General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ultimate TDS

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/18 at 16:21:19

Title: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/18 at 16:21:19

Yes, righties opposed Obama's policies.
Nobody shot up lefty softball practice.

This is what insane looks like.

Pretty lame, the ARM?
Put some heart into it..

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/12/18 at 18:15:06

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Yes, righties opposed Obama's policies.
Nobody shot up lefty softball practice.

This is what insane looks like.

Pretty lame, the ARM?
Put some heart into it..

Yeah, 'cause the righties have no crazies within their ranks, right?


Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by MnSpring on 09/12/18 at 18:20:01

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
This is what insane looks like.

So the, 'Official', "campus police" , said:
On the floor of the restroom was a black-and-white, .22-caliber pistol and one spent shell casing.

WHAT ??????????  The DIF  people
Can not read, ON THE FIREARM, the Make/Model ???????
What  DFI's.   lololololololololololololol

Just like the DFI, UL, that 'shot' himself in the arm.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Rather typical,  'SNOWFLAKE'.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/12/18 at 18:45:47

6D4E735052494E47200 wrote:
[quote author=76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 link=1536794479/0#0 date=1536794479]
This is what insane looks like.

So the, 'Official', "campus police" , said:
On the floor of the restroom was a black-and-white, .22-caliber pistol and one spent shell casing.

WHAT ??????????  The DIF  people
Can not read, ON THE FIREARM, the Make/Model ???????
What  DFI's.   lololololololololololololol

Just like the DFI, UL, that 'shot' himself in the arm.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Rather typical,  'SNOWFLAKE'.

I dunno mn, it seems trump is the textbook example of snowflake.  He hates criticism.  He can't take it.  He has to respond.

But speaking of "typical" - I guess your posts are typical of all conservatives, huh?

I'm sure everyone who reads them can see how well you represent.

Keep up the great work.

Bless your heart.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/18 at 21:26:02

Tried to STAB republican candidate
Shot up republicans at softball practice

Nobody says all lefties are homicidal or just too stupid to breathe.
But these are things that need to be noted.
Lefty college perfessor who smacked people with his bike lock.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/18 at 03:07:37

And who cries over elections? Seriously? You telling me educated top executives at Google actually stood on a stage and cried? WTF.....

I wouldn't think Sew or TT cried when Hilary lost and I read their nonsense liberal blathering practically everyday so how mess up are you if you're an executive at a major corporation and you're crying over an election?! I can't wrap my head around that.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by Matchless G11 on 09/13/18 at 03:17:40

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
And who cries over elections? Seriously? You telling me educated top executives at Google actually stood on a stage and cried? WTF.....

I wouldn't think Sew or TT cried when Hilary lost and I read their nonsense liberal blathering practically everyday so how mess up are you if you're an executive at a major corporation and you're crying over an election?! I can't wrap my head around that.

Well. Mark sadly that is way it is, I did not like the 8 years of Obama, but I got over the shock the first few days and worked with it.
It seems what Chesterton said was true.
"Take the God out of the government and the government becomes the god"
Those suffering from TDS seem to have no god but Obama, so when they lost his replacement they no faith to fall back on.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by faffi on 09/13/18 at 03:57:24

Not sure that is a correct observation, Matchless. AFAIK, USA have never had anywhere near such a disruptive leader before. Had Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich or Jeb Bush been elected instead of Trump, you would have the same map, more or less, as when Bush or Reagan etc. ruled; Democrats would have preferred a Dem president, but there would not have been an uproar like we see today.

Trump is the kind of person that nobody can stay ignorant about. With him at the wheel, things are not business as usual; they are highly controversial. He can turn out at the end as a brilliant actor that played the world, but personally I doubt it. There is a good expression that says "Plan the work, work the plan." I don't think Trump has a plan and that he basically work ad hoc without any kind of structure or clear purpose, and that it is the administration that keeps the system from collapsing completely. I could be wrong, but nothing he has said or done so far suggest that I am. If I am indeed wrong, we're back to him being a superb actor that have managed to play the world.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/18 at 04:13:17

I don't think Trump has a plan and that he basically work ad hoc without any kind of structure or clear purpose,

I think you are likewise suffering from TDS. Question; with no plan, just exactly how is it possible that all the economic news is so positive? And please don't say this is just the residual from Obama cause that's simply not the case.

One major thing you're not seeing, what your TDS keeps you from seeing, is business is confident that Trump is 'on their side' so they are pushing outwards and not holding back. Confidence is a wonderful thing. People trust Trump. They feel he puts the US first (which he does) and they didn't feel that way the past 8 years.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/18 at 04:17:03

Here's a perfect example of a severe case of TDS. From the Washington Post editorial page: Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit

That's not a joke.

So question, the current economy is "Obamas" but the current hurricane is 'Trumps"?!

Leftist are funny creatures.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by faffi on 09/13/18 at 04:38:34

Sounds like a typo, that it should have read complacent. Or perhaps they believe he's already had such a negative impact on the global environment that he is to blame for the hurricane? That would be rather silly.

Anyway, I can agree with your statement that the market believe in Trump. That does not hinder that he works the way I mentioned, only that the market think Trump will bring them good times.

There is no denying that Trump has only continued what Obama started, but it is also true that he has continued to improve. Or, if it is like I think, a combination of the market and the administration has prevented Trump from doing more harm than good. But again, none of us knows the whole picture. And even in the (for me unlikely) case it should turn out that he is brilliant when it comes to business, he is still a despicable person. For some, finance is more important than decency, though.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/18 at 05:19:40

Sounds like a typo, that it should have read complacent. Or perhaps they believe he's already had such a negative impact on the global environment that he is to blame for the hurricane? That would be rather silly.   Nope. That was actual headline.

Anyway, I can agree with your statement that the market believe in Trump. That does not hinder that he works the way I mentioned, only that the market think Trump will bring them good times.
And he is bringing good times.

For some, finance is more important than decency, though.
For all of us, yourself included.

As you said, we don't know the whole story; we can only speculate based on the limited info we have. Obama increased drone strikes knowing full well civilians would die. He and Hilary ignored extra security request that resulted in an Ambassador's death because they didn't want to show their public comments about having that area under control was wrong. Yet, you'll praise Obama's economy.

I'm not picking on your necessarily faffi; I enjoy your thoughtful comments. But, don't fall into the trap of thinking just because Trump is loud and obnoxious, that Obama and all other Presidents can't be just as "indecent". They are. Isn't Martin Luther himself credited with saying "I'd rather be ruled by a Turk"?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by raydawg on 09/13/18 at 05:44:06

I wonder if Trump has crossed the same entities that JFK did?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/13/18 at 06:06:47

073532232435221D31223B500 wrote:
Sounds like a typo, that it should have read complacent. Or perhaps they believe he's already had such a negative impact on the global environment that he is to blame for the hurricane? That would be rather silly.   Nope. That was actual headline.

Anyway, I can agree with your statement that the market believe in Trump. That does not hinder that he works the way I mentioned, only that the market think Trump will bring them good times.
And he is bringing good times.

For some, finance is more important than decency, though.
For all of us, yourself included.

As you said, we don't know the whole story; we can only speculate based on the limited info we have. Obama increased drone strikes knowing full well civilians would die. He and Hilary ignored extra security request that resulted in an Ambassador's death because they didn't want to show their public comments about having that area under control was wrong. Yet, you'll praise Obama's economy.

I'm not picking on your necessarily faffi; I enjoy your thoughtful comments. But, don't fall into the trap of thinking just because Trump is loud and obnoxious, that Obama and all other Presidents can't be just as "indecent". They are. Isn't Martin Luther himself credited with saying "I'd rather be ruled by a Turk"?

Sorry mark, but your faith in trump being some kind of mastermind is completely misplaced.  The man is simply not smart enough to do this job.  He's merely been a signature on these bills and laws.  Every single bill or executive order he's signed comes directly from the establishment republicans (the same establishment that he supposedly rallied against - he's now stumping for cruz???).

He's being led around by the nose by mitch and the establishment.

You bring up Obama a hillary - ok fine.  Those decisions that were made were pivotal, presidential decisions (seems you forgot about the obl strike, but whatever).  trump has not had to make a decision like that in his presidency thus far (thankfully) - but if or when he does, there could be dire consequences.

I'm not disagreeing with the economy and its positive direction.  But give credit where credit is due.  trump inherited a growing economy.  trump inherited a low unemployment rate.  He's riding a wave, he didn't start it - he merely hasn't killed it (yet).

If he could shut his trap for more than a second, the republicans would be doing so much better for it.  Think about it.  If he had any common sense, he'd be mute on everything.  But he can't - he's simply not smart enough.  Nearly every single person that's interacted with him has said the same thing.

This isn't "TDS" - this is who that man is.  All anyone has to do is read his twitter feed.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/13/18 at 06:08:18

65766E73766070170 wrote:
I wonder if Trump has crossed the same entities that JFK did?

Worse.  He's in bed with the russian oligarchs (read - mafia).

Just ask eric about the golf course financing...

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by LostArtist on 09/13/18 at 15:34:15

so now you just label people who disagree with Trump as TDS as you way of dismissing them...

whatever, I've dismissed you in a similar fashion

makes it easy that way, and I don't get so upset arguing with you, and argue less cause it's completely useless, like talking to a cat.

I'm sure you feel the same way about me.  

That's why I haven't been participating on here as much, I figure you're either going to insult me or just not understand, so why put myself though that.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/18 at 15:57:36

Nooo, DERANGED, trying to STAB a candidate, shooting up a softball team,
Shooting YOURSELF?
That's a few steps beyond
That you need it explained is sad.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/14/18 at 04:59:31

Sorry mark, but your faith in trump being some kind of mastermind is completely misplaced.  The man is simply not smart enough to do this job.  He's merely been a signature on these bills and laws.  Every single bill or executive order he's signed comes directly from the establishment republicans


I'm thinking about a Jerry Lewis style telethon to help these victims of TDS. Maybe get a few celeb meltdown videos and a Sally Struthers voice over appealing for heip. "For just pennies a day......"

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/18 at 05:14:52

Every single bill or executive order he's signed comes directly from the establishment republicans

Such a short memory.
He forgot about the fact that
Establishment Bubs , like McCain, tried to derail his candidacy and have sabotaged him since we elected him anyway.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/18 at 14:42:59

These are people suffering from TDS.
Just as not every rightly is a racist.
Not every democrat sufferers TDS.
These are some of the crazies.
Not all.
But I don't remember bubs shooting up softball practice, trying to STAB, and going bonkers and shooting themselves.
There was the Gifford thing. It's sad that some people are crazy.
It's really pathetic that the current crop are getting away so cheap.
The gutless little POS teacher, I won't call it professor, who smashed people over the head got off, and the jakkass who tried to STAB the bub candidate is out on bond. Obviously not a dangerous person..
But you lefties keep pretending it's bubs who are violent.
Your violence is speech.
My speech is violence.
And since we righties are the embodiment of evil, lefties aren't Just justified in their violence against us, they are honor bound to destroy the right, any way possible.
Ask Slapsey Maxie.
Y'all keep it up.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by Eegore on 09/14/18 at 15:39:55

 Maybe being a righty or lefty wouldn't matter as much if we didn't spend the time reading, looking, watching, linking articles that support our views this week and spent it going out doing something for someone in need.


Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/18 at 16:14:51

Probably right. Except for the fact that while we were a trusting society, believing our electeds were honorable and believed in right things, only to wake up to insanity writ large, and the people who think
G good is taking from some people and giving to others, opening the borders, really? How STUPID!? Naaah, America is polarized. It's not gonna get easier until problems are mitigated and prosperity is normal for the masses. Like the sixties.
A thirteen stool snack bar provided for five, and allowed gramps was saving money, adding onto the house, upgrading vehicles, built a nice garage, built a pen and shed and bought horses and a trailer,

I worked more and harder for much less.
The problem is not that others are getting too much.
It's opportunity and regulations and taxes Taking From employers so they can't share enough.
No, I'm not talking about the huge multinationals, I'm talking about the average employers.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by thumperclone on 09/14/18 at 17:01:07

at this stage anyone still defending tweety
is like those who didn't escape the titanic

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/18 at 20:09:28

Are you gonna express your displeasure by shooting yourself, or is that nukking futs?

Are you even honest enough to be able to see that it's not necessary to support, like, appreciate, Trump, to see that some of the lefties are behaving in absolutely insane ways?
Fukk Trump and trying to STAB a candidate is reasonable behavior to you?
A sticky note and cash for the janitor, and SHOOTING YOURSELF is NOT deranged?
Just admit it.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by WebsterMark on 09/15/18 at 04:16:26

4458455D405542535C5F5E55300 wrote:
at this stage anyone still defending tweety
is like those who didn't escape the titanic

I'll defend his policies all day thumper. I know when to get on and get off a boat. Apparently you just stand on the dock letting everyone tell you what's out on the water. Go look for yourself one time.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/18 at 05:22:27

How is pointing out insanity of the Trump haters support for Trump.?
Crazy is crazy.
Fukk, I SUPPORTED Obama's net neutrality thing. I was wrong, but I thought, at the time, it was good.
Lefties suffering TDS can't admit anything about Trump is good.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/18 at 07:47:52

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
Lefties suffering TDS can't admit anything about Trump is good.

He probably wears a nice watch... :-?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by faffi on 09/15/18 at 12:53:34

18383A322F385D0 wrote:
 Maybe being a righty or lefty wouldn't matter as much if we didn't spend the time reading, looking, watching, linking articles that support our views this week and spent it going out doing something for someone in need.


[smiley=tekst-toppie.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/17/18 at 06:00:50

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
Every single bill or executive order he's signed comes directly from the establishment republicans

Such a short memory.
He forgot about the fact that
Establishment Bubs , like McCain, tried to derail his candidacy and have sabotaged him since we elected him anyway.

Prove to us that every single thing he's done is NOT from the establishment republican playbook.  Then you might have a leg to stand on.

Guys like McCain can see what an idiot he is and how much damage he's actually doing to the GOP.

The establishment doesn't care.  They just want their money and toys - they just need trump's autograph.

He himself has crafted zero policy.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/18 at 13:42:39

The establishment GOP and Dems, the uniparty that drags us into wars and pretend that trade deals that strip away our prosperity are good for America, are united AGAINST TRUMP.
And you want me to Prove that?
Look at what they did when he became the candidate.
Bubs ran to Hillary.
Because they are not For Americans.
They are for their continued rape and pillaging OF Americans.
If you're old enough to remember the sixties, you shouldn't be needing to have this explained.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/17/18 at 13:54:27

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
The establishment GOP and Dems, the uniparty that drags us into wars and pretend that trade deals that strip away our prosperity are AGAINST TRUMP.
And you want me to Prove that?

Yes.  Show us where trump has "bucked the establishment" since coming into office..

Look at what they did when he became the candidate.

Who's they?  ted cruz?  mich the turtle?  Hmmm... they seem to be on his side now, though, huh?

Bubs ran to Hillary.  LOL - what???  Which ones?  Please show us an example.

Because they are not For Americans.
They are for their continued rape and pillaging OF Americans.

Like that tax break that did ZERO for the poor and middle class?  How about the promised military pay raise that's not really a raise (see inflation).  Like that?  
The rapists are our corporate owners and the pillagers are the bought and paid for lackeys in DC.

If you're old enough to remember the sixties, you shouldn't be needing to have this explained.

No, I'm not that old, but I can read and comprehend.

That "silent majority" that got nixon elected is dying and being replaced with a new "silent majority" - the progressives.  If the vote happens as predicted, there's going to be a sea-change in DC.

You surely will not like it, but I will.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/18 at 15:46:33

You're tiresome

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/17/18 at 16:23:58

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Taxes - did zero for the middle class.
Deregulation - did zero for the middle class.
You're tiresome
You're fooling yourself.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/18 at 20:18:57

Who SUPPORTED those actions?
The establishment?
Or did he buck the establishment?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/18/18 at 05:50:57

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
Who SUPPORTED those actions?
The establishment? - Yes, absolutely.  How are you missing that?
Or did he buck the establishment? - The establishment is only using him to sign their "expense reports"/"wish lists".  He's being led around by the short hairs.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/18 at 13:13:10

Oklahoma City, OK 73102 88°  Broken Clouds  0% MORE

Woman fabricated story about being victim of Trump-related hate crime, police say
  CNN Updated: 3:37 AM CDT Sep 16, 2018
By Kristine Garcia, WPIX
Adwoa Lewis
Adwoa Lewis SOURCE: Long Island Police Department
A woman has been taken into custody after police say she fabricated a story about a Trump-related hate crime on New York's Long Island.

On Friday, Adwoa Lewis, 19, gave detectives a written statement stating she was driving home on Sept. 2 when four teenagers confronted her, police said.

Lewis alleged the teens yelled “Trump 2016!” and said she didn’t belong here.

She further claimed she parked her car in front of her house, and when she woke up, she found a slashed tire and a note on her car that stated, “Go home,” according to police.

An investigation into the alleged incident revealed Lewis had fabricated the story and no such altercation took place.

Police said Lewis later admitted she wrote the note and placed it on her car.

She was taken into custody and faces charges of making a false punishable written statement.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/18/18 at 13:52:13

706F696E73744575457D6F63281A0 wrote:
Oklahoma City, OK 73102 88°  Broken Clouds  0% MORE

Woman fabricated story about being victim of Trump-related hate crime, police say
  CNN Updated: 3:37 AM CDT Sep 16, 2018
By Kristine Garcia, WPIX
Adwoa Lewis
Adwoa Lewis SOURCE: Long Island Police Department
A woman has been taken into custody after police say she fabricated a story about a Trump-related hate crime on New York's Long Island.

On Friday, Adwoa Lewis, 19, gave detectives a written statement stating she was driving home on Sept. 2 when four teenagers confronted her, police said.

Lewis alleged the teens yelled “Trump 2016!” and said she didn’t belong here.

She further claimed she parked her car in front of her house, and when she woke up, she found a slashed tire and a note on her car that stated, “Go home,” according to police.

An investigation into the alleged incident revealed Lewis had fabricated the story and no such altercation took place.

Police said Lewis later admitted she wrote the note and placed it on her car.

She was taken into custody and faces charges of making a false punishable written statement.

You'd think with over 40K posts, you might be able to copy & paste better, but whatever.

Gee jog - I agree with the article.

She lied and used up police resources.

What, do you think I'd side with her?

No - she got what she deserved.

Thankfully, she is not a typical resistor of trump.

We have more common sense than that.  

The truth will set us free.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/18 at 15:03:26

Shining a light on the insanity of lefties.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/18/18 at 16:06:31

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
Shining a light on the insanity of lefties.

You'll find much more on the right.  But keep wishing.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/18 at 16:07:14

6E707F7E736E75681A0 wrote:
 We have more common sense than that

Then why do so many people, from Chicago, want Ocean front lots ?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/18/18 at 16:08:10

0E2D1033312A2D24430 wrote:
[quote author=6E707F7E736E75681A0 link=1536794479/30#36 date=1537303933]  We have more common sense than that

Then why do so many people, from Chicago, want Ocean front lots ?[/quote]

We don't mn - we all know better.

Bless your heart.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/18 at 16:22:52

7E606F6E637E65780A0 wrote:
[quote author=514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 link=1536794479/30#37 date=1537308206]Shining a light on the insanity of lefties.

You'll find much more on the right.  But keep wishing.[/quote]

Open the thread and put your findings on display.
Or is that mean old right wing media just not reporting it?

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/19/18 at 05:53:06

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
[quote author=7E606F6E637E65780A0 link=1536794479/30#38 date=1537311991][quote author=514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 link=1536794479/30#37 date=1537308206]Shining a light on the insanity of lefties.

You'll find much more on the right.  But keep wishing.[/quote]

Open the thread and put your findings on display.
Or is that mean old right wing media just not reporting it?[/quote]

It's not my fault you haven't been following along.  I've posted many links and references.

If I'm feeling generous, perhaps I'll start a new thread - but I do so hate to beat a dead horse.

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/18 at 14:30:40

233D32333E233825570 wrote:
 We have more common sense than that.
we all know better.
Bless your heart.

Done with working today.  So a little 'fun' time.

The N.D. People, DO,  want  'Ocean Front Property' which is on a Ocean.
Totally un like the people that are just like tt.
"...we all know better..."

The N.D. Republicans,
(which are the very most of the people here),
are  NOT,  'Morons'.
And it is the first time I have heard:
"...I have NEVER apologized for being a Republican, yet I have heard my opponent, apologize many times, for being a Democrat..."

Title: Re: Ultimate TDS
Post by T And T Garage on 09/20/18 at 15:09:52

6D4E735052494E47200 wrote:
[quote author=233D32333E233825570 link=1536794479/30#40 date=1537312090]  We have more common sense than that.
we all know better.
Bless your heart.

Done with working today.  So a little 'fun' time.

The N.D. People, DO,  want  'Ocean Front Property' which is on a Ocean.
Totally un like the people that are just like tt.
"...we all know better..."

The N.D. Republicans,
(which are the very most of the people here),
are  NOT,  'Morons'.
And it is the first time I have heard:
"...I have NEVER apologized for being a Republican, yet I have heard my opponent, apologize many times, for being a Democrat..."

Seriously mn, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you have a point, or?..... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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