General Category >> The Cafe >> Broken Throttle Frustration

Message started by cheapnewb24 on 12/12/15 at 16:14:24

Title: Broken Throttle Frustration
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/12/15 at 16:14:24

After aligning my rear tire, I laid my bike down getting off a block. Trying to pick it up, I pulled the right handlebar. I suddenly went backwards as the end cap popped off the handle bars, and I suddenly found myself holding the throttle handle tube in my hand. It had broken off! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(  Can't test ride it with no throttle! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Boy was I frustrated! So instead of admitting defeat, I went to the dollar store and bought some Gorilla Super Glue. Waiting for the glue to cure, it'll still be tomorrow before I put it back on and ride, though :(. At least I'm not mad anymore.

I'll probably buy one to be waiting in case it breaks again or the glue fails. The plastic is old and crackled.

That throttle tube broke in a weak spot-- a bushing groove near the cable mount, if you know what I'm talking about. Suzuki should have known better than make something so delicate >:( The end cap is el cheapo plastic too-- always having to push it back on.  :P It needs steel screw-on caps like my Dad's Shadow 750

What's really important is that a motorcycle manufacturer should have known that a rider would be wrestling his bike by the handlebars on occasion and should have made the throttle much stronger

After all, it is the HANDLEbar for crying out loud!!! >:(

Also kinda curious why there are two different cable mounts, as though the throttle could be used backwards or mounted on the left hand side. Any ideas?

Yeah, it's old plastic, but they could have done better than this :P.

Title: Re: Broken Throttle Frustration
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/15 at 16:33:35

Replace it.
That's how you maintain control of the bike.
Being a cheap newbie is great, nobody should spend good money for no real reason, but I would not be comfortable riding with a repaired throttle.
I Remember the moment the mend came off the handlebars of the bicycle. Wasn't pretty. Ohh, it's okay. It'll work. But THAT moment when someone puts you in some kinda bind and you have to get forceful to shove the bike around,, THEN will it fail? That's when you'll find out.

Title: Re: Broken Throttle Frustration
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/12/15 at 17:01:18

I'll use what I have until I get the chance to have new ones shipped in.

Anyone have much experience with various throttle grip brands?

Any recommendations on comfortable grips?

Do some grips change cable leverage, or are they all the same? Thick vs narrow grips?

How about those with the paddle at the end? Do they reduce grip fatigue on the highway? Are they better than those without? Downsides?

Any ideas???? Reviews??? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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