General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A liberal who wants more welfare?

Message started by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 08:55:27

Title: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 08:55:27

Oh wait... No! - This is a GOPer!!

Gee, those poor, poor pols......

All you GOPers out there - watch and see where chaffetz goes from here....

It's all about the money!!  It don't matter which side of the aisle.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 08:56:08


Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/17 at 09:10:04

Wow, you read that and came away without questions, but a conviction that he is somehow a bad guy...
I didn't know representatives were sleeping in the office.
How better to entice people into illegal activities?
If he's Not getting ahead financially, he's probably not a criminal.
But you go ahead and call him bad, tt.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 09:17:40

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
Wow, you read that and came away without questions, but a conviction that he is somehow a bad guy...
I didn't know representatives were sleeping in the office.
How better to entice people into illegal activities?
If he's Not getting ahead financially, he's probably not a criminal.
But you go ahead and call him bad, tt.

This is the same ass-hat who said "don't buy an iPhone if you can't afford insurance".

But yeah, you go ahead and defend this prick.


Awww... too bad that they only earn $175K a year.... somebody call a whaaambulance.

Seriously jog - you think that this is OK???

Are you that gullible???

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/17 at 10:33:43

This is the same ass-hat who said "don't buy an iPhone if you can't afford insurance

Looks like good advice to me.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 11:18:27

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
This is the same ass-hat who said "don't buy an iPhone if you can't afford insurance

Looks like good advice to me.

Ahh... ok... I see you now.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/17 at 11:24:02

I was poor. I didn't get above those circumstances by spending foolishly. I went years without a phone. Priorities matter. Being responsible is important. People need to make good choices. If you don't have money for necessities AND convenience,, you get what is IMPORTANT.
Trust me, I saw you a long time ago.

What did you teach Your kids?

It doesn't matter how much money you have, you should have what you want?

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/28/17 at 11:39:01

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
I was poor. I didn't get above those circumstances by spending foolishly. I went years without a phone. Priorities matter. Being responsible is important. People need to make good choices. If you don't have money for necessities AND convenience,, you get what is IMPORTANT.
Trust me, I saw you a long time ago.

What did you teach Your kids?

It doesn't matter how much money you have, you should have what you want?

Please - try to have an original thought, huh? (lol - I saw you....)

And like I'd take life advice from someone like you?? Now THAT'S hilarious!!  All my kids are doing just fine, thanks.

But look at you - You seem to think it's OK to give rich people welfare....

Seriously, how does that work out???

This moron chaffetz is whining about not being able to afford a house in UT and DC.... boo frickin hoo!

But yeah, it's people like him and you that think being poor is somehow a choice...

You honestly think that the problem is people buying iPhones instead of health insurance???

Let them eat cake, huh??

Pathetic.  Yeah, keep blaming the poor - you'll be right there with them someday.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by pg on 06/28/17 at 15:35:46

647A757479647F62100 wrote:
Let them eat cake, huh??

you'll be right there with them someday

“We’re in a death spiral—Illinois has the worst pension crisis in the nation and needs the boldest reforms,” Ted Dabrowski, Illinois Policy Institute’s vice president of policy, told Fox News. “There is no doubt that junk bond rating is on its way.”

Best regards,

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 05:37:43

3F282E222D3D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=647A757479647F62100 link=1498665327/0#7 date=1498675141]
Let them eat cake, huh??

you'll be right there with them someday

“We’re in a death spiral—Illinois has the worst pension crisis in the nation and needs the boldest reforms,” Ted Dabrowski, Illinois Policy Institute’s vice president of policy, told Fox News. “There is no doubt that junk bond rating is on its way.”

Best regards,

Sad isn't it?  And to think - I voted for rauner...

I can't wait for the midterms!!!

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 05:39:12

293E38343B2B590 wrote:
[quote author=647A757479647F62100 link=1498665327/0#7 date=1498675141]
Let them eat cake, huh??

you'll be right there with them someday

“We’re in a death spiral—Illinois has the worst pension crisis in the nation and needs the boldest reforms,” Ted Dabrowski, Illinois Policy Institute’s vice president of policy, told Fox News. “There is no doubt that junk bond rating is on its way.”

Best regards,

Stay on track though pg - this thread is about the prick chaffetz begging for a handout....  typical GOPer

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 06:15:55

He is quitting.
Explained why.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by MnSpring on 06/29/17 at 07:25:52

If you can’ afford the Dock Fees,
Ya Don’t Buy, a 100,000.00 Boat

If you can’t afford the Gas,
Ya don’t buy a 90,000.00 Hummer.

If you can’t afford, $50.00, for a
sack of potatoes, and a gallon of milk, etc, to feed your  Family.
Ya  DONT BUY, a $300.00  Tattoo, Or designer cloths, or Jewelry.

But wait,   ’Some’  people,   EXPECT, anything they want,
without having to work for it.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 07:30:49

ox News Channel (FNC) has signed soon-to-be former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to a contributor role.

Tt says he's
Begging for a handout.
While How Many go to D.C. with normal bank accounts and ten years later are rich? The guy isn't a crook! Who couldn't get ahead in his position?
The guy is gonna go on, instead of making a career out of it.
That's the kind of person we need.
Sure not like most of the D.C.occupiers.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/17 at 07:42:55

I believe 5 of the top 10 richest counties in the country are clustered around DC.  The weather's not great, there is no fantastic, awe-inspiring landscape.... wonder what the draw is?....

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 07:52:01

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
ox News Channel (FNC) has signed soon-to-be former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to a contributor role.

Tt says he's
Begging for a handout.
While How Many go to D.C. with normal bank accounts and ten years later are rich? The guy isn't a crook! Who couldn't get ahead in his position?
The guy is gonna go on, instead of making a career out of it.
That's the kind of person we need.
Sure not like most of the D.C.occupiers.

LMAO!!!!  Really???  "That's the kind of person we need."??????

OK - got ya!  We need more people telling us what's wrong with the country and at the same time, making it worse... riiiight...  Poor people don't need welfare, but we poor congressmen do.... BWAAHAAHAAHA!!

This prick went on fox to tell everyone to save their money.... then he turns around and asks for a handout.

Seriously jog - you honestly support this a$$hat???

If so - look in the mirror at what's really wrong in this country.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 08:02:12

That Asshat
Rather than Steal the Money
That Asshat
Told people to use money wisely.

I have no idea about the guy . Only your butthurtedness brought him to my attention. You're upset with him, for nothing. He's BAD, because he is not a criminal and offers fatherly advice on how to spend money.
Save your angst. I don't care what you think.
If you could get past Feeling instead of actual thought, you'd be ahead.

You're so pissed off that someone would say
If you can't afford everything you need, don't piss money away on what you WANT

If you can spend a hundred bucks for a phone, but you're not able to provide for yourself in other ways, maybe you should not have the phone.

That's Good Advice.

What would you teach YOUR children?
Buy candy and do without insurance?

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 08:19:47

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
That Asshat
Rather than Steal the Money
That Asshat
Told people to use money wisely.

I have no idea about the guy .

THAT'S THE PROBLEM - DUH!!!!  Open your eyes to the gigantic hypocrisy of the right!!!

Only your butthurtedness brought him to my attention. You're upset with him, for nothing. He's BAD, because he is not a criminal and offers fatherly advice on how to spend money.

LMAO - "fatherly advice"???  He's a clueless dumbfu#k!!  He has no idea how the real world works!!  

Save your angst. I don't care what you think.

Yet you post.... how about that?

If you could get past Feeling instead of actual thought, you'd be ahead.

Think about this jog - you're the one constantly waving conspiracy theories around - but when confronted by a repub who is so obviously out of touch and bought and paid for by the highest bidder, you ignore it.
Pull your head out of the conspiracy sand...

You're so pissed off that someone would say
If you can't afford everything you need, don't piss money away on what you WANT

No, I'm not pissed that he said it - I'm pissed that he said it and then turned around and asked for a handout!!  Further, to think it's as simple as "not buying an iPhone" to afford insurance is just plain stupid.

If you can spend a hundred bucks for a phone, but you're not able to provide for yourself in other ways, maybe you should not have the phone.

That's a hollow statement.  You could say the same for other "unnecessary" items like electricity, a TV, a fridge, a microwave, etc.  The fact is, a cell phone in this day and age is NO DIFFERENT than a land line.  

That's Good Advice.

What would you teach YOUR children?

As I said, my kids are just fine, thanks. You should be more worried about your own.

Buy candy and do without insurance?

You are truly clueless...  The facts are - poor families do with far less than what chaffetz and you think.  Pull your eyes away from fox and have a real look at the poor and what they go through.  You seem to think it's all welfare queens and lazy thugs.  It ain't.

And the last thing they need is some smarmy a-hole telling them what they're doing wrong while he whines about his second home.

Get it?

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 08:28:06

Others are reading this. I doubt I appear clueless.
I don't watch

My short wave radio crapped out a long time ago.
I've read enough books and studied the events to see the direction we are going. It doesn't matter who gets elected, the best we can hope for is a Slowing Down of the race to the edge of the cliff.  The Deep State, the unelected, are calling the tune, not We the People.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 09:08:05

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
Others are reading this. I doubt I appear clueless.

LOL - yeah, the 6 or so others.....

I don't watch

Well, fox really isn't tv news... neither is cnn or msnbc...

My short wave radio crapped out a long time ago.
I've read enough books and studied the events to see the direction we are going. It doesn't matter who gets elected, the best we can hope for is a Slowing Down of the race to the edge of the cliff.  The Deep State, the unelected, are calling the tune, not We the People.

And so what should we do then?  Cover our eyes, ears and mouth and let it happen?

Deep state - sorry, I don't buy it.  It's the oligarchs.  Corporations.

Get money and morons like chaffetz out of politics.  That's the only way to move forward.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 09:37:02

And now, a search for

historical figures warning of dark force running America

Yields bupkiss.

Doesn't matter. The facts bounce off.
You had it available and chose to pretend that the presidents and military leaders of years gone by were liars.

Your concerns about What to do are understandable.
The money is a problem. People spend Godzillions of dollars to win a seat that pays a living wage. That's because Concerned People WANT them to win. And corrupt people want some of them.
The Answer is not simple. Not all donations are
Buying Influence

The think tanks in D.C.are problematic.

The CFR and Trilateral commission are forces Not aligned with the welfare and prosperity of the People, and they are where many of our policy makers come from.  

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 10:13:31

Who would disagree?

Specificity of nomenclature is indisputable: "There is nothing which I dread so much as a DIVISION OF THE REPUBLIC INTO TWO GREAT PARTIES, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in OPPOSITION TO EACH OTHER. This, in my humble apprehension,
is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
[caps mine. end of quote]

President Adams' words could not have been any clearer. Your speculation as to his intention of NOT being in favor of third or fourth or fifth parties is quite nebulous, at best.
The reality of [read: "corporate control of" ] THE 2-PARTY finance system is a built-in deterrent to reaching across the aisle. Collaborating to vote in favor of the people's wishes (GASP!) would be considered 'going rogue' in any bill involving corporate profit and would immediately shut down the PAC money pipeline to future campaign coffers. In our professed 2-party system, both parties are beholden to one oligarchy --a corporate cabal -- whose total focus is PROFIT, regardless of impact on America's people or the world at large.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 11:24:59

Again - I'm not going to dredge the past on this post...

This is about chaffetz and his hypocrisy.  Plain and simple.

We need the likes of him out of DC and away from the public eye.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 12:18:13

He leaves rather than be dishonest.
Bad guy.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 14:18:37

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
He leaves rather than be dishonest.
Bad guy.

LMAO - "rather than be dishonest"??  That truly is funny!!!

Have you seen ANY history on this prick??  If you look up "wh0re" in a good old fashioned paper dictionary, you might actually see his picture...

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by pg on 06/29/17 at 14:20:42

What is the real reason he is leaving?  I don't buy the health concerns.

Best regards,

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 14:29:24

5C4B4D414E5E2C0 wrote:
What is the real reason he is leaving?  I don't buy the health concerns.

Best regards,

M . O . N . E . Y .

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 15:41:27

He said the job didn't pay enough for school for three, etc..
Instead of taking bribes, he's quitting

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/17 at 15:42:04

I guess he could have acted like Bernie and his wife. Scam a bank out of bunch of money.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 18:21:15

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
He said the job didn't pay enough for school for three, etc..
Instead of taking bribes, he's quitting

BWAAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!!!!  Yeah, nearly $180K just isn't enough, huh?

Someone call him a Whaaaambulance!!

Oh, but I forgot - the only hypocrites are liberals, right??

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/29/17 at 18:23:54

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
I guess he could have acted like Bernie and his wife. Scam a bank out of bunch of money.

LOL - yeah... only one little problem.. there's no proof of that. (and look who's pressing the case...)

So yeah.... shall I call you a whambulance too??

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/17 at 18:53:57

You seriously said that? Now that's funny.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/17 at 19:42:12

Without EVIDENCE Trump COLLUDED with Russia.
But they Have bank loans for Ten Million Dollars and
She ran the college in debt
And TOOK $200,000.00 for her severance package AFTER SHE WRECKED the place.
It's not some lying fool CNN talking head.
She is exactly someone who should go to jail.
But won't.
Another Perfect example of
Why you people get no respect.
Total double standard.
Allegations against Trump, with no evidence.
OBVIOUSLY true allegations, backed by incontrovertible evidence against a lefty.

You have no PROOF!

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 05:10:19

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
You seriously said that? Now that's funny.

Well.... is there?  Please, show me the footage of the indictment...

Yeah, until then, just sit quietly.


Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/17 at 05:12:15

She lied that doners were already lined up to repay the loan. When they defaulted on the loan, the bank started investigating and caught them. Bernie knew all about it, but I'm sure he figured the banks deserve to get screwed. Typical socialist in power. One set of rules for him, another for the peasants.

Hell, couldn't he have sold one of his houses and paid off the loan?

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 05:13:36

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
Without EVIDENCE Trump COLLUDED with Russia.
But they Have bank loans for Ten Million Dollars and
She ran the college in debt
And TOOK $200,000.00 for her severance package AFTER SHE WRECKED the place.
It's not some lying fool CNN talking head.
She is exactly someone who should go to jail.
But won't.
Another Perfect example of
Why you people get no respect.
Total double standard.
Allegations against Trump, with no evidence.
OBVIOUSLY true allegations, backed by incontrovertible evidence against a lefty.

You have no PROOF!

Well then, it's a slam dunk huh?

Please.... you got nothing.

But do a quick little exercise - and stay on topic.

Put Bernie in place of chaffetz - imagine if Bernie asked for a stipend....

Now then.... .what would you have said?

LMAO!!!!  You're fooling yourself with your mock outrage of a totally baseless accusation of Mrs. Sanders.

Your hypocrisy is palpable.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 05:17:07

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
She lied that doners were already lined up to repay the loan. When they defaulted on the loan, the bank started investigating and caught them. Bernie knew all about it, but I'm sure he figured the banks deserve to get screwed. Typical socialist in power. One set of rules for him, another for the peasants.

Hell, couldn't he have sold one of his houses and paid off the loan?

LMAO - wow, nice selective account of the facts.  Well done!!

She was gone by 2011 - the only thing she might be guilty of is not doing a great job.

But keep hoping.... LOL

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/17 at 05:26:17

Hey, I get it. You're hurt. Your Bernie balloon has popped. He's just another crooked politician and he conned you. You're not alone, millions got conned along with you.

Don't worry son, your pain will pass.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 05:31:06

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
Hey, I get it. You're hurt. Your Bernie balloon has popped. He's just another crooked politician and he conned you. You're not alone, millions got conned along with you.

Don't worry son, your pain will pass.

LOL - once again, you're wrong... sorry for you....

I'm still fine with Bernie.  You see, there's a reason he is the most popular politician in the US right now.  He speaks truth to power and never varies from his principals.

Please show us "poor followers" where Bernie conned us....

This ought to be good.... lol

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/17 at 07:14:37

You see, there's a reason he is the most popular politician in the US right now.

IF that's true it's only because Americans are so poorly educated with respect to personal freedom. The hive mind has been sold to the Dumbmasses effectively.
America's greatest period of prosperity and growth was during a time when there was no income tax.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 07:32:42

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
You see, there's a reason he is the most popular politician in the US right now.

IF that's true it's only because Americans are so poorly educated with respect to personal freedom. The hive mind has been sold to the Dumbmasses effectively.
America's greatest period of prosperity and growth was during a time when there was no income tax.

Aaaaaand you have nothing.

Thanks for playing... see Vanna for your parting gift.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by pg on 06/30/17 at 07:43:40

293738393429322F5D0 wrote:
Thanks for playing... see Vanna for your parting gift.

They stole the nomination from him and his parting gift from Clinton was he would not be prosecuted if she were to get in.  That's why he stood down and didn't make any waves.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 07:48:16

3F282E222D3D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=293738393429322F5D0 link=1498665327/30#40 date=1498833162]

Thanks for playing... see Vanna for your parting gift.

They stole the nomination from him and his parting gift from Clinton was he would not be prosecuted if she were to get in.  That's why he stood down and didn't make any waves.....

Best regards,


Hmm... Me thinks you need to adjust your foil hat a little.....

Gee, what's more likely?  A partisan investigation or a secret cover up by the DNC and hillary to make Bernie "stand on the sidelines"?

Foil hats all around!!!!

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by pg on 06/30/17 at 07:58:27

Gee, why did they wait till after the election?

Best regards,

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 08:11:15

4354525E5141330 wrote:
Gee, why did they wait till after the election?

Best regards,

Yeah, keep on trying to ride that dead horse....

Good luck!

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/17 at 08:57:53

Nobody is that dishonest unless they are paid to be.
Every time I have pointed out how the shoe would fit on the other foot TT avoids it. They all do. I have pointed out obvious facts, to no avail. It's like arguing with a child.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 09:33:56

342B2D2A3730013101392B276C5E0 wrote:
Nobody is that dishonest unless they are paid to be.
Every time I have pointed out how the shoe would fit on the other foot TT avoids it. They all do. I have pointed out obvious facts, to no avail. It's like arguing with a child.


So you're saying if Bernie Sanders had asked for this stipend, you'd be OK with it?

Really?  Is that what you're saying???

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/17 at 11:22:02

Bernie has THREE expensive houses
This guy is trying to NOT become a criminal to stay in D.C..
Apparently he is not alone. That our electeds are sleeping in their OFFICES because they can't afford a place in D.C.AND take care of their families at home isn't at all what I expected to hear.

The way I got it was

He sees a problem.
He is Not asking for anything for himself.
He is trying to alert US to a need that others have.
He is gone.
So, according to you.
He is irrelevant.
You done yet?

Ask how I would solve it, after you offer a suggestion.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by T And T Garage on 06/30/17 at 11:35:39

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
Bernie has THREE expensive houses

Um, HOW did he get those houses?  Look into that - I'm not going to do your work for you.  Also, look how much he made as an author (not Bernie's fault that chaffetz isn't interesting..)

This guy is trying to NOT become a criminal to stay in D.C..

And he should be applauded for what?... Doing his job????  I thought righties hated rewarding mediocrity??

Apparently he is not alone. That our electeds are sleeping in their OFFICES because they can't afford a place in D.C.AND take care of their families at home isn't at all what I expected to hear.

Not our fault they can't "afford" to live on nearly $180K/year...  

The way I got it was

He sees a problem.
He is Not asking for anything for himself.
He is trying to alert US to a need that others have.
He is gone.
So, according to you.
He is irrelevant.
You done yet?

Nope - not even close -this "conservative" party is a joke.

Ask how I would solve it, after you offer a suggestion.

It's not for you or I to "solve".  It's up to the morons in office not to live above their means.

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/17 at 13:53:56

Wow....The Bern sure married a heartless s!ut....

Title: Re: A liberal who wants more welfare?
Post by pg on 06/30/17 at 14:02:10

0E3C3B2A2D3C2B14382B32590 wrote:
Wow....The Bern sure married a heartless s!ut....

In a lengthy letter to the attorney (Todd Centybear) representing the group home for the disabled Jane indicates that she’s having trouble evicting the 16 residents from their building on the newly purchased property after the college had acquired the land. She writes: “It is simply not fair to expect the College to continue to carry the burden of the expenses associated with housing both your population and ours until February 2012.” The home for the disabled was being leased from the diocese and Jane was supposed to help relocate the residents, not evict them. The exchange shows, not only Jane’s heartlessness, but also her incompetence as the college president for not ensuring the negotiated transfer of those disabled people before the school took over the property.

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