General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki

Message started by eau de sauvage on 07/17/18 at 23:44:25

Title: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/17/18 at 23:44:25

After praising Putin and saying in front of the world's media that he doesn't see why Russia would have meddled in the election, he now tries to say after 24 hours have passed and it has blown up in his face that he wanted to clarify that when he said 'would' he meant to say 'would not' So there that's fixed then. But then he gives his little dog whistle to his moronic base who will believe anything, that 'it could be others though, lot of people out there'.

Trump actually said "what's the big deal? so I reviewed the clip and I thought it would be obvious but I'd like to clarify in case it wasn't". WTF, he said he doesn't see why it would be Russia who interfered in the election. He though it would be obvious that he was saying the opposite? What sort of Alice in Wonderland imbecile does he think he supporters are. Putin/russia just order nerve agent assassinations in England, assisted Assad to poison gas his own people, annexed Crimea, shot down a civilian aircraft and just had the Russian security forces indicted for interfering in the elections, and he stands there and just says, 'Putin said very strongly it wasn't him'.

Trump the leader of the USA, thought Ireland was part of the United Kingdom! What a f.ucking idiot.


Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by faffi on 07/18/18 at 13:28:01

Imagine if Obama had said something like that? Those who turn the blind eye to every fault Trump makes would have crucified Obama for it. As would everyone else. Because it really is outrageous, regardless who had said or done what Trump did - and continue to do - on the matter. Not only for an American president, but for any Western president.

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/18 at 15:25:25

Trump needs to hurry up and do something else outrageously asinine to distract from this outrageously asinine act.

It's what he does best... :-?

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by Trippah on 07/18/18 at 21:17:33

I considering changing my nickname for the President from LSS to President Limbo, the How Low Can You Go guy. :D

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/18/18 at 21:46:04

what is even more crazy is that the immediate sentence prior to his 'saying I don't see why it would be Russia' was him saying ... "I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russi"

So HTF can it makes sense for him to say 'er I meant to say I don't see why it wouldn't be Russia'.

The point was well made that it took 24 hours and with the entire WH working on how to walk this back, this is the best they could come up with.

However what this latest fiasco points at is that it sure looks mighty suspicious what hold Putin has over him. Bearing in mind that he's been bankrupt 6 times and it was Russia who bailed him out.

Congress could order the release of his tax files which would clear up the clear suspicion that he is beholden to Putin.

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/18/18 at 23:18:38

The real fault is not with Trump it is with the entire GOP, better to imagine their outrage if the Obama administration did anything like stealing a Supreme Court seat.

However what is dangerous about Trump is that his supporters know exactly what he stands for. Racist ideology. You see in the video below how he works, how he always sends his message out. You see him deliberately reading every word on the script, making a big show of it which is saying to his racist xenophobic supporters "don't worry about what I'm saying, you know I have to read this", which is why after he says that he has full faith in his intelligence branch and that he understand it was Russia who interfered with the election, he then theatrically stops reading the script and looks up and says "could be others" this is the signal to his supporters that 'don't worry I'm going to continue as I am.

Muller will get to the bottom it all, it's impossible for this to remain hidden. He will be pursued when his presidency is over.

595E5959563F0 wrote:
Imagine if Obama had said something like that? Those who turn the blind eye to every fault Trump makes would have crucified Obama for it. As would everyone else. Because it really is outrageous, regardless who had said or done what Trump did - and continue to do - on the matter. Not only for an American president, but for any Western president.

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/18 at 11:02:37

Just read  a great reminder of something. Do you "patriotic, intelligence agencies are infallible believing" liberals remember the name Joe Wilson?

Title: Re: Trump tries to lie his way out of Helsinki
Post by Trippah on 07/19/18 at 15:24:10

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