General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Dropped Er!

Message started by OntheBoulevard on 11/21/10 at 02:14:09

Title: Dropped Er!
Post by OntheBoulevard on 11/21/10 at 02:14:09

Went around a curve on a country road, and found a nice pile of gravel and sticks. I slid across the pavement and across the oncoming lane still upright. Thought I was going to get out of it, but once the tires hit the grassy berm, they bit in and slammed me to the pavement like a Big Time wrestler on my right shoulder! I'm sitting here now, with a collarbone broken in 4 places, and a cracked rib. All it did to the bike, was break out the right turn signal lens, and shove the throttle mirror back to me a little. I'm sure it has to be scratched on the back of it, an the throttle lever too, but I haven't checked it out anymore yet. I have put very close to 2200 miles on it since September 9th, and this little episode, has not deterred me from riding. I've ridden it enough now to where I'm hooked. I figure this could happen to anyone no matter how seasoned they were. I have absolutely no road rash. The inertia of the thing stopping, is what did me in. I got it back up and started, and rode it the 8 miles or so home. I was already somewhat chilled from the 52 degree day, so it didn't take but about 3 miles to start shaking profusely from shock. I made it home and stuck my left hand inside my shirt collar after I got my padded riding jacket off, and could feel my collar bone trying to come out of the skin :o. I walked in and told my wife that she was going to have to take me to the hospital. She was pretty freaked because I don't even get sick, let alone break stuff. I have been cut all over during my lifetime, and have had enough stitches to fill a shoe box, but I've never had a broken bone. So, I guess I'm becoming a "seasoned" biker now. The upside is, I got a 4 week vacation from work! ;)

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Toymaker on 11/21/10 at 04:40:44

Hang in there....I dropped one in June....hurt like a mother.  But also know...there are two groups in motorcycles....Those that have gone down and those that are now in the other group.


Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Routy on 11/21/10 at 05:13:46

We just hate to hear of going down, but if we must, we like them to be survivor stories like yours that hopefully will end in full recovery.
I went down on sand not long ago while making a u turn. I was embarassed more than anything, but I have a little different perspective of riding now.

Get well fast !

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by runwyrlph on 11/21/10 at 06:06:35

Glad you're recovering!  

It's the manliest cool thing to walk in and calmy tell your wife,  "yeah ... you might ought to take me to the hospital ...well yeah i rode it home, why?... "


Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Fuschia on 11/21/10 at 07:26:35

Wow! You rode it home? I guess that proves you guys are much tougher than us gals! I crashed Oct.3rd and broke my collarbone in 3 places. Everyone was amazed that I didn't pass out. .Like you,my bone was trying to break through the skin so they did surgery and put a metal plate and screws in and I just went back to work this week. They initially told me I wouldn't get to go back till Jan.1st but once they showed me the exercises to do I started doing them for as long as I could stand it to hurry up and get back to work. Staying home was driving me nuts!Anyway, glad you're ok and your bike didn't get damaged very much.Take care!

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/21/10 at 08:45:55

Tough way to get vacation.
And I think you're already well seasoned to handle it as well as you did and ride home after that.
Get well soon.

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Phelonius on 11/21/10 at 09:50:32

Welcome to the club. As you noticed the initiation smarts a little but you will get over it.  


Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by kingart3 on 11/21/10 at 12:36:00

Sorry to hear you took a fall, it's REALLY easy to do isn't it.  That front and back thing, very stable. Side to side ...not so much.  For what it's worth everyone does it, the trick is to spread the events out as far apart as  you can...LOL.

I'm glad you still enjoy riding.  Take it easy and I hope you are back in the saddle soon.  


Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by kimchris1 on 11/21/10 at 14:06:39

Sorry to hear of your mishap. Getting back in the saddle a.s.a.p. will be the best medicine.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and where it may not be the best way to get a vacation, enjoy it as much as you can.. Hugs :) kim

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by odmanout on 11/21/10 at 15:03:32

Sorry to hear of your accident. I have gone down a few times, but never broken anything (touch wood).
The worst was some years ago when I decided to go to the corner store in a tee shirt shorts and sandals for a quart of milk. I was turning into the parking lot and slipped on some oily mess that a previous crash had left on the road. I split the flesh between my big toe and the next toe, and scraped up my right leg and shoulder pretty badly. I must have been a little out of it, because I picked up the bike, bent the foot rest back down enough to ride it, threw my broken right sandal away, and finished the ride to the store to get the milk. I walked into the store dripping blood from my right hand and leaving bloody footprints all the way to the back of the store, got my milk, went back to the register and said to the (very pale and frightened young female) clerk " I think I need some band aids too." Then I went home and stood in a cold shower while my wife picked bits of road out of my shoulder and leg with tweezers.
Now I wear leathers. ;D

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Boule’tard on 11/21/10 at 16:57:14

Sounds like you have a good attitude about it, and learned something.. look out for loose gravel, sticks and leaves.  And for those of us who like to extend the riding season as long as possible, also watch for the sand they put on the road, you know, to improve your traction  ::)

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by OntheBoulevard on 11/22/10 at 04:23:27

Thanks to all the well wishers. It's day two of the mending process, and I'm pretty stoved up. I think it hurts more under my shoulder blade and up my neck right now then the actual collar bone. All your muscles stretch in ways they're not use to. I have fallen before off ladders, or on ice, and I'd say came pretty close to breaking something. I have cracked ribs during it, but I knew this time, I'd taken it to the next level. It's kind of a sickening feeling to feel the broken pieces rubbing together under the skin. My helmet is a little scuffed where the visor hinges, so I'm glad I had it on. I can see both sides of the helmet/no helmet thing, but I've always been pro helmet. Our State allows you to ride without one.

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/10 at 10:30:32

Magnesium aids in muscle relaxation. Epsom salts in a pot of hot water, a rag & applying a hot rag to sore places helps me. You can save a few bucks by getting magnesium from the farm & ranch supply. Or, just go to the drug store & get a 1/2 gallon carton. Soak in a tub a while, if ya like, I dont feel comfortable in a tub & it gets cold too quick, so I just use a hot rag.

Title: Re: Dropped Er!
Post by Howitzer on 11/22/10 at 20:01:28

Good to hear that you're not permanently hurt.  Get well soon!  I had my first fall a little over a month after starting to ride.

I have to say, I hopped on it the next day after banging a few bits back into place.  I was undeterred from having fun while riding, but I sure was nervous going around curves and leaning for awhile.  It was so fun for a week or so, but I stayed within my comfort level, and slowly riding went back to being fun.  

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