General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/16 at 17:20:16

Title: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/16 at 17:20:16

And they just can't Quiiiite get their agenda through,because of those bitter clingers.

Black people know they’re being pandered to.” Clarke said. “Nothing has gotten better under Democrat control.”
“You go to all the cities where there’s high poverty, there’s now high levels of crime and violence. They’re all run by liberal democrat mayors, liberal Democrat politicians so nothing seems to get better.” Clarke concluded.
This is not the first instance where Clinton has been caught pandering to black voters. Hillary has

Must just ABSOLUTELY SUCK to have the unvarnished truth about how crappy the places are where the entitlement programs have been what the society has been using to survive.

Look at what the trade deals did for Detroit. And look at Chitcargo, what a crime ridden mess that is.

History buffs

Did Chicago Ever have a good record? During prohibition it sure
was a dangerous place. Wasn't that where the Saint Valentine's Day massage therapy incident took place?

Sick of it!

mith’s comments show the disconnect that some black voters see between the rhetoric of the Democrats and their results. When establishment Republicans fail to even show up and try to make the case that smaller government, less dependency, and traditional values would be the best solution to the problems of the inner city black community, many grassroots black political activists head further to the left to find solutions.



And why should they show up? The masses, until recently, would hear none of it. Maybe now...

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by pg on 04/25/16 at 03:16:51

And look at Chitcargo, what a crime ridden mess that is.

Best regards,

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/16 at 05:10:15

But, but, howzatt even Possible? It's ILLEGAL to have guns there.
Does that mean that gun control laws don't work?
What state is heroin legal in?

None, sir?

That's RIGHT Mr. Bueller! None. Very good..

Now, let's look at our neighbors.
Is heroin legal in Mexico or Canada?

NO , and Yet, it's in EVERY state AND Canada AND Mexico.

But, the ONLY REASON Chicago Can't Control the guns is

You guessed it!

Those evil right wing locations NEAR Chicago, where guns are readily available.

And the left wing moonbats keep trying to pretend that They are intellectually superior and the others simply can't grasp it.

Noo, there is no working model for making people defenseless against criminals where criminals don't take advantage.

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by pg on 04/25/16 at 06:13:55

Think about it for a moment, 8 people get shot in Chicago daily.   That has to be on par with Detroit & Memphis.   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/16 at 11:55:06

Where are they?

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by pg on 04/25/16 at 13:37:11

There is a nice map on their page with a lot of info.

Best regards,

Title: Re: But,see, they are Surrounded by bublicans,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/16 at 14:23:01

Thank You, kind sir.
I was actually shaking the tree, waiting for those who will explain why what I have said is illogical, irrational,unsupported by reason, or, just run through and holler
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