General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> This is important to understand

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/17 at 07:17:38

Title: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/17 at 07:17:38

Read it twice, look up things, this is what people should know before they read
Creature from Jekyll Island

A point I've made..

Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration – whether Democrat or Republican – have been occupied by members of this organization.)

Members of the same Club, but I am supposed to believe they have different goals.

Why bother with some talking head telling us what they Think, when we can see what people who were setting policy Said,?

This a55hole was embedded like a tick in D.C.from when I was a teenager.

Notice the countries involved..

The intrigue and subterfuge that goes on is not what I would want to work in.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/17 at 15:10:45

Does not compute....

Historically VERIFIABLE FACTS, outside Your grasp of reality,,

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/17 at 16:26:35

Why keep hammering on the problems Created BY the environment THESE THINGS caused without understanding the significance Of these things?

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/17 at 06:16:24

Does nobody see the importance of this?
This IS a big part of the Context of the issues we face.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/17 at 10:47:03

Nobody disputes this, and nobody is willing to see how all of this is relevant to the events of today. These are the things we should talk about First,, because they set the stage for our current sociopolitical and economic situation.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by pg on 07/23/17 at 14:17:25

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
because they set the stage for our current sociopolitical and economic situation.

Because they set the stage is a bit of an understatement, perhaps manufactured or instituted......

I read some on all of those; however, the nice & tidy chronological order as well done.

Best regards,

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/17 at 15:24:21

Yeah, that is the best job of presentation on those I've seen.

I'm not able to wrap my head around this yet, though I have read about parts of it before.
We the People
Are the enemy is a hard legality to grasp, but the facts are, and the realities that are visible align With the idea,  I knew long ago we had been bankrupted and the creditors had taken their pound of flesh, in perpetuity I guess.
I would challenge a lot of what THEY say they own legally.
I'm unable to track with so much of that, it's diametrically opposed to everything I was Taught.

I haven't seen anything to make it incorrect, so I can't just shrug, and enough of it is visible to make me wonder how much is spot on.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/17 at 07:16:36

People who have opinions on the events of the day and no understanding of these things are ignorant of important history that caused the events of the day. America is in trouble and the People don't know the history that caused the problems and they look for solutions that would set America back on course without understanding what caused the problem in the first place.
Ignorance is not strength.
Trying to get someone to understand WHY a certain approach is the answer while they jealousy guard against learning how things got messed up is impossible. Left, Right, Center, everyone needs to know these things.
Yeah, it's uncomfortable, I know, it was uncomfortable for me, even though much of it was not a big surprise. Having ones suspicions become fact and that fact be contradictory to the educ,, uhh, propaganda, that's uncomfortable.
There are reasons why so unresponsive to the will of the People.
Both sides are guilty of screwing us.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by MnSpring on 07/24/17 at 16:02:20

JOG, Yes your, linking:
Is well put together.
And Yes I Know that, has/IS,  Happening.
In fact, I believe, THAT, is the reason, the USA, came to be.

(Some have their head in the sand,  
simply, ‘BECAUSE THEY ARE TOLD  TO'.  !!!!!)

It has been always been their, and growing,  ’S L O W E L Y’.
Under Carter, much faster,   Reagan, V E R Y  S L O W.
Clinton, it grew very fast, and Bush/s  slower,
than in the last 8 years,   It hit,  ‘LIGHT SPEED’.

How is it, ’Slowed’, ?
By SHOWING, that a  City, (Elected), Council,
when awarding a bid, for extensive infrastructure repair.
Got a free ride, and the use of a free Condo for a week in Maui.

Or where a, County, pays 35,000.00 for a skid steer,
then 2 years later, a County Commissioner,  buys it from the County,
for 3,500.00 .

That’s where you start.

Yes their is the old Chinese  Proverb:
“When a nail stands up, you pound it down”

But let’s not forget the ‘rest of the story’.

If the work bench is straight and level,
and one nail pops up, you pound it down.
If it comes up again, you Pull it Out,
then, put some glue on some toothpicks,
pound them in the hole, then Put in a  Screw!

If the nail pops up, and the top is all, Crooked,
You take it apart, and start OVER.

And you don’t build it, Top Down.
Ya build it, Bottom UP !

What kind of cars, are your local, (Elected), Council driving?
What  ‘Vacations’ are they taking ?
  Etc.,  Etc.,  Etc.,  ETC.

Much easier, Local.

(Gee, what about the ‘local', Mayor of  MPLS,
Who has,  H.R.C’s  Book !!!!!!!!!)

Title: Re: This is importrant to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/17 at 07:17:56

, I believe, THAT, is the reason, the USA, came to be.

Explain summathat please..

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by Eegore on 07/25/17 at 07:28:08

 If an organization already has an infinite amount of wealth and power what exactly are we concerned about?

 NWO already won, they have infinite power and wealth and if we get in their way they kill us, or they take our land/religion whenever they want right?

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/17 at 07:39:00

IF, then yeah, but No, they don't, or I would not be typing this.
If people will stop believing the bullshit and read we have a chance.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by Eegore on 07/25/17 at 09:36:03

 I don't know, I say if they cant get their crap together in 244 years, they aren't going to have it together anytime soon.

 Anyone I talk to about NWO informs me that any time now we are all going to be killed/enslaved/land taken/ etc. etc. and I still don't see strong enough supporting evidence.

 Maybe its just because I spend time in places where this is actually happening so its hard to get invested in when I return to the US.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/17 at 09:58:58

I'd say you just haven't been exposed to the information that would tie it together. Read Creature from Jekyll Island, Constitution, fact or fiction,
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, listen to Charlotte Iserbyt online or read Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

Who is unable to see how much less Prosperity exists in America from the sixties?
Read Agenda 21, look at our lives,

Our Electeds make Mistakes, like Nafta, but they can't Undo it.. Riiight..

General Wesley Clarke made public a list of countries we would invade shortly after 9/11, and Libya was on it.
Yet, the REASONS For the invasion were current events at the time Of the attack..
And we used our Defense Budget to pay our military to go DEFEND us from WHAT?
D.C.isn't responsive to the needs and wants of the People, but rather to the corporatocrisy, the military industrial complex and big pharma and big agriculture. We are, after much illegal wrangling, the legal enemies of the government, and THAT is Why we must be licensed to Do what we want.
The Supreme Court said that we have a Right to travel using common means, and yet, licensing is required. A right, turned into a privilege and charged a fee for it,, Ohhh, yeah, something else is happening.

If you're comforted by the fact that we aren't yet completely enslaved and can blink away the direction our society has been going for generations and not see where it goes eventually, well, okay, but enough of us see what Status Quo is bringing us to elect Trump, warts and all, over a platoon of establishment bubs and a criminal democrat.

And don't overlook Cloward and Piven.

Title: Re: This is importrant to understand
Post by MnSpring on 07/25/17 at 11:23:27

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
, I believe, THAT, is the reason, the USA, came to be.
Explain summathat please..

Things started out fairly normal, on this, ’new land’ thing.

Well let’s, ’send’ some people over.
Oh Look, others are sending also.
Look, others are just ‘going’ by themselves.

Some failed some succeeded. (Early Jamestown - fur trapping)

Then they started  Prospering, and the UK, wanted a piece of that.
 (For nothing in return)

Than a group got together, and than with a larger group of people,
said: ‘You are Not going to tell us what to do anymore’

(VERY  short, Cliff Notes of how the USA  was born)

So  was  the UK, controlled by the same type of forces,
that want to control other Nations now. ?
Or was it a simple  Monarchs Greed.
That made them want to, tap, the riches of the, ’new world’.

I think it was both.

Which things frequently, ‘failed’ ?
Was it when someone, sent people over,
and provided, all the things, they thought they needed.
While the, indentured Servants, did the toil,
and the, aristocrats, did,  ? …..  

Which things frequently, ’succeeded’ ?
Was it when, someone,
gathered something, produced something, then sold it ?

And who were the people, that, ’sponsored’,  a basically, socialistic experiment, (which failed).
Then, Demanded, that they, had the, ‘right’, to the profits, of the people, that succeeded.
Where most of those people,
had no connection, to the people, that, ’sponsored’.

As to, ‘World Order’, as we know today.
Long before Medieval times. even before that land mass,
was, which today we call a Nation.
Had say, 20, ‘Kings’.  Each has their own, ‘Kingdom’, and each went at war with each other from time to time, to increase their, ‘Kingdom’, or to defend it.  
Then a couple of, ‘Kings’, got together. And after many Centuries. more peace prevailed, and their were less, ‘Kings’.

That,  ‘getting together’, and settling differences, at a, ‘Round  Table’, was I believe, basically, the start of, ‘World Order’.
And it worked, And all the people living at the time, loved it.

But, because most things are dependent of people, ‘Paying Attention’.
Many people, stopped paying attention, because life was so easy. (then)
Then it became, Corrupt,  Just like today.

Say  a group in a town, got together, and said,
'Well we have gotten to big, we just can’t have this raw sewer running down the street, we have to put in a pipe'.  Then someone else probably said, 'well let’s put in two pipes, one to carry, black water out, and fresh water in, so people don’t have to fill buckets at the town well every day'.  Great Idea.  Everyone in that town, agrees!

Costs of project  are figured, and it comes to 1.00 Per Person.  (Tax),  to get Fresh water in, and take away the Black water, and make the town, cleaner and, better smelling.  (Not like Venice)  And  EVERYONE, Loves the Outcome.

‘Hmmm, says the, ‘World Order’, people, as they see, and ponder what is happening’

Many centuries pass again, and most of, Europe, is, now, ‘Civilized’.
With the, ’Tax’, for improvements, being ‘added to’, just a tinny bit extra, that no one really notices.
But really goes into the Pockets, of the people, ’Taxing’.

Now, “What the Hiell is going on over their. (The New World)
    Those people are NOT, playing by the Rules, WE  told them to follow.”

So now, with a great start, 250 years later, we are, scumming to the, ‘World Order’.
With a,  Giving up a  freedom, to get a security.

Long ago, the two Kings went at it, lots of damage on both sides, the serfs in constant fear of their life.
Then the Kings got together, Stopped their battles, and prospered.
(Kinna like the late 40’s, early 60’s here)

The ‘World  Order’ people saw that,  Saw how well people accepted that,
(back when the first two Kings got together)
Then, Built on it.

But is was, stalled, when the, ‘Up-Start”, of people, decided they could do  WITHOUT, someone else telling them what to do.
    (Only for a little time)
After all, they had a ‘model’, that had worked for Centuries,
so they were not, ‘re-inventing’, the wheel,  just had to put a little rubber on it.
Then a larger one, with a tube, then a tubeless one.
And here we are.

The 2,000.00  hammer, paid by the government, (Your Money)
which the same one, cost 12.00 in the hardware store.

So I believe, the, ‘World Order’ today, is for more,  PROFIT.
And in many cases, that, PROFIT, is derived, by people, giving up freedoms, for securities.
      Because it is  PROVEN to  WORK.

Some tried to hide the Profit in Plain Sight, by calling it a, Foundation.

The USA, is becoming Less known as a Place, where if you work hard, you will succeed,
To a Place, where, If I go their I will get everything for FREE, and don’t have to work.

Then, a worker, gives up his/her freedom. The freedom of working hard,
and putting the results of that hard work, in THEIR  pocket.
Buy paying 1.00 more Tax, to help feed the hungry,  
(Great, Noble, Wonderful idea)
But do not realize, the, ‘World Order’,  people, have coached the, elected,
in how to use, Only .75 cents of that 1.00, and put .05 in their pocket,
and .20 in the, ‘World-Order’, pocket.

And here we are today, with a group, so firmly entrenched in getting, ‘FREE’, stuff.
They don’t realize that, soon, perhaps a century or 1/2, the, ‘workers’, will be paying 50+% Tax.
So the Lazy and Thief’s, can get  FREE  Stuff.

They are doing everything in their power, to discredit a person.
Instead, of working together, to, slow down the, ‘World-Order’, people.

  Exactly what the, 'world order' people Want !

After the last 8 years, of  TOTALLY  getting things, 'their way'.
Get a group, to block, everything, they can, and in ANY way.
  (and that group includes, Dems/Reps/Snowflakes)
So it can go back to, growing, the, world order.


Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/17 at 11:29:09

The war of 1812 was their attempt to regain complete control.
I don't think they failed completely, because we did get the federal reserve, which, BTW, isn't our first bank.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/17 at 06:43:35

Folks, if you want to have a hope of understanding the events of the day, you simply Must have a historical understanding of the things that set the stage.
I will admit, I'm well and truly shocked that the people who bother to come here and toss articles and ideas back and forth and Try to get people to understand what they understand have so carefully avoided information that would help them develop a more clear and accurate picture of what is actually happening. Maybe it's because it conflicts with their current grasp of reality, or because they so firmly believe that they already know the truths..
No, the masses are so sadly and laughably uninformed and misinformed about what is happening that we can't mount an effective resistance to their machinations that impoverish us.

If people can't see how much less opportunity and prosperity is just THERE for us to enjoy, I'm TRYING to shine a light on it.

Maybe you think it's just how it should be.

I don't care if there is some plan to destroy the nations, the end result of stupidity can look like the result of a plan. The events of yesteryear have everything to do with today, and with study and vision, and a look at the direction all those things created, you can see the goals or the most likely direction we will be moving.

Pay attention to what Rockefeller said in his memoirs.

I've posted it many times.

So, the reason I don't argue about how debt matters is because I don't know how to First educate people so they can understand.

Read, people, READ, read what isn't taught, because the same powers that want to control the world run the schools.

And you would understand that if you'd just see how our school system sux,,
And look at when it started to suck,
Gosh, more and more money for crappier results,  

Charlotte Iserbyt explains

John Taylor Gatto says a lot.

Without a definite effort to find information, the individual is hopelessly lost in the propaganda that WE pay to be drowned in.

Read, people, READ, and develop a more clear and accurate picture of reality.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/17 at 15:43:23

To move into the Future,
One MUST,  understand the Past.

  (Someone famous said that first)

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/17 at 09:17:22

Shock, dismay, I don't have the vocabulary to describe how I feel about the complete lack of appreciation for  and curiosity about the information in this thread. All the opinions people have and argue to defend that are not based in historical events, just out of what we glean from life, bathed in propaganda and the things we see, and Here are clues to the Real moments that gave us the events of today. And only one has bothered to expose himself to the facts.
Why even bother to take a position and argue it without spending time to get a grasp of Why things are as they are?
Unless realizing that they have lied to us and you'd rather continue in the comfortable Reality that you see instead of the Reality that is not so comfortable, but real?
Why continue to be misinformed when you have access to,if not All the truth, at least information that is historically provable?

The federal reserve scam was designed in a secret meeting in a discrete location, by men who wouldn't allow their whole names used in front of the servants. Henry Ford said that it was good that the People didn't understand how the system works, because there would be a revolution if they did.
And people wonder why we aren't prosperous any more.
We are Debt Slaves.
And will be while the Dumbmasses continue to choose ignorance over knowledge.

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/17 at 11:14:02


Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/17 at 16:45:52

See, clone, I've studied..
Have you?

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/17 at 17:54:26

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
See, clone, I've studied..
Have you?

Do you, 'Really’,  expect,
 Bots,  ‘Bot’s,   to Read,  Learn,  Understand ?????

Now,  That’s,  ’Tin Foil Hat’,  area !

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by raydawg on 08/06/17 at 18:38:31

72516C4F4D5651583F0 wrote:
[quote author=3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 link=1500733058/15#20 date=1502063152]See, clone, I've studied..
Have you?

Do you, 'Really’,  expect,
 Bots,  ‘Bot’s,   to Read,  Learn,  Understand ?????

Now,  That’s,  ’Tin Foil Hat’,  area !

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  [/quote]

I never seemed to get my question answered by him..... not sure why.

Maybe I can jack this thread and ask you guys the question.

He stated misinformation was intentionally given to students/folks, and told it was truth.
He then stated that these subjects believed this information, and even increased its value, 10 fold.....
As they built their belief around it.
Now, they were in essence, blind to the truth, so to speak.

He stated this study was above reproach, as he vouched for their integrity, etc.
I asked if the study was judged, scrutinized, on the same criteria of false data installed, to reach a conclusion desired.....

All I got was crickets.

Can you guys help me here....

Is my question too vague, without merit, ambiguous, or what?
Do you guys understand it?

I see this as the same paradox of folks rejecting freedom of speech, association, beliefs, personal rights, etc, to some, with the claim its because these people beliefs, activities, etc, exhibit intolerance.....

HUH.... :-/

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/17 at 19:20:51

23302835302636510 wrote:
"...I never seemed to get my question answered by him..... not sure why. ..."

Oh  come on,  You know why !

It’s called,  “’SPIN”!

‘Look over here, while I reach over their’.

It is  NOT, the way,
‘Real  Dems’,  (the ones who don’t lick Clintons AZZ)
and the, ‘Real Reps’, (Who don’t, lick the, ‘word order’s’ AZZ)
Would sit down and discuss, back and forth, give and take, etc.,  a point.

It is, simply,  ’SPIN”, doing what you’re,  ’TOLD TO DO”.

Can’t you see,  Bots,  ‘Bots’,   Jumping on the,
 ‘Do As You Are Told To Do’
   Bandwagon ???

Title: Re: This is important to understand
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/17 at 19:24:43

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