General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Self-Centered Anger

Message started by raydawg on 05/23/19 at 08:03:20

Title: Self-Centered Anger
Post by raydawg on 05/23/19 at 08:03:20

Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. - Titus 1:7

A good deal of human anger springs from selfishness.
A man may get angry with his father for not including him in the business; with his wife for not serving the dinner he expected; with his daughter for telephoning in at midnight for a ride home from a party; or with his son for not weeding the garden when he wanted it done.

In the book entitled, Caring Enough to Confront, David Augsburger describes this self-centered anger as "a demand that also demands others meet your demands."
Simply put, self-centered anger erupts when you don’t get what you want, when you want it.

Self-centered anger isn’t what Jesus expressed.
He didn’t get angry when someone snubbed Him, but he did when someone cast a slur on His Father or treated others unjustly. He wasn’t ticked at the money-changers for offending Him but for desecrating His Father’s house and disrupting the worship of His people.

Jesus never got angry at the wrongs done to Him—including the ultimate wrong—His crucifixion. Instead, He forgave.

We all struggle with self-centered anger.
And when we compare ourselves to Jesus, we must learn to call this type of anger what it is: sin. (Remember though, not all anger is sin.)

Ask God for forgiveness and ask Him to help you to practice the habit of examining your motives when you become angry so that you can discern self-centeredness from God-centeredness.

- Steve Arterburn

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. - Robert G. Ingersoll

Is your lamp extinguished?   ;)

Hey all, have a GREAT day......
I am leaving today for my first camping trip in my new trailer, not sure if I will have cell....however, I am real sure you all will manage just fine if I don't  :-[ :-[ :-[ ;D


Title: Re: Self-Centered Anger
Post by Eegore on 05/23/19 at 16:30:25

 I don't really think human emotions are hard-wired.  There is little evidence of that actually.

 I do like this part:

"a demand that also demands others meet your demands."

 Sounds a lot like saying I can only react in the same capacity I am treated.  So the only way I can prevent myself from insulting someone, is if they do not insult me. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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