General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> bigger tire with chain conversion?

Message started by manny87 on 01/20/15 at 07:16:56

Title: bigger tire with chain conversion?
Post by manny87 on 01/20/15 at 07:16:56

Hey everyone, on the Chain Conversion thread someone mentioned you can use bigger tires since the chain is narrower than the original belt. Does anyone know what tire size can be used? In case i wanna go with a wider tire. (I converted to chain drive a while ago) Thanks.

Title: Re: bigger tire with chain conversion?
Post by Demin on 01/20/15 at 17:07:24

I run a 150 with the belt.Any bigger you will need to do some swingarm mods.

Title: Re: bigger tire with chain conversion?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/20/15 at 20:25:28

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