General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why are th goobs buying up ammo?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/13 at 12:17:32

Title: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/13 at 12:17:32

& armored vehicles? Hollowpoints? Against the rule of war,, so, its not meant for outside the usa, right?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/13/13 at 13:13:50

Well Janet N from DHS says "Don't worry about it, it's just for training."
Since the government never lies everything must be OK >:(

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/13 at 14:29:07

Theres a link to the article, bottom of page

Its not just bullets, either. Theyre buying up armored vehicles. Theyre developing robots that can run, can be knocked over, get up & chase someone down. Of course, theyve got drones to play with, facial recognition cameras all over the streets & license plate readers that can digest hundreds & hundreds of plates an hour. Im not saying theyre about to attack the people, but, theyre darn sure ready if the people get pissed off enough to say Not NO, but Hell NO..
Should the economy actually slide into the abyss it looks ( to me, anyway) ready to fall into & the people take to the streets ( a la Greece), which I see as a When, not IF proposition, then we will see martial law, suspension of the Big C & ALL those executive orders that have been slipped thru down thru the years, where they can take your family & ship you all to different places. Take any & vehicles & fuel & food, The executive orders on the books are , of course, UN Constitutional, BUT, creeps & idiots will still enforce them.

Here is a link to just one. Of course, those who believe "Its all to protect US" wont be able to read it right. But, If anyone will just point out, where it says in plain English, the power to take control of energy supplies is meant strictly & solely to mean energy supplies owned by industry, not energy supplies held by private citizens, stored on their own land, Then Ill believe they dont mean they can come take my propane tank. & REmember, if, when YOU read the NDAA, if YOU didnt see it meant Me & You, then your opinion of what this means is greatly diminished in my eyes.

Why is there a Satanic ’666[ch8242] Hexagram on the 450 million hollow tip rounds ordered by the DHS?

( Insert: I have no idea about anything being ON the bullets. IF its there, Id like to know why. BUT, there, not there,, doesnt change the fact theyre ordering LOTS of bullets they Can Not use outside of the USA, fighting against enemies in a war)

   Marine Corps Veteran Questions DHS on Huge Ammo Buys!
   by Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson,
   A military veteran has questioned why the  Department of Homeland Security is purchasing enormous amounts of ammunition,  making it clear that he believes the bullets cannot possibly be for training  purposes.
   Commenting on the DHS’s procurement of roughly 2 billion hollow point bullets over the course of the  last year, former Marine Richard Mason told reporters with WHPTV News in  Pennsylvania that he has serious concerns.
   “We never trained with hollow points, we didn’t  even see hollow points my entire four and a half years in the Marine Corps,”  Mason said.
   When questioned recently, DHS official Peggy Dixon  claimed the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training  purposes only. However, hollow point bullets, are very expensive in ammunition  terms, and it is highly unusual to use such bullets for target practice.
   “Why would they need all those hollow points,”  former marine Mason asked “why would they need all those ball rounds just for  training?”
   Record federal government purchases have coincided  with national shortages of ammunition in gun stores, leading some  to believe that it is a deliberate tactic to deprive gun owners, or something  much worse.
   To put the DHS’ ammunition solicitations in  perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month.  Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last  year to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.
   Last September, the DHS also purchased no less  than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal  Defense Weapons.”
   Purchases of large quantities of body armor by the DHS has also caused shortages. Last year, the agency also put out an urgent order for “riot gear” in anticipation of civil unrest. The agency has also ordered bullet-proof checkpoint booths and hired hundreds of new security guards to protect government buildings over the course of the last 12 months.
   There is also strong evidence to suggest that the DHS has recently bought around 2,700 armored military style trucks. The agency has also cemented a $2 million dollar relationship with a contractor that recently had to apologize for producing shooting targets of pregnant women, children and elderly gun owners depicted in residential settings.
   Coupled with continued and sustained secrecy surrounding these purchases and contracts, many Americans are convinced that  the federal government is “stockpiling” in preparation for “civil  unrest.”
   The DHS’ primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative and libertarian political ideology with domestic

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/13/13 at 16:11:36

Record federal government purchases have coincided  with national shortages of ammunition in gun stores, leading some  to believe that it is a deliberate tactic to deprive gun owners, or something  much worse.

There is not a limitless capacity to manufacture ammunition. The same companies that manufacture it for civilian sale make it for the military and for law enforcement. Military and LE contracts get priority and the the consumer market comes in last. Contract all the manufacturing
capacity for government purchase and the civilians get squat.

Want to control guns ? Make ammunition (and reloading supplies) unavailable and/or drive the price of ammo up to levels that most people won't pay,and you have acomplished what the legislatures and courts can't. No need for messy debates, votes etc. Stroke of a pen and the guns in civilian hands might as well be tomato stakes.

I'm not willing to concede that DHS is planning a shooting war against US citizens - at least not yet, but the above scenario seems entirely plausable to me.

Remember when Obama met with the gun control groups before the election and told them he had some plans to advance their agenda "under the radar".?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/14/13 at 05:23:16

Once again like I said, if the gubbamint wants to take your guns, or crush you with you still holding the guns, they will.

The second amendment gives you (us the people) the right to bear arms as well as have the gubbamint not have an army in times of peace.

The second amendment nuts amongst us have been so target fixated on the first aspect while ignoring the second aspect the gubbamint has enough firepower to grind every one who dissents to pulp 10X over.

They are saying ... yea yea second amendment, we're giving it to you, here have this peashooter, on us ... and hey what's that behind you - and roll you over with a tank. And no dont pin this on Obama alone, its been going on for 100 years atleast.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/14/13 at 06:30:46

Once again like I said, if the gubbamint wants to take your guns, or crush you with you still holding the guns, they will.

But they don't have to. Gun control is a process; take a little bit here, a little bit there, and just keep chipping away. No need to get the population too riled up. That's counter productive. The folks who want to disarm the citizens just need to be patient and not try to grab too much all at once. The momentum will swing back and forth from time to time, but everytime a freedom is infringed even a little bit, it is never restored. Not all of the schemes the gun-ban crowd comes up with will work as well as they'd like them to,but they will never stop trying.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/14/13 at 09:14:37

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/14/13 at 09:40:25

They've bought enough bullets to shoot every person in the country 5 times.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/14/13 at 11:12:49

62464B414648475B5D464B4A5D2F0 wrote:
They've bought enough bullets to shoot every person in the country 5 times.

They've got enough bullets to shoot AT every person in the country 5 times. Fortunately most LEO's are lousy shots. They'd need a lot more ammo to actually HIT every person in the country 5 times - or even once !

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/14/13 at 19:16:32

The military has come out with a scope that can lock on the target and fire the gun itself only if the gun is on target, in other words ya cant miss.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/15/13 at 05:53:17

7B4544485A4647290 wrote:

Once again like I said, if the gubbamint wants to take your guns, or crush you with you still holding the guns, they will.

But they don't have to. Gun control is a process; take a little bit here, a little bit there, and just keep chipping away. No need to get the population too riled up. That's counter productive. The folks who want to disarm the citizens just need to be patient and not try to grab too much all at once. The momentum will swing back and forth from time to time, but everytime a freedom is infringed even a little bit, it is never restored. Not all of the schemes the gun-ban crowd comes up with will work as well as they'd like them to,but they will never stop trying.

We have had this discussion for the last 150 years. This is like a see-saw. One period of time it goes toward control, and one side it goes to proliferation. The funny thing is for the last 100 years the gubbamint has gapped the public's arms ... 100 years ago people had guns, gubbamint had guns. Then came tanks for gubbamint, then came planes for the gubbamint, then came nuclear, chemical, bio, drones etc etc ...
Gubbamint has shredded the "checks and balances" aspect of the 2nd. The second amendment now gives you the ability to kill your neighbor, or in the rare case an intruder. BTW I know of a repo man who has been shot @ and the guy claimed to the cops he thought he was an intruder.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/15/13 at 06:22:08

Gubbamint has shredded the "checks and balances" aspect of the 2nd. The second amendment now gives you the ability to kill your neighbor, or in the rare case an intruder.

Exactly - and soon you won't even have the means to do that. The point of the 2nd amendment  is to insure that the citizens always have the means to protect themselves from a Tyrannical government.

Don't forget that the first shots fired in the American Revolution were a reaction to a British attempt at gun control. Lexington/Concord happened because the Brits wanted to round up and confiscate the weapons the the colonial militias had stockpiled. The colonials took exception to that.

Gun control has always been about consolidating power in the hands of the goverment. "Protecting the children, public saftey, crime reduction etc." are just the talking points that the anti- gun pol's use to hide their real agenda.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/15/13 at 06:45:02

Yes that's exactly what I said. The British were interested in pulling the guns out of the public hands. They had guns, and people having guns will have made for an equal battle. They didn't want that.

This govt of the last 40 or so years atleast does not care, they are armed 1000 times over, if not more, they dont need your guns, they would rather say they are having the second amendment fully implemented while we ignoramuses get these little guns and act all like we're the schnitz, while they gubbamint has enough power to crunch us 100 times over.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/15/13 at 09:15:28

While I agree about the superiority of the government's firepower I think you underestimate the effectiveness of guerilla tactics.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/15/13 at 12:44:07

6150435040445045310 wrote:
While I agree about the superiority of the government's firepower I think you underestimate the effectiveness of guerilla tactics.


Only in a jungle with hostile terrain that the well armed side is clueless about ... and even so it creates a long running stalemate.

Lots of Indian kings in the 8-900 - 17-1800's used it against a lot of invading and eventually victorious armies. These were not externally armed guerillas.

Nothing new about it, of course the americans ran into it in vietnam but the underlying theme there was the russian support for the guerillas. Guerilla tactics are near useless in a completely internal civil war. Both sides know the terrain and one side is armed to the gills like the US army will be and the other has pistols, we'll need to start digging a huge trench, to fill the bodies of the pistol carrying dead.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/15/13 at 15:15:26

we'll need to start digging a huge trench, to fill the bodies of the pistol carrying dead.

I wish I could disagree with you but I can't. An armed insurrection against the resources that our government could bring to bear would eventually be overwhelmed. The only hope would be that the majority of the military would actually take to heart the oath they took to "defend the constitution gainst all enemies foreign and domestic", and refuse to participate.

I doubt it would ever come to that though. Most of the people in this country are already clueless sheep. Just go to an airport and marvel at the indignities they will submit to, just for the privelige of getting on a stupid airplane.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/15/13 at 17:52:03

The gubbamint against people - wont have any "people" on the side of the gubbamint, or it will have a very small few committed and corrupted bought and sold people, you think they will trust the rank and file armed serviceman ?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/16/13 at 10:18:28

Finding someone who will shoot at their own counytymen, friends and families is not impossible, but hopefully would be difficult.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/16/13 at 10:34:49

12363B313638372B2D363B3A2D5F0 wrote:
Finding someone who will shoot at their own counytymen, friends and families is not impossible, but hopefully would be difficult.

It actually wasn't that difficult in just about any civil war that I'm aware of, including the one in this country about 150 years ago.

I think (and hope) that the regular military actually might opt out. That's why I think that The Department of Homeland Security is the most frightening thing I have seen created by our government in my lifetime.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/16/13 at 15:06:48

There was a borderline during the Civil War like two different countries fighting each other. This time there will be no borderline.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/16/13 at 17:36:50

5E7A777D7A747B67617A777661130 wrote:
There was a borderline during the Civil War like two different countries fighting each other. This time there will be no borderline.

That's mostly correct, but in the border states - Missouri,Kentucky.Tennesse and Kansas- which were pretty evenly divided between Northern and Southern sympathizers, a lot of the fighting was gurerrilla in nature, often with neighbors killing neighbors.
At ay rate I don't think finding and motivating people willing to slaughter each other is really the issue.

What worries me is that for the first time in this countries' history we have a huge, well funded, government agency that is given the power to conduct surveillance on American citizens without warrants, imprison them without due process, and which seems to be accumulating the resources to conduct a war.

How long will it be before anyone who dares to criticize or question the powers that be, will be declared a domestic terrorist, and therefore an enemy of the state?

Only part of TSA's mission is to make flying safe. A huge component of its job is to acclimate millions of Americans to being manhandled and searched by uniformed agents of the state. And they are not stopping at airports. The TSA also has what are called VIPR Teams(Visibile Intermodal Prevention and Response Teams) that are intended to be used on the highways - stopping and searching cars and trucks,and no doubt motorcycles - in the name of public saftey and protecting us from terrorists.  Private vehicles, not public transport. Kinda violates the IV Amendment I think. But I'm just an old biker with a bad attitude- what do I know.

And don't even get me started on Drones in American skys. DHS has got a bunch of them too!

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Trippah on 03/16/13 at 20:52:49

Don't worry, you will still get pablum, I mean the scripted National Football League -and the Baseball for Summer relaxation.  They would bring back the coluseum with lions and tigers but Peeta would object, :D

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/16/13 at 21:13:53

Its a comfort to see how many here have the sense to see whats going on.
Gives me some hope.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/16/13 at 23:25:44

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/17/13 at 14:27:55

Do we have those "bullets that go around corners" perfected yet ?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/18/13 at 08:37:08

Thats IT? Thats the Bammy supporters Big Answer? The goobs are buying up bullets as fast as they can,, stuff they cant even USE outside the usa,,

& YOure okay with that? Im sure you are, cuz Bammy can do no wrong,,he has a D behind his name & that makes him GOOD, unlike that Eeeeevil G Bush & that OHHH so horrible R he has,, why Rs are EEEEvil, the devils Own Spawn,,

actually, theyre both bad,,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/18/13 at 09:17:19

24253E3936233F570 wrote:
Do we have those "bullets that go around corners" perfected yet ?
It's a rifle body and a Glock is attached to the end of it. A camera is mounted and a screen shows a display to the operator.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Pine on 03/18/13 at 12:19:13

1A3E33393E303F23253E333225570 wrote:
There was a borderline during the Civil War like two different countries fighting each other. This time there will be no borderline.

This gets on a mighty touchy subject with me... being as I am down here in the loosing side.

That said... it doesnt take a border... it doesnt take soliers willing to kill their own... it just takes passion. And that doesnt even have to be real. Scared, hungry... desparate people... its all it takes.

And that is what frightens me. We can be made scared and hungry in ONE day.  Remember, every single american alive is in debt to the tune of $50,000 - by virtue of goverment debt. The use of none approved bartering is AGAINST the law. Having too much (cash) money is AGAINST law. If your dollar become worthless.. you cant grow food (fast enough).. you cant buy food.. you will react. And when government says it will feed you.. just sign all liberty over to them.. YOU will sign. scary stuff.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/18/13 at 16:37:40

Pine wrote
If your dollar become worthless.. you cant grow food (fast enough).. you cant buy food..

Take a peek at what the European Union is trying to pull in Cyprus. Sucking 10% out of every bank account in every bank there, in order to prop up the economy.

Most of what money I have is in the bank. Not real currency - just ones and zeros on a hard drive somewhere. Most people are in the same boat. Scares the crap out of me when I hear about stuff like this.

There has been talk of advisers to our guv'ment discussing the feasibility of dipping into peoples IRAs.

When you think about what could be done with a mouse and a keyboard it's gotta make you wonder why they think they need all those boolits!

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/18/13 at 19:07:37

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:
Thats IT? Thats the Bammy supporters Big Answer? The goobs are buying up bullets as fast as they can,, stuff they cant even USE outside the usa,,

& YOure okay with that? Im sure you are, cuz Bammy can do no wrong,,he has a D behind his name & that makes him GOOD, unlike that Eeeeevil G Bush & that OHHH so horrible R he has,, why Rs are EEEEvil, the devils Own Spawn,,

actually, theyre both bad,,

He he he ... I am not the one clutching the second amendment like the last hunk of lifeboat after the titanic sank ... and the gooobs buying ammo and high tech weaponry is their back door shredding of the second. I dunno what to tell you, your pea shooters are protected by the second, sure, but the part of it you are not paying attention to has been used to hollow it out.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/18/13 at 19:10:54

0637243727233722560 wrote:
[quote author=24253E3936233F570 link=1363202252/15#24 date=1363555675]Do we have those "bullets that go around corners" perfected yet ?
It's a rifle body and a Glock is attached to the end of it. A camera is mounted and a screen shows a display to the operator.


This is old ... Clint Eastwood used it (not when talking to the empty chair last year) in where eagles dare ... like stick the gun round the corner and spray before sticking your eye around the corner ... anyway that is a gun that goes round corners - I cant explain this, there was a bullet that can change direction mid flight, its obviously slower, had a target lock etc it was theoretical concept types a few years ago.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Oldfeller on 03/20/13 at 15:20:13

Not theoretical at all.  M1Abrams uses smooth bore ammo that is laser guided (you really think they can compute elevation, wind shear and moving lead on an independently moving target and all that stuff while jolting  over the rough ground themselves at 60mph?)  

An electronically controlled and stabilized laser locks on and then paints the enemy tank while the steerable smooth bore round homes in on it.

Have a smooth bore 50 cal rifle that fires a 50 round with a mobile nose tip that can "steer" the bullet to some degree, once again homing on a laser painted target point.   Won't shoot around corners though, not unless it is a really really BIG corner ....  it doesn't miss though.

Have artillery rounds that will do the same thing.   Mortar rounds too.  Have adaptation kits for old WWII design dumb bombs that makes them "smart bombs" using same sort of tech.

Have shoulder fired weapon that will shoot just past the wall the bad guys are crouched behind, then blow up the round 2 feet past the wall and shrapnel the hell out of whoever is behind it.

And that's just the stuff that Tom Clancy, Dale Brown and Modern Marvels (History Channel) has told us about -- then you got all the really neat new top secret stuff we haven't been told about yet.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/20/13 at 15:29:06

Probably should consider ourselves lucky the the DHS is only buyin' the old school stuff that actually has to be aimed.  >:(

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/20/13 at 16:31:39

7D43424E5C40412F0 wrote:
Probably should consider ourselves lucky the the DHS is only buyin' the old school stuff that actually has to be aimed.  >:(

Thanks oldfeller - I saw it somewhere almost 7-8 years ago - popular mechanics maybe ...

Oldnslow - That is just what you think ... You think the bullets that target people and can chase and bend and go around corners and explode on contact with their body ... you think you'd know about it ?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/20/13 at 18:05:02

[quote]You think the bullets that target people and can chase and bend and go around corners and explode on contact with their body ... you think you'd know about it ?[quote]

Yeah, I actually do think I'd know about it.  I know enough about firearms to know that nothing like that, capable of being fired from a weapon that can be carried by an individual, exists. Laser guided artillery and laser guided bombs, yeah. Small arms. No.  

The M16 rifle was designed almost 50 years ago. The basic design of the handguns that the military and law enforcement folks use is close to a 100 years old. Metallic cartridge ammunition is even older than that They still do the job just fine and won't be replaced any time soon. That other stuff is just science fiction BS.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Oldfeller on 03/20/13 at 19:22:02

Now I have seen 4 propeller hover drones carrying an MP5 submachine gun, fired by a button push from the controller station.  Recoil from the MP5 literally pushed the hover drone straight back, but the stream of bullets continued impacting the dummy pretty good as the recoil was linear & straight back.

Night vision, hover drones, I'd hate to fight in a full out modern war ....

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/20/13 at 19:55:37

486B6361626B6B6275070 wrote:
Now I have seen 4 propeller hover drones carrying an MP5 submachine gun, fired by a button push from the controller station.  Recoil from the MP5 literally pushed the hover drone straight back, but the stream of bullets continued impacting the dummy pretty good as the recoil was linear & straight back.

Night vision, hover drones, I'd hate to fight in a full out modern war ....

Maybe. But a MP5 still just shoots plain old 9mm. Those bullets aint gonna be chasing anybody around a corner. Our local bomb squad has a robot that can be fitted with a 12 gauge shotgun and can be operated by remote control. It even crawls up and down stairs.But if you're not in front of it, it still can't hit you.

The hardware isn't really the issue anyway. I doesn't take hi-tech weapons to turn a country into a police state. Just compliant sheeple willing to bend over and take it. And the government sponsored training to turn us into just that has been going on for quite some time.  

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/21/13 at 07:53:35

That training is pervasive in school. Its horrible. It w2as bad when I was there, but now its just disgusting,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/21/13 at 15:35:24

5D4244435E5968586850424E05370 wrote:
That training is pervasive in school. Its horrible. It w2as bad when I was there, but now its just disgusting,

Dude I did not go to school in the US. I am sorry I think I am looking at all of this with a very balanced eye. The second amendment has been hollowed out by the govt, and your pea shooter can effectively shoot your neighbor and ocassionally someone who wanders into your house. That is about all it can do.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/21/13 at 17:19:12

I doubt Very seriuously youd see what Im talking about if it was in front of you as being Bad. Youd LOve IT.
Im mostly talking about whats in Public school. 1-12..Look at what happens to a kid who points a finger & says Bang.,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 05:59:47

What happens when a kid points a finger and says bang ? someone pretends to drop dead ?

I dunno what you're implying, I see kids do this all the time (my 10 yr old and many of his friends I've seen do, in fact my son doesn't but lots of his friends I see em do)

I dont think there is any en masse brain washing ... unless you want to say the fact they have "international week" where they make em get pictures of say a cricket match or during christmas week there they teach about kwanzaa and ramadan and hanukkah ... yea brain washing, when you have to acknowledge there is people outside america and they may do other things.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/22/13 at 06:57:08

What happens when a kid points a finger and says bang ? someone pretends to drop dead ?

Kid does that in school he'll be suspended for violating the ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding weapons in school. I kid you not.
It happens almost every day somewhere. Draw a picture of a gun, same thing. Last week a kid bit a piece of pastry into the shape of a gun and got suspended. And the the school brought in counselors to talk to the other kids in case they were traumatised by seeing the deadly pastry. Do a search and you'll find dozens of similar cases.

Take a peek at your ten year olds history textbook sometime and see what the schools are teaching that is supposed to be American History.

Better not ride your Savage anywhere near a school either. If it backfires when you shut it off and a teacher hears it you're liable to be tackled by a SWAT TEAM ;D

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 07:22:05

Those things are a result of gun massacres at schools. Not the cause.

Much like post 9/11 we had to get kids to stop watching TV. There were some kids that thought the planes were hitting buildings all day, day after day. Replays from 100 angles and different reports on this or that - kids didn't think of them as replays. They thought it was happening again and again.

I dunno where you guys are going with this. That isn't brain washing, its a reaction to having a school massacre ... and dont say its been happening before sandy hook, cos we've had one in columbine. Kids aren't brainwashed to be librulls in school, sorry, I call BS on that, of course being public school, funded by tax dollars may itself be a librull idea in your eye, so I guess the fact that they are going to a public school = librull brain washing.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/22/13 at 08:10:26

Teaching kids that a picture of a gun, or a finger, is the same thing as a real gun, IS brainwashing.Pretty soon they won't even be allowed to use the word. How exactly does teaching someone to be afraid of a picture, or a pastry, help prepare them to deal with the real world where real threats sometimes, unfortunate as that might be, exist.

And the public schools are intended to turn out crop after crop of little liberals. They have been for a long time. That's part of the reason this country is in the mess it's in today.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/22/13 at 09:22:06

No one remembers the article I posted with a video?

There was a deaf kid. His name is "Hunter".
The National how-ya-doin' for sign language association committee branch's symbol for "hunter" is making the gun out of index finger and thumb.
So this kid is saying his own name, making that hand sign which is recognized around the world, and got suspended.

Call it brain washing, call it "conditioning".
Same thing with the news. Any time there is a crime committed, even with a knife, they use their generic image which shows a gun and a knife on it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/13 at 10:38:33

& This is one of the points I make. They ARE Brainwashing those kids,,& I Hope Srinath can get that.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 13:11:33

OK and they are brainwashing those kids "against or for" what ?

Index finger out all the rest in a fist = gun - well not in India, middle and index out is in india, but I am splitting hairs - so the kids are showing gun ... then what happens and what do you say is the reason for it ? Or what the goal is ?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/22/13 at 13:41:25

OK and they are brainwashing those kids "against or for" what ?

In general terms the direction that public education has taken in this country for the past couple of decades is to indoctrinate kids into what is called by most politicians progressivism, but which is basically marxism. And don't kid yourself. Marxism imposed by democratically elected officials is still Marxism.

With regard to guns specifically, the intent is to raise generations of individuals who are afraid of firearms, do not believe that there are any legitimate uses for them, and that no one but the military and law enforcement should be armed. Once a sufficent % of the population believes those things,then it will be politically possible to disarm the citizens through legislation.

In every country where that happens the people that live there become
subjects of whomever manages to grasp the political power, and they cease being free citizens in a free state. Whenever the government has all the guns the government owns your ass. It's as simple as that. Maybe you're OK with that. I'm not.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/13 at 16:36:43

41405B5C53465A320 wrote:
OK and they are brainwashing those kids "against or for" what ?

Index finger out all the rest in a fist = gun - well not in India, middle and index out is in india, but I am splitting hairs - so the kids are showing gun ... then what happens and what do you say is the reason for it ? Or what the goal is ?


They draw a gun, expelled from school, maybe arrested.
point, say bang,, cops are on the way

YOure not stupid, why would anyone do that?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 16:50:54

Aaaah nice work confusing the cause and the effect you 2.

Lets try this one more time.
Cause - Columbine.
Effect - The need to discourage kids form thinking guns are cool.

That isn't indoctrination or brain washing. Its preventing another columbine. Much like telling them cigarettes are likely to cause cancer or drinking and driving may cause you to crash.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/13 at 17:54:42

YOuve fallen & hit your head. YOu think this stops at school? You Agree with punishing someone for a THOUGHT? Is expressing the Idea of the word GUN so horrid?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 18:38:31

School security is a joke. No sense arguing with you about this or putting armed guards @ school or anything else for that matter. Your answer is to arm everyone ... for everything.

Columbine happened. I am fine with telling kids to not turn into people like that. You consider that brainwashing. You want to arm people so they can shoot the killers before they kill ... but these are 7 and 8 year olds. You want them to carry guns, so they wont be brainwashed. I would rather they be educated to stay away from guns to resolve their issues. You may call that brain washing. I dont.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/22/13 at 18:58:53

[quote]Aaaah nice work confusing the cause and the effect you 2.

Lets try this one more time.
Cause - Columbine.
Effect - The need to discourage kids form thinking guns are cool.

That isn't indoctrination or brain washing. Its preventing another columbine[/qoute]

Actually you are the one who is confused. The politicians who are pushing this stuff - Fienstien,Biden,Schumer,Pelosi, Bloomberg...- have been doing it since long before Columbine,or Newtown,or Va. Tech. They simply use the horror and disgust generated by these terrible events to further an agenda that has nothing to do with protecting kids or preventing the next lunatic from commiting a similar outrage.

They are in fact dancing in the blood of the victims of those horrible crimes to promote their own statist political aims. This stuff didn't start with Columbine.

As far as discouriging kids from thinking guns are "cool" you are partly right. Kids need to to taught that guns are exactly what they are. Objects that are useful if used properly and treated with respect, and extremely dangerous and capable of doing great harm if used irresponsibly or with malice. Teaching kids by punishing them, that a picture of a gun, or pointing a finger, is the same thing as a real weapon simply makes guns some kind of magical evil object in those kids minds.

If the intention is to turn that child into an adult who is terrified of guns and will never understand that they do have legitimate uses, then the kinds of policies in our schools make sense. On the other hand if you want to turn that child into an adult capable of rational thought and able to discrminate between real and imagined danger, they do not.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/13 at 19:25:07

Bravo, Oldnslow,,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/22/13 at 19:58:53

OldNslow - I dont ever recall mentioning Biden, Pelosi or any of that BS.

Thanks for making my point that kids need to be taught that guns are not toys. Needless to say punishing kids for making bang bang isn't the best way to educate kinds about uses and dangers of a gun. However you do know that these are people who have never handled a gun right.

I think the most effective education can be brought about by a gun user who is pro gun violence reduction. I dont know who of the senators/congressmen are that kind. Hence we have a sledge hammer instead of a toothpick, and the nra turning the sledgehammer into one without a handle.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/13 at 21:13:57

Mindless babble, Srinath

You do or you do NOT agree with punishing children for gnawing a pastry into the shape of a gun.,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/23/13 at 05:01:14

You didn't have to mention those names. Those are the people that have been pushing their own anti-gun political agendas the entire time. Some as long as I can remember.

This starts at school when you're an impressionable youth. If it were meant to end there they wouldn't display a gun on the news every time there was a stabbing.
That is conditioning. You have to be aware of your target demographic. How many kids do you know that watch the news?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/23/13 at 08:01:22

If they have been pushing agendas the whole time, well, why dont you not vote for them. Democracy dude. Oooo they are not in your district. OK then, they have been sent to do that by the people that vote for them. You may want to take it up with those people.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/23/13 at 08:04:46

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
Mindless babble, Srinath

You do or you do NOT agree with punishing children for gnawing a pastry into the shape of a gun.,

Hell no, that elevates the gun into a "forbidden fruit". The education about a gun needs to focus on its use and safety, and the fact that its not a toy. And I already said that.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/23/13 at 12:45:02

While I disagree with the Forbidden Fruit thing as WHY thats wrong, at least you see its wrong,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldsavage on 03/24/13 at 08:12:19

To me there are two subjects starting here, one about punishment of kids in schools and one about politicians and their agendas.

The kid part is really simple, tell the parents to teach their children to respect "real guns" and not to simulate using them either by fingers or drawings in school, because that would be the "wrong" place (we learned from our parents to respect firearms).
If there is a problem with that, then the parent is not teaching them correctly or the child is a deviant and the punishment is deserved in either aspect (if its the parents fault the child will learn by the punishment that his/her parent is failing them).

The legislation is really a simple fix also, vote those who are trying to pass policies that restrict our freedoms out of office. If you believe its not possible, get involved yourself and tell those around you in your representatives district how to "change" what our government is doing by voting out those who are in office now.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 09:15:27

Good points OldSavage.
The fact that Diane Feinstein has been voted in for I dunno 300 years (she was in when I lived in CA - 90's and early 00's) tells people that her agenda has been well accepted by the residents of her constituency. Same with Biden - he's officially older than dirt isn't he. And wasn't he one of the guys that built the white house ?

I dunno who as parents tells their kids that guns are not toys, when you have toy guns everyone buys for their kids. I think parents have really failed the kids - which may be the ultimate proof in the sandyhook killing - he killed his gun packing mom first.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/13 at 09:41:37

BS, to make something "The Unspeakable" in school is just ludicrous.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/24/13 at 10:14:12

The fact that Diane Feinstein has been voted in for I dunno 300 years (she was in when I lived in CA - 90's and early 00's) tells people that her agenda has been well accepted by the residents of her constituency

The only thing that really proves is that most of her consitiuents are idiots. And since she is a Senator, her district consists of the whole state of CA. Since I live in NY I understand what it's like to live somewhere where the folks that actually have clue are in the minority when it comes to influencing policy by voting.

The reason this country's government was designed as a constitutional republic and not as a pure democracy, was to protect the rights of political minorities. Same reason that political power is supposed to be divided between the three branches of government.

Stupid laws imposed by a majority are still stupid. Tyranny imposed by democtatic means is still tyranny.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 10:20:52

4876777B6975741A0 wrote:

The fact that Diane Feinstein has been voted in for I dunno 300 years (she was in when I lived in CA - 90's and early 00's) tells people that her agenda has been well accepted by the residents of her constituency

The only thing that really proves is that most of her consitiuents are idiots. And since she is a Senator, her district consists of the whole state of CA. Since I live in NY I understand what it's like to live somewhere where the folks that actually have clue are in the minority when it comes to influencing policy by voting.

The reason this country's government was designed as a constitutional republic and not as a pure democracy, was to protect the rights of political minorities. Same reason that political power is supposed to be divided between the three branches of government.

Stupid laws imposed by a majority are still stupid. Tyranny imposed by democtatic means is still tyranny.

Opinions schm-opinions everyone has a few 1000.

You want to change the constitution - yea get in line, I think there is 200 or so million in front of you.

This is what we got ... you can move to CA and vote her out ... always that is an option, just get 8-10 million of your friends, she's been winning by 5-6 million margins in a 30-35 million population state with about a 60% turnout.

They voted in the guv-ernator, but still voted her and pelosi in. If that isn't the that height of Irony ...


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/24/13 at 10:36:47

You want to change the constitution -

Wow. You really don't get do you? Changing the constitution is the last thing I want to do. I want our elected represenatives to actually follow it. That's what they swear to do when thay take their oath of office and what I swore to do when I served in this countries armed forces.  The people I mentioned in my previous post Fienstein, Schumer etc. are the ones who want to change - or at least reinterpet it. They consider it an impediment to enacting their policies.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/24/13 at 10:55:54

0B3534382A3637590 wrote:

You want to change the constitution -

Wow. You really don't get do you? Changing the constitution is the last thing I want to do. I want our elected represenatives to actually follow it. That's what they swear to do when thay take their oath of office and what I swore to do when I served in this countries armed forces.  The people I mentioned in my previous post Fienstein, Schumer etc. are the ones who want to change - or at least reinterpet it. They consider it an impediment to enacting their policies.

I left a word out of the second sentence. Should read -"You really don't get IT do you?"

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 11:36:50

Our constitution has been used and abused by the rest of the world.

Anchor babies - direct result of the 17th amendment. They are using our constitution as the toilet paper that will give them a full on legal hold and then bury us in expenses supporting them.

The school shootings - result of the 2nd amendment.
Worse yet, we have an ongoing military with a full blown arms program that have effectively gutted the possibility of having a mutiny against tyranny. The second has been gutted from both sides.

Many more.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/24/13 at 12:07:36


Okay. I give up. If you want to argue with me at least argue about what I actually said. Don't just throw out a bunch of inconsistent irrelevancies. Go back and reread your posts, and count how many times you've actually contradicted yourself.

I'm done with this thread. It's turned into a waste of time.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/13 at 12:47:48

797863646B7E620A0 wrote:
Our constitution has been used and abused by the rest of the world.

Anchor babies - direct result of the 17th amendment. They are using our constitution as the toilet paper that will give them a full on legal hold and then bury us in expenses supporting them.

The school shootings - result of the 2nd amendment.
Worse yet, we have an ongoing military with a full blown arms program that have effectively gutted the possibility of having a mutiny against tyranny. The second has been gutted from both sides.

Many more.


School shootings are a result of the 2nd amendment being ABUSED.
Had they not been Gun Free zones, they wouldnt have been a Free for all firing range,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/24/13 at 12:59:44

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
[quote author=797863646B7E620A0 link=1363202252/60#67 date=1364150210]Our constitution has been used and abused by the rest of the world.

Anchor babies - direct result of the 17th amendment. They are using our constitution as the toilet paper that will give them a full on legal hold and then bury us in expenses supporting them.

The school shootings - result of the 2nd amendment.
Worse yet, we have an ongoing military with a full blown arms program that have effectively gutted the possibility of having a mutiny against tyranny. The second has been gutted from both sides.

Many more.


School shootings are a result of the 2nd amendment being ABUSED.
Had they not been Gun Free zones, they wouldnt have been a Free for all firing range,
It's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people with the guns that are the issue.  If more attention was paid to those that have went on those shooting sprees and addressed the problems with them long before it got to that point then the shootings would never have happened.

When there is a lack of guidance in our youth that is happening today and they are left to "run amuck" so to speak without any responsibility for their actions stuff like this will continue to happen.  I'm not saying go out and beat the kids, but they definitely need discipline and structure in their lives or stuff like this is going to continue to happen and get worse as time goes on. America as a whole has become lazy in raising our children and leave it to the school system and various forms of media to raise our children instead of ourselves. With this type of raising they are not getting what they need to be responsible and moral in their everyday lives, and decisions. We all need to take a step back and look at what's happening and correct it now before it's to late to fix it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 14:46:27

We've gone over this a 1000 times.

It's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people with the guns that are the issue.  If more attention was paid to those that have went on those shooting sprees and addressed the problems with them long before it got to that point then the shootings would never have happened.

OK lets try this one more time ... if you didn't have guns at all, but the rest of society was the same, we'd still have these nuts kill people ... yes, they'd need to use knives or baseball bats or ping pongs. OK So lets try the most lethal ... knife - It takes 10-30 sec to kill someone via knife. Someone else may hit them with a baseball bat and end it before there is a 30 body pile up. I'd say a 3 body pile before everyone gets out of his reach. Maybe another 2 before he's clobbered with a pipe.

Nothing but a gun can put a 30 body pile before we get to hit him with a baseball bat.

So since I cant remove all the guns from society, I proposed the $100 in cash per bullet tax. Why ? there is so much bullets out there, no one will lock em up. That makes the guns and bullets a huge liability. With a $100 bullet tax payable by cash only we get all the bullets locked up, cos now they have 300,000 worth of bullets. Lock em up.

No one said the crazy crack heads are not the problem. Guns make the bodies pile up faster before they are stopped.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 14:49:22

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
School shootings are a result of the 2nd amendment being ABUSED.
Had they not been Gun Free zones, they wouldnt have been a Free for all firing range,

Its just a theory you have. Schools being gun free zones has got many kids carrying guns out of the way. We cant just call them gun free when 90% of them are under legal carry age. We arm people and put them there. Unless you want 6 yr olds to carry as well.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/13 at 17:13:37

Strangely, I Strongly suspect that every, & I do mean EVERY other member reading my reply & your response is scratching their head at yoursa. Youre Insane. Absolutely nothing you said made any sense. Youre an absolutely irascible individual, PRETENDING I would suggest children carry! You sink to the lowest levels to hope to "Win"! Screw you, man,, its not worth the aggravation trying to carry on a convo with an idiot.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/24/13 at 17:24:29

So how does your "Non gun free zone" work when 90% of the population in that zone is under 12. The killer knows 90% of his target is unarmed no matter what the sign says or not say.

And you getting angry and calling people names makes you look like you're on flimsy and untenable arguments my friend.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/13 at 18:00:36

Well DUUUH, unless you put a platoon in a school, there will be 90% unarmed.. Its that unknown that changes the equation from "Free Fire Hunting on the Unarmed, unprotected",, if theres only 2 guns in a school, it changes the whole game for a shooter,of course, you dont think so,,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/24/13 at 20:17:02

3D3C27202F3A264E0 wrote:
We've gone over this a 1000 times.

It's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people with the guns that are the issue.  If more attention was paid to those that have went on those shooting sprees and addressed the problems with them long before it got to that point then the shootings would never have happened.

OK lets try this one more time ... if you didn't have guns at all, but the rest of society was the same, we'd still have these nuts kill people ... yes, they'd need to use knives or baseball bats or ping pongs. OK So lets try the most lethal ... knife - It takes 10-30 sec to kill someone via knife. Someone else may hit them with a baseball bat and end it before there is a 30 body pile up. I'd say a 3 body pile before everyone gets out of his reach. Maybe another 2 before he's clobbered with a pipe.

Nothing but a gun can put a 30 body pile before we get to hit him with a baseball bat.

So since I cant remove all the guns from society, I proposed the $100 in cash per bullet tax. Why ? there is so much bullets out there, no one will lock em up. That makes the guns and bullets a huge liability. With a $100 bullet tax payable by cash only we get all the bullets locked up, cos now they have 300,000 worth of bullets. Lock em up.

No one said the crazy crack heads are not the problem. Guns make the bodies pile up faster before they are stopped.


I completely disagree here.  The next best thing they would use would be IED's aka improvised explosive devices. The materials to build such are easier to get and build, and will cause more devastation and body count then any handgun would.

Your idea on a $100 per bullet tax is just plain stupid.  You do that then only the rich would be able to afford to be able to stay proficient enough to actually defend themselves and the average Joe wouldn't be able to because of that tax.  To be able to actually use your firearm in a defense situation requires regular practice.  

So with this information what would your next tax be, $100 per ounce tax on diesel fuel and $100 per ounce tax on fertilizer?  Well that would just drive the prices up on all things consumer related to the point that no one would be able to afford to buy anything at all.

When someone is out to take people down on a massive scale they will use the tool that is available and easier to get,  take the bullets or guns away they will go to explosives, which are easily made from lots of stuff that just can't be taken out of circulation. The only real solution is not taking the tools away, it's addressing the real underlying problem.

Another thing that would be effective is poisons which are easily available in the schools themselves right in the chemistry classes. If the kid just paid a little attention in his/her chemistry class they could do quite a bit of damage with what is available right on the school campus.  The tools to do a large body count is available all around them.  If they are intent on doing it, they are going to do it by what ever means necessary regardless of what tool they have to end up using to get the job done.

I live in a very small town and even the school where my children go have a very well equipped science lab and chemistry lab that has all sorts of stuff that can be easily used to make all sorts of improvised mass devastation and deadly weapons with just a little bit if paying attention in class or some knowledge of a computer and how to use Google.

I could go on and on here with all the ways that the mass killings could be accomplished at schools with just stuff that is available at the schools themselves, but it would probably still not sink in with you from all the posts I've seen from you on this topic.

The quickest way to extinguish a fire is to attack it from the base and not from the top of the fire or even from the side. When the powers that be open there eyes and see that they are just trying to fight the fire from the top and sides and only clearing part of the "food" for the fire, then and only then is when we will start to see some real headway in getting these issues stopped.  Granted there will always be some crazies out there, but as responsible up-bringers of the generations to come we have the obligation to make sure that we keep them in line and learn proper morals and what is right and wrong.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/25/13 at 04:52:37

3C28397C7E7E7D4E0 wrote:
Your idea on a $100 per bullet tax is just plain stupid.  You do that then only the rich would be able to afford to be able to stay proficient enough to actually defend themselves and the average Joe wouldn't be able to because of that tax.  To be able to actually use your firearm in a defense situation requires regular practice.  

So with this information what would your next tax be, $100 per ounce tax on diesel fuel and $100 per ounce tax on fertilizer?  Well that would just drive the prices up on all things consumer related to the point that no one would be able to afford to buy anything at all.


Once again we have gone over this in a 100 threads. You're just late to the game.

OK so $100 tax on bullets paid in cash only - what would this accomplish.
OK these bullets will be sold in bar coded numbered etc etc bags 1 per bag, the bag preserves it forever. That right away eliminates the old bullets from being sold as equals. However the old bullets are still bullets, with a very steep replacement value. The people that have them will lock em up. We will restrict all the related chemicals and everything needed to make a bullet. So you make bullets - yes it will be a long a tedious job to get all the materials needed, not to mention you need to be a machinist.

OK so then only rich people will buy bullets - and since there have not been many rich people spraying bullets into random crowds we are OK there. The bullet spraying tendency for crazies will come to a grinding stop. They cant pay the $30,000 to have a rampage like sandy hook.

Then we come to self defence. You need 300 rounds to defend yourself ? what are you defending yourself against ? a horde of charging wildabeests ? Anyway If you use it in self defence say against a intruder, and call the cops after the intruder is dead, the cops will refund your bullets.
If you must, we can still have gun range bullets the old fashioned box o bullets which only gun ranges can buy. We do a lot more regulation for cigarettes and alcohol. Did you know there are gas stattions where you cant buy alcohol ... and others that look just like those where you can ?

This wont do much for the guy that mugs people, cos he hopes to never use that gun, it wont do much for the 2-3 guys who try to rob banks - again, they dont want to shoot anyone. This will stop those fools that spray bullets into crowds and those driveby's, rain bullets onto a house where they may or may not kill their target - or anyone standing in the way. Self defence - not much of an issue. You will get them bullets back unless you're shooting the repo man and claim he's an intruder.

And as soon as you find people shooting each other with gasoline, or fertiliser or anything else ... we can do $100 per drop on it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/25/13 at 04:56:05

2F3036312C2B1A2A1A22303C77450 wrote:
Well DUUUH, unless you put a platoon in a school, there will be 90% unarmed.. Its that unknown that changes the equation from "Free Fire Hunting on the Unarmed, unprotected",, if theres only 2 guns in a school, it changes the whole game for a shooter,of course, you dont think so,,

There will be a platoon - 7-8 per school, visibly armed and professionals.

Arming teachers - I dont think you're likely to change the balance that way, many of them are used to dealing with children, they tend to be the "biggest softies" in the world - men or women. You can have an gun and still be cowering in the corner.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/13 at 08:50:23

You SIMPLY will NOT accept the obvious, will you?
Schools get shot up Because the shooters KNOW there is NOT ONE MUTHAFUKKIN GUN there to be used to protect the kids. No NEED for 7 armed men looking all fierce, Just eliminate the 100% FACT that there IS NO GUN there to be shot at the killer.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/25/13 at 08:52:55

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/25/13 at 14:35:07

4B4A5156594C50380 wrote:
Once again we have gone over this in a 100 threads. You're just late to the game.

OK so $100 tax on bullets paid in cash only - what would this accomplish.
OK these bullets will be sold in bar coded numbered etc etc bags 1 per bag, the bag preserves it forever. That right away eliminates the old bullets from being sold as equals. However the old bullets are still bullets, with a very steep replacement value. The people that have them will lock em up. We will restrict all the related chemicals and everything needed to make a bullet. So you make bullets - yes it will be a long a tedious job to get all the materials needed, not to mention you need to be a machinist.

OK so then only rich people will buy bullets - and since there have not been many rich people spraying bullets into random crowds we are OK there. The bullet spraying tendency for crazies will come to a grinding stop. They cant pay the $30,000 to have a rampage like sandy hook.

Then we come to self defence. You need 300 rounds to defend yourself ? what are you defending yourself against ? a horde of charging wildabeests ? Anyway If you use it in self defence say against a intruder, and call the cops after the intruder is dead, the cops will refund your bullets.
If you must, we can still have gun range bullets the old fashioned box o bullets which only gun ranges can buy. We do a lot more regulation for cigarettes and alcohol. Did you know there are gas stattions where you cant buy alcohol ... and others that look just like those where you can ?

This wont do much for the guy that mugs people, cos he hopes to never use that gun, it wont do much for the 2-3 guys who try to rob banks - again, they dont want to shoot anyone. This will stop those fools that spray bullets into crowds and those driveby's, rain bullets onto a house where they may or may not kill their target - or anyone standing in the way. Self defence - not much of an issue. You will get them bullets back unless you're shooting the repo man and claim he's an intruder.

And as soon as you find people shooting each other with gasoline, or fertiliser or anything else ... we can do $100 per drop on it.


ahhh yes gun range bullets,   if you want to use them as your sole use for keeping up your proficiency in use of your firearm go ahead. While most of us know that it takes a min of 500 to 1000 rounds of your chosen defense round through your handgun to prove it's reliable enough to be acceptable.

And spraying fertilizer and fuel into crowds where did you get that??   Guess you totally miss understood what I was saying about explosives being the next easy mass killing thing to use.  You don't spray explosives you plant them in an area that will do the most damage.

As for me being late into this no I'm not,  I have been reading it all along but just staying out of it till now.  I normally try to stay out of these discussions, but with this one and it being such an idiotic idea I just couldn't stay out of it anymore.  This $100 per bullet idea just won't work period.  How will the hunters afford to hunt at that cost. How will the competition shooters afford to do the competitions.  How will farmers afford to keep wild animals at bay from killing their livestock?

I also agree with JOG on the fact that the shooter at the schools do tend to target there because they know there is no real threat to themselves right now because of no armed response.  They can get a maximum count in well before an armed response gets there.  Now when this presence in put into place as is starting to happen it will definitely be a deterrent but will it stop it? who knows. Will it lower the body count? most likely, unless they move onto other means besides firearms.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/25/13 at 15:13:56

We don't have school guards at our schools here,And yes we have school shootings every day here.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/25/13 at 16:12:47

Yea been over this bogus point ...

This $100 per bullet idea just won't work period.  How will the hunters afford to hunt at that cost. How will the competition shooters afford to do the competitions.  How will farmers afford to keep wild animals at bay from killing their livestock?

Yea right it wont work, cos there is plenty of nut cases walking around with 3-4 mill to spray into random people I guess.

It was 1 way to not break the second amendment and prevent random spray type killings. I am not here to solve all your problems. Spraying bullets into crowds will stop as soon as that action becomes very very expensive, and when it does get expensive, people will lock their bullets up.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by 45acp on 03/25/13 at 16:30:57

a bomb could kill more than 30. dont want to hit that with a bat. try hitting a mack truck with a bat. ;)  not tryin to argue. just funny images in my head while reading this post.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/13 at 17:40:31

How would you like a $1000.00 poll tax or maybe hafta buy a permit before you could write & post anything? Taxing things so theyre not affordable is WRONG. Remember when I said I work on principle & you scoffed & pretended YOU have the high ground? You have a very high minded picture of yourself, & its incorect. YOu are a The means justifies the ends kinda guy,,READ the Constitution. Allow people to live. Stop acting like if you had enough control, youd fix it.,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by 45acp on 03/25/13 at 19:26:48

i live on and maintain a shooting range in oklahoma. im happy to say that in the past 3 years we have been open. we have seen alot of gun haters come around to our side. i like seeing people who have been afraid of guns their whole lives, get their minds changed by a few good old boys showing them how guns can be enjoyed safely. it only takes one good experience to plant that good seed in their minds. dont let the fear mongers get ya down. the majority of americans still love guns, and understand that they are a vital tool in maitaining freedom. except for the lady in mcdonalds who thought my gun was going to go off in my holster and kill a child. ::)  sometimes you just have to let old people rant.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/25/13 at 19:50:55

A $1000 post tax - would be nice it should be retroactive JOG, you have 10 times the posts I do.

No one is a gun hater, I own guns and I am not against them. I cant see a program like a psych profile based committal of people being anything but very very very $$$$$. As in you cant find and treat or lock away all the marginal cases without it costing trillions. Since the repugs will scream about that, its a 0 cost way to put that section of society out of being in a position where they can do serious harm. Your ability to shoot a deer out in the woods may be the casualty, but "You see people are buying cheap bullets and raining it into crowds of children".
You may want to make it so its not gun free, but in the 30 seconds it takes to rain into the crowd no one is going to draw their gun even. However if that same crack head had to spend 30,000 cash before he could rain on the crowd, even if he wanted to, even if he thought it was worth it, he'd not have the means to come up with 30,000.

Maybe it would be too steep @ $100, maybe $50 is better, we'd have to try it and see. It should be steep enough to not allow an insane shooter to not be able to buy it. Which is why it should not be credit. Cash only. It will make everyone else lock their bullets up and not leave lying around, cos the replacment value now shot up.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/26/13 at 06:11:06

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
How would you like a $1000.00 poll tax or maybe hafta buy a permit before you could write & post anything?

I'm sure more people would think their posts through before clicking "Post".
...but it's unconstitutional because it now says you need x amount of dollars before exercising your right to free speech.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/26/13 at 12:00:24

76627336343437040 wrote:
ahhh yes gun range bullets,   if you want to use them as your sole use for keeping up your proficiency in use of your firearm go ahead. While most of us know that it takes a min of 500 to 1000 rounds of your chosen defense round through your handgun to prove it's reliable enough to be acceptable.

Oooo I almost missed this ... this is a classic wool that a gun owner will try to pull onto a non gun owners eyes ...

You and I both know that a gun is just about as complicated as a hammer ... OK fine its a bit more ... somewhere between a ratchet and a hammer.

So your bike has a carburetor, 100 times more complicated than a gun.
Those switches on your handlebar are too, so are your brakes, and dont even get me started on the engine.

So seriously that reliability argument is hollow, and a complete BS argument. We as a collective (humanity not savage riding people) have been making guns in their current form for darn near 100 years, almost un changed. Bikes like the savage are newer by almost 50 years.

I doubt in the whole life of my gun I've shot 500 through it. I also have never needed it use it for self defence, and I dont live in the best of neighborhoods. But I do have the reputation "we dont mess with the srinath and he dont mess with us" from 1 group of people, and the other group hopes they can buy a cheap bike from me or I'll help them fix theirs.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/26/13 at 19:33:50

srinath wrote:

I doubt in the whole life of my gun I've shot 500 through it.

In the interest of possibly adding a little perspective; I shoot skeet and sporting clays pretty regularly. I sometimes go through 500 shells in a couple of months. And I do this just for fun. I know guys who compete, and practice between tournaments,who go through more shells than that in a week.

But I guess it would be fine with you if they could no longer participate in a sport that they have devoted years to becoming experts at, on
account of your asinine $100 per round tax.

Are you actually serious about the stuff you post - or do you just toss crap out there to aggravate people? Seriously. I'd like to know.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/13 at 19:36:20

Sadly, either answer results in me feeling the same way about him..
I pretty much have no patience for clowns or jerks,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/26/13 at 19:45:08

I dont have answers for everything. There is people spraying bullets into crowds. I want to stop that. There is people using guns to shoot intruders. I dont want to affect that. All the rest figure out a way, its not a huge concern for me. BTW you can shoot plastic bullets in some cases, they regularly do that in India for rabid animals. I dont have all the answers.
But this is the problem we have.

Random spraying into crowds. There can be armed people who shoots back, but in the 30 seconds it takes for someone to shoot a bullet sprayer, they've done what they wanted to do, usually they shoot themsleves by the time someone else shoots them.

There are people who kill intruders for self defence. That should not be affected.

You want all the features that let everyone abuse the system ... much like you want all the freedoms of being able to toss down a couple of drinks and drive home, no problem. Like it had been for near 100 years. Then comes along a few fools who cant handle the booze and clobber a few 100 people. Then we're all prevented from drinking and driving. Gee how is that fair. I never killed anyone. Why cant I drink and drive. That's you wanting to shoot skeet or anyone else who's shooting 1000's of rounds on a daily basis. I dunno man, we all need to stop drinking and driving, same here.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/26/13 at 21:57:27

Yes I agree that something has to be done to stop people from doing these random shootings into crowds and such, But there has got to be a way to do it without taking away everyone's rights by putting an insane amount of tax on it.  You just mentioned your insight on drinking as a point, how would you like it if they put a  $100 per drink tax?  Sure that would cut down on alot of the drinking and driving except for the rich, but is it really the best solution to the problem?

Any regulation to that extreme is a good way to bring about another civil war.  Americans love their guns plain and simple. It's not just us southerners, but Americans in general.

As for your comment on me saying about the 500 to 1000 rnds not necessary,  I guess you have never tried hollow points in 1911 type action pistols.  Not all handguns are designed from the factory to reliably feed hollow point ammo, some require a little reworking of the feed ramps and ejection ports to get them to reliably feed this type of ammo. Even the lower priced colt 1911's have issues with hollow point ammo, as do most of the lower cost 1911 carbon copies that alot of people use to build a nice 1911 from.  The 1911 was designed to only shoot ball type ammo from the factory.  I have also seen alot of different type of of guns that had issues with hollow point ammo catching on the feed ramps what were not of the 1911 action type.  I made lots of money for the few years I was an FFL fixing these issues on handguns having to rework the feed ramps to get them to reliably feed those flying ashtrays.

So pulling the wool over a persons eyes saying it takes 500 to a 1000 rounds of your chosen defense ammo to prove it's reliable,  I think not.  I will not use a new to me or brand new handgun, or for that fact a new defense load in an existing handgun for defense until I at least put 500 successful continuous rounds without a failure to cycle properly after fire.

Sure it costs some money to do this, but I would rather know that my chosen defense round it gonna work with my handgun, then be surprised when I get a stovepipe or a jam because I did not thoroughly test out the ammo with the gun, because that stovepipe or jam could mean a very bad outcome for myself and my family.

Now I myself am not a hunter yet, so that would not be an issue for me, but I do have to protect my kids from coyotes, wild dogs, and other wild animals around here. I also plan on getting into competition shooting in the near future, both handgun and bench rest rifle.  Now if the economy keeps going the way it is, I will have to start hunting to keep some meat on the table, and at $100 per bullet it's just not gonna happen.  SS just does not pay that much as it is, so it's a fight to keep my teenage kids fed already, so yes I've been thinking more and more about starting to hunt some to get a little more food on the tables to lower the grocery bill a little.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/27/13 at 04:43:40

And you'd use a 1911 rifle with a hollow point no less (I guess your intruders are of a higher caliber than the rest of us) for self defence ?

If you're using it as a sport - which I think you are - you may just have to keep that to a range.

And drinking at a bar is very expensive. Penalties for DUI are darn expensive. It has to be far more $$$ @ bars IMHO, As for alcohol itself being more $$ - maybe it should be. Its one more of those that could be tax squeezed like cigarettes.

You're talking about 1 small portion of gun users. And this is not the self defence. In DUI terms, its like wanting an exception for being caught DUI with a 1908 model T.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/27/13 at 05:04:11

On DUI's, I've heard its implemented this way because that gets the best revenue. If drinks were to cost say $20 at bars, the incidence of "easily catchable" DUI will almost drop to 0. Cops nearly never catch dui's out of random chance, like you drink @ your house, then decide to make a beer run - you will almost never get caught unless you drive past the local watering hole. In a few towns around my house, these cops will be in the bar or parking lot and radio up and that's how they catch them.

Those guys are called DUI superstars. They have no interest in raising drink prices any more.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/27/13 at 05:07:53

And you'd use a 1911 rifle ...

A 1911 is a PISTOL. You really don't have any idea WTF you're talking about.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Paraquat on 03/27/13 at 06:18:04

It took about 500 rounds through my Glock to "seat" the barrel and finally get some consistent groups out of it.
I won second place in a shoot of about 20 people. I lost to a real IPSIC shooter with a $5,000 race gun though.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I sometimes have a recurring dream where my Glock won't function and I have to force the slide forwards.

I am open to suggestions but 100/per bullet is ridiculous. It's never going to pass, it's never going to work. Please stop pushing it. I'm not siding with JOG in slandering you but I'd be more receptive to an idea that could be implemented and actually work.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 03/27/13 at 13:05:41

Firearms aren't the only thing that Srinath has no clue about when he spouts off.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/27/13 at 13:18:25

37362D2A25302C440 wrote:
I dont have answers for everything. There is people spraying bullets into crowds. I want to stop that....

Our Constitution protects liberty, it does not provide for public safety, and that means preventing the government from being the people spraying bullets and us being the crowds in which the bullets are sprayed. Unfortunatley, we are human beings and life can't be perfect. If you wish to live where your fellow citizens aren't shooting each other then I would suggest moving to China, North Korea, Syria, Iran or Cuba. You should be pretty safe from your neighbors in one of those places (depending wwo your neighbors are ;D)

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/27/13 at 13:29:31

41405B5C53465A320 wrote:
...Maybe it would be too steep @ $100, maybe $50 is better, we'd have to try it and see. It should be steep enough to not allow an insane shooter to not be able to buy it....

WAIT!!! Your whole premise for this tax is that the criminally insane are too poor to pay the tax?? Holy Flurking Schnit!!! This is Joe Biden, isn't it...or you are just trying to stir up trouble. Do you even own a motorcycle?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/27/13 at 14:09:16

434C404A414C474B4C5B4E4C5B290 wrote:
Firearms aren't the only thing that Srinath has no clue about when he spouts off.

Yup. It sometimes takes me a while to figure stuff out. I'm called oldNslow for a reason :). I actually thought for a while that it was a language problem - that maybe english wasn't his first language and that what he said seemed incoherent because of that. Now I think a lot of it seems incoherent because it just is.

He's got plenty of company though. People that think a lot like he does managed to elect the present occupant of the White House, and just about everyone who holds any kind of elected office here in NY. THAT'S what really worries me

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 03/27/13 at 14:23:24

I agree.  Ohio went for Bammy too in November, even though we have a Republican governor ( John Kasich ) and the Repubs control both houses of our state legislature.  My son in law is a state representative, and on the right side.
I could write a volume about why we lost in November.  Bammy was beatable, but not by Romney and not by the nearly incompetent way we went about it.  All of the campaign cash was spent in that long primary battle, against idiots like Bachmann, Ron Paul, and others who didn't have a snowball's chance, but who drained cash that should have gone to the general election campaign.  Bammy had millions in the bank while Romney had to spend lots of time fund raising right up to election eve, rather than campaigning.
Then that stupid 47% remark....  On and on, we stepped over our own two feet at every turn.
Read the RNC autopsy of the campaign - it's very enlightening.  We've got to concentrate on what matters to voters, and it isn't gay marriage, abortion bans, Bachmann thinking gays are "cureable", and other nonsense.  In the words of political wisdom, "it's the economy, stupid, it's always the economy".
If only we could have throttled that ex-wife of Gingerich - he could have won, but as we know, Hell hath no fury like that of a scorned woman.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/13 at 15:42:20

It would seem that after 7 or so pages of me as Head arguer against idiocy, others who have been following along have joined in. I appreciate that additional logic & accurate reading & understanding of the facts. That we arent guaranteed absolute safety is something I forgot to mention. I guess its hard to remember that every basic part of ones understanding of "What is" is part of the argument, Its just so basic, to me, that safety from idiots isnt part of the American Dream. Freedom & individual responsibility , the foundations of Libertarianism, are what the American dream grew out of. As years have passed & more & more Feel Good laws, trying to create a reality that "Should Be", instead of allowing people to thrive has strangled this nation. & what do the people who want & support those idiotic laws want? MORE of the same CRAP that got us here,,
YES, the answer REALLY IS,, MORE GUNS.,.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/27/13 at 16:57:15

Jerry E. wrote
In the words of political wisdom, "it's the economy, stupid, it's always the economy".

I don't disagree with that, but I thought Romney hammered that issue pretty hard, and made a pretty convincing case, that he was the better choice to try to fix things, and he STILL lost. And lost in places like Ohio where it would have been reasonable to expect that the economic woes would have been just about the only issue folks were concerned about.

But I don't think that he lost because of tactical mistakes, poor message presentation ,poor orginization, not enough money etc. either.

There has been a fundamental shift in the way a lot of people in this country think since 9/11 with regard to questions of security vs. freedom, and how much government intrusion into their lives they are willing to accept. DHS, TSA, warrantless wiretaps,social media data mining, and routine IV amendment violations at every level of law enforcement from the feds right down to your local town dept, would have been inconceivable in the United States just 12 years ago. Not to mention the unprecedented interference with private enterprise of all kinds. Now these things are part of the status quo. I think what made the difference in the last two elections was not voters looking for a CEO, but voters looking for a Messiah.

I don't know what the Republican party can do about that. A true conservative has no chance, and a moderate like Romney will lose just enough voters from the fringes of both parties to make it impossible for a Republican to win a presidential election in the forseeable future. This just isn't the same country it was a few short years ago.

I hate to say it, but I think the next few years are really going to suck.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/13 at 18:35:26

Starting to see some honest, well thot out posts here. Sure is nice to see people who have a clue expressing themsel;ves.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/27/13 at 19:34:50

After the two Bush's wars would you really want another republican as president.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/27/13 at 19:40:34

73787D7D2726110 wrote:
After the two Bush's wars would you really want another republican as president.

After the last 6 years I would take the Superintendant of the local water district if he/she is Republican. After Carter we had Reagan to fix all Carter's mistakes. After Clinton we had a Conservative legislature to help fix what Clinton had done. After Obama, I don't know who will be able to fix all this...

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/27/13 at 19:48:56

At the end of Reagan's term we were way in debt.Look up our national debts and you will see the republicans put us way in debt and the dems pulled us out.At the end of Obama's third term we will be in good shape.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by 45acp on 03/27/13 at 22:48:57

thank god for term limits. america will barely survive his second term let alone a third. if he gets his way we wont be the U.S.A anymore. we wil just just be another country in the U.N. the guys a communist. hell bent on destroying freedom anyway he can.  he cant take the guns away, so he just uses goverment contracts to buy the ammo before its even made.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/28/13 at 08:39:13

62696C6C3637000 wrote:
At the end of Reagan's term we were way in debt.Look up our national debts and you will see the republicans put us way in debt and the dems pulled us out.At the end of Obama's third term we will be in good shape.

What I thihnk is more accurate is at the end of Regan's term Tip O'Neil spent all Reagan's surplus from the booming economy Reagan nurtured, and then some, and Democrats punish us with higher taxes to cover their excessive spending. Had Democrats not misspent taxpayer funds to buy votes then we would be in much better financial shape. If Jefferson were alive today he would say the people's manners have become corrupt, meaning, a large portion of the public has discovered that they can vote themselves other people's money.
About 47% of them.  ;D

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/13 at 08:52:03

After JFK the presidential advisers started being all from certain Think Tanks. NO matter if the pres is R or D, the same people are in DC, advising,, pulling the strings. Weve seen Bilderberg, TRilaterals & club of rome, & heck, another, name escapes me, but every one of these groups has the same long term agenda, centralized power, global control. Theye USED our military to accomplish their goals & harvested our wealth to finance it. Dont believe me? Step back from what youve been told, stop just accepting "Ohh, its this way because THEY wont allow us to do it right"( which weve heard forever from both sides)
When do we get the WORST legislation? After MUch hand wringing & posturing & the "Hard decision" must be made ( to screw Americans further) its Always a Bilateral agreement, they "Come together",, & shaft us from both sides.
See the Patriot Act
No one wanted to be responsible for that Unconstitutional load of tyrannical clap trap.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 10:30:49

Wow, JOG is very right.
The same Idiots are running things.

However democrats are not directly for the rich and hence the Oligarchs are in a defense mode, they are still raking in billions ... just from other sources than the US general populace.

The difference between R and D is where the $$$ that flows to the Oligarchs comes from, and the rate @ which it flows.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 10:51:52

1A3F303B1F32323B305E0 wrote:
[quote author=41405B5C53465A320 link=1363202252/75#87 date=1364266255]...Maybe it would be too steep @ $100, maybe $50 is better, we'd have to try it and see. It should be steep enough to not allow an insane shooter to not be able to buy it....

WAIT!!! Your whole premise for this tax is that the criminally insane are too poor to pay the tax?? Holy Flurking Schnit!!! This is Joe Biden, isn't it...or you are just trying to stir up trouble. Do you even own a motorcycle?[/quote]

Yup, I've been Joe Biden for 4-5 years have put up pics of several bikes as well as a few savages that I choppered etc etc, and have a Maxim front end on a savage that I should be working on, just to cause you a bit of trouble by posting a $100 per bullet tax.

The criminally insane are not likely to pay 30g in cash to rain bullets into random crowds. Yes that is my theory. In fact even the non criminally insane are not going to pay 30g to kill random people. That's why it has to be cash and no credit card no check nothing. Cash only. You can buy a few bullets easy, and if used as self defense no problem the cops removing the dead guy will get you new bullets.

I think it will stop the insane ... unless they happened to stock up a few million - that's why these bullets will be in bar coded sealed baggies. Older bullets would have a higher street value, cos they have a higher replacement value. So everyone with bullets will lock them up.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 10:57:03

645A5B57455958360 wrote:

And you'd use a 1911 rifle ...

A 1911 is a PISTOL. You really don't have any idea WTF you're talking about.

Why should I know the 1911 is a pistol. How is that relevant. Your gun needs 500 bullets to get working right, and you want to use it for self defense, you probably need to not buy it, and if the $100 bullet tax goes through, the manufacturer would have to sell a gun that has been broken in, so you can test it in a few bullets. Either way, you can test it @ a gun range, where bullets can be used, just not bought loose and taken home. I dont have solutions for everything, but a bullet rain, will not occour if its  $100 per paid in cash.

Much like we exempt people form carrying drinks out of a bar, we stop people from carrying box of bullets out from a range.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 10:59:06

5C53454553465F53445553360 wrote:
thank god for term limits. america will barely survive his second term let alone a third. if he gets his way we wont be the U.S.A anymore. we wil just just be another country in the U.N. the guys a communist. hell bent on destroying freedom anyway he can.  he cant take the guns away, so he just uses goverment contracts to buy the ammo before its even made.

No no no thanks to president (Horhay) Jorge W Bush, we are in United states of mexico. Obama has been deporting them in record numbers.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 11:00:48

16333C37133E3E373C520 wrote:
If Jefferson were alive today he would say the people's manners have become corrupt, meaning, a large portion of the public has discovered that they can vote themselves other people's money.
About 47% of them.  ;D

Yea yea, the 47.2% to be precise - oddly the same number that voted for RMoney.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 11:02:01

04212E25012C2C252E400 wrote:
[quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/105#106 date=1364438090]After the two Bush's wars would you really want another republican as president.

After the last 6 years I would take the Superintendant of the local water district if he/she is Republican. After Carter we had Reagan to fix all Carter's mistakes. After Clinton we had a Conservative legislature to help fix what Clinton had done. After Obama, I don't know who will be able to fix all this...[/quote]

Oh yea the only person who can fix Obama's mistakes I would think is Elizabeth Warren. About time we had someone smart in the WH.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/13 at 11:15:40

Sri, did your bike need to be broken in? ALL new equipment has to be broken in,, your ignorance about guns really doesnt bolster your opinions.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/28/13 at 11:37:02

7372696E617468000 wrote:
[quote author=645A5B57455958360 link=1363202252/90#96 date=1364386073]

Why should I know the 1911 is a pistol. How is that relevant. Your gun needs 500 bullets to get working right, and you want to use it for self defense, you probably need to not buy it, and if the $100 bullet tax goes through, the manufacturer would have to sell a gun that has been broken in, so you can test it in a few bullets. Either way, you can test it @ a gun range, where bullets can be used, just not bought loose and taken home. I dont have solutions for everything, but a bullet rain, will not occour if its  $100 per paid in cash.

Much like we exempt people form carrying drinks out of a bar, we stop people from carrying box of bullets out from a range.


The only thing that a steep bullet tax would stop is the honest legal citizens from buying them.  Those with the criminal intent would just steal them and bypass paying for them period. It's going on right now and will continue into the future.  All the gun laws in the world won't stop those with true criminal intent.  They will get what they want how ever they need to. It's been proven several times over.

As for manufactures seating a gun in for defense rounds I dought that will ever happen because there are so many different manufacturers of defense rounds that have different profiles that make to many variables that it would be impossible to make the handgun reliable for all defense rounds.  All handguns are just designed to reliably feed ball type ammo.  Some from the factory will reliably feed certain hollow point rounds without any additional work, but most require a little work to reliably feed hollow point rounds because the feed ramp on most handguns are of a 2 piece design.  Part of the feed ramp is on the frame of the pistol and the rest of the feed ramp is on the barrel of the pistol.  Depending on the profile of the tip of the round decides what the fit of the 2 part ramp needs to be for reliable feeding of the chosen round. If this isn't done properly the hollow point round will catch on that junction and you have a jam.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 11:40:39

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
Sri, did your bike need to be broken in? ALL new equipment has to be broken in,, your ignorance about guns really doesnt bolster your opinions.

Brilliant JOG ... however, my car did not need to be broken in.

Whatever that may need, has to come out of the factory, in fact you remember all the issues you had with the first few 1000 miles on your bike. The bloody cyl head plug cap leaking for example. They should have eliminated that 100% if they were forced to run these buggers for say 20- 30 hours on the bench before slapping a sticker on it and tossing it out. You had a bike that used so much oil you thought you'd go broke form pouring in oil in the sucker ... only to have the factory warranty jerk tell you unless it uses more than 1 qt in 500 miles its not warranteeable - Intruder 1400/1500 and vulcan 1500/1600's were famous for that - guess what, we could have eliminated that by setting a limit on what it can use, and they bench run it and see if it does. I've owned 42 bikes in my life, and would have loved that on atleast a few models.

The whole 500-1000 bullet break in period if there is a $100 bullet tax would make owning a gun cost you $100,000 in the first week. Making it untenable for the manufacturer, and promptly you'd be able to buy a perfectly machined and broken in gun right off the shelf.

We can argue all these hypotheticals, I will be happy to explain any of these - but I cant solve every problem including the biggest one - "Well, we dont want to do this".

You remember those days when a policeman saw you weaving crazy all over the road would stop you, ask you if you were drunk, and if so, they'd give you a ride home. Has happened to a few old timers I know of. What changed to now ? Some people plowed into pedestrians, other cars and other objects. They ruined it for all of us so to speak. Misuse of something brings more responsibility on everyone.

You may say Your gun is defective cos its not killed any one, but I'd say so is your alcohol, and your car. BTW the biggest reason why there is still Drunk driving at present rates is cos drunk drivers are almost 99 - 1 likely to be caught and pay hefty fines to the local govt than they are to harm any one other than themselves. Cops want you to drive drunk, they just want you to do it where they can easily catch and hit you with a hefty fine. We dont make $$ off mass murders for local govt.

A $100 bullet tax will not only make random killings nearly non existent, it will also cut way down on gang killings, drive by's, as well as someone getting shot mugging you for $20. They will need to make sure you have more than a few 100 before loading up a gun. It may make a difference in self defense ... how much is the question. That stat would affect the price - maybe $100 should be $50. I dunno. Someone who spends 1000's on a gun I doubt would be worried about a few 100 more in bullets, cos its a matter of life and death. Still, I'd like to look at it after we have such a law and we can adjust it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 11:44:44

10041550525251620 wrote:
The only thing that a steep bullet tax would stop is the honest legal citizens from buying them.  Those with the criminal intent would just steal them and bypass paying for them period. It's going on right now and will continue into the future.  All the gun laws in the world won't stop those with true criminal intent.  They will get what they want how ever they need to. It's been proven several times over.


Really ? and you know this how ?

I think it will cut way down on people killing off beer cans in their backyard. I dont see why a few 100 when you're in fear would make a difference when a gun costs a few 1000. That's like saying I'll buy this bike and ride it, but I cant pay for the registration, the helmet and the gas and oil to go in it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/28/13 at 12:03:37

53475613111112210 wrote:
Part of the feed ramp is on the frame of the pistol and the rest of the feed ramp is on the barrel of the pistol.  Depending on the profile of the tip of the round decides what the fit of the 2 part ramp needs to be for reliable feeding of the chosen round. If this isn't done properly the hollow point round will catch on that junction and you have a jam.


Yup, true, and you need a hollow point to kill intruder with a bullet proof vest on. Now let me ask you, when he comes dressed for a gun fight, you think he's going to come unarmed ? better yet, you still think he's an intruder ? He has 1 thing in mind - murder. Now if you're prepared enough to know you need hollow points for that, you should also be prepared enough to have a gun that is reliable with hollow point ammo - and if you had to get that relibility @ a gun range you may have to. Sorry anyone who is prepared for battle needs to buy the required tools for said battle. It may be 1000 rounds @ the range. Yea costs more than the backyard, but so does pissing off the wrong people I'd guess.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/13 at 13:23:39

Im done,, thank GOD this mentality hasnt yet permeated the masses..

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/28/13 at 14:13:15

I have also said all I am going to.  

Some people just can't see the light of day even with their eyes wide open.

I to am glad his mentality hasn't made it to the masses.......


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/28/13 at 14:19:03

Srinath wasn't born or raised in this country,but he has more common sense than most people here.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/28/13 at 14:57:10

03080D0D5756610 wrote:
Srinath wasn't born or raised in this country,but he has more common sense than most people here.

And that is why I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, I am looking forward to seeing it.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/28/13 at 15:31:55

5C57525208093E0 wrote:
Srinath wasn't born or raised in this country,but he has more common sense than most people here.

I suppose. At least as long as you think that a $100 per bullet tax is a "common sense" solution to the violence commited by lunatics.

Making me pay an extra $5,000 dollars every time I go to the the club to shoot a couple of rounds of skeet will most assuredly make everyone safer  >:( But, you know, "if it saves one life... etc."

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/28/13 at 15:37:13

The more guns thats out there it will be easier and cheaper for the lunatics to get them.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 03/28/13 at 15:40:31

Sri's a nut, certainly not imbued with common sense.
Bill is a decent guy, even if he is a Dem who supports Obama.

Recently, someone posted some stats about gun deaths that tell a truer story.  Most are either gang related, drug trade related, or other criminal upon criminal shootings.  To me, the more of those, the better.  Better to let them rid society of their own kind rather than having to spend public tax dollars locking them up, providing public defenders to represent them, and prosecutors' time handling their cases.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/28/13 at 15:54:26

474C49491312250 wrote:
The more guns thats out there it will be easier and cheaper for the lunatics to get them.

Have you seen gun and ammo prices recently?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/28/13 at 16:18:37

73787D7D2726110 wrote:
The more guns thats out there it will be easier and cheaper for the lunatics to get them.

Well, I don't think that it's possible to put that particular genie back in the bottle. The guns that are out there are out there. And there are millions more being made every year. And that's fine. Because most of the people that have, or want to have them, use them responsibly and for legitimate,legal purposes.

I think the writer William Burroughs said it best "How come whenever there's a shooting spree, they want to take the guns away from the people who DIDN'T do it.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/13 at 16:27:05

515A5F5F0504330 wrote:
The more guns thats out there it will be easier and cheaper for the lunatics to get them.

How often do those "Lunatics" walk into a police station to open fire? Once,, thats all Ive heard of, & Im sure that guy wanted to die.,

WHY, Ohh Bill of great whizdum, do these "lunatics" go shoot up schools? You know, the places with the "There are no guns here" signs?

Theyre wanting to kill, but they arent crazy so badly that theyll start shooting in public, where there are possibly 10% carrying concealed. That you support Sri as having common sense does both of you right. It exposes 2 of the least reasonable people Ive had the displeasure to contend with. You both completely fail to grasp the points that lead to the only conclusion. More people carrying = a lower %age of Lunatics carrying. & the more guns "out there" THE MORE LIKELY SOMEONE WILL BE ABLE TO kill THAT IDIOT BEFORE HE TAKES A 2ND SHOT.
BUT, dont let the obvious get between you & your parroting of the lefty morons.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 05:46:00

Lunatics dont walk into a police station cos they have metal detectors @ the door, and take your gun. So you will be unarmed and the only one who is unarmed in there when you start shooting ...

And the fact that you're parroting this over and over again just shows you have no valid points.

The genie will get back in the bottle when people lock every piece of ammo they have cos its so $$$$ to replace it.

Recently, someone posted some stats about gun deaths that tell a truer story.  Most are either gang related, drug trade related, or other criminal upon criminal shootings.  To me, the more of those, the better.  Better to let them rid society of their own kind rather than having to spend public tax dollars locking them up, providing public defenders to represent them, and prosecutors' time handling their cases.

This is not really true. Its largely true ... this is what it is a bit more accurate -

If you are white and die by gun, you are 5 to 1 likely to be rural, and die by suicide with the family gun.
If you are non white and die by gun you are 5-1 likely to be urban and die by homicide.

And not all gang crimes are of people who deserved to die. I know of atleast 1 person who has been shot at and hit, and nearly died before his 14th birthday. Today he is 19 very much alive and a very good kid. And better yet, he didn't need any big piece of work by anyone to be that way. I think a lot of redeemable people are shot cos the gang related crimes are usually good at taking out the low level operatives while not touching the high up in the organisation.

I dont need no benefit of doubt Dane. I also come from a country that has a huge amount of guns, and I think India rates second in per capita gun ownership. Even more impressive is the fact that the average number of guns owned by a gun owner in india is something like 1.2 (as in - 1 person owning 20 brings up the average ... but if 10 people out of 20 own guns that number would be .5) - so more people own 1 gun, and very few own more than 1 in India.

Anyone who says we need more guns to stop gun violence is basically in the gun selling business.

I'll use DUI as an example. A small percentage of offenders ruined the experience for all of us. Same with gun ownership.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/29/13 at 06:43:37

sirinath wrote:
"I think India rate second in per capita gun ownership..."

Total BS. easy to verify. India is 110 on this particular list and it's not the only list.

"Anyone who says we need more guns to stop gun violence is basically in the gun selling buisness..."

I don't think anybody on here said that. I know I didn't. I have always argued that taking guns away fron NON CRIMINALS is not the answer.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/13 at 07:29:54

Ive said More guns = less gun violence. Its documented. Im not in the gun sales business, criminals are. Intelligent people who understand THEY are responsible for their own well being look at the potential to become a victim of crime & respond.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/29/13 at 08:14:48

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
Ive said More guns = less gun violence. Its documented. Im not in the gun sales business, criminals are. Intelligent people who understand THEY are responsible for their own well being look at the potential to become a victim of crime & respond.

I stand corrected. I shouldn't put words in other peoples mouths I guess. And I think you are correct. I'ts true that in places with easy to obtain concealed carry permits for the law abiding, gun crime goes down.

Keeping guns out of the hands of people who should not have them is the real problem. Laws that infringe the rights of folks who actually obey the law don't help much. The criminal types just ignore them.

While I think there are proponents of gun control that are sincerely looking for a solution, I think they are in the minority. I fear that the most vocal advocates of gun control schemes are motivated by their own fear and diskike of guns and gun owners. They don't like guns,don't want guns themselves, therefore they think nobody should have them.

And it doesn't stop with guns. It's part of the whole nanny-state attitude that is so prevelant today. Don't like this or that. No problem.
Just pass a law so nobody can have, or do, whatever that thing happens to be. The mayor of NYC is a good example. He's a rabid anti-gun rights guy, but he also thinks he should be able to tell people what kind of food they can eat and how big a cup of soda pop they can have. And he has ordered his police force to stop and search anyone they darn well please anywhere in NYC with no probable cause. I know it's kind of a tired old cliche, but gun control is not really about guns at all. It's about CONTROL.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/29/13 at 08:28:13

6957565A4854553B0 wrote:
[quote author=76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 link=1363202252/135#135 date=1364567394]Ive said More guns = less gun violence. Its documented. Im not in the gun sales business, criminals are. Intelligent people who understand THEY are responsible for their own well being look at the potential to become a victim of crime & respond.

I stand corrected. I shouldn't put words in other peoples mouths I guess. And I think you are correct. I'ts true that in places with easy to obtain concealed carry permits for the law abiding, gun crime goes down.

Keeping guns out of the hands of people who should not have them is the real problem. Laws that infringe the rights of folks who actually obey the law don't help much. The criminal types just ignore them.

While I think there are proponents of gun control that are sincerely looking for a solution, I think they are in the minority. I fear that the most vocal advocates of gun control schemes are motivated by their own fear and diskike of guns and gun owners. They don't like guns,don't want guns themselves, therefore they think nobody should have them.

And it doesn't stop with guns. It's part of the whole nanny-state attitude that is so prevelant today. Don't like this or that. No problem.
Just pass a law so nobody can have, or do, whatever that thing happens to be. The mayor of NYC is a good example. He's a rabid anti-gun rights guy, but he also thinks he should be able to tell people what kind of food they can eat and how big a cup of soda pop they can have. And he has ordered his police force to stop and search anyone they darn well please anywhere in NYC with no probable cause. I know it's kind of a tired old cliche, but gun control is not really about guns at all. It's about CONTROL.

Well said OldnSlow

You hit the nail square on the head.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/29/13 at 09:04:34

0C29262D0924242D26480 wrote:
[quote author=474C49491312250 link=1363202252/120#128 date=1364510233]The more guns thats out there it will be easier and cheaper for the lunatics to get them.

Have you seen gun and ammo prices recently?[/quote]
Yes I have seen the gun and ammo prices,Fads come and go A year from now they will be dirt cheap.Over the next year killings with get worse and more worse as the guns are cheap the teen age kids with all have them.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/29/13 at 09:06:06

Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/29/13 at 09:11:13

73787D7D2726110 wrote:
Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/29/13 at 09:15:15

4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 wrote:
[quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 03/29/13 at 09:23:55

Yeah, England has developed a really weird concept of lawful behavior in the past 20 years or so. Catch a burglar in your home. Bop him upside the head with a cricket bat to keep him from stealing your stuff and YOU go to jail for assault. No right of self defense - thats the police's job - you just cower in the corner till they get there, and hope that the guy just wants your TV, not your wife, or your life.

Lot of folks in the USA think we should be riding down that same road.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/29/13 at 12:51:49

343F3A3A6061560 wrote:
[quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/29/13 at 14:55:56

Well I guess all kids in school should have semi automatic weapons and we will live happily ever after. ::)

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/13 at 15:31:29

23282D2D7776410 wrote:
Well I guess all kids in school should have semi automatic weapons and we will live happily ever after. ::)

& you wonder why [people treat you like an idiot,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 19:00:13

Gun control imposed at the city level is almost worthless.
Nearly all the gun crime committed in NYC is with guns purchased legally in SC or GA. In effect they call I 95 the "iron pipe" ...
These are the points I'd make in the gun control.
1. There is no gun control that shouldn't be imposed national level. City and state level wont work.
2. If we have some serious legislation we may have to get canada and Mexico to go along (but since mexico is busy pumping drugs into the US as fast as they can we may have to settle for an even swap guns for drugs)
3. Getting guns out of criminal and would be criminal hands as well as out of the hands of nut cases would be the worlds largest government program.

These may be the realities of having the right to own firearms.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/13 at 20:16:51

74515E55715C5C555E300 wrote:
[quote author=343F3A3A6061560 link=1363202252/135#141 date=1364573715][quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.[/quote]

Correct,, simple, straight forward, obvious answer.. somehow it escapes those who believe the goobs should fix everything,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 20:31:30

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
[quote author=23282D2D7776410 link=1363202252/135#144 date=1364594156]Well I guess all kids in school should have semi automatic weapons and we will live happily ever after. ::)

& you wonder why [people treat you like an idiot,[/quote]

Not everyone treats you like an idiot Bill67. Just those without any real points to stand on except "we dont wanna do it" ...

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 20:53:13

625C5D51435F5E300 wrote:
sirinath wrote:
"I think India rate second in per capita gun ownership..."

Total BS. easy to verify. India is 110 on this particular list and it's not the only list.

"Anyone who says we need more guns to stop gun violence is basically in the gun selling buisness..."

I don't think anybody on here said that. I know I didn't. I have always argued that taking guns away fron NON CRIMINALS is not the answer.

OK this is not true, cos most guns in india are unknown to any accounting authority and heck till maybe 10 years ago we didn;t even have a SSN system nor a Drivers license system ... for example, I do not have a Indian SSN, my wife does cos there had to be transaction in her name ... anyway here is the article by a source local to India - who reports from the street and not from the govt.

India is Home to Largest Number of Illegal Guns and Resultant Violence
Madan Singh
The Indians love guns. During the days of the Raj, the British had restricted the issue of gun licenses to ordinary Indians as they feared another mutiny on the lines of 1857. But even at that time many Indians owned guns illegally and used them with impunity like the dacoits of the Chambal. Preently India has the largest number of illegal hand guns in the world

Here is the kicker - the reporter is most likely under reporting ... not by a little too, cos they are also afraid of search and seizure, and there cops are essentially thugs with a badge. I've seen a rifle in most houses when I was growing up. As common as cricket bats ... but a lot less fun when used as one ... and I can still see the look on my dad's face when we did. Man it could make a tennis ball fly. Yea when we didn't have a bat we used rifle butts as bats


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 21:09:51

03262922062B2B2229470 wrote:
[quote author=343F3A3A6061560 link=1363202252/135#141 date=1364573715][quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.[/quote]

Yea, that's right, sure worked well for the sandy hook nutcases mom didn't it.

Of course the 27 others that followed, well they should have just shot the shooter before he started shooting them.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/29/13 at 21:15:29

2322393E312438500 wrote:
[quote author=03262922062B2B2229470 link=1363202252/135#143 date=1364586709][quote author=343F3A3A6061560 link=1363202252/135#141 date=1364573715][quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.[/quote]

Yea, that's right, sure worked well for the sandy hook nutcases mom didn't it.

Of course the 27 others that followed, well they should have just shot the shooter before he started shooting them.


Armed guards or armed faculty at the school would have lowered the body count by a big amount.  Once all schools across the nation have this in place school shootings will be a thing of the past, since the crazies will see that the schools are no longer an easy target for massive soft targets with no resistance and no fear of being in a return fire situation.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/29/13 at 21:18:38

33273673717172410 wrote:
[quote author=2322393E312438500 link=1363202252/150#150 date=1364616591][quote author=03262922062B2B2229470 link=1363202252/135#143 date=1364586709][quote author=343F3A3A6061560 link=1363202252/135#141 date=1364573715][quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.[/quote]

Yea, that's right, sure worked well for the sandy hook nutcases mom didn't it.

Of course the 27 others that followed, well they should have just shot the shooter before he started shooting them.


Armed guards or armed faculty at the school would have lowered the body count by a big amount.  Once all schools across the nation have this in place school shootings will be a thing of the past, since the crazies will see that the schools are no longer an easy target for massive soft targets with no resistance and no fear of being in a return fire situation.


Excellent, and you plan to pay for those armed guards how ? When you cant even stop screaming about "government spending".


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/29/13 at 21:22:31

Here in TX the schools are paying for it out of their own budget.  The smaller schools are arming the faculty because it's cheaper then hiring guards or paying the PD to act as guards. The bigger schools are bringing in the PD or private guards out of their own budget.  We may end up paying more in land taxes next year and the following years, but that's a small price to pay, to protect our children.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/29/13 at 22:15:55

All the middle and high schools in NC have a SRO (School Resource Officer) It wouldn't cost that much more to put one at the elementary schools. They could use the National Guard or some form of military personel and it wouldn't cost anything because these guys get a gov. paycheck anyway. There should be no gun free zones in the US except for a few buildings in Wasington and courthouses. I really think every politician should be issued a firearm and let him protect him or herself. No more Secret Service. A life is a life.That might change their mind. I'd love to see Bloomberg walk the streets of NY city at night with no protection. Anyone in Chicago who doesn't have a gun should be issued one. See what happens to the crime rate then. I think computer voting machines should be set up at public libraries  where every 6 mos you could fire a politician if over 50% weren't satisfied with their performance. We're scared of the government and its supposed to be the other way around. The computers could be set up for the people to declare war, the president and congress have proven they're not worthy of the power. The people should vote on the tax rates, most of us don't mind paying our fair share. The rich 5% will get outvoted. We need to take our country back, return it to the people who built it and made it what it use to be.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/29/13 at 22:22:39

684C414B4C424D51574C414057250 wrote:
All the middle and high schools in NC have a SRO (School Resource Officer) It wouldn't cost that much more to put one at the elementary schools. They could use the National Guard or some form of military personel and it wouldn't cost anything because these guys get a gov. paycheck anyway. There should be no gun free zones in the US except for a few buildings in Wasington and courthouses. I really think every politician should be issued a firearm and let him protect him or herself. No more Secret Service. A life is a life.That might change their mind. I'd love to see Bloomberg walk the streets of NY city at night with no protection. Anyone in Chicago who doesn't have a gun should be issued one. See what happens to the crime rate then. I think computer voting machines should be set up at public libraries  where every 6 mos you could fire a politician if over 50% weren't satisfied with their performance. We're scared of the government and its supposed to be the other way around. The computers could be set up for the people to declare war, the president and congress have proven they're not worthy of the power. The people should vote on the tax rates, most of us don't mind paying our fair share. The rich 5% will get outvoted. We need to take our country back, return it to the people who built it and made it what it use to be.

I really like that idea.  Put our tax dollars to a good cause instead of protecting the corrupt politicians and government employees with the secret service and national guard or military forces put them in places that protect the people instead.  It wouldn't cost us anymore and those corrupt idiots might just change their minds and figure out what it actually needed instead of what they want for themselves.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/30/13 at 07:24:16

21352461636360530 wrote:
[quote author=684C414B4C424D51574C414057250 link=1363202252/150#154 date=1364620555]All the middle and high schools in NC have a SRO (School Resource Officer) It wouldn't cost that much more to put one at the elementary schools. They could use the National Guard or some form of military personel and it wouldn't cost anything because these guys get a gov. paycheck anyway. There should be no gun free zones in the US except for a few buildings in Wasington and courthouses. I really think every politician should be issued a firearm and let him protect him or herself. No more Secret Service. A life is a life.That might change their mind. I'd love to see Bloomberg walk the streets of NY city at night with no protection. Anyone in Chicago who doesn't have a gun should be issued one. See what happens to the crime rate then. I think computer voting machines should be set up at public libraries  where every 6 mos you could fire a politician if over 50% weren't satisfied with their performance. We're scared of the government and its supposed to be the other way around. The computers could be set up for the people to declare war, the president and congress have proven they're not worthy of the power. The people should vote on the tax rates, most of us don't mind paying our fair share. The rich 5% will get outvoted. We need to take our country back, return it to the people who built it and made it what it use to be.

I really like that idea.  Put our tax dollars to a good cause instead of protecting the corrupt politicians and government employees with the secret service and national guard or military forces put them in places that protect the people instead.  It wouldn't cost us anymore and those corrupt idiots might just change their minds and figure out what it actually needed instead of what they want for themselves.


Oh yea, the fallacy of "smarter government" as peddled by RMoney ... and yea we need to rearrange everything to make your idea work ... if we could make govt smarter we would have, if we could make anything better, we would have. We can divert $$$ from corruption to do everything - except we cant.

BTW your TX may be different ... I have lived in Houston in the Cy-Fair district, and with each teacher managing 20-30 kids when an emergency starts, these teachers will have their hands full herding these cats ... I mean kids to safety I dont think any of them will be able to coherently "return fire". Same with NC where I live now.

The resource officer - 1 per school wont be enough, a big school would need 8-10, small school maybe 4-5. Is the resource officer there to deal with the kids bringing knives/guns to school though ? Or an external shooter ?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/13 at 07:41:49

4D59480D0F0F0C3F0 wrote:
[quote author=2322393E312438500 link=1363202252/150#150 date=1364616591][quote author=03262922062B2B2229470 link=1363202252/135#143 date=1364586709][quote author=343F3A3A6061560 link=1363202252/135#141 date=1364573715][quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1363202252/135#140 date=1364573473][quote author=73787D7D2726110 link=1363202252/135#139 date=1364573166]Take the gun control out of Chicago and see how many less people are killed.

I would be a lot less, just like what happens everywhere else. Interesting how places with the most restrictions have the most violence. Take England, 35 or so shootings a year but the rape and robbery rates are sky high, dwarfing those same stats here is the states. I will look for those studies I read and try to post them for all to see.[/quote]
Had you rather a friend of yours be raped and robbed or killed.And I don't think they will be robbing 5 and 6 year old kids.[/quote]

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.[/quote]

Yea, that's right, sure worked well for the sandy hook nutcases mom didn't it.

Of course the 27 others that followed, well they should have just shot the shooter before he started shooting them.


Armed guards or armed faculty at the school would have lowered the body count by a big amount.  Once all schools across the nation have this in place school shootings will be a thing of the past, since the crazies will see that the schools are no longer an easy target for massive soft targets with no resistance and no fear of being in a return fire situation.


Correct,, again, so easy, so obvious,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/30/13 at 07:51:52

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
Correct,, again, so easy, so obvious,

No hell no, not even close to correct, its obvious, but definitely not likely to work at all ... and why does it surprise me you will parrot anything from your side.

There is no certanity here ... you will be dealing with probabilities. So any absolute is wrong. If we did this or that it will change the probabilty from 2% to 1% ... that would be the best way to describe the situation and the effect of what you did.

Not to mention this will do nothing for the first armed person killed - his mom which was the whole point of this off shoot of this thread.

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.

OK so you'd have an armed guard @ every nutcases house ?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/30/13 at 09:06:22

696873747B6E721A0 wrote:
[quote author=425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 link=1363202252/150#157 date=1364654509]

Correct,, again, so easy, so obvious,

No hell no, not even close to correct, its obvious, but definitely not likely to work at all ... and why does it surprise me you will parrot anything from your side.

There is no certanity here ... you will be dealing with probabilities. So any absolute is wrong. If we did this or that it will change the probabilty from 2% to 1% ... that would be the best way to describe the situation and the effect of what you did.

Not to mention this will do nothing for the first armed person killed - his mom which was the whole point of this off shoot of this thread.

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.

OK so you'd have an armed guard @ every nutcases house ?


I won't rebut the obvious flaws here, Srinath, your reply made me think of a quote reposted again today from the owner of a blog I frequent.

"You can't reason a person out of a position that they weren't reasoned into in the first place." Ace - Ace of Spades HQ

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/30/13 at 20:02:20

"The resource officer - 1 per school wont be enough, a big school would need 8-10, small school maybe 4-5. Is the resource officer there to deal with the kids bringing knives/guns to school though ? Or an external shooter ?"   After Columbine School Resource Officers were trained for weeks, maybe months to keep that from happening again. I know, I'm married to one. Bring our troops home and put an armed soldier at every elementary school and it will not cost the taxpayers a dime. The military personnel are going to get a paycheck whether they do anything or not. Lanza was a terrorist and its the militarys job to protect us from terrorist, foreign and domestic.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/30/13 at 22:17:35

As long as the unions and liberals control the schools then nothing will get better. Schools and similar institutions need to be less of an attractive target and that means more armed personnel.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/30/13 at 23:46:59

As long as there's no protection for the elementary students they will be sitting ducks. NOTHING Obama has introduced will make them safer.Obama is more interested in who has what than protecting anyone . I think using these kids and parents for personal gain is unforgivable.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 04:48:56

54717E75517C7C757E100 wrote:
[quote author=696873747B6E721A0 link=1363202252/150#158 date=1364655112][quote author=425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 link=1363202252/150#157 date=1364654509]

Correct,, again, so easy, so obvious,

No hell no, not even close to correct, its obvious, but definitely not likely to work at all ... and why does it surprise me you will parrot anything from your side.

There is no certanity here ... you will be dealing with probabilities. So any absolute is wrong. If we did this or that it will change the probabilty from 2% to 1% ... that would be the best way to describe the situation and the effect of what you did.

Not to mention this will do nothing for the first armed person killed - his mom which was the whole point of this off shoot of this thread.

Good News!!! With a firearm to defend myself I am able to choose none of the above. It's a false argument to say the choice is between rape and death, I choose the third option of removing the villian from the equation.

OK so you'd have an armed guard @ every nutcases house ?


I won't rebut the obvious flaws here, Srinath, your reply made me think of a quote reposted again today from the owner of a blog I frequent.

"You can't reason a person out of a position that they weren't reasoned into in the first place." Ace - Ace of Spades HQ[/quote]

Yea quoting random people = you dont have a leg to stand on.

But oddly you came to the same conclusion about schools -
Schools and similar institutions need to be less of an attractive target and that means more armed personnel.

Midnight -
The military personnel are going to get a paycheck whether they do anything or not. Lanza was a terrorist and its the militarys job to protect us from terrorist, foreign and domestic.

I agree, but when there is no war, military is smaller. This will end up costing us plenty, just that we expect it to be lower in the near future, but it wont if we "deployed the military to our schools".


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 06:34:55

6A7E6F2A28282B180 wrote:
Here in TX the schools are paying for it out of their own budget.

See this makes you wonder how much more surplus they have ... and since taxes pay for schools, makes you wonder if they aren't collecting too much $$$ in taxes.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/31/13 at 08:59:46

54707D77707E716D6B707D7C6B190 wrote:
As long as there's no protection for the elementary students they will be sitting ducks. NOTHING Obama has introduced will make them safer.Obama is more interested in who has what than protecting anyone . I think using these kids and parents for personal gain is unforgivable.

That is a great point!! The exploitation of victims for personal and political gain is disgusting and unforgivable!! This from a President that has done nothing for America as a whole, one vacation a month average, what a joke, a very sad joke.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/31/13 at 11:33:38

So far Obama has taken 1/3 the vacation time that GWB took in the same length of time,So Obama needs a lot more vacation time.And GWB did a lot of great things,Lowered the tax for the rich,2 wars.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 03/31/13 at 14:02:23

The schools get a grant from the Fed Gov for SRO officers.We don't need thousands and thosands of troops in Japan and Germany and a lot of other countries. Let our troops fight the crazies here and guard our most precious commodity.. 71% of Americans interviewed said cut foreign aid.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 15:51:36

Just cos a lot of people think it should be done doesn't automatically make it right ... it may be right, but just opinion doesn't make it so.
Foreign aid is almost the best bang for the buck to raise our standing in the world. You see how many republicons parroted the RMoney's charity giving ... something like that, even an oily bastaerd like RMoney got people to like him with that ...

I'd say we are getting bang for the buck ... is it the best spent ? maybe not, we cant cut it off @ the knees though. People like me in India in the 80's wanted to come to america and not blow up america partially due to foreign aid. Something to think about.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 03/31/13 at 16:00:02

77766D6A65706C040 wrote:
Just cos a lot of people think it should be done doesn't automatically make it right ... it may be right, but just opinion doesn't make it so.
Foreign aid is almost the best bang for the buck to raise our standing in the world. You see how many republicons parroted the RMoney's charity giving ... something like that, even an oily bastaerd like RMoney got people to like him with that ...

I'd say we are getting bang for the buck ... is it the best spent ? maybe not, we cant cut it off @ the knees though. People like me in India in the 80's wanted to come to america and not blow up america partially due to foreign aid. Something to think about.


The thing is, is our government is spending more money on foreign aid then they are to help those that need it here in our own country. Our government needs to think more about our own people then the rest of the world.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 17:05:56

697D6C292B2B281B0 wrote:
[quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1363202252/165#168 date=1364770296]Just cos a lot of people think it should be done doesn't automatically make it right ... it may be right, but just opinion doesn't make it so.
Foreign aid is almost the best bang for the buck to raise our standing in the world. You see how many republicons parroted the RMoney's charity giving ... something like that, even an oily bastaerd like RMoney got people to like him with that ...

I'd say we are getting bang for the buck ... is it the best spent ? maybe not, we cant cut it off @ the knees though. People like me in India in the 80's wanted to come to america and not blow up america partially due to foreign aid. Something to think about.


The thing is, is our government is spending more money on foreign aid then they are to help those that need it here in our own country. Our government needs to think more about our own people then the rest of the world.


That may be the case, but you still cant say - yea cut that and give me this, cos I am not willing to do anything different in my life and want to have guns guns guns ...

Just cos it needs to be cut, doesn't mean it should get cut and given to you. Same with corruption, same with anything else. Cut Obama care and gimme the $$$ ... sorry no, aint gonna happen.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 03/31/13 at 18:46:06

The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 18:51:56

2E2520207A7B4C0 wrote:
The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Shhh we're still bickering about who will pay for them. This argument is so hollow from 30 different angles, but we need to bicker, else the republicons wont have anything else to do.

Its finally turned warm, but rained 1/2 day yesterday and all of today.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/31/13 at 19:49:35

414A4F4F1514230 wrote:
The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Hey, you've spent some time in California!! Don't forget the guy with the garden hose they shot because they felt "threatened'. Or the couple of 'dark colored trucks" they filled with bullet holes because Dorner was driving a "dark colored truck" Big Bear.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 03/31/13 at 20:02:16

202B2E2E7475420 wrote:
So far Obama has taken 1/3 the vacation time that GWB took in the same length of time,So Obama needs a lot more vacation time.And GWB did a lot of great things,Lowered the tax for the rich,2 wars.

Did Bush spend a million to golf with Tiger Woods? Yep, lowered taxes for the rich who were, in turn, able to provide the best job market in generations. If it keeps me employed at a great job then I say YAY Tax Cuts for the Rich!!!!

You guys keep bringing up the many democraps voted for these wars??? 100%? 99%? 98%? Democrats were as blood thirsty as anyone, then Code Pink came along and war was bad, then Obama got elected and war was good again. Now it's war is great under Obama and Evil Buh started it and it was bad then. I love the elastic moral standards of liberals.

Poor Cindy Sheehan - tossed aside like a used condom  ;D

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 21:16:25

We were for the war, as a people my friend - till we found out they were all lies. Afghanisthan - yes, Iraq, hell no.

And Bush's job market was the best in generations ? Man I think there is some sorta Republicon job they give to republicons and a Obamacare tax that they seem to have hit just republicons with. Bush's job market was based on inflating the housing bubble and feeding illegals to that freight train ...

And on cops - you seem to be shooting @ your own side there - rfw wants cops in schools that will be "paid for out of their own budget". Bill contended they were useless. You countered with "they are less than useless, they are downright dangerous". So you may have to take that up with rfw.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 03/31/13 at 21:44:05

5F7A757E5A77777E751B0 wrote:
You guys keep bringing up the many democraps voted for these wars??? 100%? 99%? 98%? Democrats were as blood thirsty as anyone, then Code Pink came along and war was bad, then Obama got elected and war was good again. Now it's war is great under Obama and Evil Buh started it and it was bad then. I love the elastic moral standards of liberals.

Poor Cindy Sheehan - tossed aside like a used condom  ;D

Your imagination is running away with it ... or you thoroughly lack any common sense. So let me put it in plain english - atleast as I see it.

No one says "war is good again" war is like $$$ it doesn't have a conscience. The reasons and underlying evidence for it is what makes it justified or not. When you enter into a war with false pretenses and claim that "we will be welcomed as liberators" and claim WMD are in Iraq, and what not, 1000's of pages of lies - then we are against it - obviously after we know it was lies.
No one says afghanisthan was a bad war to get into. No one is against it even now, we just got into it without an exit strategy which is Bush's fault in that war, but now with Bin Laden dead the exit is being planned.

We are just saying we need to prudently end it with the right draw down so we dont paint ourselves into a corner. As in dont withdraw the platoons close to the Kuwait border and lose the supply routes to the insurgency and there by strategically screw the ones in the middle of the country. No one says the Iraq war is good now. No one says the afghanisthan war was bad even when bush was running things. However the proper way to unwind both is what is under debate.

I dunno where you get these random points you assign "liberals" to. It however does have a name ... its a strawman argument. Look it up. I've debated people like you going back 30 years in 2 languages. You dont have a prayer if you fall back onto your strawman every chance you get.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/01/13 at 11:38:02

"According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) - Congressional Record, October 9, 2002

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 04/01/13 at 12:37:56

4B584F4E515C5A58530C3D0 wrote:
"According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) - Congressional Record, October 9, 2002

Nice one !!!

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/01/13 at 20:27:28

0C29262D0924242D26480 wrote:
[quote author=4B584F4E515C5A58530C3D0 link=1363202252/165#177 date=1364841482]"According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) - Congressional Record, October 9, 2002

Nice one !!![/quote]

Oh god this tripe again ... dude everyone wants nuclear weapons. I want nuclear weapons. This means nothing. I am just about as likely to get it as Iraq was. We were told he had nuclear weapons ...

This has been beaten to death before, in that yellow cake threads - last week.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 04/01/13 at 21:57:40

6B6065653F3E090 wrote:
The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Bill we've had stupid cops at schools for 15 years or longer. Just don't have them at elementary schools. My wife is one of the stupid cops. Now she's working for Wake Forest police dept.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/02/13 at 10:46:28

6F6E75727D68741C0 wrote:
[quote author=0C29262D0924242D26480 link=1363202252/165#178 date=1364845076][quote author=4B584F4E515C5A58530C3D0 link=1363202252/165#177 date=1364841482]"According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) - Congressional Record, October 9, 2002

Nice one !!![/quote]

Oh god this tripe again ... dude everyone wants nuclear weapons. I want nuclear weapons. This means nothing. I am just about as likely to get it as Iraq was. We were told he had nuclear weapons ...

This has been beaten to death before, in that yellow cake threads - last week.

I guess it escapes your attention that it was a democrap who presented this evidence?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 04/02/13 at 15:33:36

Just found out today, My kids school is gonna be joining the ranks of other schools here in Texas, as one of the ones that are arming select members of the School Staff.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 04/02/13 at 16:45:25

54405114161615260 wrote:
Just found out today, My kids school is gonna be joining the ranks of other schools here in Texas, as one of the ones that are arming select members of the School Staff.


Nice!! And I hope they broadcast it everywhere but don't say who is armed. Would-be shooters will have to expect to get capped right of the bat  :)

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/02/13 at 17:47:31

4C68656F686669757368656473010 wrote:
[quote author=6B6065653F3E090 link=1363202252/165#171 date=1364780766]The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Bill we've had stupid cops at schools for 15 years or longer. Just don't have them at elementary schools. My wife is one of the stupid cops. Now she's working for Wake Forest police dept.[/quote]

OK what is the intent of these cops ? To watch for school kids bringing weapons into school ? I thought that was the reason.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/02/13 at 17:52:12

485B4C4D525F595B500F3E0 wrote:
[quote author=6F6E75727D68741C0 link=1363202252/165#179 date=1364873248][quote author=0C29262D0924242D26480 link=1363202252/165#178 date=1364845076][quote author=4B584F4E515C5A58530C3D0 link=1363202252/165#177 date=1364841482]"According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) - Congressional Record, October 9, 2002

Nice one !!![/quote]

Oh god this tripe again ... dude everyone wants nuclear weapons. I want nuclear weapons. This means nothing. I am just about as likely to get it as Iraq was. We were told he had nuclear weapons ...

This has been beaten to death before, in that yellow cake threads - last week.

I guess it escapes your attention that it was a democrap who presented this evidence?[/quote]

Ai ai ai ... once again read your own quote. Seeking and wants to develop.
We were told By Cheney Saddam Hussein "had" nuclear weapons and hence we had to go to war with them.

Like I said - wants covers everyone and any one with a grudge against their neighbor. Has = very small set, not including Iraq in 2003 like we were told. This point has been beaten 1000 times in the last 6 months.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 04/02/13 at 22:01:11

4D4C57505F4A563E0 wrote:
[quote author=4C68656F686669757368656473010 link=1363202252/180#180 date=1364878660][quote author=6B6065653F3E090 link=1363202252/165#171 date=1364780766]The last thing we need is paying stupid cops to stand around schools.Cops are only tough when It 4 on one and thats after they get them handcuffed and then they kick them.

Bill we've had stupid cops at schools for 15 years or longer. Just don't have them at elementary schools. My wife is one of the stupid cops. Now she's working for Wake Forest police dept.[/quote]

OK what is the intent of these cops ? To watch for school kids bringing weapons into school ? I thought that was the reason.
Not only to watch the possibility of kids bringing weapons into school, but also to stave off random shooting that may just happen from people coming onto school grounds that don't even enter the building before the shooting start.

Right now my kids school is pretty secure about getting in  you can't get into any part of the school without a teacher or any other faculty member unlocking a door right now. the only accessible place for outsiders is the main office for each of the buildings,  the elementary, then the middle schoool and high school which share the same office. during school hours all other doors are locked and teachers or other faculty escort the kids to bathroom breaks or their classes especially if they have to change buildings. Even the individual classrooms stay locked during the class periods, and this is a very small school.  the town population is only 388 people as of 2012. So their budget is very small that's why they are going the route of self arming the faculty instead of hiring guards or police as it's more affordable to pay for concealed licenses for select personnel then it its to pay for security guards or police for guards year round, and yes as per TX law to get a CCL they have to pass a background check to get a CCL which includes a medical record check to see if any neurological issues are present including minor things such as depression and bi-polar disorder. or a history of domestic violence.  TX schools won't be arming all the teachers just a select few on the staff and not necessarily the teachers themselves, and they don't advertise which ones are armed, only the fact that the school has armed faculty on campus.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 04/03/13 at 13:39:11

This is the level of intellegence we are dealing with when our congresscritters discuss laws regarding guns. I fear we are doomed.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 04/03/13 at 14:11:41

112F2E22302C2D430 wrote:
This is the level of intellegence we are dealing with when our congresscritters discuss laws regarding guns. I fear we are doomed.

I agree,  they are about as useless as a condom machine at the Vatican.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 04/03/13 at 14:39:35

Do you realize that those 2 DAs  and the guy killed today would still be alive if they were carrying guns and knew how to use them.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/03/13 at 14:50:40

2C27222278794E0 wrote:
Do you realize that those 2 DAs  and the guy killed today would still be alive if they were carrying guns and knew how to use them.

What ? DA's were not armed ... WTH ... stupid.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by rfw2003 on 04/03/13 at 15:00:46

5C57525208093E0 wrote:
Do you realize that those 2 DAs  and the guy killed today would still be alive if they were carrying guns and knew how to use them.

That's what me JOG and several others have been saying all along bill.  All these useless laws they are trying to pass to take the guns and ammo away from us law abiding citizens will just cause more tragic deaths that are able to be avoided if our 2nd amendment rights aren't infringed upon and people actually get their CCL's and train plus practice so they know how to use their handguns properly.  Another thing that would help them in a tense situation is if they joined a shooting league so they can get a sense on what fast action and pressure is like while shooting a handgun and still having to be accurate with their shot placement.  But of course this can't happen if enough people like Srinath have influence and put a $100 per bullet tax out there, because no one would then be able to afford to know how to actually handle a firearm properly, much less afford to buy the ammo to have in their handgun for defense purposes.  I for one wouldn't be able to afford to spend $2035 for a single box of 20 rnds of my chosen defense ammo.  That's more then 4 times the cost of my 1911 even with the mods I have had done to it.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 04/03/13 at 15:07:21

Those guys carried guns and new how to use them and one was a 20 year military man.That just goes to show how much guns are going to help you.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 04/03/13 at 15:16:44

5F4B5A1F1D1D1E2D0 wrote:
[quote author=112F2E22302C2D430 link=1363202252/180#187 date=1365021551]This is the level of intellegence we are dealing with when our congresscritters discuss laws regarding guns. I fear we are doomed.

I agree,  they are about as useless as a condom machine at the Vatican.

Theres more condom machines at the Vatican than in Las Vegas.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/03/13 at 15:38:43

52595C5C0607300 wrote:
Those guys carried guns and new how to use them and one was a 20 year military man.That just goes to show how much guns are going to help you.

Oh yea yea yea the famous shoot the shooter before he shoots you ... if that fails, you can then just shoot the bullet ... yea. Thanks for helping me understand.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/03/13 at 15:41:21

594D5C191B1B182B0 wrote:
[quote author=5C57525208093E0 link=1363202252/180#189 date=1365025175]Do you realize that those 2 DAs  and the guy killed today would still be alive if they were carrying guns and knew how to use them.

That's what me JOG and several others have been saying all along bill.  All these useless laws they are trying to pass to take the guns and ammo away from us law abiding citizens will just cause more tragic deaths that are able to be avoided if our 2nd amendment rights aren't infringed upon and people actually get their CCL's and train plus practice so they know how to use their handguns properly.  Another thing that would help them in a tense situation is if they joined a shooting league so they can get a sense on what fast action and pressure is like while shooting a handgun and still having to be accurate with their shot placement.  But of course this can't happen if enough people like Srinath have influence and put a $100 per bullet tax out there, because no one would then be able to afford to know how to actually handle a firearm properly, much less afford to buy the ammo to have in their handgun for defense purposes.  I for one wouldn't be able to afford to spend $2035 for a single box of 20 rnds of my chosen defense ammo.  That's more then 4 times the cost of my 1911 even with the mods I have had done to it.


You do know these guys were armed to the gills and trained well to blow anyone away if they looked @ em sideways right ... and yet they are dead.

Lets see if now a $100 bullet would have done much of anything ... well - this really were assasinations. The bullet can be $1000 ... wont have made a diff.

But in the random deaths yea $100 per pull of the trigger would make a difference.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Midnightrider on 04/04/13 at 01:35:41

Guns aint no big deal unless someone's pointing one at you. I'm sorry for the families that have lost members by gunfire but more children get killed in the bathtub or by doctors.We've got thousands of troops overseas doing nothing when they could be home guarding our children and shooting gangs in Chicago. Chicago should be considered a warzone and the gangs should be wiped out. WE send troops overseas to guard strangers who hate our country when our own population cant walk the streets at night.I'd love to be a sniper in Chicago and send these illegal bastards straight to hell where they belong. Crazy Eight wants to legalise em. They should be made to spend the night on the streets of Chicago or the rough part of Miami unarmed. The goobs had rather shoot someone like me because they're not getting my guns or food if I'm still breathing.Every mass killing has been done by someone on dangerous drugs. Do you blame the guns or the doctor or the pharmaceutical co.? 300 million guns out there. Congress thanks if they take a few million of em off the streets the killing will stop. Who elected these idiots?

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by oldNslow on 04/04/13 at 05:46:35

795D505A5D535C40465D505146340 wrote:
Guns aint no big deal unless someone's pointing one at you. I'm sorry for the families that have lost members by gunfire but more children get killed in the bathtub or by doctors.We've got thousands of troops overseas doing nothing when they could be home guarding our children and shooting gangs in Chicago. Chicago should be considered a warzone and the gangs should be wiped out. WE send troops overseas to guard strangers who hate our country when our own population cant walk the streets at night.I'd love to be a sniper in Chicago and send these illegal bastards straight to hell where they belong. Crazy Eight wants to legalise em. They should be made to spend the night on the streets of Chicago or the rough part of Miami unarmed. The goobs had rather shoot someone like me because they're not getting my guns or food if I'm still breathing.Every mass killing has been done by someone on dangerous drugs. Do you blame the guns or the doctor or the pharmaceutical co.? 300 million guns out there. Congress thanks if they take a few million of em off the streets the killing will stop. Who elected these idiots?


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/13 at 11:01:05

Bill, having a gun is no guarantee you wont get shot, any more than wearing a seat belt is a guarantee you wont get hurt or killed in a wreck, or a helmet will save you.
Its not even rational to say that "Well,, HE had a gun & he still got shot, so, obviously, having a gun cant help you, so, no one should carry guns for self protection.",,Its just STUPID.
YOu actually think like that? REally? Or youre just so desperate for Something that would bolster your "side" that youd stoop to something thats so obviously stupid & just Hope people couldnt counter it?

Hell,, Im surprised that other one hasnt jumped in with a big PLUS ONE,,

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/04/13 at 15:29:19

I thought the NRA guys said a good guy with a gun will be all that stops a bad guy with a gun ... now you're saying a good guy wont stop a bad guy with a gun all the time ?

Well fair enough ... but  $100 bullet will put the brakes on the bad guy being able to rain bullets ... just because he cant pay for it in cash before he even gets near a target area.

And yes I am working on it, there is so much crap flying today, I am running crazy and barely keeping up.


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 04/04/13 at 15:34:53

66797F7865625363536B79753E0C0 wrote:
Bill, having a gun is no guarantee you wont get shot, any more than wearing a seat belt is a guarantee you wont get hurt or killed in a wreck, or a helmet will save you.
Its not even rational to say that "Well,, HE had a gun & he still got shot, so, obviously, having a gun cant help you, so, no one should carry guns for self protection.",,Its just STUPID.
YOu actually think like that? REally? Or youre just so desperate for Something that would bolster your "side" that youd stoop to something thats so obviously stupid & just Hope people couldnt counter it?

Hell,, Im surprised that other one hasnt jumped in with a big PLUS ONE,,

JOG your IQ keeps peeping through when you post.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 04/05/13 at 11:47:08

Well would you look at that!! Border Patrol is experiencing an ammunition shortage. "Sorry officers, those billion bullets we have in that back room are for citizens emergencies.

The end of freedom is close at hand.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by bill67 on 04/05/13 at 12:11:24

Boy thats really great,all the scareycats buying up bullets >:(,now we don't have bullets for our homeland security.I guess $100 a bullet is what we will be forced to do.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 04/05/13 at 13:01:42

3C37323268695E0 wrote:
Boy thats really great,all the scareycats buying up bullets >:(,now we don't have bullets for our homeland security.I guess $100 a bullet is what we will be forced to do.

First off, I think it would greatly help your understanding if you read the article. Here is an interesting point:

Customs and Border Protection [CBP] purchased 36,475,000 rounds of ammunition at a cost of $12,255,040 for fiscal year 2012.

Where did the 36,475,000 rounds of ammunition go? Certainly not to those who need it. My guess is the libs are trying to run up the price to $100 per bullet through supply/demand and are warehousing/destroying the new ammo. I am sure they are saving enough to put down the inevitable citizen revolt before the new Stalin gets crowned. Just a theory because it has happened before.

Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by srinath on 04/05/13 at 13:36:25

This wont be the first thing border patrol "cant find"


Title: Re: Why are th goobs buying up ammo?
Post by Dane Allen on 04/05/13 at 14:30:44

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
This wont be the first thing border patrol "cant find"


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