General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who???

Message started by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 05:18:35

Title: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 05:18:35

Who will you vote for and why?
It shall be Hillary and the Trump, with possibly independent perhaps?
If this be the case, I stand more willing to vote for an unknown 3rd party candidate, at this stage of the game....
If not, as much as I think she is a lying cheat, I believe as a whole, taking the country collectively, and foreign affairs, she is abetted choice than Trump.....
Yes, she gets away with a lot of deceit, has a powerful machine, but wasn't Reagan good at this too, remember the term Teflon attached to him?

I think she would throw Chelsea and her grandkids under the bus if it was to her benefit, and I think she will toss aside those PC groups who back her presently, without any reservation, under the explanation she represents all of the citizens now, not just those special interest groups that blindly supporter her.
She is shrewd and ruthless, not naieve or idealistic like Obama, and is more centered, even in this "anti" established mindset, she is prolly the best if the worse, to sit in the Oval Office next....


Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 05:31:42

She will finish what Obama has going. If you think it's bad now, put her in. You can't really believe trump could do worse for America.
A divided ticket against Hillary?
She walks Backwards from third, across home plate, waving to the crowd. Talk about handing someone a

That's probably what will happen, and it's THE worst thing for America.

I doubt trump or cruz will be the nominee. Kasich just might be the guy they choose. I think the bubs would rather lose to Hillary than have someone who might actually change things.

The debt is almost unservicable, and the dollar is being challenged by other currencies, our policies make it impossible to deal with the burden on social services, Just like the Clowerd and Piven theory said.
Nothing lasts forever. I don't remember a time when so many places were in such turmoil and economic distress. Gee, and ALL of them are products of the same type of banking system.
And all engaged in the trade deals,, how is it that Everyone is in debt?

Seriously, what Nation ISN'T in debt?
You sit down and play poker. SOMEONE walks away a winner.
So, how is it that Everyone is in debt?
Well, Libya may not have been, not sure.

If all the major nations on the planet are in debt, doesn't that make you Think?
I'm in debt to Bot, $20,000.00
Bot owes Ray.        $20,000.00
Rayowes me, you guessed it, $20,000.00.

Play with the numbers. Create imbalances.
Compare the way we do things, as a nation, to Your Life.

If you did what the government does, you would be bankrupt, at best, in prison for life, probably.

You can't import more stuff than you export into your house forever.

Imports are purchases
Exports are sales
When you work, you sell your labor, time, skills, and bring money in.
That's what exports ,on the national level, do for America.
If you import and the cost of imports exceeds the value of your exports,the imbalance Must be handled...
And, there is interest involved.
So, when China buys the T bills, well, if people don't know how it goes from here, they need to do their own homework.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 08:13:49

I agree JOG, but, we ain't Finns fix or reverse this trend overnight.
She is a product of that environment, Obama, not as much. He is more of a Rodney King guy wondering why we all can't get along.....
Hillary doesn't care about that....
She is for sale.
It is like I walked up to this girl in a bar, I asked her if she would sleep with me for a million bucks?
She agrees.
I then ask, how about twenty?
She gets mad and ask me, what kind of woman do you think I am?
I reply, we already established that, we are just bickering over a price.....

Hillary makes no bones, and she is readily available to turn tricks for the Bucks, WHICH, in a convoluted way, is just trickle down economics for that was the goal, put the power in the hands of the wealthy...,
She is just cutting out the middleman  ;D

Yes, people are tired of it, but trump ain't the fix....
Maybe next cycle folk will organize and run the whole lot out of DC

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 08:20:26

You base the belief that there will Be a
Next time
on What?
And, you Say Trump isn't the fix, and, I tend to agree, but she has a proven history of BAD NEWS for America.
But, at this point, what difference Does it make?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Serowbot on 04/22/16 at 09:46:45

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
If all the major nations on the planet are in debt, doesn't that make you Think?
I'm in debt to Bot, $20,000.00
Bot owes Ray.        $20,000.00
Rayowes me, you guessed it, $20,000.00.

This is pretty easy...
You hand me $20k,.. I'll hand it to Dawg,.. and he gives it back to you...
...and life goes on...

I just solved the world's economic crisis in 20 words...
Bot for president!...

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 09:56:45

jOg..... I cut firewood in the summer because I believe winter will be cold and I will need it.
Hillary is old growth oak, she'll burn us through until we can get a new forced air furnace.
I have to believe there will be a next time, if not, then what keeps you putting one foot in front of the other ?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Serowbot on 04/22/16 at 10:24:52

Republicans need to make some changes before next time...
Otherwise,... how will they do any better?...

They're still doing the same ol' austerity, trickle down, and moral condemnation, song and dance that began with Reagan...
...and every time they get power,... we get a war, and collapsing economy... extra military spending lining their pockets, and a widening of income disparity...
Sure,... let's make America great again... :P

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 10:37:45

Oh please bot, your dnc talking points don't explain sanders giving the hag a test.
It's both parties that are linked and established, and share the spoils.

Wake up to reality and see the hypocrisy and bigotry for what it is, goodness  ::)

Title: Re: Who???
Post by WebsterMark on 04/22/16 at 10:43:05

I think you could make the case everytime Republicans get in power, they have to clean up the mess made by the previous Democratic regime.
Nixon got stuck with Kennedy/Johnson's Vietnam, Reagan had Carter's debacle to deal with and Bush got stuck with Bill's Saddam problem.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by WebsterMark on 04/22/16 at 10:47:23

60736B76736575120 wrote:
Oh please bot, your dnc talking points don't explain sanders giving the hag a test.
It's both parties that are linked and established, and share the spoils.

Wake up to reality and see the hypocrisy and bigotry for what it is, goodness  ::)

All politicians and parties are crooked, its just Republicans are slightly less crooked and their ideology has the moral high ground so, all things being equal, they're the better choice. Certainly some exceptions. The only Dem I always vote for here in St. Louis is Bob McCulloh, whom you all might know because of his involvement in the Michael Brown/Ferguson deal. I've voted for him for last 10 years or more.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Serowbot on 04/22/16 at 11:11:13

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
I think you could make the case everytime Republicans get in power, they have to clean up the mess made by the previous Democratic regime.

You can make it if you want,... but then you must look at the world Obama inherited...
Housing crisis, tanked stock market, soaring unemployment, two out of control wars...
I think he's handled that pretty well...

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 11:16:40

3523342931242932460 wrote:
[quote author=6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 link=1461327515/0#1 date=1461328302]If all the major nations on the planet are in debt, doesn't that make you Think?
I'm in debt to Bot, $20,000.00
Bot owes Ray.        $20,000.00
Rayowes me, you guessed it, $20,000.00.

This is pretty easy...y
You hand me $20k,.. I'll hand it to Dawg,.. and he gives it back to you...
...and life goes on...

I just solved the world's economic crisis in 20 words...
Bot for president!...[/quote]

But, that doesn't explain why EVERYONE is in debt. Once you give it some Real thought, you may be forced to agree with me that the central bank system is a parasite. Otherwise, just as you propose, debts would be getting knocked down. Maybe not gone, but not exploding, as they are.
And WHO owes the money? Not the legislators who spent it, but WE, the People, owe. And just what did I GET for my money?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 11:39:15

55465E43465040270 wrote:
jOg..... I cut firewood in the summer because I believe winter will be cold and I will need it.
Hillary is old growth oak, she'll burn us through until we can get a new forced air furnace.

Exactly what policies does she support that are good for Americans?

How much longer can we race toward the cliff of debt and growing unemployment and unchecked immigration?

I have to believe there will be a next time, if not, then what keeps you putting one foot in front of the other ?

If blinding yourself to the constant diminishing of freedoms, perpetual wars, exploding debt, and pretending that your crystal ball that predicts Our Titanic will not hit the iceberg in the next four to eight years, then you are braver than I.
I'm NOT saying Trump will change anything for the better. I'm saying she makes it worse , and Fast. He might, too.
I'm NOT saying I know what Trump will do and make it better.
I'm Saying I know what she will do. And it's more of the same at a faster pace.

We are broke.
We are engaged in wars, and for WHAT?
Not a word from anyone about the countries on General Wesley Clarke's list that were made public years before the Sudden Reason for invasion.
Seriously, how much must people see, have explained to them and yet, they don't see how the game works?
How stupid do they think we are?
has been Well answered.

What did Henry Ford understand that the average schmuck doesn't that caused him to say,

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Is it Just Possible that the people who don't understand Why he said that,
Need to? I do understand. If you don't, then once you do, my posts will suddenly be reasonable.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 12:42:22

Jog, if you snatch the bottle out of a winos grasp, he will get irratated and blind to the truth, like closing his eyes and putting his fingers in his ears absolves him from the reality of the mess his life is from depenancy.....
Next to impossible to achieve any change in his life.
However, if you act in a manner that allows him to make the choice, as if it's his own idea to get his life together, etc, the chance of him becoming that person he deep down wants to be.....
Will be greatly improved.

We didn't get here overnight, or one administration, it has been over decades.
As evidenced by this crazy election cycle, those who portend to be experts on elections, etc, are clueless, as the tide has turned.
We will find a solidarity and traction with the good old middle class mindset, where all are welcome, and all are expected to hold up their end of the bargain.
Politicians will change their tune accordingly, no one faster at it than Hillary, but with the internet and instant recall, their wiggle room will be less and less, and accountability will be upheld.

It isn't only a democrat against the republican, it's us, against the world. Do you think they give a rats arse about some chickie-boy who wants to pizz in a urnal?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 13:12:57

Okay, keep your bottle. I tried to explain it. You stuck the fingers in your, eyes?
I'm not Fool enough to believe that the mistakes that got us here Can be repaired in one administration. Never said that, did I?

So, BECAUSE it can't be quickly repaired, it's somehow smart to allow someone like HILLARY to Continue the Wrong Way?
What specific policies does she support that you see as good for America and Americans?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/22/16 at 13:42:45

Every one of you who has responded in this thread has identified economic ( money ) problems of some sort as our main problems.
We have Presidents, for the most part, who are not business people, don't  really know business, nor sophisticated finance, Wall Street, etc.  Obama is a classic example - good hearted man, but one who never even ran a kid's lemonade stand.
I will vote, enthusiastically, for Trump.  He has been a showman since the campaign began, and all of that was to get attention..  You are now just beginning to see his other side.  No person can achieve what he has without being brilliant, and he knows banks and the monetary system the best of all.  If you want our economic ills at least in the hands of someone who has a clue what causes them, and how to fix what can be fixed, how can you not support Trump?

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/22/16 at 13:49:15

Did anyone else see the mini town hall on the Today show yesterday morning, featuring Trump and his family?
I was particularly happy to see a recently retired man ask him a question, but before the question, the man said that in the spirit of full disclosure, he had worked for Trump for 18 years as a union construction worker.  He then thanked Trump for providing a decent, union wage and standard of living to him and his family for all of that time.  The man said that he was definitely voting for Trump.
Forget the nonsense that Sanders spouts about the middle class - you rebuild the middle class be having a POTUS who has employed tens of thousands of middle class people, who understands them, and what it takes to get things back on track.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 15:13:24

Jerry, I have not seen any serious, mature, reasonableness, from this man prior to this campaign.
I see a man, an opportunistic beast, not unlike the days of the midway and the carnival barkers.
It's true I don't know him on any deeper level, and his business expertise is beyond my scope, however, he can not do this without being a statesman and convincing others of his ideals. His sarcastic one liners, ennuendos, and other behavior borders on unhinged, regardless of the coverage it garners....
Of course a real debate will showcase these two and give both an opportunity to speak of their ideas.
I will be watching for sure, but if he does the same old routine I will turn him off for good.

Jog, perhaps I am not making myself clear.
The clinton's have very much at stake in the status quo, and I would rather start there than who knows where, with Trump.

We saw the rush to obamacare, and it has been pretty dismal since. We saw the rush into Iraq, we know differently now.
Hillillys foreign policies dive pretty much with the way it has been for decades, unlike Obama who has been bust, other than Cuba perhaps, but that still remains to be seen.

She has more experience in the workings, and I think she will be different once she reaches her goal of being the first female president, she knows she will be under an extreme scrunity too, and I hope that pushes her to be better

BTW Jerry, if you are using wealth as some indicating factor as ability to lead, then you should extend that consideration to the clintons, as they were broke coming out of the White House and have turned their finances around to millions now  :o
Sure, we can say it's pretty sketchy, but no one has been able to prove it thus far, and too, trump college, c'mon, pet rock  :P

At this elevation of politics building a machine like they have takes considerable ability, people just don't bow down to them cuz they are really cool people, these redneck arkies know sumtin, and nobody has been able to unseat them, that takes something don't it.....
I think you said you don't do trial litigation, but you must be pretty familiar with it. I have a good friend with his own practice in LA. I saw him as a defending attorney, and a plaintiff, crap, he was two different guys, I was shocked  :o

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/22/16 at 15:26:51

Raydawg - What do you know about Trump prior to this campaign?  I bet it's close to zero.
I cannot believe that you called him a beast - so far in the 8 months since he announced, there has not be one, again, one person who ever worked for him, or who was associated with him who has had one bad thing to say about him.  Even his two prior wives are supporters - how many divorced people do you know whose ex spouses are their supporters?
Why would a man self fund millions in a campaign if he didn't have the people's best interests at heart?
We need a man who has succeeded at business; not just a talker like Hillary.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 15:45:19

What kind of person do we Need? Opportunistic? Someone who can and will seize an opportunity to better the economy? You want someone who has demonstrated a willingness to leave Americans screwed? Hillary is your guy.
I have a problem with the
Speaking fees.
In front of people who have something to gain. It's a way to pay for favors already delivered or those to come. Who is actually Worth those fees to have them come talk?
But, again, I will be shocked if either Cruz or trump get the nomination.
If one does, I still expect Hillary to win, even if she doesn't...
It's her Turn

And nobody will touch my questions.
Jerry. Yours will probably be ignored, too.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 15:47:57

Jerry, I use the term beast in an animalistic vein, as he goes for the jugular of him prey, not like a criminal.
Please see my prior post/reply to you, I added more why you posted this  ;D

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 15:52:08

Okay, let's say he Is animalistic. As long as he's fighting FOR my rights and economic well being, I like that. Who is more desirable as a leader?
George McFly or Trump?

If you or I did it, we would be in jail.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 16:06:19

Jog, all these smart folk and not a one can make it stick....
It almost sounds like the same reasoning BLM uses....

I be a victum  ;D

Yes, they are snakes, they are better snakes than most of the others, that is why their venom doesn't phase her!

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 16:15:02

Some people are above the law. You are aware of that, right?

And Your allegations against Trump. You can prove it?
How has the general trajectory of the country worked out for most Americans?
That's Status Quo, and you defend that by promoting anyone who is part of that system.
We need change. Don't KNOW what Trump will do. I Do know what to expect from Hillary. No change.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 16:31:47

Hey..... hear is a great story from the Huntington Post, I think it is spot on, AND, I hope is a foretelling of Hillary's fortune  ;D

Hillary’s primary success is a sham: Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner until the FBI finishes its Investigation
It's not over until the FBI clears Hillary Clinton— which it absolutely shouldn't


Hillary's primary success is a sham: Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner until the FBI finishes its Investigation
Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate for president not linked to an FBI investigation. This used to mean something in American politics, but those days are gone. Today, I’m viewed as delusional, by the same people who think smart politics and qualifications entail endless scandals, poor decision-making on everything from major foreign policy decisions to Wall Street speeches, and ongoing FBI investigations. In truth, the only delusion is believing that a candidate at risk of DOJ indictments, and facing political repercussions even without these indictments, would make a great president.

Nonetheless, this election season has been a bizarre case study in group think and competing narratives. At first, Bernie couldn’t win and Hillary was inevitable. Now, Bernie almost won, but apparently lost because of New York, and the FBI is simply a minor speed bump on the road to the White House. Tomorrow, Clinton will claim victory is just around the corner, even without knowledge of the FBI’s verdict.

At the end of the day, Americans everywhere will realize that the rule of law applies to Hillary Clinton, and that honesty and integrity will propel Bernie Sanders to the presidency. The FBI’s reputation is at stake, both globally and at home, and I explain why in this YouTube segment. James Comey and the agents who’ve devoted endless hours to Clinton’s email investigation will soon disclose their findings to the American people; to think nothing will result from this year-long probe is naive. Remember, the FBI doesn’t give parking tickets.

There will indeed be political repercussions for Clinton, especially if the FBI recommends indictment, and Democrats will need Bernie Sanders. The DNC will need Bernie Sanders. The country will need Bernie Sanders.

We haven’t veered that far away from our former value system as nation, when possible criminal conduct meant the end of presidential campaigns, for the DNC to continue to back Hillary Clinton, even after the FBI recommends indictments.

Think I’m nuts?

The smartest people in the room are again saying that Bernie Sanders can’t win, even though they failed to predict he’d be only 1.4 points nationally from Clinton in April of 2016. Last year, I accurately predicted that Bernie Sanders would continue his surge in the polls, while most observers never imagined Vermont’s Senator already defeating Clinton in two national polls. Not long ago, there was the notion that party unity would save Democrats in November, if Clinton became the nominee. Again, I predicted that many Democrats would never support Hillary Clinton, and that figure is now much larger. The smart Democratic strategists also never imagined Bernie Sanders would have 1,149 delegates, even after New York, and certainly never predicted he’d defeat GOP competition by wider margins than Hillary Clinton. Once again, in almost all my writing advocating Bernie Sanders, I’ve made the case that Sanders would be here, at this point, and perform better against Republican challengers.

Most importantly, nobody in progressive politics took the FBI investigation seriously, even though I’ve addressed the issue since last year, before supporting Bernie and while I was backing Elizabeth Warren. For this reason, and not delegate math (that discounts the over 100,000 voters in Brooklyn who weren’t allowed to vote), there’s only one genuine front-runner in the race for Democratic nominee. You can’t start bringing up rules and delegate count, if voter suppression, rigged debates schedules, and overt foul play have been hallmarks of the 2016 Democratic Primary.

Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner, until the FBI finishes its year-long investigation of the Top Secret and classified intelligence found on Clinton’s private server. This concept is simple, but very difficult for Clinton supporters, and even many observers in the media to comprehend. To most supporters of the former Secretary of State, everything is a Benghazi committee, regardless of the severity of the controversy or questions surrounding Clinton’s decision-making.

First, the Clinton campaign would like nothing more than Bernie Sanders dropping out, and becoming the only candidate standing if the FBI recommends indictments for Clinton or her top aides. The narrative then would be that Democrats had to vote for Clinton, since there was nobody left standing other than the former Secretary of State. Luckily, Bernie Sanders has more than enough money to see this election through; all the way to the FBI’s vote.

Of course, the Hillary faithful can’t even fathom indictment, but it’s a real possibility; in fact, a likely repercussion the more you know about the email investigation. I

It’s not often that a political figure is both investigated by the FBI, and seen as qualified by voters; yet another bizarre aspect of Clinton’s 2016 quest for the White House.

More important than anything I have to say on the topic, Lt. General Michael Flynn has a profound viewpoint. Speaking to Jake Tapper on CNN, President Obama’s former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency makes the case for Hillary Clinton to “drop out” of the 2016 race:

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama’s former top military intelligence official said Hillary Clinton should pull out of the presidential race while the FBI investigate her use of a private email server for official government communication while secretary of state.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the retired chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, made the call in an interview with Jake Tapper on “The Lead.”

“If it were me, I would have been out the door and probably in jail,” said Flynn, who decried what he said was a “lack of accountability, frankly, in a person who should have been much more responsible in her actions as the secretary of state of the United States of America.”

“This over-classification excuse is not an excuse,” Flynn said Friday. “If it’s classified, it’s classified.”

…Flynn, who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency from July 2012 to August 2014, told Tapper that Clinton “knew better” given the roles that she has had as a senator, a secretary of state, “even back when she was married to the president of the United States, she was going to have privileged information in that regard.”

Therefore, who’s wrong? Lt. General Michael Flynn, or the Clinton campaign?

I’ll side with Lt. General Michael Flynn.

On the completely opposite end of the spectrum, pertaining to the intelligence community, both Obama’s former intelligence chief and Edward Snowden agree on Clinton’s email situation. Quoted in The Guardian, Snowden makes a similar case:

Snowden said in Al-Jazeera interview that ordinary government workers would ‘very likely face prosecution’ for sending classified emails over personal server…

Edward Snowden has branded as “completely ridiculous” the idea that Hillary Clinton’s personal email server was secure while she was secretary of state…

“This is a problem,” Snowden said, “because anyone who has the clearances that the secretary of state has, or the director of any top-level agency has, knows how classified information should be handled.”

He added: “If an ordinary worker at the State Department or the CIA … were sending details about the security of embassies, which is alleged to be in her email, meetings with private government officials, foreign government officials and the statements that were made to them in confidence over unclassified email systems, they would not only lose their jobs and lose their clearance, they would very likely face prosecution for it.”

Both Snowden and Flynn stated that they’d be in jail if they had acted like Hillary Clinton.

Again, two people on opposite ends of the political spectrum, who are experts on classified intelligence, state the same thing pertaining to the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s emails.

Yes, America needs Bernie Sanders to stay in the race. Vermont’s Senator will win the Democratic nomination, primarily because his competitor can’t even type an email without scandal. It will be interesting to see the nationwide media frenzy once this story hits.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 16:35:31

That's confusing. I thought you support Hillary.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by old.indian on 04/22/16 at 16:47:57

I say it don't make a bit of difference WHO sits in the oval office.   Hillary, or Trump, or Bernie, or  Dudley Doright.  After the election it will be "Business As Usual" in D.C. .    ;)

Just incase you lads haven't noticed, despite the Wall Street numbers and the B.S. "smoke and mirrors" numbers / economics out of D.C. there seems to be some not-so-good-news too.     Several major U.S. corporations are talking "reduction in work force".  INTEL, IBM, Boeing. etc. etc.   These "reductions" are NOT minimum wage jobs.... They are middle class career positions that will have a domino effect on the rest of the local economies.  Goods and services NOT purchased, savings nest eggs depleted, etc...     BUT the Wall Street boys will still get their commissions.   ;)   As the man said, "The rich get richer and the rest of us get poorer..."       Nothing will happen for a while, at least until after the election.   A recession would be blamed on the administration  in office (Obama), and by extension, to that political party. (For those who are a bit slow, that means Hilary and the Democrat Party...)      

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 16:57:05

You just might be right. One thing is certain, put someone in who is a part of that and then it's a certainty. With Trump, it's Possible that some changes can be made.
JFK was gonna shake it up...

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/22/16 at 17:06:03

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
You just might be right. One thing is certain, put someone in who is a part of that and then it's a certainty. With Trump, it's Possible that some changes can be made.
JFK was gonna shake it up...

Something got him killed....
Sears is closing a bunch of stores too.

JOG, my OP was about "IF" it is between these two, without any further input or mitigating circumstances that arise, and armed with the present day knowledge I possess, or, if it was elections today, that would be my vote, as hard as it would be to cast.
A lot of time is left, I am still listening, and HOPING a third party enters the fray.
Bernie would be my choice  ;D

Old Chief, are you saying Bo made no diff?
I beg to differ, if that is your position.

I think his rigid idealistic notions have caused much uncertainty around the world, and have driven a wedge into our own citizens.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/16 at 18:16:27

You want Bernie for third party?
Use complete sentences. I THOUGHT you were a Hillary supporter.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by bobert_FSO on 04/23/16 at 06:18:14

"Maybe next cycle folk will organize and run the whole lot out of DC"

I can see this. People are getting fed up with the career political class.

In the last Kansas US senatorial election, Long time senator Pat Roberts (R) almost lost to a newcomer. Mr Roberts has become the epitome of the highly partisan beltway citizen. He no longer even has a house in Kansas. He only seems to show up in Kansas for election stumping. His only election platform was "You need me in the Senate because I am the swing vote to stand up against Harry Reid." (This was the election where the Republicans took over the Senate)

A lot of people were fed up with him. He almost lost his primary. Mr. Roberts barely squeaked through the election only because of dyed-in-the-wool western Kansas Republicans. He will probably not run again because of his age, but I think he is no longer electable because of his lack of connection with Kansas.

I think it is going to become harder for these lifetime establishment guys to get elected.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 07:08:03

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
You want Bernie for third party?
Use complete sentences. I THOUGHT you were a Hillary supporter.

Try reading your post if you think mine are confusing  ;D

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 07:18:44

What am I unclear about?

And, ONCE AGAIN,you avoid the questions.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 07:26:35

3A373A3D2A2C580 wrote:
"Maybe next cycle folk will organize and run the whole lot out of DC"

I can see this. People are getting fed up with the career political class.

In the last Kansas US senatorial election, Long time senator Pat Roberts (R) almost lost to a newcomer. Mr Roberts has become the epitome of the highly partisan beltway citizen. He no longer even has a house in Kansas. He only seems to show up in Kansas for election stumping. His only election platform was "You need me in the Senate because I am the swing vote to stand up against Harry Reid." (This was the election where the Republicans took over the Senate)

A lot of people were fed up with him. He almost lost his primary. Mr. Roberts barely squeaked through the election only because of dyed-in-the-wool western Kansas Republicans. He will probably not run again because of his age, but I think he is no longer electable because of his lack of connection with Kansas.

I think it is going to become harder for these lifetime establishment guys to get elected.

Good example.
I believe people are getting tired of the play on them.
Most of the media is complicit, and therefor stories will be tainted till the end.
It will be more of a water cooler movement.

I was happy to see the Bush never get traction, that was telling.
Hillary has a better machine and a very corrupt DNC pushing/backing her, yet, a man named Bernie, who has never been a lime-lighter, or marquee player, is pushing her around.

The marching robots of both parties will always swill the kool-aid, and be the last remnants of a broken system.
They will be the last to rebel, and the last VICTIMS......
Bitterly they will recede into oblivion, along with those they supported.

I am not being clairvoyant or a prophet, no....
I just understand the current path of our governance is not sustainable, as simple as that.
It is like thinking since I filled up the tank on my savage, I can drive it for 500 miles, without stopping.
People reason according to their wants and needs, but that does not change the facts.
I do have faith in people.
Often times it takes a great discomfort to move them.
Presently the movement is coming from thinkers, those who intellectually reason, and see the cliff.
The others will glimpse it, as they fall off that cliff  ;D

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 07:35:22

I think animal instinct is enough to see that we are heading down a path that has a bad end. The Trajectory is and has been downhill and no POLICY CHANGES are being implemented that would reverse the trend. How smart does someone need to be to see that? I have a buddy who didn't graduate HS, and he gets it.
Of course, education and intelligence are different. He's not stupid.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 09:10:40

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
I think animal instinct is enough to see that we are heading down a path that has a bad end. The Trajectory is and has been downhill and no POLICY CHANGES are being implemented that would reverse the trend. How smart does someone need to be to see that? I have a buddy who didn't graduate HS, and he gets it.
Of course, education and intelligence are different. He's not stupid.

Yes, I am not educated in the "system" either, yet, I have people ask me if I went to a university, etc.
They are not being sarcastic, but genuine in their appraisal of me.

I began to "learn" once I challenged myself, and tossed my pride aside.
I still get, those of shallow understandings, to please explain something again, as I did not grasp what it is is they are trying to "teach" me.
They take it as an affront, or challenge, its really weird.

I work in a field with heavy government over site, the FAA.
Strict adherence is not optional, but mandatory.
Rework for non conforming build is a major economic burden that is so avoidable, yet.......  ::)
I see it as just an extension of who people are, the why, and how, of what makes them tick, etc.
I have spoken to them, who try and push shoddy work, that their product is sub-standard.
WOW, talk about push back  :o

JOG, you know very well we have been sold a line.
It is so readily visible in others, but hard to see in our self.
Even those way up the food chain are blind to it, its that ingrained.
It has leached into all segments of our daily lives.
With the invent of TV, it was delivered readily into our households.
We saw this with our eyes, heard it with our ears, it had to be true....
At the least, a seed was planted in our first impressions of exposure.
You know the power of first impression, next to impossible to dispel.

Society has a new tool.
For all its misuse, it also has the capacity to enlighten.
Yes, the very one ALGORE invented  ;D

We no longer need to feed at the public trough censored by the powerful.
But it is up to us, like you have often stated, to do our own research.
That alone is not enough, unless, we challenge our findings.

I do believe we will, for as I believe the current course is unsustainable, I think the natural remedy, which is sustainable, is challenging those beliefs, and dogmas, those wielding the power, push.

It will be a war, but not of brawn  and might, no.
But of truth.

An ABSOLUTE pillar, of a sustainable society.  

The knowledge and wisdom gleaned will propel mankind to a new understanding.....

Its basis with be love and tolerance, NOT co-opted by a bigoted  political party, leadership, corporate, but genuine and freely executed by self, not mandated by laws or religious doctrine.

If not, we succumb, and what is, will be no more....

Man has a natural instinct to survive.
That is why I choose the former  ;D

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Serowbot on 04/23/16 at 09:31:16

Jerry,.. you're supporting the man you wish he was,.. not the man he is...

Title: Re: Who???
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/23/16 at 09:38:52

BOT -John Oliver is a dyed in the wool ultra left winger to whom I pay no attention.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 09:48:43

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
Jerry,.. you're supporting the man you wish he was,.. not the man he is...


Jerry, uh, I mean Bot,.. you're supporting the man, uh, I mean woman,  you wish he, uh, she was,.. not the man he, uh....she is...

I gave my reasons why, at this point in time, and for lack of anything better, I would vote for her....
You dude, vote party, plain and simple, they bad, we good, mind shut.
Sad bot, as they say in the United Negro College ad, a mind is a terrible thing to waste  :-[

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 10:06:28

I never saw the reasons why you support Hillary, and I Asked, specifically, what policies she supports that you liked.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 11:30:52

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
I never saw the reasons why you support Hillary, and I Asked, specifically, what policies she supports that you liked.

I don't like her, nor support the way she has played her political cards/hand, however, I would eat dog poop if it was the only thing to keep me alive and nothing else existed  :-[
She is the savvy, as evidenced by all the energy spent on trying to bring her down, yet, she still stands.
This could be a good thing, or bad thing, depending on what the issue is.
Lets use Amendment II Right to Bear Arms, as a possible example.
Yes, it is supposition on my part, but I will play on that hunch.
She has used it to get to where her party faithfuls want to hear.
But, if seated in the Oval office, she knows blaming gun manufacturers for responsibility of a deranged person, is only going to bring her down, she will abandon that mindset in a New York minute, I believe.

I don't feel she is faithful, or really beholden to anyone, except herself.
It is an ugly trait, yes, but look at Obama in trying to be friends with those factions that have no interest in doing so, it has been a cluster fruck.
I think Trump has the same egoistical personality, but to me he lacks any real political experience, except in buying it.  

I read what Jerry says about Trump, and I believe Jerry is a stand up guy, but how can you back a guy who has used the trickery of deceit, and justify it.....
This is the very thing that Hillary excels at, is it not?
If we are to credit him, then her grade would be higher, if we are to be honest.

Maybe I will just eat dog poop, I dunno, its a said scenario of that I am certain.....
The lessor of two evils will only wrot more evil, I get it, I just think she has a bigger bag of tricks, and will use it against more special interest groups, to avoid having to get pinned down by any opposition, and that could, might, I hope, provide a semblance of balance until people finally wake up and kick these friggin scum bags out of Dodge for good!!!!!

OK?  :-*

PS: I guess I said she has a bigger nut sack than most of those trying to tackle her  :o

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 11:39:08

But, if seated in the Oval office, she knows blaming gun manufacturers for responsibility of a deranged person, is only going to bring her down, she wil

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States - Free Republic
Free Republic › focus › f-news › posts
5 days ago - Steep gun tax concept endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993 beginning to take hold . WASHINGTON ...
New $1,000 Tax Just Forced On Handgun Purchases On American ... › breaking-1000-handgun-...
Apr 12, 2016 - Let's suppose that passing a $1,000.00 tax on handgun purchases is a trial balloon. Can they get away ... Hillary Trash Talks Sarah Palin Over Trump Endorsement… Palin's Response ...
Gun Control Through Taxation- $1,000.00 Gun Tax Proposed As ... › militias › profiles › blogs › g...
5 days ago - WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, ... An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook ...
$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States, page 1 - Above ... › thread1113889
5 days ago - 20 posts - [ch8206]13 authors
An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County ...
Hilary's gun tax - Page 4 - 1911Forum

You ASSUME behavior that I see No reason to expect. I don't doubt that you will get her.
What has brought a president down? Unconstitutional behavior?
Nope, look at what we have seen in the last twenty years.
Huge scandal, outright criminality,, but Hillary should be indicted, not swept into office. Nixon had upset someone or Watergate should have been
as they say.
I don't agree with you, not even almost, but I do believe that you will get what you want.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by pg on 04/23/16 at 14:24:26

Is that tax enforced at the time of the purchase?  Incidentally, they are letting people sue the gun manufacturers now as well....  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 16:57:08

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
But, if seated in the Oval office, she knows blaming gun manufacturers for responsibility of a deranged person, is only going to bring her down, she wil

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States - Free Republic
Free Republic › focus › f-news › posts
5 days ago - Steep gun tax concept endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993 beginning to take hold . WASHINGTON ...
New $1,000 Tax Just Forced On Handgun Purchases On American ... › breaking-1000-handgun-...
Apr 12, 2016 - Let's suppose that passing a $1,000.00 tax on handgun purchases is a trial balloon. Can they get away ... Hillary Trash Talks Sarah Palin Over Trump Endorsement… Palin's Response ...
Gun Control Through Taxation- $1,000.00 Gun Tax Proposed As ... › militias › profiles › blogs › g...
5 days ago - WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, ... An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook ...
$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States, page 1 - Above ... › thread1113889
5 days ago - 20 posts - [ch8206]13 authors
An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County ...
Hilary's gun tax - Page 4 - 1911Forum

You ASSUME behavior that I see No reason to expect. I don't doubt that you will get her.
What has brought a president down? Unconstitutional behavior?
Nope, look at what we have seen in the last twenty years.
Huge scandal, outright criminality,, but Hillary should be indicted, not swept into office. Nixon had upset someone or Watergate should have been
as they say.
I don't agree with you, not even almost, but I do believe that you will get what you want.

I want a third party choice is what I want, but I won't fold and cave if she wins.
I have no proof, only a gut feeling, she will turn on those that get her elected, if its to her benefit.
I could be wrong, very wrong, but at this point we don't have much of a say.... yet.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 17:11:53

Well, if you look at history, you'll see that nearly, if not every time, whichever party has the two options, loses.

Bernie third party, Hillary Dem, pick Any bub,,and odds are, bub wins.

Title: Re: Who???
Post by raydawg on 04/23/16 at 20:18:27

Gee, who woulda ever thunk.....

Billionaire businessman Charles Koch said in an interview airing Sunday that “it’s possible” another Clinton in the White House could be better than having a Republican president.
Koch, the CEO of Koch industries, made the comment to ABC News’ Jonathan Karl for an interview airing on ABC’s This Week.

Koch and his brother, David, and their associated groups plan to spend nearly $900 million on the 2016 elections.
The comment came after Karl asked about former President Bill Clinton’s term, to which Koch said Clinton was “in some ways” better than George W. Bush.
“As far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, it was two-and-a-half times under Bush that it was under Clinton,” he said.
Karl followed up by asking about whether or not Koch could see himself supporting Hillary Clinton.
Koch hesitated before giving an answer that didn’t rule out the possibility.
“We would have to believe her actions would have to be quite different than her rhetoric, let me put it that way,” he said.

In other words, new dog, old tricks, old monies.

HEY, I fergot what they call a female dog, can anyone JOG my memory  ;D

Title: Re: Who???
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/16 at 22:28:14

I really don't see why Koch is somehow my best friend and advisor. Just because bush screwed up doesn't obligate the future bubs to be horrible. What a screwed up way to decide who should win.. female dog it is, not being able to see through that. By that logic we should have a democrat until one screwe us worse than bush in those categories. And, as much as I despise Bush, im not sure I accept the facts as presented.
They Claim bush did certain things worse than the dems, first, as above, bush is Not trump. Trump is NOT required to do what Bush did.

That's truly mind boggling that someone would allow themselves to be conned into believing such tripe . » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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