General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> God Is Not Judging Me

Message started by raydawg on 05/20/19 at 05:40:27

Title: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by raydawg on 05/20/19 at 05:40:27 popular demand ...  ;D ;D ;D :)

There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. - John 3:18

Why do we tend to give away too much of ourselves to others and neglect to care for ourselves? Often we’re driven by a fear of being judged. We are haunted by a sense that we haven’t done enough or we haven’t done what was expected. And at the root of those fears is the sense that the one who is most critical of us is God himself.

But that’s just not true. John tells us plainly that when we believe in Jesus, God does not judge us. Paul makes this even clearer when he asserts, "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). No ifs, no ands, no buts—absolutely no condemnation, simply because we belong to Jesus. And that freedom from judgment is not based on how we feel about it. It’s reality—based on a transaction we made with God when we affirmed our belief and he adopted us into his family.

So that critical voice we so often hear in our heads is not God speaking; it’s us. God speaks only in the language of love.

Ask Yourself

How loud is the critical, judgmental voice in your head? Who first told you the things that your critical voice now repeats?

Since the critical voice is not telling the truth, how can you argue against it?

Ask God

Loving heavenly Father, thank you for not judging me. Help me not to listen to that critical voice within me, for I know it is not you. Help me to know that I am loved by you and accepted for who I am.

Ya all have a great week.....PEACE  :-*

PS: Thank you ALL who care so much about me, my welfare, my walk, that you take the time to read my post, and to share your concerns, I know deep down they are genuine and caring....LOVE YOU MUCH for your support, may God Bless you too!   :-* :-*

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 06:37:58

Just to clarify Ray; I believe that refers to salvation not what you could define as 'day to day' actions.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Eegore on 05/20/19 at 07:31:27

 Nothing added really in the source material but I agree with Webstermark on this one.

 What's interesting is the willingness to share these biblical outlooks while creating posts just to insult other members here.  Good thing God knows how to communicate.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 08:00:56

Easy peasy there Eegore....

You are doing that thing where anyone who states a particular moral position is automatically a target for the charge of hypocrisy while those who state no moral position are immune. It's an easy way to toss aside valid objections.  In other words, an atheist who is a strong leftist could never face such a charge. What could they be accused of doing that is against their position; their moral pathway. They have none. Ray does and has stated it so he's an easy target.

God was/is very judgmental, God was/is very divisive.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Eegore on 05/20/19 at 08:07:55

 I don't really have an opinion of it other than it's interesting.

 You are correct that an Atheist would be less likely to have someone point out their religious views contradict with their outward actions towards the world around them, however I don't feel political affiliation is relevant.  

 One is immune to hypocrisy if they don't share an opinion on a subject matter, no matter their religion or political affiliation.  There would be nothing to compare.


Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 08:48:05

The thing is, spouting a bunch of religious gobbledygook doesn't make you a good person,...
If there's a god, I don't believe he'll judge you on your bullshit, he'll judge you on what you do.  This includes how you treat and speak to others.
Bible quotes aren't a "get out jail free" card...
God ain't laffin'...

Religious advice from an atheist... ;D

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 08:58:50

The thing is, spouting a bunch of religious gobbledygook doesn't make you a good person,...

A classic case demonstrated by our friend Sew here. For example, both Ray and Sew could offer opinions on any topic, but Ray's opinion is always judged by an overall moral position which he has previously stated. Sew's position is never judged by a moral position because he has none.  He is free to argue strictly on the merits of his position while Ray has to do the same PLUS deal with any charges of hypocrisy.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/19 at 09:02:01

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
A classic case demonstrated by our friend Sew here. For example, both Ray and Sew could offer opinions on any topic, but Ray's opinion is always judged by an overall moral position which he has previously stated. Sew's position is never judged by a moral position because he has none.  He is free to argue strictly on the merits of his position while Ray has to do the same PLUS deal with any charges of hypocrisy.

Totaly Agree.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Eegore on 05/20/19 at 09:17:56

"Sew's position is never judged by a moral position because he has none.  He is free to argue strictly on the merits of his position while Ray has to do the same PLUS deal with any charges of hypocrisy."


 This is the byproduct of proclaiming a moral position, or any position at all.  

 When people here say we need to be civil and then start tossing out insults, they are not assessed strictly on their position of saying we need to act civil, they are also assessed on their actions of not being civil.

 People who do not say we need to act civil can not be assessed as if they have taken that stance.  They would be assessed strictly on what they do.  

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 09:19:41

Rightfully so...
Nobody made him put it out there.
The hypocrisy is in the posting, not in his religious belief.
None of us would know his religion if he didn't flout it.
We observe him speaking of a code he doesn't follow.
Hypocrisy 101

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 09:25:04

You flout you lack of religious belief, sometimes with equal vigor as Ray does his belief.

Point is, atheist and leftist (can you have one without the other?...) are Teflon coated. What charge of hypocrisy could you be labeled with?

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 09:36:39

I guess there's difference in flouting a belief and a non-belief.
How is that my problem?...
I should ignore the hypocrisy out of respect for a religion he demonstrates no adherence to other than word salad?...
This is an issue he posted not me.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 09:39:57

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
The thing is, spouting a bunch of religious gobbledygook doesn't make you a good person,...

A classic case demonstrated by our friend Sew here. For example, both Ray and Sew could offer opinions on any topic, but Ray's opinion is always judged by an overall moral position which he has previously stated. Sew's position is never judged by a moral position because he has none.  He is free to argue strictly on the merits of his position while Ray has to do the same PLUS deal with any charges of hypocrisy.

Correct.  Funny that you understand the concept, but refute the results.

The story of Jesus is a great one.  More often than not, it's perverted to fit some idiot's narrative to justify some action or another.  The true message of his story is lost.  Sadly, many of those who evangelize him the most are those who fail the worst at knowing what the story is all about.

Hypocrisy on all levels is what I personally have the biggest problems with, I think I've made that abundantly clear.  

Case in point - all these biblical posts from guys like ray, offering "spiritual enhancement" or whatever - and then another calling someone out just to insult them.  But "that's OK - I'm a sinner" they say.

No - sorry, that sh!t don't fly.  You set yourself up as being "better" - you had better be better.

Another case in point - the religious right supports a person like trump - an admitted adulterer, a shady businessman, a proven liar, a fake Christian (at best) and a man who is a sexual predator (pu$$y grabbing anyone?).  Yet at the same time, they deride a man like Obama and label him a Muslim and accuse him of ridiculous things like enacting Sharia Law or saying that Michelle Obama is a man.  Seriously?

Politically it's a parallel circumstance.  Those same people who railed against Obama's "terrible" policies now embrace all those same things trump does even more (the golfing, the social media, the prompter reading to name a few).  Additionally, those same people who criticized Obama for things like the deficit are now perfectly fine to see it up by 700% or so...  Same with unemployment, workforce participation, inflation, the stock market, wages, and on and on.  All these things were improved by the Obama administration and led to trump walking into a growing economy and low unemployment - but all they see is red, or should I say, orange.

You stated that it's a "lack of morals" that insulates guys like Setro and me.

Not true.  It's the fact that we operate with far less pretense than you or ray or jog.  Our morality is in some ways much higher than those of a "Christian" (IMHO).    

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 09:58:11

Sadly, many of those who evangelize him the most are those who fail the worst at knowing what the story is all about.

what story?

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/19 at 09:59:46

574946474A574C51230 wrote:
 More often than not, it's perverted to fit some idiot's narrative to justify some action or another.  
 It's the fact that we operate with far less pretense than you or ray or jog.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
You just made the point,
that, YOU, believe YOU,
are smarter, Better, and more, 'moral', than everyone else.
Because, YOU believe, in, Not Believing !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 10:15:36

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Sadly, many of those who evangelize him the most are those who fail the worst at knowing what the story is all about.

what story?

Jesus' story.  Yeah, even though I'm agnostic, I still respect Christianity (and all religions) and have some theological knowledge.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 10:18:23

7754694A4853545D3A0 wrote:
[quote author=574946474A574C51230 link=1558356027/0#12 date=1558370397] More often than not, it's perverted to fit some idiot's narrative to justify some action or another.  
 It's the fact that we operate with far less pretense than you or ray or jog.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
You just made the point,
that, YOU, believe YOU,
are smarter, Better, and more, 'moral', than everyone else.
Because, YOU believe, in, Not Believing !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No, I didn't.   I said "Our morality is in some ways much higher than those of a "Christian" (IMHO). "

You lied.  Shame on you mn.  Stop that.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 10:26:22

what story? you said it was a great story.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 10:29:10

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
what story? you said it was a great story.

Jesus' story.  Yeah, even though I'm agnostic, I still respect Christianity (and all religions) and have some theological knowledge.

... is this thing on?

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 11:10:14

You said it was a great story, I’m just wondering what was great? Peter Pan is a great story, Huckleberry Finn is a great story, Gone with the Wind is a great story.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 11:16:40

Gone with the Wind was overrated....

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 11:53:12

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
You said it was a great story, I’m just wondering what was great? Peter Pan is a great story, Huckleberry Finn is a great story, Gone with the Wind is a great story.

So, you're acting like you don't know the story of Jesus.

But what you're really doing is trying to somehow prove that it's not a story, but historical fact. (that's my guess...)

It isn't.

You do indeed know the story of Jesus just as I do.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 14:01:57

I'm just asking you what story. If you don't want to say, that's fine.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 14:22:06

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
I'm just asking you what story. If you don't want to say, that's fine.

The whole thing mark - all of them.  The immaculate conception, the birth in humble surroundings, the young boy among the elders, the carpenter, the baptism by John, the young preacher, the Sermon On The Mount/the Beatitudes,  the miracles, his Disciples, him being betrayed, his acceptance of his fate, his crucifixion and death and his resurrection.... you know.. The New Testament.

All a great story.  Just like the Old Testament is a great story.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 15:02:08

Also,.. all of those stories are retelling's of much earlier stories, which is how we know they are myths...
(unless you want to believe virgin births and resurrections are common)... :-?

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/19 at 15:23:17

How do you know they aren't the original stories that others have retold?

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by raydawg on 05/20/19 at 15:34:27

Classic irony of hypocrisy.....

Web, you exhibit reasoning far superior to what you will witness here.

Alas, I am a man with no where to turn, I've been told I can't be a democrat, by those who preach diversity and tolerance....

Nor can I be a christian, because I don't behave in a manner that exhibit the characteristic, of a belief they call a fairy tail....  

So, whats a person to do.....????

Forfeit their right to be who they are, what they believe, and be judged by those who saying judging others is intolerable behavior.....

Lets define that list, perhaps that will help.  

A man must act/behave like?

A woman?

A christian?

A non believer?

A Black person? (gender-less)  

Muslim? (gender-less)



The BIGGIE......

How should a non-judgmental person act?

Man, you know I hit pay dirt when Bot can type out more than just a drive-by.
Seems Christianity is one of his favorite things to hate  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ya all have fun, enjoy, live and let live, but most important, understand.... you are the riddle.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 15:48:09

76657D60657363040 wrote:
Classic irony of hypocrisy.....

Web, you exhibit reasoning far superior to what you will witness here.

Alas, I am a man with no where to turn, I've been told I can't be a democrat, by those who preach diversity and tolerance....

Nor can I be a christian, because I don't behave in a manner that exhibit the characteristic, of a belief they call a fairy tail....  

So, whats a person to do.....????

Forfeit their right to be who they are, what they believe, and be judged by those who saying judging others is intolerable behavior.....

Lets define that list, perhaps that will help.  

A man must act/behave like?

A woman?

A christian?

A non believer?

A Black person? (gender-less)  

Muslim? (gender-less)



The BIGGIE......

How should a non-judgmental person act?

Man, you know I hit pay dirt when Bot can type out more than just a drive-by.
Seems Christianity is one of his favorite things to hate  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ya all have fun, enjoy, live and let live, but most important, understand.... you are the riddle.

Another nonsense post.  Another post where you set yourself apart as an observer, and then try to ingratiate yourself with someone like mark, while trashing someone like me.

I personally liked the Bible verses better.

Your trying to pass down judgement is funny.

The "aww shucks" routine is running thin though.

Too bad you just can't be authentic.

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/19 at 16:03:29

253B343538253E23510 wrote:
Too bad you just can't be authentic.

I fully believe most of the people on this site, ARE, authentic.

They say things like, 'don't kill babies', 'I like Firearms'.
And they STAND by those statements.
They do NOT,  'Back Peddle'.
Even those that believe the opposite,
stand by what they say, and do not 'back peddle'.

Their is one, who says, (to the like):
"If you don't believe what I say,
then you are a ..., ..., ..., ..., etc"

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/19 at 16:21:35

04271A393B20272E490 wrote:
[quote author=253B343538253E23510 link=1558356027/15#27 date=1558392489]
Too bad you just can't be authentic.

I fully believe most of the people on this site, ARE, authentic.

They say things like, 'don't kill babies', 'I like Firearms'.
And they STAND by those statements.
They do NOT,  'Back Peddle'.
Even those that believe the opposite,
stand by what they say, and do not 'back peddle'.

Being authentic doesn't just mean that you post things.

Look up the word "authenticity".

Their is one, who says, (to the like):
"If you don't believe what I say,
then you are a ..., ..., ..., ..., etc"


Yes, there is.  In fact, I'm posting to that person now.  It's the same person that can't differentiate between "there", "their" and "they're".

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/19 at 16:23:03

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
How do you know they aren't the original stories that others have retold?

Oh come on Web,...we know when they were written.
The New Testament can't predate Jesus... ::)
Christianity can't replace a religion that hasn't already existed... :-/

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by raydawg on 05/20/19 at 17:22:44


The bible story is exactly that, a story, just like many other stories and prophecies, told through the centuries.....

However, unless you have been gifted the Spirit, of the trinity, you will not grasp it at the level where it becomes "part of you", and thus, the living Bible, because it brings such a deeper awareness, that only each, and every person, who is there, knows of the unique relationship(s) with God and Jesus, personally......

Nobody, none, can with certainty, deny that relationship exist, that is the beauty of it.....
For in doing so, it becomes about you, and not about the other....

And tell me who, any of you, I invite you now, to look into my soul, place your life as a wager......that you can judge it, as absolute fact beyond the shadow of doubt, of what it reveals.....go ahead, try, if you dare.  ;)

You can't....bottom line, no mortal man, can......that is the gospel truth.  :)  

I know it makes no sense....that is what I am talking about  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by verslagen1 on 05/21/19 at 07:07:41

We've seen other democratic converts exhibit strange behavior too.
Adding to that is your convert from godless.

ought to make you doubly strange.   8-)

Title: Re: God Is Not Judging Me
Post by raydawg on 05/21/19 at 16:09:56

4A594E4F505D5B59520D3C0 wrote:
We've seen other democratic converts exhibit strange behavior too.
Adding to that is your convert from godless.

ought to make you doubly strange.   8-)

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