General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> This has Trumps fingerprints all over it

Message started by eau de sauvage on 03/30/20 at 14:02:28

Title: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 03/30/20 at 14:02:28

That the FDA has actually approved the use of hydroxychloroquin, can only be a direct order from Trump as everyone else knows it's bullsh!t. But anything that plays to Trump's narrative is fine, who cares if it's dangerous as well as idiotic.

What makes this sort of lunacy so dangerous is that 40% of Americans believe in creationism.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by srinath on 03/30/20 at 14:27:14

4E5C484B5C5A583D0 wrote:

That the FDA has actually approved the use of hydroxychloroquin, can only be a direct order from Trump as everyone else knows it's bullsh!t. But anything that plays to Trump's narrative is fine, who cares if it's dangerous as well as idiotic.

What makes this sort of lunacy so dangerous is that 40% of Americans believe in creationism.

Really ???? Really ???
Biased much ????

Why is that important and why would Trump be wise to take India's lead on this ????
One of the only countries to have a advanced medical system and an advanced pharma industry which has been supplying massive supplies of everything from viagra to cancer medication is India.

India also has incidence of Malaria - so they have studied the similarities/differences between covid 19 and malaria.

Here is why India isn't the best candidate to have copied -
Indians have higher immunity to corona.

To gain further insights into host responses to viral infection, they predict that antiviral host-miRNAs (microRNA) may be controlling the viral pathogenesis. The analysis reveals nine host miRNAs which can potentially target SARS-CoV2 genes. Interestingly, the nine miRNAs do not have targets in SARS and MERS genomes. Also, hsa-miR-27b is the only unique miRNA which has a target gene in the Indian SARS-CoV2 genome.

So Injuns have a gene that mutates the virus and sends it to its doom. OK India is a good example to follow while developing a vaccine - my thought. Don't expect India's results but its a good one to start off with cos there is nothing else.

Ofcourse Modi has put an export block on a bunch of meds, including Tylenol, and Trump is trying to get him to open it back up.


Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 03/30/20 at 15:19:39

All there is is some dodgy anecdotal evidence, Trump is trying to pretend there's more to it than that. Sure everything is going to be tested. Who are you going to trust, Fauci? Or is he too deep State.

Everyone is obviously going to be grasping at any straws that are offered but Fauci said right from the off, he's only going to tell the truth, no matter what.

When asked if there was 'any evidence' of hydroxychloroquine being effective he was unequivocal...

"No. The answer is no," Fauci said, adding that there was only anecdotal evidence that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective therapy for people with coronavirus.

The day after discussing hydroxychloroquine, Fauci made a pointed comment about coronavirus treatments.
"I don't want anybody to forget that simultaneously with our doing that, we're also doing randomized clinical trials on a number of candidates," he said. "We're talking about remdesivir, other drugs, immune sera, convalescent serum, monoclonal antibodies, all of these are in the pipeline now queuing up to be able to go into clinical trial," he said.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by pg on 03/30/20 at 15:32:44

You libtards are frothing from the lips....  Trump bans flights from China, then he is xenophobic.  He pushes through legislation to help citizens & businesses, then he is only doing it to help Boeing.  If he didn't support the medication, then they would say their was mediation available and he didn't utilize it and let more people die.

Get a grip...

Best regards,

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by WebsterMark on 03/30/20 at 15:51:25

6E7C686B7C7A781D0 wrote:

That the FDA has actually approved the use of hydroxychloroquin, can only be a direct order from Trump as everyone else knows it's bullsh!t. But anything that plays to Trump's narrative is fine, who cares if it's dangerous as well as idiotic.

What makes this sort of lunacy so dangerous is that 40% of Americans believe in creationism.

Direct order from Trump..... give me a break! So on one hand, Trump’s a lunatic completely out of control and nobody pays attention to him because they’re constantly going behind his back. On the other hand, he picks up the phone, calls the FDA, and orders them to approve a drug which is dangerous. Seriously? Pick which BS you’re going to go with. You can’t have both.

And give us some evidence of why anybody should do anything but laugh at your rants? Like the previous TDS infected leftists who polluted this site but have since left, you  guys have never been right about anything, but you keep creating new and new ridiculous allegations. Each one more far-fetched than the other. Give up.

Trumps a seriously flawed person who makes crap up and flies by the seat of his pants. That’s it. But he recognizes the big picture very well and understands America. His overall instincts are excellent. It would be nice if he was a better person, a little thicker skin, able to just dismiss people like you for what you are instead of making a big deal out of you. He’s the worst winner in the world. He’s done a far better job than Hillary or Bernie or Biden would have a 2016. So just deal with it. He’ll be around until 2024.

Or were you one of those clowns predicting he was going to resign or be impeached or is going to get slaughtered in 2020?

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/20 at 16:45:04

Pick which BS you’re going to go with. You can’t have both.

Of Course he can...

Youre a science denier if you dont buy into the demonstrably complete bullshit the global warming crap is,,
They believe a Man can get up one day and declare himself a woman,,
Just Like THAT,,
Its TRUE!!
Nevermind the SCIENCE and historical precendent that argues agains the belief that people can be another sex than what they were born as,,

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by srinath on 03/31/20 at 05:48:59

No one has a vaccine. Clo-Q is a start. The Race to build the vaccine is on, obviously but for now its where we are, and no socialist medicine country is doing any where near as well as India. India has a population with higher level of immunity, but no social distancing at all, even as a faint concept. Its very wise to follow and copy India. They don't have the death rate anywhere near any other country and 2 days ago they opted to use Clo-Q.
Fauci may be only the truth guy, but he's a paper pusher. Doctors in India are on the front lines of this and Clo-Q is what they're using. And it works (maybe the higher immunity helps).
China has covered up the deaths and are pulling a Stalingrad by feeding bodies into their economic engine to cripple the world after the disease did. Tarriffs and new tariffs are how Trump needs to show leadership, and call it china virus.
Socialized medicine countries where 1 person with a cold and 10,000 with a vague feeling they may have something turn up asking for "free" treatment are faring poorly.
I basically advocate following Indias lead on the medicine front as well. You go to doctor, you pay them on the spot and leave. You pay for consult, the meds if they dispense it, else a prescription filled and paid for at the pharmacy - done. There is a price list on the doctors door and the pharmacy. Trump has picked up the Clo-Q lead from India, good decision.
Socialized medicine in cases like this are a disaster financially and for outcomes. India's system works a million times better, and the next best bet is the US system. Trump is showing leadership by not being a socialized medicine supporter.
I don't see any one doing better. Not even if Obaba had inflated the CDC and Trump never cut it - no freaking way anything would have been better, and the Press would have bend over for Obaba so the press conferences would have been slick and charming and Obaba would be talking about changing the Virus's calculus while the death toll stays the same but the bill will be a lot bigger.


Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by pg on 03/31/20 at 07:39:21

Is this legitimate?

Best regards,

Title: Trumps fingerprints-definitely hope so
Post by srinath on 03/31/20 at 10:29:53

That is the WHO saying a cheap and 50yr old malaria drug  -

Doctors have used chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as antimalarial drugs for decades, but researchers have recently started arguing that they could repurpose these compounds to fight SARS-CoV-2.

Works as opposed to HIV and ebola drugs that are experimental and $$$$.
I believe US is only the second country to approve for Corona - remember its already approved by FDA for Malaria - likely done in the 70's. Trump is coming out looking like a genius here. He copied India - and that is another brilliant move - this from an Indian hater - look at my comments on legal immigration via H1 from India. I can see how slave ship china made and sent the virus, and how they're feeding bodies into their economy to kill the rest of the world, and I see how Trump had tariffs 3 yrs ago and now he just needs to take that tariff pen back and write more of them in, and call it china virus again and make a new drug while Clo-Q is doing its best. Simple, There is 5 wins he needs to get here. Anything less would be leaving some political or physical capital on the table, and would be unacceptable to me.


Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by verslagen1 on 03/31/20 at 11:44:22

Wonderful... Gin and tonics for everyone!   [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by srinath on 03/31/20 at 12:56:02

3F2C3B3A25282E2C2778490 wrote:
Wonderful... Gin and tonics for everyone!   [smiley=beer.gif]

Why you little …
Don't make me come down there …
Whaaaaaaa… you mean libtard loses as always …


Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by verslagen1 on 04/02/20 at 10:40:17


Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/24/20 at 22:15:17


Somehow I missed this gem of yours...

...the demonstrably complete bullshit the global warming crap is...

Please do 'demonstrate' for me, I'll get the popcorn.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/20 at 11:12:58

I call the absolute, complete lack of ANY of the
Oh MY Gawd! Endo Th WURLD dire consequensces we were gonna see in twelve years, and THAT twelve years was UP, thirteen years ago.. So, Demonstrate YOUR bullshit as actually Happening,, That YOu CAN't
What makes your Bullshit

Clear enuff for ya?

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by pg on 04/25/20 at 13:33:04

3E2C383B2C2A284D0 wrote:
...the demonstrably complete bullshit the global warming crap is...

Please do 'demonstrate' for me, I'll get the popcorn.

Everything from Obama buying a beach front mansion at Martha's Vineyard to AOC saying the world is going to end in 12 years.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/25/20 at 13:43:35

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
I call the absolute, complete lack of ANY of the
Oh MY Gawd! Endo Th WURLD dire consequensces we were gonna see in twelve years, and THAT twelve years was UP, thirteen years ago.. So, Demonstrate YOUR bullshit as actually Happening,, That YOu CAN't
What makes your Bullshit

Clear enuff for ya?

Wait, you're the one that said it is "demonstrably" false. So demonstrate it. Saying 'dire predictions' were made twelve years ago that did not happen' is not demonstrating anything. Especially because it's incorrect. Not only that global warming doesn't even operate on a time scale of 12 years. Having said that when I last checked the CO2 content of the air in 1990 it was 330ppm it's now 430ppm.

But you're then one remember who said it was demonstrably false, prove it, you said you could demonstrate it so go ahead. Saying, 'no you've got to demonstrate that global warming is a fact' to me is not demonstrating anything.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/25/20 at 13:47:31

6D7A7C707F6F1D0 wrote:

Giving me a link to a rightwing nut job publication, as some sort of proof of anything, let alone a subject as complex and well documented as global warming, is laughably ludicrous.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by MnSpring on 04/25/20 at 15:03:20

5D4F5B584F494B2E0 wrote:
" ... nut job publication, as some sort of proof of anything, let alone a subject as complex and well documented as global warming, is laughably ludicrous.

So this does not count ?

AOC , SAID:  “Like the ‘world ending in 12 years’ thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/25/20 at 15:12:53


Correct, the blathering of any politican does not count. For science we must defer to scientists, and not just any scientists but specialists in their field and fully peer reviewed.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/25/20 at 15:55:15

I should add, unless that politician is a physicist, this would explain Germany's success with Covid-19 as opposed to France, Italy and Spain.

The Secret to Germany’s COVID-19 Success: Angela Merkel Is a Scientist
The chancellor’s rigor in collating information, her honesty in stating what is not yet known, and her composure are paying off.

http:// (

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by MnSpring on 04/25/20 at 16:11:01

786A7E7D6A6C6E0B0 wrote:
Correct, the blathering of any politican does not count.

OK good to know.
Just for the record,
you believe AOC is a, 'blathering politician'.

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by pg on 04/25/20 at 16:27:44

73617576616765000 wrote:
[quote author=6D7A7C707F6F1D0 link=1585602149/0#14 date=1587846784]

Giving me a link to a rightwing nut job publication, as some sort of proof of anything, let alone a subject as complex and well documented as global warming, is laughably ludicrous.[/quote]


Best regards,

Title: Re: This has Trumps fingerprints all over it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/20 at 16:57:58

The brainwashed idiots have been screaming about increased ND WORSE HURICANES  for Decades,, NOpe,
NO more snow
No more acctic ice
Polar bears will starve
HUGE populations are thriving
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