General Category >> The Marketplace >> Fuel Tank sale!

Message started by Dave on 03/13/21 at 08:59:25

Title: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 08:59:25

Here are 4 tanks that are for sale.

The blue one is in very good shape - it has two small on each side in front.

Blue tank - $140 plus shipping (good tank for getting chromed).

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 08:59:55

Tank bottom

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 09:00:24

Paint nick

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 09:00:43

2nd tank nick

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 09:01:42

This red tanks is in good shape with a few small imperfections.


Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 09:03:49


Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 03/13/21 at 09:05:51

Red Tank #2 is in good shape with similar imperfections.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 12/25/21 at 03:30:24

Red Tank #2 top.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Tone2crazy on 01/31/22 at 06:44:32

This red tank #3 is very faded and has a dent in the side.

This tank is $70 and you pay shipping.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 02/03/22 at 10:51:51

Top of Red Tank #3 showing faded paint.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by darthesteban on 05/25/22 at 17:01:12

Tank #3 is a California tank with vent tube.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 08/15/23 at 09:31:45

All of these tanks are good inside without any rust.  They have been cleaned and are coated inside with a light rust preventative - you will need to rinse the tanks with a bit of mineral spirits or gasoline prior to putting them into use.

I expect shipping would be approximately $40/$50.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by Dave on 11/11/24 at 03:57:07

Fuel tanks are still available.

Title: Re: Fuel Tank sale!
Post by pg on 12/04/24 at 16:08:35

I purchased the red #2 tank.  Dave deserves a special thanks for taking the time to send additional pictures, packing the box very well, and speedy shipping.  It looks really good!  

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