General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Must Watch!

Message started by Midnightrider on 03/08/13 at 22:46:32

Title: Must Watch!
Post by Midnightrider on 03/08/13 at 22:46:32

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by Paraquat on 03/11/13 at 06:17:23

Can't watch youtube videos at work.
What's the gist?


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by mpescatori on 04/02/13 at 07:19:54

7544574454504451250 wrote:
Can't watch youtube videos at work.
What's the gist?


This video is not available in your Country.


WTF ???

:-X Now Youtube censors entire nations ?

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by mpescatori on 04/02/13 at 07:30:30

I got to see it anyway, just copy the videoclip code "rrjU-HBkmLE" into an ordinary Youtube dialogue box or type "who am I?" and click on the result.

The video is about Adolf Hitler, yet the description is tailored to make you think it's all about Pres. Barack Obama.

This is the first time in 50 years that the US have such a massive hatred and smear campaign on their currently serving President.
Nobody in Europe has been given such a treatment, not even PM Berlusconi from the Italian Democrats (formerly known as Italian Communist Party)

Should someone be proud, or is someone simply brainwashing the masses to steer the next presidential campaign of 2016 into a specific direction?

Mind you, Hitler rose to power AFTER the Great Economic Depression, not during it...  :-/

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by srinath on 04/02/13 at 08:32:05

There is no mass hatred toward Obama, but the few that hate him hate him sooooo muuuuuucccccchhhhh ...
Not all the 47% that didn't vote for him, but a small subset ...


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by 45acp on 04/02/13 at 09:24:48

no mass hatred. you must have never been to oklahoma.

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by srinath on 04/02/13 at 18:11:39

2D22343422372E22352422470 wrote:
no mass hatred. you must have never been to oklahoma.

Yes I have but before 2008.

So well I guess I was wrong, there is mass hatred toward Obama ...

But see I find it very telling that Obama's tax policy of raising taxes for the over 250,000 income group was criticized by Joe the plumber when he made 50K, and the business he worked for didn't make 250k as it was, and like 20 things had to go just right for him to buy that business let alone get it to over 250K ... and he was complaining about "Obama raising taxes on him" ... very clear to anyone who heard that story that Joe the Plumber was motivated by something else and the tax plan is a cover for what ever it was that he was not wanting out in the open ... and you see you can outright say I dont like your stance on abortion, or on stem cell research, or on gay marriage ... makes you wonder what he was trying to hide. And remember there was no Obamacare ... this was in 2008.

Same with most of the rest who are opposed to Obama on everything from tax policy to Obama care ... the real reason ... can not be mentioned, so we have to argue against a made up reason, and when they lose ... well, since the underlying reason has not been discussed at all, that still is alive and kicking and hence they stay opposed to Obama ...


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/02/13 at 18:12:17

Is it hatred to see someones failures & lies? Is it hatred to believe someone duly elected is a danger to the nation? Is it okay if I felt the same about Bush?

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by srinath on 04/02/13 at 20:23:29

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
Is it hatred to see someones failures & lies? Is it hatred to believe someone duly elected is a danger to the nation? Is it okay if I felt the same about Bush?

I am not judging you or any one else - but I am judging Joe the plumber - cos he was a public A$$$hole and was obviously being 2 faced about why he was saying what he did.


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by Trippah on 04/02/13 at 20:59:15

I think many people hate it that a  black man is in the white house.
I think many people hate having a country told that since 40% of its people haven't got access to health care, they as a nation will have to anty up and provide. (It was so much better when we could pretend the churches took care of it - caring for people in poverty). Calling the bluff of the "christian" majority of the olde I am my brother's keeper question.
I think the war on women continues unabated - crappity, they think just cause we get em pregnant we should take care of the baby?  I mean really - a boys gotta have his fun.
I think everytime the Republican Party calls for deregulation, we will have another cluster it Savings and Loans, OSHA compliance, Wall Street, or Big Banks (too big to fail - a good definition of monopoly).
I think the Democratic party runs on institutionalized poverty and supports programs that subtly insure that the percentage of people in poverty never goes down.
I think its time to go to sleep and if  I wake up manana, figure out if its worth the 31/2 hr drive each way to get back to Mass and get my car inspected.
Oh and JOG- Bush wasn't duely elected, the Republican majority of appointed SUpremes entered into the Florida recount hours before it was finished and stopped it, citing the need to have the election over. ;D
I think the whole world would have ended if we had to wait another day to find out who really won in Florida, be it Bush or Gore.  This action proved to me that the Supreme Court no longer looked to the US Constitution as its primary responsibility.

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by thumperclone on 04/02/13 at 23:47:45

propaganda from the radical right thats out of touch with the reality of the nation

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by srinath on 04/03/13 at 06:21:44

Trippah - I dont think the republicons are mad a black man is in the white house. They are mad that he wasn't rich to begin with. They tripped over themselves to butt kiss Herman Cain.

I dont think its the party of the white man anymore, its the party of the rich man.


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by houstonbofh on 04/03/13 at 20:20:18

I do not hate his skin color, but what he is trying to do to me.  Because I am white, you call me a racist because you can not counter my argument.  If I was black you would call me an Uncle Tom for the same reason.  And these facts will be ignored just like all the rest.

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by Midnightrider on 04/03/13 at 20:28:20

I voted for Obama the first time. Now that he's trying to disarm me I wouldn't let him in my house. I'm a lot of things but I'm not a racist. My pub ticket for 2016 would be Rand Paul and Dr Carson. Paul acts like he has common sense and Dr Carson is one of the smartest human's on the planet. You don't have to be white to be highly intelligent. White liberals hate Carson, now we're going to findout where the truth lies. Obama is smart but he acts more like a King than a president. Not much has changed since he took office except our troops are out of Iraq and my God and Constitutional right to defend myself is trying to be taken away. There's a lot of racist who hate Obama. I no longer respect him but it has nothing to do with color. I do respect his office. I do hope he flys a drone up that little North Korean's a$$. Just don't kill any children this time.

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by Dane Allen on 04/04/13 at 12:03:14

21263C3A3D26272B262F21490 wrote:
I do not hate his skin color, but what he is trying to do to me.  Because I am white, you call me a racist because you can not counter my argument.  If I was black you would call me an Uncle Tom for the same reason.  And these facts will be ignored just like all the rest.


Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by Dane Allen on 04/04/13 at 12:24:06

7C5A4158584940280 wrote:
I think many people hate it that a  black man is in the white house.

His mother was White, it's racist that you focus on the his Black heritage only when suits your phylosophical needs.

I think many people hate having a country told that since 40% of its people haven't got access to health care, they as a nation will have to anty up and provide. (It was so much better when we could pretend the churches took care of it - caring for people in poverty).

Everyone has access to healthcare as no ER can legally turn away anyone, INCLUDING illegal aliens!!! And charities did a better job of providing more quaility care for cheaper for more people than government ever has, can or will.

Calling the bluff of the "christian" majority of the olde I am my brother's keeper question.

Separation of Church and State, remember? Liberals wanted it this way.

I think the war on women continues unabated - crappity, they think just cause we get em pregnant we should take care of the baby?  I mean really - a boys gotta have his fun.

And keeping them in a perpetual wellfare warehouse/jailhouse is a much more fullfilling life. Keep 'em financially dependant so they can never leave and always have to rely on you for alms makes you feel like a man. Most people in poverty today since the 60s due to Obama's trashing of the economy. How's that for your war on women?

I think everytime the Republican Party calls for deregulation, we will have another cluster it Savings and Loans, OSHA compliance, Wall Street, or Big Banks (too big to fail - a good definition of monopoly).

Funny how these are all big Democrat supporters...except for Bear Stearns who didn't have liberals allies...what happened to them? Oh yeah, NO BAIL OUT FOR YOU!!!!

I think the Democratic party runs on institutionalized poverty and supports programs that subtly insure that the percentage of people in poverty never goes down.

That is a given.

I think its time to go to sleep and if  I wake up manana, figure out if its worth the 31/2 hr drive each way to get back to Mass and get my car inspected.

Gotta love that Nanny State!!

Oh and JOG- Bush wasn't duely elected, the Republican majority of appointed SUpremes entered into the Florida recount hours before it was finished and stopped it, citing the need to have the election over. ;D

The way I read it they refused Al Gore's attempt to do a selective recount of those areas that are the most rabidly liberal. There were probably a lot of Al Gore votes that the poll watchers "forgot" to take out of their car trunks. It happened to Dino Rossi in Washington State, recount enough times and the Democrat, Gregoire, will eventually "win."

I think the whole world would have ended if we had to wait another day to find out who really won in Florida, be it Bush or Gore.  This action proved to me that the Supreme Court no longer looked to the US Constitution as its primary responsibility.

Great!! You have made a big decision based off of a faulty premise presented to you by those you trust. Al Gore was trying to game the system and the Supreme Court rightfully shut him down. Do I hear an appology brewing to George Bush for relying on "faulty" intelligence?

Title: Re: Must Watch!
Post by srinath on 04/04/13 at 13:59:29

Dane - here are some facts that fly in the face of some of your nicely edited and quoted points. That just so pretty. Gosh I wish I could do that ... sadly I have to rely on being accurate. Y'know a pretty paint job will even distract the most knowledgeable guy form the fact that the motor is seized.
Anyway I digress ...

2 tiny little facts - shouldn't bother you 1 bit. Obama has been deporting Illegals in record numbers, something like in 2 years he deported more than Jorge W Bush did in his 8+Jorge S Bush in his 4.

And the republicons are tripping over themselves to give illegals a "clear path to citizenship" ... so you can take up that healthcare argument with them ...

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