General Category >> The Cafe >> Lets try again......

Message started by raydawg on 12/11/18 at 10:35:42

Title: Lets try again......
Post by raydawg on 12/11/18 at 10:35:42

Read this just now, and I thought it is worthy, and timely, of sharing.

We often relax our good instincts, during the holiday celebrations, and really forget some of the ugliness that can writhe its way into our lives, after its too late....
I have shared my toils with booze many times here, as I believe the sharing is what can lend another who struggles, the hope and vision their life need not be dictated by booze......
Countless testimonies by those who found a better life, affirm that.

Peace and Joy to all who read this  :)

Children of Alcoholics

Alcohol abuse is a huge problem in our world today. Let me give you a feeling for how big a problem it is. Over 18 million Americans have alcohol problems. More than 9 million children currently live in homes with an alcohol-dependent parent. And more than half of all American adults have a family history impacted along the way by alcoholism.

The last statistic is worse than it sounds. Half of all American adults have alcohol abuse in their family history. That's important because alcohol abuse isn't an individual problem. And it doesn't end when the alcoholic passes away, leaves, or even sobers up. Alcoholism affects both the alcoholic and everyone who loves him or her.

But, there is hope. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and Celebrate Recovery, are all designed to help family members along with the alcoholic. Seek help if your family has been impacted by alcoholism.

Remember, within each of us lies the capacity to grow and alter the way we act and feel. And that doesn't mean that we shall have peace, from the storms of life, no, but will instead find peace, in the midst of the storms of life.

- Steve Arterburn

I do not want the peace which passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.- Helen Keller

Note: altered a few words, but the gist is the same, thanks  :)

Title: Re: Lets try again......
Post by Papa Bear on 12/12/18 at 09:50:37

Just got home from my meeting. Great post Ray.

Alcoholism/addiction is a family disease (think 1 bad apple spoils the bushel). There is help !

Take care.


Title: Re: Lets try again......
Post by Dave on 12/12/18 at 15:19:14

My dad was an alcoholic.  He came home for dinner, then left to hang out in bars every night....including Saturday.  The only day and night he stayed home with his family and helped with the work around was on Sunday....and he was very unhappy, cross, mean and cantankerous all day.

Thank goodness I had a very loving, caring and devoted mother....she made up for my lack of any good fathering! :)

My minister told us a story of a long ago Christmas for him.  He never knew his dad, and his grandparents raised him and they were poor.  One year his grandmother was able to save up enough money to buy a bicycle for him - she bought it "too big" for him as she knew she could not afford to buy him a second one later on - he would just have to grow into this new bike.  He rode it all day that Christmas, and it was parked on the porch that night.  When he got up the next day his bike was gone - eventually they found out the alcoholic uncle stole the bike and sold it to get beer money!  It would have been hard to forgive that uncle - but much later in life he was the minister at his uncle's funeral. :-?

Title: Re: Lets try again......
Post by Armen on 12/12/18 at 19:00:20

Wow. Thanks for sharing. Working in the biz I am in (theater in NYC), I've see a lot of alcohol and drug abuse. Buried more than a couple of co-workers who drank or drugged themselves to death. Lost a few friends to drunk drivers.
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