General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Then & Now

Message started by pg on 04/09/16 at 02:39:55

Title: Then & Now
Post by pg on 04/09/16 at 02:39:55

This thread is largely in part to Bot posted in a previous thread something to the effect of when was a America better.  This has some interesting material.

So how did it all go so wrong?

Could it be possible that life in America peaked back then and we have been in decline ever since?

Before you answer, I want to share with you a list of comparisons between life in America in 1956 and life in America in 2016…

In 1956, John Wayne, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe were some of the biggest stars in the entertainment world.

In 2016, our young people look up to “stars” like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga.

In 1956, Americans were watching I Love Lucy and The Ed Sullivan Show on television.

In 2016, the major television networks are offering us trashy shows such as Mistresses and Lucifer.

In 1956, you could buy a first-class stamp for just 3 cents.

In 2016, a first-class stamp will cost you 49 cents.

In 1956, gum chewing and talking in class were some of the major disciplinary problems in our schools.

In 2016, many of our public schools have been equipped with metal detectors because violence has gotten so far out of control.

In 1956, children went outside and played when they got home from school.

In 2016, our parks and our playgrounds are virtually empty and we have the highest childhood obesity rate on the entire planet.

In 1956, if a kid skinned his knee he was patched up and sent back outside to play.

In 2016, if a kid skins his knee he is likely to be shipped off to the emergency room.

In 1956, “introducing solids” to a baby’s diet may have meant shoving a piece of pizza down her throat.

In 2016, we have “attachment parenting” which advocates treating children like babies almost until they reach puberty.

In 1956, seat belts and bicycle helmets were considered to be optional pieces of equipment, and car safety seats were virtually unknown.

In 2016, millions of us are afraid to leave our homes for fear that something might happen to us, and if something does happen we slap lawsuits on one another at the drop of a hat.

In 1956, many Americans regularly left their cars and the front doors of their homes unlocked.

In 2016, many Americans live with steel bars on their windows and gun sales are at all-time record highs.

In 1956, about 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents.

In 2016, more than 40 percent of all babies in America will be born to unmarried parents.

In 1956, one income could support an entire middle class family.

In 2016, approximately one-third of all Americans don’t make enough money to even cover the basics even though both parents have entered the workforce in most households.

In 1956, redistribution of wealth was considered to be something that “the communists” did.

In 2016, the federal government systematically redistributes our wealth, and two communists are fighting for the Democratic nomination.

In 1956, there were about 2 million people living in Detroit and it was one of the greatest cities on Earth.

In 2016, there are only about 688,000 people living in Detroit and it has become a joke to the rest of the world.

In 1956, millions of Americans dreamed of moving out to sunny California.

In 2016, millions of Americans are moving out of California and never plan to go back.

In 1956, television networks would not even show husbands and wives in bed together.

In 2016, there is so much demand for pornography that there are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

In 1956, the American people had a great love for the U.S. Constitution.

In 2016, “constitutionalists” are considered to be potential terrorists by the U.S. government.

In 1956, people from all over the world wanted to come to the United States to pursue “the American Dream”.

In 2016, 48 percent of all U.S. adults under the age of 30 believe that “the American Dream is dead”.

In 1956, the United States loaned more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.

In 2016, the United States owes more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.

*  *  *

So now that you have seen what I have to share, what do you think?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by WebsterMark on 04/09/16 at 05:23:53

The two below are the biggies.

In 1956, about 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents.

In 2016, more than 40 percent of all babies in America will be born to unmarried parents.

In 1956, one income could support an entire middle class family.

In 2016, approximately one-third of all Americans don’t make enough money to even cover the basics even though both parents have entered the workforce in most households

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/09/16 at 06:54:27

It was mostly white, straight, pseudo christians, apple pie, hot dogs, and Chevrolet...

So what, very homogeneous, like vanilla ice cream.

Today we are diverse, and that trumps, er.... I don't mean donnie, he was raised with a white pa, who wore wife-beater tees and gets his way using brawn, instead of the courts, like today.....

If you can't see the progress, then I suggest you get your eyes checked.....
They already have a doctor picked out for you  ;D

PS: Did I make a good lib  :D    

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/09/16 at 07:00:05

I would suggest the biggest factor in this changing of lifestyle could be laid at one doorstep.......


If you note the date of veering away from a certain lifestyle, it would coincide closely with the TV.

We use to live our lives with interactions of neighbors and families as reality, not viewing  reality TV shows.

They called it a boob tube rightly so, for that was a byproduct of its use.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by WebsterMark on 04/09/16 at 08:12:12

actually you should probably add birth control pills to that list. Once the consequences from sex began to be removed, you have to believe there were some kind of cultural shift involved afterwards. Hell, I know I took advantage of it.....

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/09/16 at 09:56:08

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
actually you should probably add birth control pills to that list. Once the consequences from sex began to be removed, you have to believe there were some kind of cultural shift involved afterwards. Hell, I know I took advantage of it.....

Sex has always been a great stumbling block for mankind.....
It has lost the realm of what/how, it adds to further, and enhance growth, and selflessness, in a person-hood.
Sex based solely on self gratification is just one symptom of a decaying morality that has extended that mindset into many other elements that erode a society, like greed, materialism, self promotion, etc....

edit: BTW, I celebrate 33 years of marriage today with my bride.....
Never a once did I veer away to an affair, never.
Of course, like Jimmy Carter, men all have a lusting heart, but we need to overcome that, or we have absolutely no right to expect others to honor their word or commitments!

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by DesertRat on 04/09/16 at 11:38:11

3B28302D283E2E490 wrote:
[quote author=6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 link=1460194795/0#4 date=1460214732]... BTW, I celebrate 33 years of marriage today with my bride.....

Happy Anniversary ...

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/16 at 13:38:41

I've typed the story of my grandpa with his 13stool snack bar, adding onto the house, building a garage and leasing access to the land behind the place, to ride horses, built a small barn and pen, upgraded from an old Pontiac to a pickup truck and a car for the wife, and supported me, my sister, mom, himself and his wife.. All from HIS labor, six days a week, about ten hours a day.

I REMEMBER working sixty plus Hours.. I wasn't growing. I was treading water.

Ohhh, mercy, someone believes America is BETTER?
Ohh, do explain.

I haven't heard from any lefties about Hillary confirming what I said about how the Supreme Court managed to make abortion legal. I was Shocked to hear her admit that the unborn have no Constitutional rights. Just as I said.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by pg on 04/09/16 at 16:16:08

Not a word from our friends on the left...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Serowbot on 04/09/16 at 17:58:04

You guys covered it pretty well... those days when white, hetero, Christian, men, had it all...
...and what are the big issues the "Make America Great Again" candidate keeps stumping?... A wall to keep out the Mexicans, limiting travel and surveillling Muslims, plus not letting any more in.  Criminal penalties for women that have abortions,.. Black lives matter.
Childish schoolyard taunts and bullying,.. degrading every woman he sees... toilet humour... and braggadocio...
The Party of regression...

Meanwhile,... Hastert, another champion of regression, was molesting the little boys in his charge...
In the good ol' days, you could get away with that...
Society swept all the dirt under the rug... wife beating, incest, molestation, "whites only", segregation,...
Things are so pretty when you only look at the surface.

Now,... tell me that's not the stuff you are talking about......but, guess what?... those are the things Trump talks about...

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by old.indian on 04/09/16 at 17:59:14

243335393626540 wrote:
Not a word from our friends on the left...

Best regards,

8-)  'm not exactly "on the left", but may I ???

1956  "Jim Crow" laws, racial bigotry, and religious persecution.
2016  Well, at least Jim Crow is no longer openly followed.

1956  The primary career open to women was teaching, and even there their male counterparts earned more.
2016   Over 60% of college graduates are women. BUT, career openings are rare for any applicant and entry level earnings barely cover student loan payments.

1956  A large percentage of Americans could expect to work for one employer for their entire career.
2016  A large percentage of Americans don't know if their jobs are safe through the next "layoff cycle" / corporate buyout / "restructurer".

1956  Several morality groups from various Churches "informed" us which movies/ books / music to avoid less we lead lives of sin and debauchery.....
2016  Well, I guess that hasn't changed very much.....


Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by pg on 04/09/16 at 18:29:06

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:
Now,... tell me that's not the stuff you are talking about.......

I listed 20 bullet points from the article, that is precisely what I'm referring to.  Not one of those topics was demeaning to any demographic.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/16 at 18:56:47

So, we must allow the boys to be molested to get the jobs back?
I don't know how many dependents you have, but, even if you have none, surely anyone can see that, unless you have Unlimited Resources,there are only so many mouths you can feed, backs you can clothe and skinned knees you can bandage.
The ongoing whining about how racist I and every other reasoned person are is OLD. Tiresome.. And irrational.

The Good Ship Lollipop is sinking. Continuing to ignore the law, hell, even LEGAL immigration, unless someone is coming in with a buttload of money and plans for a way to employ a few hundred people, it's time to Stop bringing people IN . Nobody, unless they are able to Positively Impact the economy.
I don't care where they are from, as long as they WANT to Be an American. Sadly, many who were born here don't have a clue what that means. Diversity is all fine and dandy, IF there is a common thread. All the Hyphenated American people? Need to be American, first. And no dual citizenship representation.. Our law makers don't need divided loyalties.

Life Isn't a fairy tale. The World is finite. Yes, it would be sweet if everyone could have a comfortable house and healthy food and clean water and a doctor and medicine and a car and a motorcycle and a cook and a maid..

Frikken wake up to REALITY. It's funny, watching people who Say they believe that the World is overpopulated, but we got plenty of Room, And MONEY! We ain't got no JOBS, but we are number ONE, and we Will take care of you.
I'm gonna get the government to take money from others and we gonna help you OWT. YEAH. Cuz it's Nice. Cuz I care.

Hell, I CARE, I care enough that I gave some money to some old guy, about my age, on a bicycle. Dude lives in the woods. I'm seeing way too much of it. I don't get out much, but the people I'm seeing,, well, I don't Think they are walking and cycling for exercise.

Bot, you can believe whatever.. but Gloria Steinem was CIA and a change agent. It'd take hours just to explain what happened. You watched it yet, didn't see it.
Look at everything I have ever said about the fed, and the schools. They have sucked the marrow out of the country.

Really? You REALLY believe that EVERY trade deal that screwed America SURPRISED the people who shoved it through? How was it that I knew NAFTA was horrible, yet, Bill Clinton, maybe the smartest crook ever in the Whitehouse, Didn't?
Well, if it's all just been a series of unfortunate,ill advised choices, then it would SEEM that Once in a WHILE, they would take a step that DIDN'T SCREW US.
At some point ignorance and stupidity Stop working as cover for bad behavior.

Continuing to bring people INTO America is STUPID.
It's not sweet and it's not fun, but I'm sure that the SURVIVORS from the Titanic had to live with the knowledge that they left some to DIE, because the lifeboat was FULL.  Well, you wanna feed and house someone? I can find you some old guys who worked and did what they could to do things right, and yet, they are homeless, in their own country. And BOTH parties are to blame. But, being a little sheep and being told that it's only right   to bring the Mexicans in and it's racist not to.. Ohh, I'll do anything, just, please, don't call me racist.. Crap, give me a break.
Try, just for a moment, to look at the grim realities.
If YOU aren't rich and getting richer, who do You know who is?
Who is gonna PAY for what YOU want ME to do?
Put on a full coverage helmet and go outside.

As soon as you GET IT, your head's gonna explode. Don't make that mess in the house.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/09/16 at 20:13:04

Was I right or not......  ;D

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/16 at 20:37:14

hildish schoolyard taunts and bullying,.. degrading every woman he sees... toilet humour... and braggadocio..

You left out the rapes,
You're talking about Clinton, right?

The changes that have hurt America came after I started school.
Right and wrong never change.
Attitudes towards right and wrong change. Societies have fallen before. Gee, I wonder what a failing, not yet failed, but FAILING
Society looks like.

Keep up that Progressive crap. We will see what failed is. Probably too late. I mean, make Ron Paul King of America and get every brain involved that understands business and the legal minds to get the unelected policy makers, if not in jail, then at least Muzzled. Probably still couldn't save it.
My steps,
Make me king?
The fed, gone.
The debt? Ohh, the audit would be ON, baby. See who has been the big winners..

Here's a Thought ,, a Mental Exercise

Let's say that You have a lawyer.
Your lawyer has Power of Attorney.
He signs your name on a contract.
That contract does nothing beneficial in your life.
And, it puts you in debt.
And you TOLD that fool,
Now, don't you go signing MY name on no debt instruments.

Do you REALLY feel morally obligated to Pay that?
I'd be telling Someone to shove off,I ain't paying none of that mess.

Yeah, things would change, quickly, and some stuff just takes time.
But I would be out on the lawn, burning trade agreements and pissing on the ashes.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Serowbot on 04/09/16 at 22:39:06

7067616D6272000 wrote:
Not a word from our friends on the left...

Best regards,

You know why I didn't join in here...

You knew what I would say,... and I knew the reaction...
Pitifully predictable on both sides... isn't it?...

... but let's get real... no time ever was Utopia...
Never was,.. never will be.

....but,... it will never be as it was... because you can't undo what came between...
Time to look forward, warts and all... you can't reverse time.
Try finding improvements in what is, rather than wishing for what was.
The past is filtered by nostalgia...

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by HovisPresley on 04/10/16 at 04:30:19

"The past is filtered by nostalgia..."

....and nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be  ;D

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by old.indian on 04/10/16 at 06:54:20

61465F405A795B4C5A454C50290 wrote:
"The past is filtered by nostalgia..."

....and nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be  ;D

1956  Cool.. Naw.... Being a freshman in high school SUX !!!!!!
2016  Being 74 retired and still vertical....     But I still don't like the popular music....... 8-)

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/10/16 at 07:14:37

no time ever was Utopia...
Never was,.. never will be.

Glad that is out now. Maybe we can start being a bit more pragmatic.
Much has been done, WRONG, in society and bunches more WRONG has come from D.C..
Nobody can thrive while the government robs them. Anyone who believes the wars aren't costing them is either super wealthy and making money from them or, just stupid.

Nostalgia isn't creating the memory of actually getting ahead with a ten thousand dollar CD.
Nostalgia didn't create the memory of what I WATCHED my grandpa accomplish, and buddy, let me tell you, I know how hard he worked.. And I worked much harder, and have less to show for it. I didn't have many minimum wage jobs.
I can't remember the borders being absolutely respected, but the Border patrol were allowed to do that job. Now, they are the final step in importing. The Diversity is Strength crowd are delusional. History shows otherwise. A few various peoples, and that's enough.
What's with the white guilt? Just exactly Who was it that engineered and financed the country? Does everyone understand that Mexico, with a decent government, could outstrip America? They have Vast resources.
I'm so sick of hearing about
The American spirit. How, when times get tough, Americans get tougher.. good grief, that the HUMAN spirit. Every race is the same in Determination to survive. Apparently, not every race is the same in being equipped to solve problems.
Yeah, I'm a racist. I saw Vietnamese show up with fifty bucks in their pockets, team up, live like rats, save every penny, and go into business making donuts or shrimping in the Gulf. Your Rubiks cube giving you fits? Look for some kid with slanty eyes.
You need a factory built? A refinery? Ohh, the complexities of a refinery, you don't even want to know.. Who solves THOSE problems? Look around. If everyone is so equal, why , in places where civilizations have existed for thousands of years, do they still live in huts? Everyone is equal, in the fact that, as a living,breathing human being, they are, like us, just trying to get through this life. We Know how we want to be treated, so, we owe the same to each other. But, we are not , on AVERAGE, equal in capabilities, across the races. Now, you can be horrified by that. You can even take offense. Then, go watch the Kenyan at the Olympics. Watch the NFL, watch the NBA. Notice what the racial spread looks like. How many Rubiks Cube solvers do You see?
Nobody is of low character and to be shunned because of their race. Nobody is good, and to be desired as a friend, because of their race.
Not every slanty eyed kid can solve the cube.
Not every white guy owned slaves. In fact, it was a low percentage.
Not every Mexican is a drunk driver, rapist, murderer...
But the Percentage of Bad people who are coming here is likely quite a bit higher than the Percentage of bad people in the general population of Mexico. I've explained that a few times.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/10/16 at 07:48:01

I don't think anyone can actually say that a Black man had equal access to a successful life, as measured in a capitalistic manner, from the days of discrimination, yet, the family unit was so much more intact, and the crime was no where near its present level in the Black community as it is with all this so called progress.....


Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by old.indian on 04/10/16 at 08:06:14

30233B26233525420 wrote:
I don't think anyone can actually say that a Black man had equal access to a successful life, as measured in a capitalistic manner, from the days of discrimination, yet, the family unit was so much more intact, and the crime was no where near its present level in the Black community as it is with all this so called progress.....


How much media coverage (national OR local) did the Black community get in 1956 ????    :-?

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/10/16 at 08:17:06

27242C6621262C212926480 wrote:
[quote author=30233B26233525420 link=1460194795/15#19 date=1460299681]I don't think anyone can actually say that a Black man had equal access to a successful life, as measured in a capitalistic manner, from the days of discrimination, yet, the family unit was so much more intact, and the crime was no where near its present level in the Black community as it is with all this so called progress.....


How much media coverage (national OR local) did the Black community get in 1956 ????    :-?

I would guess very little, but then again, the media hadn't fine tuned the power it yielded yet, as it was still in infancy re: TV.

Not sure where you are going with the observation/question, can you expand on it?

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by old.indian on 04/10/16 at 08:57:43

787B73397E79737E7679170 wrote:
[quote author=30233B26233525420 link=1460194795/15#19 date=1460299681]I don't think anyone can actually say that a Black man had equal access to a successful life, as measured in a capitalistic manner, from the days of discrimination, yet, the family unit was so much more intact, and the crime was no where near its present level in the Black community as it is with all this so called progress.....


How much media coverage (national OR local) did the Black community get in 1956 ????    :-?
1956  "Media" was primarily defined as "print". Newspapers, magazines, etc. who carried non-local "stories" picked from news wire services (AP, Rutgers etc.)    TV "news" was not mobile. it was all done in the studio with written scripts and film or still pictures.  Stories had to be in before a "deadline" when the presses started or the live program began.  Live coverage 7/24 didn't exist, except in the very limited cases of a few radio stations.

2016  TV "news channels"  run 24 hour "news" loops where anything, and every thing, is used to fill in the time.      Regular TV networks are "entertainment" and their "news" departments are headed by entertainment orientated management.      Internet news....  Well, if you look around, you can find a "news" site that will support any view point you want to hold.....    

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/10/16 at 09:14:18

raydawg wrote on Today at 15:48:01:
I don't think anyone can actually say that a Black man had equal access to a successful life, as measured in a capitalistic manner, from t

Well, we did everything we could. Affirmative Action, and Look at where we are. About half of the black babies in NYC wind up in a trash sack.
Policies were enacted by the welfare people that penalized women who had children if they had a man in the house. So I hear..  I don't think the Opportunity for success is in the innercities of Detroit, NYC, etc.. so, these guy Do whatever. Most have no moral code, just the rule of the jungle. Join a gang or stay inside, I guess.. I don't Know what it's like,but I'm pretty sure it's not good.

I know one thing.. I MOVED.  I despised Odessa Texas. Every time I had enough money, I left. But I could usually make a living there. And, other places, just didn't work out, so, I moved Back to Odessa,,a crappy landlord inspired me to buy a trailer when I was 28, so, packing up and leaving was over.

The point is, anyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit can Be whatever they choose.
Just go to the Opportunity.
Wanna see what working on a drilling rig is all about?
Might be time to get yourself close to where they are drilling.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Ed L. on 04/11/16 at 06:46:20

Old Indian said  
"2016  TV "news channels"  run 24 hour "news" loops where anything, and every thing, is used to fill in the time.      Regular TV networks are "entertainment" and their "news" departments are headed by entertainment orientated management.      Internet news....  Well, if you look around, you can find a "news" site that will support any view point you want to hold.....  
 Back in 1956 the media, TV, papers and radio was under mostly private local control. Now in present day 2016 the media is owned by only two or three major companies that control what is fed to the public.
I still prefer drinking from a garden hose instead of a plastic water bottle. ;)  

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Serowbot on 04/11/16 at 07:47:16

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
The point is, anyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit can Be whatever they choose.

Spirit, can be taken from a child just like opportunity.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/16 at 08:16:30

Spirit is impossible to steal from some, very easy from others.
Opportunity? Well, with Spirit, Opportunity doesn't necessarily Have to be From someone else. Hence the term, Entrepreneur.
Air Force buddy of mine told me about one of his money making ideas for kids in winter. A dolly, battery, shovels, cables, charger, wagon, extension cord and a friend.
Jump start cars.. How many young guys are making money selling crack? Different opportunities. Different cultures are able to see opportunity when others don't. I've seen immigrants from Vietnam do well while the locals in the same area didn't prosper.
Something about the mindset. There's a test, arrows pointing out from a bold line, arrows pointing into the same bold line,
One looks longer to people from certain places, depending on the teachings.. That's what the article said, bunk and hokum? Dangfino... looked like one was longer to me.

I Did meet a guy who hypnotized. I asked if he could hypnotize me. He tried three times and gave up. He tried several types of gizmos,, I would like to try again,, but, the glass blowers booth at the mall didn't get leased by a hypnotist.

Now THERE is a great idea..
Gotta go get a comic book now,, so I can get the coupon for the gizmos, and, might as well get the presti, prestidigi, magicians stuff, so I can have the mysterious cape.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Paraquat on 04/12/16 at 06:14:25

Constitutionalists were considered terrorists in 1775 also.


Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/12/16 at 09:56:20

I won't even try to cover all of this, and these differences between 50 years ago and now.  But I can talk about standards of living.
I'm an only child.  My Mom,Dad, and I were what would probably be considered lower middle class back then.  We never owned a home, but always lived in rental houses; not apartments, but houses.  My Dad always had a job.
We had one car; my mother didn't learn to drive until she was about 45 years old.  We had one B&W TV set.  The dishwasher was my mother.  Up thru high school, I recall 2, that's right, 2 family vacations in all of that time.
We went out to eat on my birthday.  Period.
Air conditioning was what we enjoyed when we went to a store that had it.
A seafood dinner was Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks, or salmon patties made with canned salmon.
Not often, but once in a while, dinner was toast and gravy.
I can't remember going to a movie with my Mom and Dad.
How many Americans would be satisfied with that standard of living today?  Darn few, except for those poor folks in the ghettos.

Then talk about medicine.  Back 50 years ago, any cancer was a death sentence, as was any heart disease.  No chemo, no stents and bypass operations; you just hung on a short time and died from those ailments.  Even infectious diseases were far more life threatening than today.  My Dad died in 1963 from pancreatitus at a time when it was 85% fatal.  Today it's 95% curable.

So, nostalgia is great, but always remember Paul Harvey's famous saying, "The good old days that never were".

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/16 at 12:55:31

What did your dad do, Jerry?
I've been poor. I used to, before I learned to cook, buy a chef salad and eat on it till the good stuff was gone. Get a tomato, boil eggs,jack it back up,, FOOD for three days...

The grandfather who had the snack bar? The road was a crushed shell road. The neighborhood was a horseshoe shape, about a block, like the long road, one down, and one across, one back up to asphalt. That road had a couple of brick houses, mostly frame houses, his was some kind of shingles on the front, the rest wood. A tiny shack across the street and one two story place, not pretty, with thirteen kids..

I wasn't Happy with My standard of living. I got better paying, harder, longer hour, jobs. That people aren't satisfied with the conditions of their lives isn't the fault of their neighbors. Sometimes, it's their own fault, maybe they are too lazy to work sixty plus hours a week. Maybe they're physically unable. Or, maybe it's not their fault at all. The economy has been stagnant for forty years. Upward mobility is not what it was. My dad became a multi millionaire, with just a HS diploma. He RAN more than one oil company. Can that be done today?
The SYSTEM,from the foundation up,is parasitic. The Federal Reserve,believe it or not, is the root of the problem. It feeds the MIC with the fruits of all of our labors. Until the educable few choose to avail themselves of the information that I have referenced time after time,they will believe the propaganda.

Again, WHY did Henry Ford say
It's good enough that the American people don't understand how the financial system works, because If they did, there would be a revolution by morning.
Was He a crazy conspiracy theorist or was he educated about something that the average American not only does not know, but refuses to believe when I have explained it numerous times
AND, observed reality is Standing Right there, screaming
If what I have been saying is correct, what would America look like?

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 04/12/16 at 13:05:15

We were never "poor".  I had decent clothing, a nice bicycle as a kid, and we never lacked for food, medical care, or those sorts of things.  That's why I said that we would be described as lower middle class.  Actually, recalling it now, we did own a modest home for about 2 years when I was about 10 or 12 years old, but for some reason, they sold it and went back to renting.
My dad had various jobs.  He worked in the local GM plant for a while, then went on the government mammary gland, working in the county offices.  I was 16 when he died, so I don't have much memory of his work.  He was 50 when I was born, so I had little knowledge of his life as a young man.
Hopefully you inherited a portion of your dad's success.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/16 at 15:09:04

I didn't exactly nail it. I did okay. Getting exposed to pesticides and heavy metals and industrial chemicals didn't help. Being sick equals not working AND spending money. Finding someone who can diagnose the problems is almost impossible. Insurance won't pay for chelation therapy.
I did have a boss who offered to send me to Texas Tech if I would agree to be a teacher. I declined. But, it's an honor to be seen as worth taking a chance on. I did solve a lot of problems for that company. I did okay. I have not rented a place to live since I was 28. I'm 61. Landed a brick, three be, two bath, two car garage, fireplace, 1,300 foot house in Midland. I think it was the nicest place I ever lived, including my dad's house.
I need to get some chelation, but it's expensive.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/16 at 16:04:13

For those not willing to read
Creature from Jekyll Island
At least look up
Mandrake mechanism

And, you can listen to Griffin online. FREE.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by pg on 04/12/16 at 19:22:37

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
And, you can listen to Griffin online. FREE.

What website?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/16 at 19:30:18

See if your creativity will afford you the Right search terms.
Been a while since I was hunting.

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by raydawg on 04/13/16 at 05:13:30

Yo Bot......
Ever hear of Liz Warren?
Read her book, called Two Income Trap....
It tells a different story. How home ownership, lowest since the late 69's, as well as other factors have crushed the middle class.
Real clear politics website has a link and summary on it today.

This lady has it right....

Title: Re: Then & Now
Post by pg on 04/13/16 at 14:44:31

706F696E73744575457D6F63281A0 wrote:
See if your creativity will afford you the Right search terms.
Been a while since I was hunting.

That's fine, I wasn't sure if their was a recommended site.   ;)

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