General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Miracle Vaccine

Message started by MnSpring on 11/28/20 at 07:24:04

Title: Miracle Vaccine
Post by MnSpring on 11/28/20 at 07:24:04

So, without the vaccine, you have a 1.5 to 3.5 % of dying from c-19
(according to the many different, and very hard to find, stats)
AND stats that have been KNOWN to be totally inflated.
And the testing,
which are 50-60% FALSE positive,
Are called, ‘New Cases’,  when they are NOT,
they are just positive tests,
which the very, Very, VERY most have NO Symptoms !
And the TOTAL Spin on,
“Hospital beds are full”, when it is only ICU beds and Only in a few areas !

Now this, ‘Miracle’ vaccine, you take it, and NOW,
You only have a 5.5% of Dying. !

Yep, raise the FEAR,
 so that ding-dong and Ho-Ho,
  can be heroes to all the sheapol.

Title: Re: Miracle Vaccine
Post by Eegore on 11/28/20 at 08:09:51

 I heard it was a 6.6 percent of dying and that it was 80 percent FALSE positive.

 How can distilled water kill so many people?

Title: Re: Miracle Vaccine
Post by MnSpring on 11/30/20 at 07:31:27

Revised theory of the Socialists Plan.

After watching the UL, (BIG TIME) FDS, Socialistic Tucson AZ news this morning.
Discussed the More FEAR, being applied.

It now appears that the Ding-Dong and Ho-Ho handlers, are going to prolong the manufactured FEAR, to the end of eliminating as much of the middle class as they can.

Then the far greatest, probably 4/5ths, will be dependent on the, 'government', Because the, 'government' will give, Give, GIVE, more, all the while taking away more, More, MORE freedoms.

Then,  1/5th will pay more taxes, to STUFF, the 'handlers', pockets.

Thus accelerating, Socialism faster.

Take your, 'paper' money, and buy gold/silver !
In 5 years from now, a  loaf of bread will  cost $12.00, if another Socialist is fraudulently elected as POTUS. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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