General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Lane Splitting

Message started by mpescatori on 07/03/15 at 05:48:56

Title: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/03/15 at 05:48:56

Given that "lane splitting", meaning the two words, are a US English idyom (i.e. only you guys use such an expression, and a tourist will say "huh?")
what would be your reaction to this ?

or this ?

In most of Europe lane splitting is a growing "physiological requirement"; never mind that scooters are watercooled (or forced-air induction cooled)
Most motorcycles are still aircooled and regardless of this, if you're out in the sun, without any air conditioning, you'll want to be doing at least those 10-20mph that keep a minimum breeze flowing.
Else, it's "roasted engine + heat stroke to the rider"

The common evolution of lane splitting is the above, using the emergency lane (breakdown lane, hard shoulder, whatever)
While they WILL take away your driver's license if you do this in a car, they will turn a blind eye if you use the emergency lane in a motorcycle
provided the traffic has ground to a standstill
and you are put-putting your way along... NOT screaming your way past.

Your thoughts, please ?  :)

PS "If someone splits lanes I will open my car door at him" in Europe is the best way to buy the motorcyclist a winning lottery ticket.
Opening your car door as a motocycclist rides by is considered reckless driving (if you can prove you were in good faith)
or even assault and battery if the rider is hurt and has to be driven away in an ambulance.
You must always look before you open a car door, remember, you are in the middle of a highway...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by HovisPresley on 07/03/15 at 07:03:00

In the UK, as far as I'm aware of, lane-splitting is permitted as long as it's safe to do so.
I try and avoid motorways as much as possible, but using the 'hard shoulder/emergency lane' is just asking for a puncture because of all the debris.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/15 at 07:15:19

I would so split that... ;D...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/15 at 07:25:10

Putting along at 25 or so beats sitting... I'd be outta that mess.
It's heat, engines all around, hot metal, asphalt. The engine, the rider, both suffer. Besides, its just stupid to sit still if you can go.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by old.indian on 07/03/15 at 07:30:55

In 1969 when I took my California motorcycle test one of the paragraphs in the test manual was, "When traffic is at a standstill it is legal to drive a motorcycle on the shoulder if you do not exceed 15 MPH."  

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by verslagen1 on 07/03/15 at 10:51:13

To rehash previous conversations...    in california   8-)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by jcstokes on 07/04/15 at 13:02:19

I do it in thick traffic, and hate every minute I'm doing it.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/15 at 20:00:31

I'd hate it too, but not as much as sitting.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Rylee on 07/05/15 at 16:45:35

If that were a pic from a California freeway there would be 6 street bikes and a bagger with 14" ape hangers doing 70mph down the middle of a lane!

It has taken me all 5 years living here to get comfortable splitting. I still refuse to do it if traffic is doing a reasonable speed. But splitting to the front of a red light I will do. And splitting congested freeway traffic doing less than let's say 30mph I'm ok with. Just have this fear of someone changing lanes on me since they do not ever see you.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/05/15 at 20:29:18

Even if it were legal here I wouldn't do it. Remember "naked and invisible"? It's bad enough around here changing lanes when it's clear and you use your turn signals!

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by jcstokes on 07/05/15 at 21:34:59

And when you're doing it Rylee, those 70 mph buggers will be on you before you know it. Look at the Silver Audi and the black SUV in Pescatori's second picture as well, I hate those people, if they're moving over they don't appear to be indicating and it's not as if they're in a '29 Essex or Durant that depends on hand signals.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/15 at 05:46:16

I had a 2001 BMW RT1100 oilhead for a while. i had read stories that they could actually catch on fire sitting in summer traffic. I was in Ft. Wayne IN one trip and stuck in traffic for a long time, paddling along. The temp gauge kept crawling up and up as well. If i remember, there were 4 increasing larger green temp lights and then a big red light saying "warning Wil Robinson"!

Lane splitting is definitely not legal in Indiana and can tell you it's frowned upon, but it was either that or find out if the rumors were true. I rode to first available exit, then along the shoulder of the congested exit ramp. It's easy to fry an egg on a cylinder head, but i could have cooked a roast. I pulled the hard cases and other stuff off and gave her space.

She never combusted, but feeling the heat coming off,  I'd say yes, a BMW oilhead could burn in 100 degree Indiana heat with no breeze in a traffic jam. A few cars swerved at me a bit and think i heard a few expletive deleteds tossed my way, but no cops around. They would have pulled me over for sure. Wonder if I could have used an "oilhead defense" on the judge?

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Paraquat on 07/06/15 at 09:49:05

I've wanted to. Bikes have passed me doing it, but I just sit there in my lane like a dummy.


Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/15 at 11:57:37

The attitude is what gets me.
I'm unhappy, I'm in my water cooler, air conditioned car. I have my IPOD , a magazine, I can play games online, I'm stuck in traffic.
YOU, dressed to survive a crash, sitting on top of a stove, one not designed for sitting still, designed to not burn up, IF air is flowing around it,  YOU should have to sit here, too, it's only Fair..
Like our idiot jurors,,, never mind, I don't wanna see it moved to the TT.
I rember that happnin.
Fair, if I'm getting shafted, YOU need to get shafted.
I wonder what people like that do if they hit the lottery.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/06/15 at 19:42:37

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
The attitude is what gets me.

That's another reason why I don't. What gives me the right to pass everybody when they can't do it too? I'd rather just grin and bear it. I'll get there eventually. On a motorcycle, life is the trip, not the destination.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/15 at 19:45:00

What gives me the right to pass everybody when they can't do it too?

Because you can. Life ain't fair!

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/06/15 at 19:47:03

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
Life ain't fair!

Ain't it the truth!

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/15 at 20:21:02

Not my fault they didn't buy a bike..

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/07/15 at 02:09:42

68514A501312230 wrote:
[quote author=445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 link=1435927736/0#13 date=1436209057]The attitude is what gets me.

That's another reason why I don't. What gives me the right to pass everybody when they can't do it too? I'd rather just grin and bear it. I'll get there eventually. On a motorcycle, life is the trip, not the destination.[/quote]

Sooo... what gives you the right to buy abnd ride a bikem, when there are sooo many unhappy poor lot who can't afford one?
Why can't you take a bus like them ?
Because you can afford a bike, so you buy one, pay your taxes on it, and ride and enjoy it.

Sooo... when the situation comes to the "behave like a car and die, or ride your bike like a bike" scenario...
... ::) ...

That's the question I was asking from the very beginning.

I can't afford to fry an engine/month and buy my mechanic a new boat every summer...  :-[


Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by verslagen1 on 07/07/15 at 10:26:42

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
I wonder what people like that do if they hit the lottery.

Then that's the answer I'm going with... "if you hit the lottery, do you share with everyone?"

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/15 at 16:38:05

Fair, if I'm getting shafted, YOU need to get shafted.
I wonder what people like that do if they hit the lottery.

You got it.

But those who get angry because someone found a way to avoid a hassle aren't real giving. Sitting in traffic needlessly, bathing in the shared discomfort of the unfortunate who run their heater when you're cold, run their AC when you're hot and put the top up when you're riding in the rain?
How does sitting in traffic diminish their inconvenience? How is their inconvenience worsened by your riding past?
I'm sure there are hungry and homeless. How many must there be before it's time to feel obligated to share in their discomfort?

People who get ticked because YOU'RE not stuck in traffic probably laugh at people getting hurt on Funniest Sadistic Home Videos.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/07/15 at 18:06:44

I don't wish to share in everyone else's discomfort but I don't want to have the attitude either that "I'm better than you because I can squeeze through traffic when you can't". If the bike overheats sitting still, shut it off.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/15 at 18:52:08

I'm Better than you? That's some kinda thinking..
Do you feel guilty if the line you're in moves faster? Do you somehow feel better than the unfortunate in the slower line? Do you believe they think you think you're better than they? Why turn away from opportunity? They have heat, AC, protection from rain, dude, you do it your way,

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/07/15 at 19:37:59

I consider it like this: if there's a person standing in line at the grocery store and this person isn't paying attention and leaves a gap between them and the next person, do I jump ahead of them? I have the opportunity.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/15 at 20:24:03

We have a fundamental disagreement. I can live with that.

Cutting in line is different. You actually caused them to spend more time waiting.

How would you hurt them by walking out the door?
And, you avoided my point.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Serowbot on 07/08/15 at 08:46:54

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
I'm Better than you? That's some kinda thinking..
Do you feel guilty if the line you're in moves faster? Do you somehow feel better than the unfortunate in the slower line? Do you believe they think you think you're better than they? Why turn away from opportunity? They have heat, AC, protection from rain, dude, you do it your way,

I am comfortable with my place in the world, as long as my lane is moving faster...
I do feel really cheated though, when the other lanes go and I'm just sittin'''.
It's a cruel, cruel world.... :-?...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/15 at 12:01:25

I'm not cheating someone when I have a path of less resistance.
I'm not cheated when they do.
If a group walking encountered  a twenty foot wall with various width openings and I was skinny enough to get through the first one, but the fat boys had to walk a mile to find a gap they could get through, am I morally obligated to either walk with them and his five fat buddies or do I just have to wait to go through till he does?
If someone intentionally blocks my access to a path I could use to get on with my life, then I'm cheated.
I scoot over and give room to people who seem in a hurry. For Ll i know they're trying to get to hospital, cuz mum has had a heart attack.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/08/15 at 16:43:23

2A353334292E1F2F1F27353972400 wrote:
We have a fundamental disagreement. I can live with that.

Yep. Wanna settle this on the playground after school?  ;D

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by HovisPresley on 07/08/15 at 18:04:42

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
the fat boys had to walk a mile ....


Probably do them good to burn off a few calories.....

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by noblesavage1 on 07/08/15 at 20:36:12

There's evidence that you're more likely to be rear -ended if you don't lane -split.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/08/15 at 21:22:00

Not really. 'Cuz the car behind you is stopped as well.

However, if the car behind you isn't paying attention then somebody's getting hit anyway. That's why you should stop in gear, at an angle, pointed toward your safest exit route. Always watch your mirrors at red lights.

This discussion is a moot point around here. It's illegal to share a lane with anyone for any reason.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by old.indian on 07/08/15 at 21:59:58

657661607F7274767D22130 wrote:
[quote author=6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 link=1435927736/0#13 date=1436209057]I wonder what people like that do if they hit the lottery.

Then that's the answer I'm going with... "if you hit the lottery, do you share with everyone?"[/quote]
I had a neighbor who hit the lottery. When I ask him what he was going to do after he told his boss to F.O.A.D., His answer was. " The same thing every other rich guy does. I going to buy a couple of politicians!"

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Serowbot on 07/08/15 at 22:08:26

7B78703A7D7A707D757A140 wrote:
His answer was. " The same thing every other rich guy does. I going to buy a couple of politicians!"

What a waste... :-?...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/09/15 at 01:44:29

6C554E541716270 wrote:
I don't wish to share in everyone else's discomfort but I don't want to have the attitude either that "I'm better than you because I can squeeze through traffic when you can't". If the bike overheats sitting still, shut it off.

Interesting point of view.

Please analyze the difference between raincoats and umbrellas.
Since a guy in a raincoat can squeeze past two guys with two umbrellas... should he squeeze past or just get soaked ?

Please analyze the reason behing 4-6 lane highways: why not just two-laners, it's a lot chaper to build two-laners than six-laners!

And why have a back door in the house to get from the kitchen to the back yard... can't you just walk out the front door and walk around the house like normal people do?

Kris... "two vehicles cannot share one lane" is a line written in the 1920's when there were only cars on the road, and precious few 8and slow) motorbikes, and literally no traffic at all.

That line was intended to discipline traffic as it existed way back then, and was simpoly "copy&pasted" for the last 80-odd years.

Trust me, if someone in Congress were to ask a committee of LEOs to re-write the Highway Code from scratch, I bet there would be quite a few novelties around!

I don't wish to share in everyone else's discomfort but I don't want to have the attitude either that "I'm better than you because I can squeeze through traffic when you can't". If the bike overheats sitting still, shut it off.

Does this mean you endorse those who change lanes or open their doors suddenly when a bike rides past ?

Does this mean you would do it yourself, out of spite ?  :-X

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/09/15 at 05:47:37

18213A206362530 wrote:
I consider it like this: if there's a person standing in line at the grocery store and this person isn't paying attention and leaves a gap between them and the next person, do I jump ahead of them? I have the opportunity.

In politics, this is known as doubling down after making a comment that didnt play well!

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/09/15 at 15:23:32

Wow, all these negative comments! Well, I guess it is TT! :D

My last word on the subject, I don't lane split. I don't think it falls in line with "naked and invisible". It seems like you are putting yourself in harm's way by riding so close to cars on both sides. If anybody pays for the mistake it will be the guy on the motorcycle. The car drivers are almost unaffected. They might receive scraped paint. The motorcyclist receives a scraped face....or worse.

As I said before, it's not legal around here. Even if it were, I wouldn't do it. I would find a safer way to maneuver through traffic.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/15 at 15:36:07

Negative? Pointing out opposing ideas, bAcked by hypothetical situations..

Disagreeing and explaining why is only
to those of a particular political outlook.

You disagreed with me, but you weren't being negative.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by old_rider on 07/09/15 at 16:27:51

Down here in sunny florida they are adding bicycle lanes to the shoulders of the 4 lane.
Not a good idea... 3 cyclists killed already, these folks drive nutz here!

Traffic in the morning going in the east bound lanes is loaded.....west bound in the morning.... 4 or 5 cars every few minutes.
Traffic in the afternoon (4pm to 6:30pm) worse than the morning traffic going east! because all the fools are in a hurry to get home.
There is a fire dept/ambulance building about four blocks from my house and in the afternoon at about 4:30-5:30pm I hear them leave, sirens a blazin'.

Traffic then slows down to a crawl and locks up for about 5 miles ..... next time it happens and i'm on the bike, i'm using the bicycle lane until an officer pulls me over... I will then explain my bike is air cooled and I have no water.
In other words.... i'm going to chance it, instead of sitting still in traffic for an hour or two.
Yeah it takes an hour for me to go four miles to my house.... highway 98 is the ONLY road along this route for about 20 miles, unless I could possibly get to I10 (30 minutes north), to travel to gulfbreeze, then come back home from the west going east, and that would take me about an hour and a half.....
Like I said, next time... I will chance the bicycle lane.....

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/09/15 at 18:07:14

4A555354494E7F4F7F47555912200 wrote:
Negative? Pointing out opposing ideas, bAcked by hypothetical situations..

Disagreeing and explaining why is only
to those of a particular political outlook.

You disagreed with me, but you weren't being negative.

Yeah, when I typed "negative" I knew it wasn't the best choice of words. I just meant basically "Me vs. Everybody else". I didn't realize my comments would ruffle so many feathers.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/15 at 18:43:41

You didn't ruffle feathers, you made a statement that others didn't agree with and we tried to explain why. If the law says I sit,, ill sit until I think I'm gonna mess up my motor... but if it's legal, I'm cruising,,, if we're riding together  , I'm cruising..

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/09/15 at 18:52:11

I have no problem with others who do it if it's legal. I just choose not to.  :)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/10/15 at 05:51:18

Down here in sunny florida they are adding bicycle lanes to the shoulders of the 4 lane.
Not a good idea... 3 cyclists killed already, these folks drive nutz here!

oh, don't get me started....

We did the same thing around here. Nearby suburb took a 4 lane road with a grass medium and no parking and turned it into a 2 lane with bike lanes to  the right of the driving lane and then a parking lane next to the curb. Predictable results.....

Honestly, how stupid do you have to be to get in positions of power?... Is there a class you have to take (and fail) so you suddenly get to make stupid decisions that ultimately make things worse and (in some cases) get people killed? (Can anyone say Professor Obama....?)

So thanks to progress, we went from 2 lanes to 1, with bikes on the right very close to you because the right lane now has car parking, But they park sporadically so bikers swerve back and forth. Oh, and a$$hole flat bellied bikers in their neon shirts ride side by side so they can chat. so the end results is a former 35 MPH 4 lane road with quite a bit of traffic into a 15 MPH traffic mess...  So cars divert off to parallel side roads that are all filled with families with kids.....

Great freaking idea....  but hey, they get to put up signs saying they are bike friendly.   (as long as that bike doesn't have a motor in it....)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Paraquat on 07/10/15 at 06:17:23

There are some roads in my town that were two lane that have been reduced to one lane, and a bicycle lane.
The 49cc scooters still clog the road ways and I have no problem cutting between them like a knife while on my motorcycle. Those things are no registered, insured, you don't even need a license... you shouldn't be on the road that I pay registration, taxes, and property tax for.


Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/10/15 at 08:08:36

I'm just sick of bicyclist 'share the road' preaching when they do anything but share the road....  someone's going to have to explain to me why a bicyclist has the right to turn a 35mph zone into a 5mph zone....  Most pretentious group of people out there today. (minus gay rights, transgender, blacklivesmatter, handsupdon'tshoot etc....)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/13/15 at 04:37:34

516873692A2B1A0 wrote:
[quote author=4A555354494E7F4F7F47555912200 link=1435927736/30#36 date=1436481367]Negative? Pointing out opposing ideas, bAcked by hypothetical situations..

Disagreeing and explaining why is only
to those of a particular political outlook.

You disagreed with me, but you weren't being negative.

Yeah, when I typed "negative" I knew it wasn't the best choice of words. I just meant basically "Me vs. Everybody else". I didn't realize my comments would ruffle so many feathers.[/quote]

No ruffling, Kris, but maybe I should put things (back) into perspective.

I see you are from Tennessee, so I googled a few photos of "traffic tennessee" and came up with pictures of traffic jams in Nashville.

So I presume that in THIS kind of environment, you find it pointless and dangerous to split lanes, and I AGREE.

However, come to Big City, USA... "traffic jam" takes on another meaning...

... to the point that you DO NOT want to sit it out, and potentially suffer from sun/heat stroke and exhaustion... the point that...

"This is nothing less than progressive thinking and preparing for the worst case scenario, which is a reduced response time due to factors that often times include traffic.
Getting boots on the ground and on scene in a timely manner is all of our jobs. The use of a motorcycle sure seems like a reasonable alternative to long response times.

Two BMW R 1200 RT were delivered for fire department of croatian highways (HAC) in july 15. 2008.
Motorcicles are stationed in firehouses near tunnels Sveti Rok and Mala Kapela. Motorcycle teams have 100-150 alarms per year.
Fire motorcycles are very useful in accidents, when the traffic is very dense.
Until firetrucks arrives moto team can start the intervention.
IFEX water impulse gun
Fire extinguisher
Hydraulic spreader/cutter (combi tool)
First Aid kit
Light equipment
(source: )

I rest my case

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 05:23:19


i think its fair to say Mpesc has never driven on Briley Parkway.....

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by verslagen1 on 07/13/15 at 08:27:16

They look like they're enjoying themselves.
Tell them to stop that, it should be work.


Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Kris01 on 07/13/15 at 18:44:52

That Nashville pic looks nothing like some of the traffic jams around here. It's not as bad as your other pic but close. It took me 2 hours to make a 20 minute trip once.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/14/15 at 05:38:22

172522333425320D21322B400 wrote:

i think its fair to say Mpesc has never driven on Briley Parkway.....



Search "A86 Duplex"
Googlemaps [Parc du chemin de l'ïle, 90 Avenue Hoche, 92000 Nanterre]

Imagine it's Sunday afternoon, you and your wife on your fully laden motorcycle returning from a week's Holiday.
You are on the "A14" and your navigator tells you "exit and take A86"... you do...
and the A86 goes underground...


...and the navigator loses all hope and signal...
...and the A86 splits "thisaway" and "thataway"
So you embark on an underground odyssey with bumber to bumper traffic, underground tunnels barred to motorcycles (what am I doing there?)
foul air at 40°C (well over 100°F) and the engine is overheating...
...and they tell you you are riding France's longest underground tunnel !!!  :o


We eventually made it through... engnie overheating and smelling like steel being torched... I was having a FIT !


PS Please tell me if you can see the videoclips... this is the best I can do at the moment...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by HovisPresley on 07/14/15 at 05:47:26

No videos  :(

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/14/15 at 07:07:22

OK, I'll try again from home...  ;)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by mpescatori on 07/14/15 at 07:25:20

In the meantime... enjoy some twisty Italian mountain highway.


Florence to Bologna, speed limit is 130Km/h or limited to 110 Km/h in the more twisty bits (80 and 70mph respectively)


Parma to La Spezia, literally, my way home from when I studied at the Military Academy  8-)

Videos are slightly accellerated, but only just so... ;)

Imagine yourselves riding a crotch rocket... or a nice Hemi ... enjoy  8-)

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/15 at 07:41:12

That long tunnel would make me claustrophobic...
Buuuuuhhhhhhh!... :-?...

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/15 at 08:41:52

Is that your NC700 Mpes?

There is a brand new one at the Honda dealer that's never sold; 3 years now. A slightly used one farkled to the max for under 6k and only couple thousand miles. This model never took off in the states and they pulled it after a couple years. I saw quite a few when I was in Sweden last years. what's the deal? I thought they were decent bikes. I never road one but I thought the storage going from one side to the other, all the way through the saddlebags, was a great idea.

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Art Webb on 07/14/15 at 08:56:06

If traffic is stopped I will about 15mph I've had folks toss a door at me, and I can stop from 15 pretty darn quick
I will split until traffic starts moving, and join the regular traffic lane, I will not blow between two cars doing 60 while I'm doing 80
what 'entitles me' to do this? Nothing,
If the guys in the cars around me that are stuck got on a bike and took the risks I take, they could split too
They choose a safer, more comfortable, more easily entrapped vehicle that also consumes more resources than mine, and takes more space If anything they are the 'entitled' ones, who are actually causing the problem
If all of them (who are in their cars alone, at least) got on motorcycles, traffic would be much less congested
I'm actually doing them a favor, by not contributing to the jam
In no way shape or form am I slowing them down or getting in their way, or inconveniencing them
They inconvenience themselves, by choosing to operate easily trapped vehicles on packed roads
The only reason they're mad is because they're jealous
jealous of a guy taking more risk to enjoy more freedom
playing it safe and then railing at someone who is better off because he takes more chances is the definition of entitled thinking

Title: Re: Lane Splitting
Post by Art Webb on 07/14/15 at 09:00:33

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
Is that your NC700 Mpes?

There is a brand new one at the Honda dealer that's never sold; 3 years now. A slightly used one farkled to the max for under 6k and only couple thousand miles. This model never took off in the states and they pulled it after a couple years. I saw quite a few when I was in Sweden last years. what's the deal? I thought they were decent bikes. I never road one but I thought the storage going from one side to the other, all the way through the saddlebags, was a great idea.

Folks in this country mostly appreciate style over substance, look how the 'standard' has been mostly replaced by cruisers / sportbikes
cruises are pretty, sport bikes are fast (and pretty) but a Standard is more all around useful than either
Most folks here see the NC700 as a glorified scooter, so they don't wanna be seen on one » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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