General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Some Good Advice

Message started by T And T Garage on 05/21/18 at 17:09:31

Title: Some Good Advice
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/18 at 17:09:31

"Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice - pull down your pants and slide on the ice"

Ah yes, the sage advice of one Dr. Sidney Freedman from M*A*S*H!

This little section of the forum has become a pretty sad place.  From the foil hats to our idiot president to unmitigated hypocrisy - it's almost comical to watch the two or three hardline conservatives tell us all that the sky is red and falling..... when we all can see that it's blue and firmly in place (on a good day).

Unlike Lost, I'm not going to leave the forum completely, but I've had my fill of the TT.  I'll still visit the other boards as my buddy and I are still working on our VV Hardtail.  I'm learning a lot on the Cafe, RSD and Tech.

But similar to Lost, I will leave here with some parting words (although it's not as wise as Sidney's, and not as profane as Lost's).  

JUSTIN_O_GUY2 - you've got almost 44 THOUSAND posts.  How the hell can you expect anyone to take you seriously about anything when seemingly your life is spent right here on this board?  I recall you sent me a PM about a year ago telling me that my beliefs were ill-placed because I was "indoctrinated".  You seem to think that anything outside your personal belief system equates to being indoctrinated.  How can you not see the flaw in that logic?

MNSPRING - Get help.  Your posts still look like ransom notes and you refuse to learn the difference between there, their and they're.  I'm not sure how anyone on here can take you seriously either.  By the way, repeating the same old line about liberals ("fairy-dust sprinkling", etc.) is old.  Yeah, we all get you hate the libs.  Try some new material.  But seriously, get help.

SEROBOT - I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do!  That goes for the other mods on here as well.  You have the patience of a saint and the wisdom of a Grandfather.  Keep up the great work!

Not to take anything away from the Mods, but overall, this is a futile little board.  Do you really think any of you (including my liberal friends) are going to convince anyone else to change their view?  Really?  Ha!

This is just a finger pointing, "I know you are, but what am I", "from my cold, dead hands", "the sky is falling" typing/stroke fest.

Unlike the Cafe or RSD, nothing good has come out of this board.  Nothing.

You don't change the world by commenting on a forum, you change it by doing.  So do.  You don't get experience by commenting on a forum, you get it by participating.  So participate.  You don't see new things by commenting on a forum, you see them by traveling - by riding.  So ride......

(I will not respond to any replies on this post.  So be my guest and say what you will.  My gift to you all is the last word - use it wisely)   ;)

Keep it on two wheels,

(ha!  made you scroll!)
EDIT... Serow got tired of scrolling... ;D

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/18 at 19:50:43

So on the day I came back, my very presence melted two snowflakes?!
I didn't mean to scare you two off.

Well, one was a liar and I'm not sure how lost the other was but oh well, what are ya gonna do?

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by MnSpring on 05/22/18 at 04:32:15

Yep, Some little kid, took his/her ball home,
because the Adults were telling the truth.

      Then when another Adult
  joined the fray.  It was to much.

Either that, or the cost of, Burn Creme
                   is to high.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/18 at 08:14:59

0A383F2E29382F103C2F365D0 wrote:
two snowflakes?!

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
one was a liar

193A0724263D3A33540 wrote:
Some little kid

And there it is.
The TT is diminished to a one-sided Trump love fest.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by MnSpring on 05/22/18 at 08:23:37

6573647961747962160 wrote:
And there it is.
The TT is diminished to a one-sided Trump love fest.

Or,  did it diminish to a
 (Started by one, then others jumped on the bandwagon)
One sided, Trump HATE fest ?

Not a discussion of the good/bad, agree/disagree,
  (Which it Used to be)
      but Just Plain Old,   HATE  Trump

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/18 at 08:32:42

Let it go Sew. TT ruined whatever chance this table had of shaping up a year ago. Toss him aside and move on.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by LostArtist on 05/22/18 at 11:54:39

this place diminished during Election  2016...  

that's when all politeness was thrown out and that hate spill forth.  those of us trying to moderate that spillage with common sense just got more spilled on us, "how dare we defend the evil other side" .

that's when it was made clear that most here have chosen a side, they are just lying to themselves about "knowing or seeking" the truth.  They just want more confirmation bias.

That's when I left the first time, it was useless...  I returned because I didn't want to keep feeling this hate for you all, that was stupid...  you all have nothing but hate for me so why should I bother trying to not hate you.  

yesterday was a bad day for me, a self destructive day, outside of this forum...  

I"m back because I still don't want to hate you guys, so there's a glimmer of hope that you can be civil, we'll see.

right now I'm trying...  I'm sure I've expressed my dislike/hate some of you pretty clearly...  we'll see if I can rise above my own self-destructive nature

I'm not here to make amends, but I'm not back to attack you guys either...

I took this place way too seriously before, I'm here to prove to myself that I don't have to do that.  

welcome or not

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/18 at 12:10:17

I took this place way too seriously before, I'm here to prove to myself that I don't have to do that.

welcome or not


Absolutely welcome.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/18 at 12:17:48

1B3824231625233E2423570 wrote:
I took this place way too seriously before, I'm here to prove to myself that I don't have to do that.  

welcome or not

The key here is not to take it seriously...
No minds ever change,... nothing would change if they did.
Name calling only diminishes the name caller...
And world world still ignores us all.

But change does happen.
Not among us, but around us.
Fox News has had drastic turnover.
The body politic has shifted Right, and the people have shifted Left in reaction.
November will begin the reset.
Trump stands zero chance of re-election and is hurting the rest of the Party.

Hope TnT comes back too...
Without balance this forum is a circle jerk.
With balance it gets nasty.
It doesn't have to...
I vow to ignore any nastiness directed at me.
We'll see if I can stay true to that.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Eegore on 05/22/18 at 16:52:47

 I mean no offense here, this is strictly an observation.

 This past year I had high-school students working in one of my shops on a Savage.  This forum was accessible to them under the condition that none of them created an account while enlisted in the program.

 I posed some questions to them about topics located in the Tall Table, such as the active shooter in schools since they live with that concern daily.  It was about a week or so before they realized that half of the posts weren't from other kids, mostly due to the language but also from the name-calling.

 "I guess we never grow out of it" was one comment.  The key indicator that we weren't a bunch of kids was that we didn't use modern anagrams, slang, verbiage that most kids would.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/18 at 17:42:37

My apologies to your students...

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/18 at 18:37:57

Are you saying people HERE were jerking your students around?
I don't think you are.
I don't think it's possible anyway,
Row apologized,

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Eegore on 05/23/18 at 10:56:58

 I don't know how anyone here could jerk students around given there was zero knowledge of them reading the material presented.

 What I was saying is that they used this forum primarily for technical reasons however sections of Tall Table were used to assist with discussion on topics that high school students would have interest in.  School shootings for the most part.

 Due to the selected phrasing of posts they did not assume that some of the posts were from adults, but instead people their own age.  Once they realized they were surprised.

 It is just an observation I find interesting and posted only because I felt it was pertinent to this thread.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/23/18 at 11:21:13

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
Are you saying people HERE were jerking your students around?
I don't think you are.
I don't think it's possible anyway,
Row apologized,

I apologize at the drop of a hat...
It's easy and painless.
I don't know why some people are so resistant to it.

Ever been in a restaurant having a discussion and realize someone at another table is listening?...
Sometimes I regret the things I've been saying...  :-?

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by WebsterMark on 05/23/18 at 11:44:35

I rarely value the opinion of high school kids anyway so what does it matter what they thought? These are the same kids who were eating Tide pods afterall.....!

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by MnSpring on 05/23/18 at 12:30:17

I have always believed, that when something,
was said TO  Frequently, To Often,  
and with no  genuine feelings,
It ends up,
not meaning anything,
much less the thing it was suppose to mean.

A  Possible case:
 A Bank is robbed, the person is caught.
The person, ‘apologies’  profusely,  and because so,  a liberal Judge gives a super light sentience.
That person gets out.  (It is a Felony ya know), buys a gun. (Gets through the Background check because the ‘Felony’ was Not  reported)
Then goes on to shoot a bunch of people,
who never really meant their, ‘apology’.

A more Probable case:
Your Phone bill is due on the 20th, you make out a check, and mail it on the 11th. Next month, you see a, ‘Late Payment’ charge.
You call, and remind them it is not Your fault your payment it late, so why don’t you punish the person, who did make your payment late.
The person on the phone,  says, “I’m Sorry”,
You say, “It wasn’t your fault, why are you apologizing?
They, chuckle, then credits your account.
So tell me, what did, that, ‘Apology’, really mean ?

Then their is, someone who can trace their heritage as a immigrant, and trace the fact that, NO ONE, in any of the families, EVER, had Slaves.
Yet, they are suppose to, ‘Apologize’ for doing so,
          and if they do not,
They are most, Certainly,  Raciest !
So tell me, (f they would do it),
what would, that, ‘Apology’, really mean ?

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/23/18 at 12:31:42

013334252233241B37243D560 wrote:
I rarely value the opinion of high school kids anyway so what does it matter what they thought? These are the same kids who were eating Tide pods afterall.....!

I doubt it...

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by MnSpring on 05/23/18 at 13:26:30

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=013334252233241B37243D560 link=1526947771/0#14 date=1527101075]I rarely value the opinion of high school kids anyway so what does it matter what they thought? These are the same kids who were eating Tide pods afterall.....!

I doubt it...[/quote]

Bot, just do a little search, by typing in the words:
“ tide pods, who ate "

"...According to AAPCC data, in 2016 and 2017, poison control centers handled thirty-nine and fifty-three cases of intentional exposures, respectively, among thirteen to nineteen year olds. In the first fifteen days of 2018 alone, centers have already handled thirty-nine such intentional cases among the same age demographic. Ingestion accounted for ninety-one percent of these reported exposures..."

Why are teenagers doing this, other than the fact that they’re stupid?

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Serowbot on 05/23/18 at 13:59:30

Not Eegore's young apprentices, I'm sure...

They aren't dead... ;D

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by Eegore on 05/24/18 at 07:12:10

 Kids eat tide pods for the same reasons they do most things that jeopardize their safety.

 Peer pressure, its funny, to impress a girl, they don't have experience with long-term consequence, there's ton's of reasons.  I assume they are similar to why I did stupid things as a kid.

 From their angle they see adults drinking and beating their family, cheating on each other, killing each other, physically and sexually abusing them or their siblings, a tide pod is small potatoes to a lot of kids.

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by WebsterMark on 05/24/18 at 09:05:18

I was only partially kidding, but the bigger point is; most high school kids don't know much. And that's certainly true of today's kids whom are raised in a far more protected society than in the past.

I remember we hired this kid our of high school and we were sitting around at the smoke table on his first payday. He opened his check and was stunned when he actually saw taxes on a paycheck for the first time! Funniest darn thing! Poor kid....   but the thing was, he had voted the previous November. Think about that, voted and had no idea what FICA was etc.....  

Title: Re: Some Good Advice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/24/18 at 11:40:40

It's really entertaining watching the same people who are so up to speed with the science of how teens aren't able to see the long term also pretend that those vociferous gun control Children should be listened to.

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