
This forum requires an amount of trust... and the site cannot be responsible for these sales...
We have a goodly flow of people here in the Marketplace, some are noobs and some old timers... Been this way for years now and we have had no real issues to speak of so far.
You can recognize a new person from their post count that shows up under their name on the left side of your screen...
Another trick you can do is to click on their name and get to their personal data page, look it over and then down at the very bottom of the personal data page you will find "Show the last XX posts by so-in-so". Run that clicker up to 25 and hit GO and peruse the information provided.
Time served on SS.Com doesn't guarantee anything,.. but it can be an indication...
Unsatisfactory transactions are rare, but can happen,, use your own good judgment when exchanging hard earned dollars through the mail.
Vendors- (meaning those sellers that have ongoing wares to sell, rather than individual items)... Quote:Your posts will be allowed for 90 days without any responses... at which time, Moderators may choose to delete them...
If your items prove to be of interest to members... they may be allowed to remain up indefinitely...
If they leave first 1 or 2 pages... you may bump them yourself,.. but, do be considerate of the other members... (Keep in mind, that every time a thread is bumped up,.. someone else's gets pushed off the page) ...
If you build a regular clientele among the membership,.. you may be given a sticky thread at the top of the page, but this will be earned over time, and based on member interest...
se be descriptive in your title. Quote:Start off with one of these:
WTB = Want To Buy
WTS = Want To Sell
WTT = Want To Trade
Then the object of your desire
And for large items (motorcycles) add the city and state to the end
Here is a tutorial on how to post photos for your ads...
How To Post Pics 