General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The promise kept

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/21 at 10:11:20

Title: The promise kept
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/21 at 10:11:20

The illustrious Puddinhead promised a Return to Normalcy in Fasciston DC. After multiple statements that the fedrull goobermint has no authority to make getting The Jab mandatory,, yeah,,

He promised to bring Fasciston DC back to normal,, and he has.

We are back to CRIMINAL ineptitude and corruption immeasurable.

You should vote for the intellectually crippled tyrant again,, because he represents YOUR ideas.

Ohh please Do explain what is better.

Is the invasion of untested and unvaccinated pouring across the border something you like?
You must.
I'm not seeing criticism.
I'm not seeing anyone saying

Trump's border policy was better for America and therefore, better for me.

I'm not aware of a lefty complaining about the FACT that gasoline and diesel cost at least a dollar less a gallon before SOMEONE shitcanned a pipeline project and shut down drilling, killing jobs far in excess of the Direct employment of those things.

Yeah,, we have a return to normal.

Too bad NORMAL is the name of what is common, customary,, not Good.

Trump was The Best President any of us have seen.

The day you can understand that and agree with it is the day America starts having a Chance at surviving.

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/21 at 10:26:46

Remember the Alamo!  ;D

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by Rockn on 09/29/21 at 11:45:40

The snowflakes are melting

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/21 at 14:25:17

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
Remember the Alamo!  ;D
and look foolish
I've been Fisked, good and proper.
Excellent rebuttal, row.I'm embarrassed because you just destroyed everything I said and made me look foolish.

You Know what I said is correct, and you don't have a Muppet leg to wobble around on.

Yeah, the Great Puddinhead has repaired the damage Trump did, the way the world looks at America now is GREEEAAATTT!

Eighty MILLYUN votes for the decrepit pedo who never even came close before,.. And the voters were doing worlds better economically.. It's unbelievable.

Because it's just fantasy. The evidence is out.
But You don't see it.
Nobody needs to manipulate reality for lefties.
They do it themselves.

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/21 at 05:02:12

We’re F’d. Not sure if we can ever recover without something amazing happening. There’s a serious possibility we’ll pass a 3.5 trillion dollar spending bill that will accomplish at best, 5% of what’s being advertised and the rest will be wasted. And Puddinhead thinks it will cost zero. Oh, and now there’s talk of taxing unrealized gains. Fxxk that. I’m wondering when the real insurrection starts and where.

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/21 at 00:07:58

Well, people are being forced into doing this..

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/21 at 07:40:34

In this Nation,
One can NOT,
be 'forced' to take a experimental biological.
   (Which the current C-19 vaccines are)

The 'Forcing' to take something,
was rather well known in Germany in the early 1940's.

However, Fed, State, County, Town,
government agencies,
private companies,
and Most of the 'media'.

Infers that, 'You Have To'

But of course,
Just add a drop or two of distilled water,
(to the EXPERIENTIAL drug)
which changes the formula,
and 'poof', under, mush for brains pudden head,
The FDA could say;
'Oh Yea, now it is fully approved'

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by Serowbot on 10/01/21 at 09:15:48

Only 3 1/2 billion people vaccinated.
Needs more testing.
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The promise kept
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/21 at 16:10:44

Sure, you can quit your job and lose everything..

That isn't forcing anyone to do anything,, now izzit?

Hey, sweetheart,, you can put this in your body or your career goes nowhere.

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