General Category >> The Cafe >> Dissing my Savage

Message started by buster6315 on 03/27/17 at 20:45:00

Title: Dissing my Savage
Post by buster6315 on 03/27/17 at 20:45:00

I rode my Savage to my friends house today.  He made fun of it, because of its size and sound!   It's bad enough people make fun of Sportsters, and now this too?   I may need therapy!  

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by IslandRoad on 03/27/17 at 21:18:11

I find the ride home is usually therapy enough  8-)

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by jcstokes on 03/27/17 at 21:26:35

Hmmm, sounds like the cool people are engaging mouth before putting brain in gear, AGAIN. The only really long distance trip I've ever done on mine was a three thousand miler about three years ago. It was the smallest least powerful bike in the group. All the group have far more experience than I. Some had powerful Triumphs and wanted to ride fast on occasion. These guys only had this to say about my S40, "that thing's amazing".

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by MMRanch on 03/27/17 at 22:09:35

Hay Buster , one of my ridding group ask " Why would you ride something like "THAT" when ya got a Sportster to ride ?   I laughed at him and replied very quickly "Couse that is one FUN machine"  ;D  Then I ask him if he wanted to go do some twisties with me ? and Laughed at him some more .  ;D   ;D ;D ;D      I haven't had to embarrass him any more since then , But next time we passed some "Twisties" , I motioned for him to follow me --- but he wouldn't/Couldn't and he knew it.    We're still friends and I wait-up for him when he falls behind !  ;)

Hay ya gota catch your Fun where ya can sometimes , ya know !  ;D

Ya probably guessed it by now --- he has Trike-ed  his HOG and now he is not so much afraid of it.    ::)

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Dave on 03/28/17 at 04:34:28

The folks that Diss your Savage are most likely "posers"....and they have a very limited view of the motorcycle world.  If it ain't HD - they don't have any interest in it.

Folks who really understand the motorcycle world can appreciate that not all motorcycle are V-Twins from Milwaukee.  Given the right environment, even the Honda Rebel can be a fun bike!

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by 12Bravo on 03/28/17 at 05:33:11

063D3027363A21273C343926550 wrote:
The folks that Diss your Savage are most likely "posers"....and they have a very limited view of the motorcycle world.  If it ain't HD - they don't have any interest in it.

Folks who really understand the motorcycle world can appreciate that not all motorcycle are V-Twins from Milwaukee.  Given the right environment, even the Honda Rebel can be a fun!

I have to agree with that. I do have a Harley along with the S40. When ever I ride the S40 on group rides, some do give me trouble (with a smile) but also comment on how cool it is to see a 1 lunger. People that do know bikes will and do appreciate seeing some one ride a big single.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by HAPPYDAN on 03/28/17 at 07:19:12

49727F6879756E68737B76691A0 wrote:
The folks that Diss your Savage are most likely "posers"....and they have a very limited view of the motorcycle world.  If it ain't HD - they don't have any interest in it.

Folks who really understand the motorcycle world can appreciate that not all motorcycle are V-Twins from Milwaukee.  Given the right environment, even the Honda Rebel can be a fun bike!

I'm totally with you on that one. Materialist snobs are found in all walks of life. Psychology tells us it's due to deep-seated feelings of insecurity and inferiority - in short, fear of being found out. Why does an office worker feel he needs a V12 4 wheel drive 4 door pick up truck? Madison Avenue advertising agencies play heavily on this. Just Live. . .for the RIDE!

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by philthymike on 03/28/17 at 10:09:18

I've gotten a few ignorant comments such as - it sure is small, I didn't know they made bikes that small for adults and nice scooter etc.
whatever. I couldn't care less.

Conversely one of my neighbors who owns a big hog came by recently to learn all he could about my bike and decided he's going to sell his hog and buy a S40 instead. He's 64 now and planning a summer long tour where he'll be living and working out of his truck. He wants to bring a bike along so he can cruise around locally at each destination without taking the truck off the campground but his hog is too much of a beast for him to load and unload at his age. I let him pick up the rear of my bike so he could feel the weight of it and he's sold. I need to remember to tell him when I see any good deals in the area.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by IslandRoad on 03/28/17 at 13:11:41

I haven't had anyone dis the S40 but a couple of people have mentioned the size. One friend thought it was a 250, another thought a 400. It's fun to see their face when I say 650.

I get the impression that some people I've met, with big bikes, actually feel the 'burden' of it's weight and size. The price of being cool?

Anyway, the degree to which I enjoy riding the S40 is a great antidote to any temptation to worry about that stuff  :)

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by SALB on 03/28/17 at 13:25:33

Other than a mechanic friend of mine who keeps prodding me to get a bike with "multiple cylinders",  I've never had anybody "diss" it.  I have had a few bikers surprised that it was a 650.

The funniest thing is when I get clueless customers at work telling me what a pretty "Harley" it is! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by gizzo on 03/28/17 at 14:56:16

ive had some of those kinds of comments on a couple of runs with a mate and his  cruiser club. Kym understands but his clubmates cant get the point even though they've just been smashed through the twisties by a bike with half the cylinders and.  third the cc's. I just tell em when your this good you only need one. At least they get to show me who's the boss when the road straightens out. But really, who give a rats arse what they think, long as you're having fun. ride on.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Ruttly on 03/28/17 at 15:15:19

Buster, You need the sticker I have on my tool box at work for your fender!

It says "I don't give a f___ what you think "

I got a ? For you , Are you grinning when you get off it after a good ride ?

Cause that's all that matters !

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/17 at 15:28:36

Let 'm have their fun, then go on the club ride.
ask 'm when we gonna cut loose and do some twisties?

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Ed L. on 03/28/17 at 16:17:41

I've stopped worrying about what other riders think. If they ask I say it's a 650 which is plenty big enough for me and is a lot of fun to work on. If they give me a hard time about what I ride I tell them nicely it's none of their business.
My '02 is starting to look a little rat with a couple dents in the tank, modified sporty engine guards and beat up saddle bags and my brain bucket has a big "BITE ME" on it. I like my look and if it offends well that's too bad.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Kris01 on 03/28/17 at 17:20:26

587F7E7E66730A0 wrote:
I got a ? For you , Are you grinning when you get off it after a good ride ?

Cause that's all that matters !

Amen!  ;)

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Dave on 03/28/17 at 17:59:31

042322223A2F560 wrote:
B Are you grinning when you get off it after a good ride ? !

I am usually grinning while I am getting my gear on.......and it continues right up to the time I take my gear back off!

(Days I get caught in the rain might be the exception).

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Ruttly on 03/28/17 at 19:29:20

My best ride in years is when in got caught in a hail & lightning storm and then it rained for another hour. I was grinning ear to ear , it was huge fun !
Only took 2 hours to get the tracker cleaned up & shining again , now that was a bummer !

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Ruttly on 03/28/17 at 21:02:34

I'm wide eyed and trembling inside till I hear it fire off , once I knock it in gear all that goes away and things get serious , it takes a few miles to get in the zone,feel the bike,become one as Bruce Lee said "Like Water" , now it's time to ride. Maybe not so much ride the bike but guide it with a light touch now I'm in the zone where 100% of everything else is blocked out. That's when that warming , tingling rush of adrenaline creeps up my spine , endorphins ease the pain in my hands and arms. It's truly a high for me wether it's a relaxed pace or a heavy on throttle section of twisties I know well. That's what 45 years of riding has done to me! Still no grin. Time to unwind and pull myself out of my self induced transe and roll back into town at acceptable speed , whack the throttle HARD on the last straight and try to miss the gravel patch at corner or not , roll into the driveway and shut it down and I can feel it coming as I slide the my helmet off it arrives not a second to late a ear to ear $hit eating grin that stays the rest of the day , renewed once again ! I love to ride ! Yeah I have a real problem , I know it. Every minute of every day that's all I think about , I love motorcycles and I love to ride. What a high for me , to ride and feel the bike the road the countryside the air,total freedom , thats what makes Ruttly tick !!!!!
I think you triggered my one and only nerve Dave !

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by jcstokes on 03/29/17 at 02:01:43

Come to think of it, the guy that used to do my Warrants of Fitness, safety inspections to North Americans, said "what did you buy one of those things for" when I first took mine to him. It's taken me years to think of a reply. 1/ It was cheap new 2/ I loved the colour scheme, Pearl White and Silver 3/ It was bigger than my red GN 250 4/ Does 90% of what a high 'fifties, now high 'sixties guy wants to do on a bike 5/ Had a real low seat height, I can back it into my garage easier than the GN250 6/ Had a beautiful quiet exhaust muffler, and belt drive 7/ It had lovely chrome thingys around the top of the engine 8/ it's proved to be quite reliable 9/ It has a very well styled rear mudguard/fender and tail light 10/ I love the thing, still watching Yamaha Bolts, but won't spend the money.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Jasbee on 03/29/17 at 03:48:32

Recently I rode 500 kms and without warning called in on a friend I haven't seen for years. I met him at his front door and he said: geez I thought it was the postie. Well, I guess the S40 would make a good postie bike. Here in Aus the posties ride Honda 110s, laden down with huge panniers full of heavy mail; needless to say, the bikes get FLOGGED.


Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by gizzo on 03/29/17 at 04:13:50

090010170C080610630 wrote:
/ It had lovely chrome thingys around the top of the engine .

Mine never came with chrome c0cks on the top of the engine. They'd be cool. Like little c0ck shaped acorn nuts, I imagine. What fun.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by GBG on 03/29/17 at 17:59:53

I went on a three day ride with a group of chopper enthusiasts. As I rode into camp on the second night one of the guys came running over yelling "Hey, is that a Savage?!"
This guy owns a stable of bikes and, as his employer is a parts and accessories company, has a lot of other motorcycles at his disposal. He told me the first bike he ever customized was a Savage, and he really wants to do another.
That was endorsement enough for me.

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by zipidachimp on 03/31/17 at 01:23:20

first one was so much fun, I went and bought a lower mileage second one. Newer one looks stock but isn't, older one done up like a tracker. both '08s.  8-) ;D

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by raydawg on 03/31/17 at 04:48:59

Ah, such is life......
My happiness and joy, self acceptance and respect is predicated on lofting myself as your better....
I can bear witness to my facts, as they reside so ripe and obvious to me, that frankly I am shocked that others are so blind to truth  ;D

Too spend much energy on folks who have such a deep need, is like spitting with your visor down  :D

Part of my adoration for our bike is its primitive nature....
Without being saddled to too much baggage, when I ride it's akin to being bare back and feeling how the muscles of this beast all come together and work in unison.....
As I enjoy the effect is has on my emotional strings.

I was once riddled with questions by many, when a new faith and understanding, freed me from my past of having to rely on booze to fill a void and need in my life....

It was to a higher power I know for sure who provided to me what I could never attain on my own....
They asked if I was just imagining such?

I knew no answer exsisted that they could understand, so I never bothered trying.
I believe oft times that is as good as it gets in some human relationships.

Enjoy the moment, that is all we have  ;)

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Dave on 03/31/17 at 04:54:43


Is the ferry moving slower than normal today? :-?

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by raydawg on 03/31/17 at 07:40:32

0D363B2C3D312A2C373F322D5E0 wrote:

Is the ferry moving slower than normal today? :-?

;D ;D ;D ;D  good one Dave!

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by Ruttly on 03/31/17 at 09:11:07

Ray , Very cool and so true !

Title: Re: Dissing my Savage
Post by raydawg on 03/31/17 at 14:24:43

7B5C5D5D4550290 wrote:
Ray , Very cool and so true !

Thanks Rutman  ;)

See Dave, I was appreciated on the slow boat.
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